Within the countless peaks of the Mountain Range of Magical Beasts wer terjemahan - Within the countless peaks of the Mountain Range of Magical Beasts wer Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Within the countless peaks of the M

Within the countless peaks of the Mountain Range of Magical Beasts were innumerable ageless trees and forests that made travel through the range very difficult. What made it even more difficult was the constant need to pass through one peak and ravine after another, or perhaps take a circular path.

“When traveling within the Mountain Range of Magical Beasts, don’t carve out a path through the pre-existing thorns and brush. It’s best to take an alternate path.” Doehring Cowart continued to provide the benefit of his experience to Linley.

Linley listened carefully as he proceeded forward.

“Remember, the biggest mistake you can make in the Mountain Range of Magical Beasts is to constantly make noise. This will cause many magical beasts to pay attention to you. Even if you are forced to make some noise, you need to immediately leave the nearby area.” Doehring Cowart continued. “Remember, if you are injured, you must immediately do your best to staunch any loss of blood. The stench of blood will attract beasts as well. The noses of magical beasts are far more sensitive than we humans.”

Linley nodded.

The massive crowns of countless trees covered the entire sky. Looking at them, Linley was reminded of some information that he had gleaned from books at the Ernst Institute. In a place like this, where even the sun was all but blocked out, one had to learn how to distinguish north, south, east, and west.

As agile as a monkey, Linley leapt past a series of disorderly tree roots and vine growths, but just as he walked past…

“Whoah.” Linley sucked in a cold breath as he saw something not too far away.

The corpses of three men and two women were a few dozen meters away from him. The five corpses had not yet rotted much, but the bite marks on them were very visible. The corpses had all been dismembered. A male corpse had half its leg eaten, and a giant hole ripped in its belly, with his severed intestines laying strewn about. Half of a female corpse’s head had been eaten, leaving behind a single eyeball and a white skull bone with a few strands of hair attached.

Linley’s face turned pale, and he forgot to breathe.

“They should’ve died three or four days ago.” Doehring Cowart appeared next to Linley, carefully inspecting the corpses. His face was still quite calm. “Linley, take a close look. On the chest of every single person, there are some similar, unremarkable wounds. If my guess is correct, these five should’ve been killed by humans, and most likely, by a single person.”

Linley started.

“Doehring Cowart, you’re saying that a person killed them?” Linley looked at Doehring Cowart, shocked.

Doehring Cowart smiled calmly. “Linley, this is your first visit to the Mountain Range of Magical Beasts. Once you’ve been here a bit longer, you will come to realize that in the Mountain Range of Magical Beasts, in addition to dealing with the attacks of local beasts, you also have to guard against the attacks of other humans.”

“The attacks of humans? Why would other humans attack?” Linley felt a bit of rage beginning to grow in his heart.

In the Mountain Range of Magical Beasts, the local monsters already held a huge advantage by virtue of their countless numbers. He didn’t expect that the humans here would fight amongst themselves as well, instead of helping each other.

“This is very normal. Why do humans venture into this mountain range? The vast majority come here in the hopes of acquiring magicite cores. If they kill a magical beast, they will only acquire a single core, but if they kill a human being, that person might have several magicite cores in their backpack, or even more.” Doehring Cowart stroked his white beard.

Linley finally understood.


It was all due to greed. Some people here wanted to easily acquire a large number of magicite cores, and indeed, killing the other human beings here was a good way to do so.

“Linley, you must be careful. Based on what I’m seeing, the person who killed these five must possess astounding ability. If you look closely at these people’s clothing, you can see that four of them should be warriors, while one of them was a magus. But all five of them were killed at about the same time by a clean blow through the heart. The ruthless precision of this assault is chilling. However, since we don’t know how strong these five people were, it’s hard to estimate the strength of their killer.” Doehring Cowart frowned. “But for these five to be willing and able to brave the dangers of the Mountain Range of Magical Beasts suggests that they were not weak. From this alone, we can safely say that the person who killed them is, at the very least, no weaker than you.”

Linley stepped forward to take a closer look, then nodded in agreement.

The killing blows were very clean and direct.

“This is still just the outer perimeter of the mountain range. Hurry on in.” Doehring Cowart laughed.

Linley nodded, then continued on his journey deeper into the Mountain Range of Magical Beasts. On his journey, the sight of corpses of both men and monsters became quite common, as well as many rusted weapons. Linley also occasionally ran into a few weak monsters.

Nightfall. Linley and the little Shadowmouse were resting while each munched on a leg of boar. Linley was seated on the ground, while the little Shadowmouse was seated on his shoulder.

“At night, one cannot light a fire in the Mountain Range of Magical Beasts.” Doehring Cowart once again instructed.

“Understood, Grandpa Doehring.” Linley knew quite a bit about the basics of survival here. This place was no ordinary wilderness, and the beasts here would not be afraid of fire.

Seated on the ground, Linley calmed himself down and closed his eyes, while beginning to sense the flow of earth essence and wind essence around him. The feeling of elemental essence around him was akin to the feeling of being in one’s parents’ embrace.

Due to his exceptional affinity with earth essence and wind essence, Linley could sense them quite clearly.

“The Pulse of the Earth. The Flow of the Wind.” A peaceful smile was on Linley’s face, as he began to drift off into sleep. Linley had total confidence that any tremors on the ground caused by something approaching, or any disturbances in the wind caused by something moving rapidly to him, would immediately awaken him.

These were the abilities possessed by earth magi and wind magi.

The night slowly grew deeper. Curled in front of Linley, the little Shadowmouse ‘Bebe’ also began to emit extremely light, quiet snoring sounds. The night wind grew cool as well, but right now, it was summer in the Mountain Range of Magical Beasts. Only at night would it feel cool and refreshing. In the day, it felt stiflingly hot.

Late at night. All was dark.

“Rustle, rustle.” The soft sounds of something rustling against the grass could be heard.

A pair of powerfully built Windwolves with gleaming blue fur were pacing about within the forest. Their green-tinted eyes were carefully inspecting their surroundings as their powerful limbs silently stalked through the area.

Their cruel white fangs gleamed with a cold light in the night.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Dalam banyak puncak pegunungan binatang-binatang ajaib yang tak terhitung banyaknya pohon awet muda dan hutan perjalanan yang dibuat melalui berbagai sangat sulit. Apa yang membuatnya bahkan lebih sulit adalah kebutuhan konstan untuk melewati satu puncak dan jurang setelah lain, atau mungkin mengambil jalan melingkar."Ketika bepergian dalam pegunungan binatang-binatang magis, jangan mengukir jalan melalui duri dan sikat yang sudah ada. Cara terbaik untuk mengambil jalur alternatif." Doehring Cowart terus memberikan manfaat dari pengalamannya kepada Linley.Linley mendengarkan dengan hati-hati sambil berjalan ke depan."Ingat, kesalahan terbesar Anda dapat membuat di pegunungan binatang-binatang magis adalah untuk terus-menerus membuat kebisingan. Ini akan menyebabkan banyak binatang yang ajaib untuk memperhatikan Anda. Bahkan jika Anda dipaksa untuk membuat suara, Anda perlu untuk segera meninggalkan wilayah terdekat." Doehring Cowart terus. "Ingat, jika Anda terluka, Anda harus segera melakukan yang terbaik untuk setia kehilangan darah. Bau darah akan menarik binatang juga. Hidung magis binatang jauh lebih sensitif daripada kita manusia."Linley mengangguk.Besar-besaran mahkota dari pohon-pohon yang tak terhitung jumlahnya menutupi seluruh langit. Melihat mereka, Linley teringat beberapa informasi yang telah diperoleh dari buku-buku di Institut Ernst. Di tempat seperti ini, dimana bahkan matahari semua tapi diblokir, salah satu harus belajar bagaimana membedakan Utara, Selatan, Timur, dan Barat.As agile as a monkey, Linley leapt past a series of disorderly tree roots and vine growths, but just as he walked past…“Whoah.” Linley sucked in a cold breath as he saw something not too far away.The corpses of three men and two women were a few dozen meters away from him. The five corpses had not yet rotted much, but the bite marks on them were very visible. The corpses had all been dismembered. A male corpse had half its leg eaten, and a giant hole ripped in its belly, with his severed intestines laying strewn about. Half of a female corpse’s head had been eaten, leaving behind a single eyeball and a white skull bone with a few strands of hair attached.Linley’s face turned pale, and he forgot to breathe.“They should’ve died three or four days ago.” Doehring Cowart appeared next to Linley, carefully inspecting the corpses. His face was still quite calm. “Linley, take a close look. On the chest of every single person, there are some similar, unremarkable wounds. If my guess is correct, these five should’ve been killed by humans, and most likely, by a single person.”Linley started.“Doehring Cowart, you’re saying that a person killed them?” Linley looked at Doehring Cowart, shocked.Doehring Cowart smiled calmly. “Linley, this is your first visit to the Mountain Range of Magical Beasts. Once you’ve been here a bit longer, you will come to realize that in the Mountain Range of Magical Beasts, in addition to dealing with the attacks of local beasts, you also have to guard against the attacks of other humans.”“The attacks of humans? Why would other humans attack?” Linley felt a bit of rage beginning to grow in his heart.In the Mountain Range of Magical Beasts, the local monsters already held a huge advantage by virtue of their countless numbers. He didn’t expect that the humans here would fight amongst themselves as well, instead of helping each other.“This is very normal. Why do humans venture into this mountain range? The vast majority come here in the hopes of acquiring magicite cores. If they kill a magical beast, they will only acquire a single core, but if they kill a human being, that person might have several magicite cores in their backpack, or even more.” Doehring Cowart stroked his white beard.Linley finally understood.Greed!It was all due to greed. Some people here wanted to easily acquire a large number of magicite cores, and indeed, killing the other human beings here was a good way to do so.“Linley, you must be careful. Based on what I’m seeing, the person who killed these five must possess astounding ability. If you look closely at these people’s clothing, you can see that four of them should be warriors, while one of them was a magus. But all five of them were killed at about the same time by a clean blow through the heart. The ruthless precision of this assault is chilling. However, since we don’t know how strong these five people were, it’s hard to estimate the strength of their killer.” Doehring Cowart frowned. “But for these five to be willing and able to brave the dangers of the Mountain Range of Magical Beasts suggests that they were not weak. From this alone, we can safely say that the person who killed them is, at the very least, no weaker than you.”Linley stepped forward to take a closer look, then nodded in agreement.The killing blows were very clean and direct.“This is still just the outer perimeter of the mountain range. Hurry on in.” Doehring Cowart laughed.Linley nodded, then continued on his journey deeper into the Mountain Range of Magical Beasts. On his journey, the sight of corpses of both men and monsters became quite common, as well as many rusted weapons. Linley also occasionally ran into a few weak monsters.Nightfall. Linley and the little Shadowmouse were resting while each munched on a leg of boar. Linley was seated on the ground, while the little Shadowmouse was seated on his shoulder.“At night, one cannot light a fire in the Mountain Range of Magical Beasts.” Doehring Cowart once again instructed.“Understood, Grandpa Doehring.” Linley knew quite a bit about the basics of survival here. This place was no ordinary wilderness, and the beasts here would not be afraid of fire.Seated on the ground, Linley calmed himself down and closed his eyes, while beginning to sense the flow of earth essence and wind essence around him. The feeling of elemental essence around him was akin to the feeling of being in one’s parents’ embrace.Due to his exceptional affinity with earth essence and wind essence, Linley could sense them quite clearly.“The Pulse of the Earth. The Flow of the Wind.” A peaceful smile was on Linley’s face, as he began to drift off into sleep. Linley had total confidence that any tremors on the ground caused by something approaching, or any disturbances in the wind caused by something moving rapidly to him, would immediately awaken him.These were the abilities possessed by earth magi and wind magi.The night slowly grew deeper. Curled in front of Linley, the little Shadowmouse ‘Bebe’ also began to emit extremely light, quiet snoring sounds. The night wind grew cool as well, but right now, it was summer in the Mountain Range of Magical Beasts. Only at night would it feel cool and refreshing. In the day, it felt stiflingly hot.Late at night. All was dark.
“Rustle, rustle.” The soft sounds of something rustling against the grass could be heard.

A pair of powerfully built Windwolves with gleaming blue fur were pacing about within the forest. Their green-tinted eyes were carefully inspecting their surroundings as their powerful limbs silently stalked through the area.

Their cruel white fangs gleamed with a cold light in the night.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Dalam puncak yang tak terhitung jumlahnya dari pegunungan Sihir Beasts pohon-pohon awet muda tak terhitung dan hutan yang membuat perjalanan melalui rentang yang sangat sulit. Apa yang membuatnya bahkan lebih sulit adalah kebutuhan konstan untuk melewati satu puncak dan jurang demi satu, atau mungkin mengambil jalan melingkar. "Bila bepergian dalam pegunungan Sihir Beasts, tidak mengukir jalan melalui pra-ada duri dan sikat. Yang terbaik untuk mengambil jalur alternatif. "Doehring Cowart terus memberikan manfaat dari pengalamannya untuk Linley. Linley mendengarkan hati-hati karena ia melanjutkan ke depan." Ingat, kesalahan terbesar Anda dapat membuat dalam pegunungan Sihir Beasts adalah untuk terus membuat kebisingan. Hal ini akan menyebabkan banyak binatang ajaib untuk memperhatikan Anda. Bahkan jika Anda dipaksa untuk membuat beberapa kebisingan, Anda perlu segera meninggalkan daerah terdekat. "Lanjut Doehring Cowart. "Ingat, jika Anda terluka, Anda harus segera melakukan yang terbaik untuk gigih hilangnya darah. Bau darah akan menarik binatang juga. Hidung binatang ajaib jauh lebih sensitif daripada kita manusia. "Linley mengangguk. Mahkota besar yang tak terhitung jumlahnya pohon menutupi seluruh langit. Melihat mereka, Linley teringat beberapa informasi bahwa ia telah diperoleh dari buku di Ernst Institute. Di tempat seperti ini, di mana bahkan matahari semua tapi diblokir, salah satu harus belajar bagaimana membedakan utara, selatan, timur, dan barat. Sebagai lincah seperti monyet, Linley melompat melewati serangkaian akar pohon tidak teratur dan pertumbuhan pohon anggur , tetapi hanya karena ia berjalan melewati ... "Whoah." Linley menarik napas dingin karena ia melihat sesuatu yang tidak terlalu jauh. Mayat-mayat tiga pria dan dua wanita yang beberapa puluh meter dari dia. Lima mayat belum membusuk banyak, tetapi bekas gigitan pada mereka yang sangat terlihat. Mayat semua telah dipotong-potong. Sebuah mayat laki-laki telah setengah kakinya dimakan, dan sebuah lubang raksasa robek di perutnya, dengan usus terputus nya peletakan berserakan. Setengah dari kepala mayat wanita itu telah dimakan, meninggalkan bola mata tunggal dan tulang tengkorak putih dengan beberapa helai rambut yang menempel. Wajah Linley berubah pucat, dan ia lupa bernapas. "Mereka harus sudah meninggal tiga atau empat hari lalu . "Doehring Cowart muncul di sebelah Linley, hati-hati memeriksa mayat. Wajahnya masih cukup tenang. "Linley, melihat dari dekat. Di dada setiap orang, ada beberapa yang sama, luka biasa-biasa saja. Jika tebakan saya benar, lima ini harus sudah dibunuh oleh manusia, dan kemungkinan besar, oleh satu orang. "Linley mulai." Doehring Cowart, Anda mengatakan bahwa seseorang membunuh mereka? "Linley melihat Doehring Cowart, kaget. Doehring Cowart tersenyum tenang. "Linley, ini adalah kunjungan pertama Anda ke pegunungan Sihir Beasts. Setelah Anda sudah di sini sedikit lebih lama, Anda akan menyadari bahwa di Pegunungan Sihir hewan, selain berurusan dengan serangan binatang lokal, Anda juga harus waspada terhadap serangan dari manusia lainnya. "" The serangan dari manusia? Mengapa manusia lainnya akan menyerang? "Linley merasa sedikit marah mulai tumbuh di dalam hatinya. Dalam Mountain Range Sihir hewan, monster lokal sudah diadakan keuntungan besar berdasarkan nomor tak terhitung mereka. Dia tidak berharap bahwa manusia di sini akan berjuang di antara mereka sendiri juga, bukan saling membantu. "Ini sangat normal. Mengapa manusia menjelajah ke pegunungan ini? Sebagian besar datang ke sini dengan harapan memperoleh core magicite. Jika mereka membunuh binatang ajaib, mereka hanya akan mendapatkan satu inti, tetapi jika mereka membunuh seorang manusia, orang yang mungkin memiliki beberapa core magicite dalam ransel mereka, atau bahkan lebih. "Doehring Cowart mengelus jenggot putihnya. Linley akhirnya mengerti. keserakahan! Itu semua karena keserakahan. Beberapa orang di sini ingin dengan mudah memperoleh sejumlah besar core magicite, dan memang, membunuh manusia lain di sini adalah cara yang baik untuk melakukannya. "Linley, Anda harus berhati-hati. Berdasarkan apa yang saya lihat, orang yang membunuh kelima harus memiliki kemampuan luar biasa. Jika Anda melihat dekat pada pakaian orang-orang ini, Anda dapat melihat bahwa empat dari mereka harus prajurit, sementara salah satu dari mereka adalah tukang sihir a. Tapi semua lima dari mereka tewas pada waktu yang sama dengan pukulan bersih melalui jantung. Ketepatan kejam dari serangan ini adalah mengerikan. Namun, karena kita tidak tahu seberapa kuat lima orang yang, sulit untuk memperkirakan kekuatan pembunuh mereka. "Doehring Cowart mengerutkan kening. "Tapi selama lima ini untuk mau dan mampu untuk berani bahaya Gunung Rentang Magical Beasts menunjukkan bahwa mereka tidak lemah. Dari ini saja, kita dapat mengatakan bahwa orang yang membunuh mereka adalah, setidaknya, tidak lebih lemah dari Anda. "Linley melangkah maju untuk melihat lebih dekat, lalu mengangguk setuju. Berhembus membunuh yang sangat bersih dan langsung. "Ini masih hanya perimeter luar dari pegunungan. Cepat di dalam. "Doehring Cowart tertawa. Linley mengangguk, kemudian melanjutkan perjalanannya lebih dalam pegunungan Sihir Beasts. Pada perjalanannya, melihat mayat laki-laki dan monster menjadi sangat umum, serta banyak senjata berkarat. Linley juga kadang-kadang berlari ke dalam monster lemah beberapa. Nightfall. Linley dan Shadowmouse sedikit beristirahat sementara masing-masing mengunyah kaki dari babi. Linley duduk di tanah, sedangkan Shadowmouse kecil duduk di bahunya. "Pada malam hari, salah satu tidak bisa menyalakan api di Pegunungan Sihir Beasts." Doehring Cowart sekali lagi diperintahkan. "Mengerti, Kakek Doehring." Linley tahu sedikit tentang dasar-dasar kelangsungan hidup di sini. Tempat ini tidak ada padang gurun biasa, dan binatang-binatang di sini tidak akan takut api. Duduk di tanah, Linley menenangkan diri ke bawah dan menutup matanya, sementara mulai merasakan aliran esensi bumi dan esensi angin di sekelilingnya. Perasaan unsur esensi sekelilingnya adalah mirip dengan perasaan berada di pelukan orang tua seseorang. Karena afinitas yang luar biasa dengan esensi bumi dan esensi angin, Linley bisa merasakan mereka cukup jelas. "The Pulse of the Earth. Arus dari Angin. "Senyum damai itu di wajah Linley, karena ia mulai hanyut dalam tidur. Linley memiliki kepercayaan total bahwa setiap tremor di tanah yang disebabkan oleh sesuatu yang mendekati, atau gangguan pada angin yang disebabkan oleh sesuatu yang bergerak cepat dia, akan segera membangunkan dia. Ini adalah kemampuan yang dimiliki oleh orang-orang majus bumi dan majus angin. Malam perlahan tumbuh lebih dalam. Meringkuk di depan Linley, kecil Shadowmouse 'Bebe' juga mulai memancarkan sangat ringan, suara mendengkur tenang. Angin malam tumbuh dingin juga, tapi sekarang, itu adalah musim panas di Pegunungan Sihir Beasts. Hanya pada malam hari akan merasa sejuk dan menyegarkan. Di hari itu, rasanya gerah. Larut malam. Semua itu gelap. "Gemerisik, gemerisik." Suara lembut sesuatu gemerisik terhadap rumput bisa didengar. Sepasang kekar Windwolves dengan kemilau bulu biru mondar-mandir tentang di dalam hutan. Mata berwarna hijau mereka dengan hati-hati memeriksa lingkungan mereka sebagai anggota badan mereka kuat diam-diam mengintai melalui area. Taring putih kejam mereka berkilauan dengan cahaya dingin di malam hari.

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