The whole class raised their hands as high up in the air as it went. E terjemahan - The whole class raised their hands as high up in the air as it went. E Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The whole class raised their hands

The whole class raised their hands as high up in the air as it went. Except me, which was a mistake because it caught Mr. Weber’s attention.

“Aria, why don’t I see your hand up in the air?” he asked, looking almost hurt, as though I had personally offended him.

Shit. Great, Aria. What a wonderful way not to draw attention to yourself. Should have just blended with the crowd!

“Uh, not sure I am quite up for inquisition just now,” I said, looking at neither Mr. Weber nor Zayden, and instead focusing hard on the concrete below me. I didn’t even notice how hard I was clutching onto my dress until my palms started to hurt.

“What do you mean you’re not up for inquisition?” Mr. Weber asked completely perplexed. He was used to a very different version of me altogether. I wished there was a way to communicate to him that I would rather swallow a vile of rat poison than be in that room without offending him. “Are you feeling alright?”

There was my cue. No, say no, Aria. It would then be easily over with and I could probably escape and not have to deal with this whole ordeal. But I froze, unable to say a single word. I made a feeble attempt at shaking my head but I doubt it looked like anything other than an involuntary shudder.

“You seem pretty alright, Miss… Aria, was it?” I heard Zayden’s voice.

“Yes, Aria Roberts. She is one of our best and brightest,” Mr. Weber said proudly. “In fact, I am not sure you know – you have thousands of employees after all – but she is already advancing her career in banking by working as a teller at South National.”

“Ah,” Zayden said, flashing me a look of pure amusement. “That’s where I know that face from! It all makes sense now. I am glad to hear young talent like yourself works for me, Ms. Roberts.”

There was a definitely intonation in his voice – especially a stress in the words talent and works, like he wasn’t quite talking about my skills in banking.

“Since you were the least eager to answer my questions, I suspect you will be the most honest in your responses.” He looked at Mr. Weber. “Should I proceed?”

“Of course! Ask her anything!” he exclaimed.

“These questions are basically a screening of how much your students have learned before I go on to speak about my own experiences. I want to tailor them to what is relevant to your students. As such, complete honesty about the material covered is essential.”

“What do you want to know?” I asked, still looking at Mr. Weber.

He shook his head. “No, no, not here. It would be best if I could speak with you briefly in private, for maybe fifteen minutes, so you feel more comfortable answering with honesty. My questions will pertain to this class too, and perhaps there are things you wouldn’t want your professor and fellow classmates to know.”

“I am perfectly comfortable right here, thanks,” I snapped, unable to handle it anymore. Hopefully nobody caught the bitterness in my voice, and even if they did, there was no way they could guess what it was about. “You can ask me anything,” I added more evenly. “And you will get a honest answer. There is nothing I have to say about Mr. Weber or this class that he wouldn’t like to hear.”

“Be that as it may,” he pushed. “Participation bias is a serious psychological effect, and to get the best out of all of our times here, we must have an audience in private. Is that okay, Mr. Weber?”

Now he was trying to be professional.

“Of course it is!” Weber exclaimed. “Aria, why don’t you show Mr. Sinclair the conference room and answer any questions he may have. Meanwhile, I will prep the rest of the class on questions we may have for him in turn and make a list. You can add yours to it after you return.”

“Uh.” I was trapped. There was no way to get out of this without raising suspicion or getting into Mr. Weber’s bad books, which was something I simply could not afford. Zayden’s little game was not worth my grades and academic performance. It was in my best interest to suck it up and show him the “conference room.”

“Fine,” I said finally. “Let’s go then, Mr. Sinclair.” I added emphasis on those last words.

“After you, Ms. Roberts.” He looked thrilled. Why wouldn’t he? After successfully ignoring him at his own bank, he had found a way to get to me by showing up at the one place where he knew I had to keep my cool. It must have been easy for him, calling up the Econ department head and asking to make a guest lecture. He knew what classes I was taking from when I was discussing schoolwork with him so he must have just easily dropped the name of the most relevant class I was in and the department head must had exploded in delight. I was starting to feel lightheaded just from thinking about it.

As soon as we were out of earshot, Zayden started chuckling. “How was that?” he whispered.

I said absolutely nothing until we reached the nearest empty conference room. When we walked in, I closed the blinds and locked the door so nobody could hear us.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The whole class raised their hands as high up in the air as it went. Except me, which was a mistake because it caught Mr. Weber’s attention.“Aria, why don’t I see your hand up in the air?” he asked, looking almost hurt, as though I had personally offended him.Shit. Great, Aria. What a wonderful way not to draw attention to yourself. Should have just blended with the crowd!“Uh, not sure I am quite up for inquisition just now,” I said, looking at neither Mr. Weber nor Zayden, and instead focusing hard on the concrete below me. I didn’t even notice how hard I was clutching onto my dress until my palms started to hurt.“What do you mean you’re not up for inquisition?” Mr. Weber asked completely perplexed. He was used to a very different version of me altogether. I wished there was a way to communicate to him that I would rather swallow a vile of rat poison than be in that room without offending him. “Are you feeling alright?”There was my cue. No, say no, Aria. It would then be easily over with and I could probably escape and not have to deal with this whole ordeal. But I froze, unable to say a single word. I made a feeble attempt at shaking my head but I doubt it looked like anything other than an involuntary shudder.“You seem pretty alright, Miss… Aria, was it?” I heard Zayden’s voice.“Yes, Aria Roberts. She is one of our best and brightest,” Mr. Weber said proudly. “In fact, I am not sure you know – you have thousands of employees after all – but she is already advancing her career in banking by working as a teller at South National.”
“Ah,” Zayden said, flashing me a look of pure amusement. “That’s where I know that face from! It all makes sense now. I am glad to hear young talent like yourself works for me, Ms. Roberts.”

There was a definitely intonation in his voice – especially a stress in the words talent and works, like he wasn’t quite talking about my skills in banking.

“Since you were the least eager to answer my questions, I suspect you will be the most honest in your responses.” He looked at Mr. Weber. “Should I proceed?”

“Of course! Ask her anything!” he exclaimed.

“These questions are basically a screening of how much your students have learned before I go on to speak about my own experiences. I want to tailor them to what is relevant to your students. As such, complete honesty about the material covered is essential.”

“What do you want to know?” I asked, still looking at Mr. Weber.

He shook his head. “No, no, not here. It would be best if I could speak with you briefly in private, for maybe fifteen minutes, so you feel more comfortable answering with honesty. My questions will pertain to this class too, and perhaps there are things you wouldn’t want your professor and fellow classmates to know.”

“I am perfectly comfortable right here, thanks,” I snapped, unable to handle it anymore. Hopefully nobody caught the bitterness in my voice, and even if they did, there was no way they could guess what it was about. “You can ask me anything,” I added more evenly. “And you will get a honest answer. There is nothing I have to say about Mr. Weber or this class that he wouldn’t like to hear.”

“Be that as it may,” he pushed. “Participation bias is a serious psychological effect, and to get the best out of all of our times here, we must have an audience in private. Is that okay, Mr. Weber?”

Now he was trying to be professional.

“Of course it is!” Weber exclaimed. “Aria, why don’t you show Mr. Sinclair the conference room and answer any questions he may have. Meanwhile, I will prep the rest of the class on questions we may have for him in turn and make a list. You can add yours to it after you return.”

“Uh.” I was trapped. There was no way to get out of this without raising suspicion or getting into Mr. Weber’s bad books, which was something I simply could not afford. Zayden’s little game was not worth my grades and academic performance. It was in my best interest to suck it up and show him the “conference room.”

“Fine,” I said finally. “Let’s go then, Mr. Sinclair.” I added emphasis on those last words.

“After you, Ms. Roberts.” He looked thrilled. Why wouldn’t he? After successfully ignoring him at his own bank, he had found a way to get to me by showing up at the one place where he knew I had to keep my cool. It must have been easy for him, calling up the Econ department head and asking to make a guest lecture. He knew what classes I was taking from when I was discussing schoolwork with him so he must have just easily dropped the name of the most relevant class I was in and the department head must had exploded in delight. I was starting to feel lightheaded just from thinking about it.

As soon as we were out of earshot, Zayden started chuckling. “How was that?” he whispered.

I said absolutely nothing until we reached the nearest empty conference room. When we walked in, I closed the blinds and locked the door so nobody could hear us.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Seluruh kelas mengangkat tangan mereka tinggi di udara seperti itu pergi. Kecuali saya, yang adalah sebuah kesalahan karena menarik perhatian Mr. Weber. "Aria, mengapa saya tidak melihat tangan Anda di udara?" Ia bertanya, mencari hampir sakit, seolah-olah saya pribadi tersinggung dia. Sial. Besar, Aria. Apa yang indah cara untuk tidak menarik perhatian kepada diri sendiri. Seharusnya hanya dicampur dengan kerumunan! "Uh, tidak yakin saya cukup untuk inkuisisi sekarang," kataku, melihat tidak Mr. Weber juga Zayden, dan sebaliknya berfokus keras pada beton di bawah saya. Aku bahkan tidak menyadari seberapa keras aku mencengkeram baju saya sampai telapak tanganku mulai sakit. "Apa yang Anda maksud Anda tidak untuk inkuisisi?" Mr. Weber bertanya-benar bingung. Ia digunakan untuk versi yang sangat berbeda dari saya sama sekali. Saya berharap ada cara untuk berkomunikasi kepadanya bahwa saya lebih suka menelan keji dari racun tikus daripada berada di ruangan itu tanpa menyakiti hatinya. "Apakah Anda merasa baik-baik saja?" Ada isyarat saya. Tidak, mengatakan tidak, Aria. Ini kemudian akan mudah selesai dan aku mungkin bisa melarikan diri dan tidak harus berurusan dengan seluruh cobaan ini. Tapi aku membeku, tidak dapat mengucapkan satu kata. Saya membuat upaya lemah di menggelengkan kepala tapi aku ragu itu tampak seperti apa-apa selain bergidik paksa. "Kau tampak cukup baik-baik saja, Nona ... Aria, apakah itu?" Aku mendengar suara Zayden ini. "Ya, Aria Roberts. Dia adalah salah satu yang terbaik dan tercerdas kami, "kata Mr Weber bangga. "Bahkan, saya tidak yakin Anda tahu - Anda memiliki ribuan karyawan setelah semua -. Tapi dia sudah maju karirnya di perbankan dengan bekerja sebagai teller di National Selatan" "Ah," kata Zayden, berkedip saya lihat dari hiburan murni. "Di situlah aku tahu bahwa wajah dari! Semuanya masuk akal sekarang. Saya senang mendengar bakat muda seperti Anda bekerja untuk saya, Ms. Roberts ". Ada pasti intonasi suaranya - terutama stres dalam kata-kata bakat dan karya, seperti ia tidak cukup berbicara tentang kemampuan saya di bidang perbankan. "Sejak kamu ini yang paling bersemangat untuk menjawab pertanyaan saya, saya menduga Anda akan menjadi yang paling jujur ​​dalam tanggapan Anda." Dia menatap Mr. Weber. "Haruskah aku melanjutkan?" "Tentu saja! Tanyakan padanya apa-apa! "Serunya. " Pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini pada dasarnya pemutaran berapa banyak siswa telah belajar sebelum aku pergi untuk berbicara tentang pengalaman saya sendiri. Saya ingin menyesuaikan mereka untuk apa yang relevan dengan siswa Anda. Dengan demikian, kejujuran lengkap tentang materi yang dibahas adalah penting. " " Apa yang Anda ingin tahu? "Tanyaku, masih melihat Mr. Weber. Dia menggeleng. "Tidak, tidak, tidak di sini. Akan lebih baik jika saya bisa berbicara dengan Anda secara singkat secara pribadi, untuk mungkin lima belas menit, sehingga Anda merasa penjawab lebih nyaman dengan kejujuran. Pertanyaan saya akan berhubungan dengan kelas ini juga, dan mungkin ada hal-hal yang Anda tidak ingin dosen Anda dan teman-teman sekelasnya tahu. " " Saya sangat nyaman di sini, terima kasih, "aku tersentak, tidak dapat menangani lagi. Mudah-mudahan tidak ada yang tertangkap kepahitan dalam suara saya, dan bahkan jika mereka lakukan, tidak ada cara mereka bisa menebak apa itu tentang. "Anda dapat meminta apa-apa," aku menambahkan lebih merata. "Dan Anda akan mendapatkan jawaban yang jujur. Tidak ada yang harus saya katakan tentang Mr. Weber atau kelas ini bahwa ia tidak ingin mendengar. " " Jadilah bahwa sebagai mungkin, "ia mendorong. "Partisipasi Bias adalah efek psikologis yang serius, dan untuk mendapatkan yang terbaik dari semua kali kami di sini, kita harus memiliki penonton secara pribadi. Apakah itu baik-baik saja, Mr. Weber? " Sekarang dia berusaha untuk menjadi profesional. " Tentu saja! "Weber seru. "Aria, mengapa kau tidak menunjukkan Mr. Sinclair ruang konferensi dan menjawab pertanyaan yang mungkin Anda miliki. Sementara itu, aku akan persiapan sisa kelas atas pertanyaan kita mungkin memiliki untuknya pada gilirannya dan membuat daftar. Anda dapat menambahkan Anda untuk itu setelah Anda kembali. " " Uh. "Saya terjebak. Tidak ada cara untuk keluar dari ini tanpa menimbulkan kecurigaan atau masuk ke buku-buku buruk Mr. Weber, yang adalah sesuatu yang saya hanya tidak mampu. Permainan kecil Zayden itu tidak layak nilai dan prestasi akademik. Itu dalam kepentingan terbaik saya untuk menyedot itu dan menunjukkan kepadanya "ruang konferensi." "Baik," kataku akhirnya. "Mari kita pergi kemudian, Mr. Sinclair." Aku menambahkan penekanan pada kata-kata terakhir. "Setelah Anda, Ms. Roberts." Dia tampak senang. Kenapa tidak? Setelah berhasil mengabaikan dia di banknya sendiri, ia telah menemukan cara untuk mendapatkan saya dengan muncul di salah satu tempat di mana dia tahu aku harus tetap tenang. Pasti mudah baginya, memanggil Econ kepala departemen dan meminta untuk membuat kuliah tamu. Dia tahu kelas apa yang saya mengambil dari ketika saya membahas sekolah dengan dia sehingga dia harus hanya dengan mudah menjatuhkan nama dari kelas yang paling relevan aku masuk dan kepala departemen harus meledak gembira. Aku mulai merasa pusing hanya dari berpikir tentang hal itu. Begitu kami keluar dari pendengaran, Zayden mulai tertawa. "Bagaimana itu?" Bisiknya. Saya mengatakan apa-apa sampai kami mencapai ruang konferensi kosong terdekat. Ketika kami berjalan di, aku menutup tirai dan mengunci pintu sehingga tak seorang pun bisa mendengar kami.

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