Next morn­ing, early woke up, has eaten the won­ton of Dong Cheng mont terjemahan - Next morn­ing, early woke up, has eaten the won­ton of Dong Cheng mont Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Next morn­ing, early woke up, has e

Next morn­ing, early woke up, has eaten the won­ton of Dong Cheng month boil­ing, then in high spir­its got on­line.
New day, new goal.
Today's goal is very sim­ple, on Level has suf­ficed, yes­ter­day south of Wu Shenhe the un­ri­valled war has made the peo­ple in Lin­hai city be panic at the news, the mat­ter that then must han­dle well trains the palace guard, turns into a Qiang sol­dier this army.
Ap­pears in Tian Ling Em­pire, re­paired equip­ment, to sup­ple­ment that the liq­uid med­i­cines, then trans­mit­ted Dragon’s den, dis­cov­ered that the pre­vi­ous pro­mo­tion the city has com­pleted, Dragon’s den al­ready be­came en­tire server first ar­rived at 10 lev­els of player ter­ri­to­ries , the pro­duc­tive forces in Dragon’s den have also been in­creased much, Chi Yu Han was cold, the man­age­ment of Chi Yu Qing was re­ally fruit­ful
【Dragon’s den】( 10 lev­els of ter­ri­to­ries)
City host: Xiao Yao Zi Zai
Guardian: Chi Yu Han cold &; sec­ondary Guardian: Chi Yu Qing
City con­struc­tion: 30
Army: 7355
La­bor­ers: 18030
City scale: Ul­tra-large
City pro­duc­tive forces
Food: 60700 / hours
Lum­ber: 60000 / hours
Stone: 60000 / hours
Raises head to look that tow­ers by the con­struc­tion hawk nest in city a quite as­ton­ish­ing con­struc­tion, the tak­ing the form of hill, but above has filled the hole holes, the per­son of crowded phobo­pho­bia looked that es­ti­mated will not be some­what able to bear, but this build­ing is called „dragon nest”, is re­cruits 10 lev­els of branch of the ser­vices „crag dragon cav­alry” to con­struc­tion, at pre­sent rose 7 lev­els, it seems like it is Lin Wan Er and Yue Qing Qian ris­ing level, but con­struc­tion Level is higher, re­cruit­ing the speed of branch of the ser­vices to be also quicker, has a look at the crag dragon cav­alry's in­tro­duc­tion, I am also filled with joy
10 lev­els of branch of the ser­vices: Crag dragon cav­alry, city prime at­tribute × 120%, de­mand: Gold coin × 3000, food × 2950, lum­ber × 3200, stone × 3000
Has not thought any­thing, I com­pletely use up the re­sources in city in­stan­ta­neously, the ware­house also di­la­tan­cies of 10 lev­els of cities many, re­cruited 500 crag dragon cav­al­ries one time, about 7 min­utes, above the dragon nest heard one to neigh, was densely cov­ered the fierce head of scale to poke head from the hole hole of dragon nest, a brown eye shape was or­di­nary with the lizard, winked, spurts the rhini­tis that the flame was burn­ing, then con­tin­ued to walk out­ward, that main item was a head of warhorse, the warhorse was throw­ing over sin­cere set of Ar­mour, the both sides were hang­ing Long Qiang., Long sword, tom­a­hawk and other pointed weapons, car­ry­ing on the back of sad­dle horse is a equip­ment ex­cel­lent fine horse cav­alry sol­dier, under the iron hel­met is reap­pear­ing a shin­ing eye, he vis­its me, re­spect­ful stands up from fail­ure to dis­con­tinue, stands to under is knee­ing down on the fur­ca­tion of dragon nest, said: „City main Sir!”
I nod: „Goes!”
He stood up from fail­ure to start, raises Long Qiang to in­sti­gate the sad­dle horse, that crag dragon warhorse long hiss­ing, lead­ing the knight to rush to Long Chao, di­rectly soared the school ground of dis­tant place to go, there, Chi Yu Han was cold is train­ing the sol­diers, this crag dragon cav­alry was 10 lev­els of branch of the ser­vices must obey the Chi Yu Han cold com­mand, went to his there reg­is­tra­tion to.
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Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Next morn­ing, early woke up, has eaten the won­ton of Dong Cheng month boil­ing, then in high spir­its got on­line.New day, new goal.Today's goal is very sim­ple, on Level has suf­ficed, yes­ter­day south of Wu Shenhe the un­ri­valled war has made the peo­ple in Lin­hai city be panic at the news, the mat­ter that then must han­dle well trains the palace guard, turns into a Qiang sol­dier this army.„Brushes!”Ap­pears in Tian Ling Em­pire, re­paired equip­ment, to sup­ple­ment that the liq­uid med­i­cines, then trans­mit­ted Dragon’s den, dis­cov­ered that the pre­vi­ous pro­mo­tion the city has com­pleted, Dragon’s den al­ready be­came en­tire server first ar­rived at 10 lev­els of player ter­ri­to­ries , the pro­duc­tive forces in Dragon’s den have also been in­creased much, Chi Yu Han was cold, the man­age­ment of Chi Yu Qing was re­ally fruit­ful【Dragon’s den】( 10 lev­els of ter­ri­to­ries)City host: Xiao Yao Zi ZaiGuardian: Chi Yu Han cold &; sec­ondary Guardian: Chi Yu QingCity con­struc­tion: 30Army: 7355La­bor­ers: 18030City scale: Ul­tra-largeCity pro­duc­tive forcesFood: 60700 / hoursLum­ber: 60000 / hoursStone: 60000 / hoursRaises head to look that tow­ers by the con­struc­tion hawk nest in city a quite as­ton­ish­ing con­struc­tion, the tak­ing the form of hill, but above has filled the hole holes, the per­son of crowded phobo­pho­bia looked that es­ti­mated will not be some­what able to bear, but this build­ing is called „dragon nest”, is re­cruits 10 lev­els of branch of the ser­vices „crag dragon cav­alry” to con­struc­tion, at pre­sent rose 7 lev­els, it seems like it is Lin Wan Er and Yue Qing Qian ris­ing level, but con­struc­tion Level is higher, re­cruit­ing the speed of branch of the ser­vices to be also quicker, has a look at the crag dragon cav­alry's in­tro­duc­tion, I am also filled with joy10 lev­els of branch of the ser­vices: Crag dragon cav­alry, city prime at­tribute × 120%, de­mand: Gold coin × 3000, food × 2950, lum­ber × 3200, stone × 3000Has not thought any­thing, I com­pletely use up the re­sources in city in­stan­ta­neously, the ware­house also di­la­tan­cies of 10 lev­els of cities many, re­cruited 500 crag dragon cav­al­ries one time, about 7 min­utes, above the dragon nest heard one to neigh, was densely cov­ered the fierce head of scale to poke head from the hole hole of dragon nest, a brown eye shape was or­di­nary with the lizard, winked, spurts the rhini­tis that the flame was burn­ing, then con­tin­ued to walk out­ward, that main item was a head of warhorse, the warhorse was throw­ing over sin­cere set of Ar­mour, the both sides were hang­ing Long Qiang., Long sword, tom­a­hawk and other pointed weapons, car­ry­ing on the back of sad­dle horse is a equip­ment ex­cel­lent fine horse cav­alry sol­dier, under the iron hel­met is reap­pear­ing a shin­ing eye, he vis­its me, re­spect­ful stands up from fail­ure to dis­con­tinue, stands to under is knee­ing down on the fur­ca­tion of dragon nest, said: „City main Sir!”I nod: „Goes!”„Yes!”He stood up from fail­ure to start, raises Long Qiang to in­sti­gate the sad­dle horse, that crag dragon warhorse long hiss­ing, lead­ing the knight to rush to Long Chao, di­rectly soared the school ground of dis­tant place to go, there, Chi Yu Han was cold is train­ing the sol­diers, this crag dragon cav­alry was 10 lev­els of branch of the ser­vices must obey the Chi Yu Han cold com­mand, went to his there reg­is­tra­tion to.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Keesokan harinya, pagi bangun, telah dimakan wonton dari Dong Cheng bulan mendidih, kemudian dalam semangat tinggi mendapat online.
Baru hari, tujuan baru.
Tujuan hari ini adalah sangat sederhana, di Level telah mencukupi, kemarin selatan dari Wu Shenhe perang tak tertandingi memiliki membuat orang-orang di kota Linhai panik mendengar berita itu, hal yang kemudian harus ditangani dengan baik melatih pengawal istana, berubah menjadi seorang prajurit Qiang tentara ini.
Muncul di Tian Ling Empire, peralatan diperbaiki, untuk melengkapi bahwa cairan obat-obatan, kemudian ditransmisikan den Dragon, menemukan bahwa promosi sebelumnya kota telah selesai, den Dragon sudah menjadi seluruh server pertama kali tiba di 10 tingkat wilayah pemain, kekuatan produktif di den Dragon juga telah meningkat banyak, Chi Yu Han dingin, pengelolaan Chi Yu Qing benar-benar berbuah
【Dragon den】 (10 tingkat wilayah)
Kota host: Xiao Yao Zi Zai
Wali: Chi Yu Han dingin & ; Wali sekunder: Chi Yu Qing
Kota konstruksi: 30
Army: 7355
Buruh: 18030
skala Kota: Ultra-besar
Kota produktif pasukan
Makanan: 60700 / jam
Lumber: 60000 / jam
Batu: 60000 / jam
Meningkatkan kepala untuk melihat bahwa menara oleh elang konstruksi bersarang di kota konstruksi cukup mencengangkan, yang mengambil bentuk bukit, tetapi di atas telah mengisi lubang lubang, orang dari phobophobia ramai tampak bahwa diperkirakan tidak akan agak mampu menanggung, tapi bangunan ini disebut "naga sarang", adalah merekrut 10 tingkat cabang layanan "karang naga kavaleri" untuk konstruksi, saat ini naik 7 tingkat, tampaknya seperti itu adalah Lin Wan Er dan Yue Qing Qian naik tingkat, tetapi konstruksi tingkat lebih tinggi, merekrut kecepatan cabang jasa menjadi juga lebih cepat, memiliki tampilan pada pendahuluan karang naga kavaleri ini, saya juga dipenuhi dengan sukacita
10 tingkat cabang layanan: Crag naga kavaleri, kota utama atribut × 120%, permintaan: koin emas × 3000, × makanan 2950, ​​kayu × 3200, batu × 3000
belum berpikir apa-apa, aku benar-benar menghabiskan sumber daya di kota seketika, gudang juga dilatancies dari 10 tingkat kota banyak, direkrut 500 karang cavalries naga satu waktu, sekitar 7 menit, di atas naga sarang mendengar yang meringkik, itu padat ditutupi kepala sengit dari skala menyodok kepala dari lubang lubang sarang naga, bentuk mata coklat adalah biasa dengan kadal, mengedipkan mata, menyembur dengan rhinitis bahwa api terbakar, kemudian terus berjalan luar, bahwa item utama adalah kepala kuda perang, kuda perang itu melemparkan lebih dari set yang tulus dari Armour, sisi baik yang tergantung panjang Qiang., pedang panjang, tomahawk dan senjata tajam lainnya, membawa pada bagian belakang pelana kuda adalah peralatan yang sangat baik baik tentara kavaleri kuda, di bawah helm besi muncul kembali mata bersinar, ia mengunjungi saya, hormat berdiri dari kegagalan untuk menghentikan, berdiri untuk di bawah adalah kneeing bawah pada pencabangan dari sarang naga, mengatakan: "Kota utama Sir!"
aku mengangguk : "! Goes"
! "Ya"
Dia berdiri dari kegagalan untuk memulai, menimbulkan panjang Qiang untuk menghasut kuda pelana, yang karang naga kuda perang mendesis panjang, mengarah ksatria buru-buru ke Long Chao, langsung melonjak tanah sekolah tempat yang jauh untuk pergi, ada, Chi Yu Han dingin melatih para prajurit, ini kavaleri karang naga adalah 10 tingkat cabang layanan harus mematuhi Chi Yu Han perintah dingin, pergi ke sana nya pendaftaran untuk.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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