Mrs. Fischer-Suympkins had been the first large plum that the Kinsolvi terjemahan - Mrs. Fischer-Suympkins had been the first large plum that the Kinsolvi Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Mrs. Fischer-Suympkins had been the

Mrs. Fischer-Suympkins had been the first large plum that the Kinsolvings had drawn from the social pie. For a long time, the pie itself had been out of reach on a top shelf. But the purse and the pursuit had at last lowered it. Mrs. Fischer-Suympkins was the heliograph of the smart society parading corps. The glitter of her wit and actions passed along the line, transmitting whatever was latest and most daring in the game of peep-show. Formerly, her fame and leadership had been secure enough not to need the support of such artifices as handing around live frogs for favours at a cotillon. But, now, these things were necessary to the holding of her throne. Beside, middle age had come to preside, incongruous, at her capers. The sensational papers had cut her space from a page to two columns. Her wit developed a sting; her manners became more rough and inconsiderate, as if she felt the royal necessity of establishing her autocracy by scorning the conventionalities that bound lesser potentates.

To some pressure at the command of the Kinsolvings, she had yielded so far as to honour their house by her presence, for an evening and night. She had her revenge upon her hostess by relating, with grim enjoyment and sarcastic humour, her story of the vision carrying the hod. To that lady, in raptures at having penetrated thus far toward the coveted inner circle, the result came as a crushing disappointment. Everybody either sympathized or laughed, and there was little to choose between the two modes of expression.

But, later on, Mrs. Kinsolving's hopes and spirits were revived by the capture of a second and greater prize.

Mrs. Bellamy Bellmore had accepted an invitation to visit at Clifftop, and would remain for three days. Mrs. Bellmore was one of the younger matrons, whose beauty, descent, and wealth gave her a reserved seat in the holy of holies that required no strenuous bolstering. She was generous enough thus to give Mrs. Kinsolving the accolade that was so poignantly desired; and, at the same time, she thought how much it would please Terence. Perhaps it would end by solving him.

Terence was Mrs. Kinsolving's son, aged twenty-nine, quite good-looking enough, and with two or three attractive and mysterious traits. For one, he was very devoted to his mother, and that was sufficiently odd to deserve notice. For others, he talked so little that it was irritating, and he seemed either very shy or very deep. Terence interested Mrs. Bellmore, because she was not sure which it was. She intended to study him a little longer, unless she forgot the matter. If he was only shy, she would abandon him, for shyness is a bore. If he was deep, she would also abandon him, for depth is precarious.

On the afternoon of the third day of her visit, Terence hunted up Mrs. Bellmore, and found her in a nook actually looking at an album.

"It's so good of you," said he, "to come down here and retrieve the day for us. I suppose you have heard that Mrs. Fischer-Suympkins scuttled the ship before she left. She knocked a whole plank out of the bottom with a hod. My mother is grieving herself ill about it. Can't you manage to see a ghost for us while you are here, Mrs. Bellmore—a bang-up, swell ghost, with a coronet on his head and a cheque book under his arm?"

"That was a naughty old lady, Terence," said Mrs. Bellmore, "to tell such stories. Perhaps you gave her too much supper. Your mother doesn't really take it seriously, does she?"

"I think she does," answered Terence. "One would think every brick in the hod had dropped on her. It's a good mammy, and I don't like to see her worried. It's to be hoped that the ghost belongs to the hod-carriers' union, and will go out on a strike. If he doesn't, there will be no peace in this family.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Mrs. Fischer-Suympkins had been the first large plum that the Kinsolvings had drawn from the social pie. For a long time, the pie itself had been out of reach on a top shelf. But the purse and the pursuit had at last lowered it. Mrs. Fischer-Suympkins was the heliograph of the smart society parading corps. The glitter of her wit and actions passed along the line, transmitting whatever was latest and most daring in the game of peep-show. Formerly, her fame and leadership had been secure enough not to need the support of such artifices as handing around live frogs for favours at a cotillon. But, now, these things were necessary to the holding of her throne. Beside, middle age had come to preside, incongruous, at her capers. The sensational papers had cut her space from a page to two columns. Her wit developed a sting; her manners became more rough and inconsiderate, as if she felt the royal necessity of establishing her autocracy by scorning the conventionalities that bound lesser potentates.To some pressure at the command of the Kinsolvings, she had yielded so far as to honour their house by her presence, for an evening and night. She had her revenge upon her hostess by relating, with grim enjoyment and sarcastic humour, her story of the vision carrying the hod. To that lady, in raptures at having penetrated thus far toward the coveted inner circle, the result came as a crushing disappointment. Everybody either sympathized or laughed, and there was little to choose between the two modes of expression.But, later on, Mrs. Kinsolving's hopes and spirits were revived by the capture of a second and greater prize.Mrs. Bellamy Bellmore had accepted an invitation to visit at Clifftop, and would remain for three days. Mrs. Bellmore was one of the younger matrons, whose beauty, descent, and wealth gave her a reserved seat in the holy of holies that required no strenuous bolstering. She was generous enough thus to give Mrs. Kinsolving the accolade that was so poignantly desired; and, at the same time, she thought how much it would please Terence. Perhaps it would end by solving him.Terence was Mrs. Kinsolving's son, aged twenty-nine, quite good-looking enough, and with two or three attractive and mysterious traits. For one, he was very devoted to his mother, and that was sufficiently odd to deserve notice. For others, he talked so little that it was irritating, and he seemed either very shy or very deep. Terence interested Mrs. Bellmore, because she was not sure which it was. She intended to study him a little longer, unless she forgot the matter. If he was only shy, she would abandon him, for shyness is a bore. If he was deep, she would also abandon him, for depth is precarious.On the afternoon of the third day of her visit, Terence hunted up Mrs. Bellmore, and found her in a nook actually looking at an album."It's so good of you," said he, "to come down here and retrieve the day for us. I suppose you have heard that Mrs. Fischer-Suympkins scuttled the ship before she left. She knocked a whole plank out of the bottom with a hod. My mother is grieving herself ill about it. Can't you manage to see a ghost for us while you are here, Mrs. Bellmore—a bang-up, swell ghost, with a coronet on his head and a cheque book under his arm?""That was a naughty old lady, Terence," said Mrs. Bellmore, "to tell such stories. Perhaps you gave her too much supper. Your mother doesn't really take it seriously, does she?""I think she does," answered Terence. "One would think every brick in the hod had dropped on her. It's a good mammy, and I don't like to see her worried. It's to be hoped that the ghost belongs to the hod-carriers' union, and will go out on a strike. If he doesn't, there will be no peace in this family.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Bu Fischer-Suympkins telah pertama plum besar bahwa Kinsolvings telah diambil dari pie sosial. Untuk waktu yang lama, kue itu sendiri telah keluar dari jangkauan di rak atas. Tapi tas dan mengejar itu akhirnya menurunkannya. Bu Fischer-Suympkins adalah heliograf korps memamerkan masyarakat cerdas. Gemerlapnya kecerdasan dan tindakan melewati sepanjang garis nya, transmisi apa pun yang terbaru dan paling berani dalam permainan mengintip-show. Sebelumnya, ketenaran dan kepemimpinannya sudah cukup untuk tidak membutuhkan dukungan dari kelicikan seperti menyerahkan sekitar katak hidup untuk nikmat di kain wol yang aman. Tapi, sekarang, hal-hal ini yang diperlukan untuk penyelenggaraan singgasananya. Selain itu, usia pertengahan telah datang untuk memimpin, aneh, di caper nya. Koran-koran sensasional telah memotong ruang nya dari halaman ke dua kolom. Kecerdasan dikembangkan sengatan; sopan santun menjadi lebih kasar dan tidak pengertian, seolah-olah dia merasa perlunya kerajaan membangun otokrasi nya dengan mencemooh para conventionalities yang terikat penguasa yang lebih rendah. Untuk beberapa tekanan pada perintah dari Kinsolvings, ia telah menghasilkan sejauh menghormati rumah mereka oleh dia kehadiran, untuk malam dan malam. Dia punya membalas dendam pada nyonya nya dengan berhubungan, dengan kenikmatan muram dan humor sarkastik, kisahnya dari visi membawa gerobak itu. Untuk wanita yang, di terpesona karena telah menembus sejauh menuju lingkaran dalam didambakan, hasilnya datang sebagai kekecewaan menghancurkan. Semua orang baik bersimpati atau tertawa, dan ada sedikit untuk memilih antara dua mode berekspresi. Tapi, nanti, harapan dan semangat Mrs. Kinsolving ini dihidupkan kembali oleh penangkapan hadiah kedua dan lebih besar. Mrs. Bellamy Bellmore telah menerima undangan untuk mengunjungi di Clifftop, dan akan tetap selama tiga hari. Ibu Bellmore adalah salah satu nyonya muda, yang keindahan, keturunan, dan kekayaan memberinya kursi reserved di maha suci yang tidak membutuhkan memperkuat berat. Dia cukup murah hati sehingga untuk memberikan Mrs. Kinsolving penghargaan yang begitu pedas yang diinginkan; dan, pada saat yang sama, ia berpikir berapa banyak itu akan menyenangkan Terence. Mungkin itu akan berakhir dengan memecahkan dia. Terence adalah anak Mrs. Kinsolving ini, berusia dua puluh sembilan, cukup tampan cukup, dan dengan dua atau tiga sifat menarik dan misterius. Untuk satu, ia sangat setia kepada ibunya, dan itu cukup aneh untuk layak pemberitahuan. Bagi orang lain, ia berbicara begitu sedikit itu menjengkelkan, dan ia tampak baik sangat malu atau sangat dalam. Terence tertarik Mrs. Bellmore, karena dia tidak yakin yang itu. Dia dimaksudkan untuk mempelajari dia sedikit lebih lama, kecuali dia lupa masalah ini. Jika dia hanya pemalu, dia akan meninggalkan dia, untuk rasa malu adalah membosankan. Jika dia dalam, dia juga akan meninggalkan dia, untuk kedalaman tidak stabil. Pada sore hari ketiga kunjungannya, Terence diburu sampai Mrs. Bellmore, dan menemukannya di sudut sebenarnya melihat album. "Ini sangat baik Anda, "katanya," untuk datang ke sini dan mengambil hari untuk kita. saya kira Anda telah mendengar bahwa Mrs. Fischer-Suympkins ditenggelamkan kapal sebelum dia pergi. dia mengetuk seluruh papan dari bawah dengan gerobak a. ibuku berduka dirinya sakit tentang hal itu. Bisa tidak Anda mengelola melihat hantu untuk kami sementara Anda berada di sini, Mrs. Bellmore-bang-up, membengkak hantu, dengan mahkota di kepalanya dan sebuah buku cek di bawah lengannya ? " " itu adalah wanita tua nakal, Terence, "kata Mrs. Bellmore," bercerita seperti itu. Mungkin Anda memberinya terlalu banyak makan. ibumu tidak benar-benar menganggapnya serius, apakah dia? " " saya pikir dia tidak, "jawab Terence. "Orang akan berpikir setiap batu bata di gerobak telah menjatuhkan pada dirinya. Ini adalah mami yang baik, dan saya tidak suka melihat dia khawatir. Ini harus berharap bahwa hantu milik serikat gerobak-operator ', dan akan pergi keluar pada pemogokan. Jika dia tidak, tidak akan ada perdamaian di keluarga ini.

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