included only the control variables (i.e., gender and relativeage). St terjemahan - included only the control variables (i.e., gender and relativeage). St Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

included only the control variables

included only the control variables (i.e., gender and relative
age). Step 2 included the controls and main effects for generation
(R2 = .34, p < .001). Step 3 included the controls, main
effects for generation, and the interaction between relative
age and generation (R2 = .014, p < .001).We contend that the
relative age × generation interactions provided additional
insight by investigating the effects of age increases on the variable
of interestwithin each generation.As predicted, the main
effect for generation indicated that Boomers reported longer
time in one job than GenXers and Millennials. Specifically,
when comparing individuals of the same gender and relative
age, GenXers spent, on average, 24.16 fewer months on the
job (95% CI −25.32,−23.00) than Boomers,whileMillennials
spent, on average, 50.21 fewer months on the job (95% CI
−51.66, −48.76) than Boomers.
The significant relative age × generation interactions
imply that the association between relative age and the time
spent on the job differs due to generation. For Boomers,
each additional year of relative age translates into an average
job tenure of .69 months longer (95% CI .48.89). For Gen
X, an additional year of relative age translates into 2.11
additional months of job tenure (difference between
Boomers and Gen X is 1.42 months, 95% CI 1.18, 1.66). For
Millennials, relative age seems even more important to job
tenure, and an additional year of age is associated with 3.63
months longer on the job (difference between Boomers and
Millennials is 2.94, 95% CI 2.15, 3.74). These results indicate
that there are significant job tenure mean differences
between Boomers and Gen X and between Boomers and
Millennials when controlling for relative age and the interaction
between relative age and generation.
A similar analysis was performed to test for generational
differences in the number of jobs held in the last 5 years (see
Table 6). The second step of the hierarchical regression that
included the main effects showed a significant change in
unexplained variability (R2 = .03, p < .001), as did the third
step that included the interaction term between generation
and relative age (R2 = .02, p < .001). Results revealed that
Boomers had fewer jobs in the past 5 years than either
GenXers or Millennials. More specifically, GenXers of the
same relative age and gender had an average of .45 more jobs
(95% CI .39.50) than Boomers, while Millennials averaged
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
termasuk hanya variabel kontrol (yaitu, gender dan relatifusia). Langkah 2 termasuk kontrol dan efek utama untuk generasi(R2 =.34, p <.001 mendapat Langkah 3 termasuk kontrol, utamaefek untuk generasi, dan interaksi antara relatifusia dan generasi (R2 =.014, p <.001 mendapat Kami berpendapat bahwausia relatif × generasi interaksi disediakan tambahanwawasan oleh menyelidiki efek dari umur meningkat pada variabeldari interestwithin setiap generasi. Seperti prediksi, utamaefek untuk generasi ditunjukkan bahwa Boomers dilaporkan lagiwaktu dalam satu pekerjaan daripada GenXers dan Millennials. Secara khusus,ketika membandingkan individu jenis kelamin sama dan relatifusia, GenXers dihabiskan, rata-rata, bulan lebih sedikit 24.16pekerjaan (95% CI −25.32, −23.00) daripada Boomers, whileMillennialsmenghabiskan, rata-rata, 50.21 bulan lebih sedikit pekerjaan (95% CI−51.66, −48.76) daripada Boomers.Usia relatif signifikan × generasi interaksimenyiratkan bahwa asosiasi antara relatif usia dan waktudihabiskan untuk pekerjaan yang berbeda karena generasi. Untuk Boomers,setiap tahun tambahan relatif usia diterjemahkan ke dalam rata-ratapekerjaan kepemilikan.69 bulan lagi (95% CI.48.89). Untuk GenX, tambahan setahun relatif usia diterjemahkan ke dalam 2.11bulan tambahan pekerjaan masa (perbedaan antaraBoomer dan Gen X adalah 1.42 bulan, 95% CI 1,18, 1,66). UntukMillennials, usia relatif tampaknya lebih penting untuk pekerjaankepemilikan, dan tambahan setahun usia ini berhubungan dengan 3,63months longer on the job (difference between Boomers andMillennials is 2.94, 95% CI 2.15, 3.74). These results indicatethat there are significant job tenure mean differencesbetween Boomers and Gen X and between Boomers andMillennials when controlling for relative age and the interactionbetween relative age and generation.A similar analysis was performed to test for generationaldifferences in the number of jobs held in the last 5 years (seeTable 6). The second step of the hierarchical regression thatincluded the main effects showed a significant change inunexplained variability (R2 = .03, p < .001), as did the thirdstep that included the interaction term between generationand relative age (R2 = .02, p < .001). Results revealed thatBoomers had fewer jobs in the past 5 years than eitherGenXers or Millennials. More specifically, GenXers of thesame relative age and gender had an average of .45 more jobs(95% CI .39.50) than Boomers, while Millennials averaged
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