Ur writing is beautiful! The love AkDha shares is very cute...Jodha is terjemahan - Ur writing is beautiful! The love AkDha shares is very cute...Jodha is Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Ur writing is beautiful! The love A

Ur writing is beautiful! The love AkDha shares is very cute...Jodha is still afraid of Jalal's wrath and feel really bad for her.. The whole harem was taunting her.. Bechari.. But thankx to jalal that now she is the mallika E Hindustan! Im so proud of her! This Ruqqu and maham! the evil duo is surely planning against Jodha.. Poor Jodha! The room romance od AkDha was so cute... but what happened to Jalal?? He really loses his mind when he gets angry! How can he behave like this with Jodha? What's wromg with him?? Doesnt he love her?? Its true what they say.. Anger is man's worst enemy.. The person loses one's mind and they forget they are hurting their dear ones...I felt so bad for Jodha..At times Jalal is so nice with her and then again when anger shoots Jalal is just this different person! This story is different.. This does happen in real life.. Even when u love a person alot u misbehave with him/her when u r angry ou hurt.. I love this thing about ur story!Mahamanga and Ruqqaiya thought that Jodha would not be able to handle the DEK because she listens to her heart?? well maham and ruqqu u peeps are wrong! Look at how Jodha is handling DEK.. she was the only person who thought about the villagers! HEART made her do that! She is so pure and innocent! And what is this?? Jalal's manly ego got hurt?? Well Jodha was right.. There are levels of giving punishment.. She was totally fair.. But why would she want to show him that he is not a good ruler?? Whats it to her?? What is wrong with Jalal?? What happened to him?? Jodha is trying to give justice to one,not hurt Jalal! How can Jalal even think like this?? Doesnt he know how much he is hurting her?? Doesnt he love her?? Even her tears are not working for him! Instead of supporting her Jalal is giving out taunts to her... WOW JALAL! You are a really good husband... Jodha must be so broken...Poor she... Jalal should say sorry to her and repent his mistake... Jodha must have felt so bad when Jalal was kissing Ruqqaiya in front of her... WHY JALAL??WHY??? Is ur ego bigger then Jodha? Is ir more important?? Everyone except for Jalal is happy with Jodha... Im now angry at JALALAngry The precap sounds really exciting! I wanna know he realizes it and how he tries to fix everything up...BTW I LOVED THE UPDATE! IT WAS SO NICE! IT WAS DIFFERENT AND I LOVE READINF DIFFERENT STUFF! DI THIS FF HAS BECOME SO ADDICTING! I WANT TO READ A NEW UPDATE EVERYDAY! When r u updating?? Please do update soon and give long one this time! like really long! Di quickly give the update before the laziness again attacks me!
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
tulisan Anda itu indah! Cinta AkDha saham sangat lucu...Jodha tersebut masih takut Jalal's murka dan merasa benar-benar buruk untuk dia... Selir seluruh adalah mengejek dia... Bechari... Tapi thankx untuk jalal bahwa sekarang dia adalah tanti E Hindustan! Im begitu bangga padanya! Ini Ruqqu dan maham! duo jahat pasti berencana terhadap Jodha. Miskin Jodha! Kamar romantis od AkDha adalah begitu lucu... tapi apa yang terjadi dengan Jalal?? Ia benar-benar kehilangan pikirannya ketika ia mendapat marah! Bagaimana ia dapat bersikap seperti ini dengan Jodha? Apakah wromg dengannya?? Doesnt dia mencintainya?? Its benar apa yang mereka katakan... Kemarahan adalah musuh terburuk manusia... Orang tersebut kehilangan pikiran seseorang dan mereka melupakan mereka yang menyakiti orang terkasih mereka...Aku merasa sangat buruk bagi Jodha.Pada saat Jalal begitu baik dengan dia dan kemudian lagi ketika kemarahan tunas Jalal orang ini berbeda! Cerita ini berbeda. Hal ini terjadi dalam kehidupan nyata. Bahkan ketika Anda mencintai seseorang banyak u berbuat jahat bersamanya ketika Anda marah ou menyakiti... Saya suka hal ini tentang cerita Anda!Mahamanga dan Ruqqaiya pikir bahwa Jodha tidak akan mampu menangani DEK karena dia mendengarkan hati Nya?? baik maham dan ruqqu u peeps salah! Lihatlah bagaimana Jodha menangani DEK. Dia adalah satu-satunya orang yang berpikir tentang para penduduk desa! JANTUNG membuatnya melakukan itu! Dia begitu murni dan polos! Dan apa ini?? Jalal di manly ego mendapat sakit?? Baik Jodha adalah benar. Ada tingkat memberikan hukuman. Dia adalah benar-benar adil. Tapi mengapa ia ingin menunjukkan kepadanya bahwa ia bukanlah seorang penguasa baik?? Whats itu kepadanya?? Apa salah dengan Jalal?? Apa yang terjadi kepadanya?? Jodha mencoba untuk memberikan keadilan kepada salah satu, tidak terluka Jalal! Bagaimana bisa Jalal bahkan berpikir seperti ini?? Dia tidak tahu berapa banyak dia menyakiti dirinya?? Doesnt dia mencintainya?? Bahkan air mata tidak bekerja untuk dia! Tidak menyokong Jalal nya memberikan ejekan padanya... WOW JALAL! Anda adalah suami yang benar-benar baik... Jodha harus begitu rusak...Miskin dia... Jalal harus mengucapkan Maaf padanya dan bertobat kesalahannya... Jodha harus merasa begitu buruk ketika Jalal menciumi Ruqqaiya depannya... MENGAPA JALAL??Mengapa??? Adalah ego lebih besar maka Jodha? Apakah ir lebih penting?? Semua orang kecuali Jalal senang dengan Jodha... Im sekarang marah pada JALALAngry precap terdengar benar-benar menarik! Saya ingin tahu dia menyadari itu dan bagaimana ia mencoba untuk memperbaiki segala sesuatu...BTW AKU MENCINTAI UPDATE! ITU SANGAT BAGUS! HAL INI BERBEDA DAN AKU MENCINTAI HAL-HAL YANG BERBEDA READINF! DI FF INI TELAH MENJADI SANGAT ADIKTIF! SAYA INGIN MEMBACA UPDATE BARU SETIAP HARI! Ketika Anda memperbarui?? Silahkan update segera dan memberikan panjang ini waktu! seperti benar-benar lama! Di cepat memberikan update sebelum kemalasan lagi serangan saya!
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]

Ur writing is beautiful! The love AkDha shares is very cute...Jodha is still afraid of Jalal's wrath and feel really bad for her.. The whole harem was taunting her.. Bechari.. But thankx to jalal that now she is the mallika E Hindustan! Im so proud of her! This Ruqqu and maham! the evil duo is surely planning against Jodha.. Poor Jodha! The room romance od AkDha was so cute... but what happened to Jalal?? He really loses his mind when he gets angry! How can he behave like this with Jodha? What's wromg with him?? Doesnt he love her?? Its true what they say.. Anger is man's worst enemy.. The person loses one's mind and they forget they are hurting their dear ones...I felt so bad for Jodha..At times Jalal is so nice with her and then again when anger shoots Jalal is just this different person! This story is different.. This does happen in real life.. Even when u love a person alot u misbehave with him/her when u r angry ou hurt.. I love this thing about ur story!Mahamanga and Ruqqaiya thought that Jodha would not be able to handle the DEK because she listens to her heart?? well maham and ruqqu u peeps are wrong! Look at how Jodha is handling DEK.. she was the only person who thought about the villagers! HEART made her do that! She is so pure and innocent! And what is this?? Jalal's manly ego got hurt?? Well Jodha was right.. There are levels of giving punishment.. She was totally fair.. But why would she want to show him that he is not a good ruler?? Whats it to her?? What is wrong with Jalal?? What happened to him?? Jodha is trying to give justice to one,not hurt Jalal! How can Jalal even think like this?? Doesnt he know how much he is hurting her?? Doesnt he love her?? Even her tears are not working for him! Instead of supporting her Jalal is giving out taunts to her... WOW JALAL! You are a really good husband... Jodha must be so broken...Poor she... Jalal should say sorry to her and repent his mistake... Jodha must have felt so bad when Jalal was kissing Ruqqaiya in front of her... WHY JALAL??WHY??? Is ur ego bigger then Jodha? Is ir more important?? Everyone except for Jalal is happy with Jodha... Im now angry at JALALAngry The precap sounds really exciting! I wanna know he realizes it and how he tries to fix everything up...BTW I LOVED THE UPDATE! IT WAS SO NICE! IT WAS DIFFERENT AND I LOVE READINF DIFFERENT STUFF! DI THIS FF HAS BECOME SO ADDICTING! I WANT TO READ A NEW UPDATE EVERYDAY! When r u updating?? Please do update soon and give long one this time! like really long! Di quickly give the update before the laziness again attacks me!
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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