7 lev­els of dif­fer­ent evil spir­its kill not to be dif­fi­cult, but terjemahan - 7 lev­els of dif­fer­ent evil spir­its kill not to be dif­fi­cult, but Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

7 lev­els of dif­fer­ent evil spir­

7 lev­els of dif­fer­ent evil spir­its kill not to be dif­fi­cult, but the too heavy taste, the stature of this in­cor­rupt­ible python only in was too rather big, the mouth opens com­pletely likely is a giant mighty bell, Li Mu, one sec­ond of heroic two per­son charges past re­ceived to swal­low the at­tack, the python bends the stature one time to throw to bite, the mouth has al­most swal­lowed down with horse these two peo­ple, fright­ens swims the baby com­plex­ion blanch: „Faint, Li Mu linked head har­ness body eat­ing”
Is good be­cause , the at­tack of in­cor­rupt­ible python was only the flash is com­pleted, swal­lowed down and came out, a Li Mu face mu­cilage, raised is on fire to burn the sword on the open­ing match for ten thou­sand skill, hav­ing Lu Bu's star­like image to kill on the bang on the body of in­cor­rupt­ible python.
I have not gone to join in the fun, be­cause cor­ri­dor is quite broad, at least 200 me­ters width, on also has other in­cor­rupt­ible python along the way, pro­ceeds on „hiss­ing hiss­ing” sound one piece again, al­ready was dense and nu­mer­ous piece of in­cor­rupt­ible pythons, was 172 lev­els of 7 lev­els of dif­fer­ent evil spir­its, is most in­tre­pid mon­ster that at pre­sent the player can meet, there­fore every­body was dis­crete, 20-50 peo­ple killed an in­cor­rupt­ible python, this will not have the too big loss, but my com­par­i­son bold some, and sev­eral MM formed a team to brush to­ward, in team also on Lin Wan Er and Dong Cheng month and for­est. The small dance, thou­sand area units Yaochi four peo­ple, T and out­put and treat­ment had, as the mat­ter stands our kills the strange speed to be quick enough, the ex­pe­ri­ence will not be cheated by oth­ers.
Al­though I have be­lieved that guild whole is re­ally strong, but in the suit­able pro­mo­tion guild the em­pir­i­cal value of peak player is also good, after all each time war time, can lead the guild at­tack and de­fense rhythm truly, is ac­tu­ally Lin Wan Er and Li Mu, one sec­ond of hero and Lin Xi­aowu these peo­ple, after large-scale groups fight, in the guild func­tion every­body of ex­tra-su­pe­rior player has pro­found un­der­stand­ing.
Kills is killing, the in­stance that sud­denly „”, an in­cor­rupt­ible python hangs, gave back to us to blow out a fierce breast­plate un­ex­pect­edly, I walked to go for­ward to bend the waist to fish, the mod­el­ing of this armor was very unique, the curve aes­thetic sense was full, re­fined passed sev­eral points of dig­nity, the armor sur­round­ings is reap­pear­ing in­cor­rupt­ible of being and out, looked at the at­tribute again, as if also very good ap­pear­ance
【Ice demon armor】( Di­vine Tier)
Type: Armor
De­fense: 3740
Strength: + 185
Phys­i­cal strength: + 181
Agile: + 177
Ad­di­tional: Pro­motes the user 70% de­fen­sive pow­ers and magic de­fense
Ad­di­tional: Pro­motes the user 16500 HP upper lim­its
Spe­cial ef­fect: Ices the demon to pro­tect the body, forms an in­cor­rupt­ible cara­pace to pro­tect one­self to be lit­tle hurt, the tough­ness is re­lated with own at­tribute
Cov­er­all part: Ices demon cov­er­all chest Ar­mour
Needs Level: 165
Needs the charm: 200
Is hold­ing the ice demon armor, I Li Mu to dis­tant place, Wang Jian said: „Li Mu, Wang Jian, here mon­ster can blow out 165 lev­els of armor cov­er­alls, fa­vored, the goal ap­peared, our time goals are to col­lect this type of ice demon cov­er­all, striv­ing let on many melt god cav­alry equip­ment this type of cov­er­all!”
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
7 lev­els of dif­fer­ent evil spir­its kill not to be dif­fi­cult, but the too heavy taste, the stature of this in­cor­rupt­ible python only in was too rather big, the mouth opens com­pletely likely is a giant mighty bell, Li Mu, one sec­ond of heroic two per­son charges past re­ceived to swal­low the at­tack, the python bends the stature one time to throw to bite, the mouth has al­most swal­lowed down with horse these two peo­ple, fright­ens swims the baby com­plex­ion blanch: „Faint, Li Mu linked head har­ness body eat­ing”Is good be­cause , the at­tack of in­cor­rupt­ible python was only the flash is com­pleted, swal­lowed down and came out, a Li Mu face mu­cilage, raised is on fire to burn the sword on the open­ing match for ten thou­sand skill, hav­ing Lu Bu's star­like image to kill on the bang on the body of in­cor­rupt­ible python.I have not gone to join in the fun, be­cause cor­ri­dor is quite broad, at least 200 me­ters width, on also has other in­cor­rupt­ible python along the way, pro­ceeds on „hiss­ing hiss­ing” sound one piece again, al­ready was dense and nu­mer­ous piece of in­cor­rupt­ible pythons, was 172 lev­els of 7 lev­els of dif­fer­ent evil spir­its, is most in­tre­pid mon­ster that at pre­sent the player can meet, there­fore every­body was dis­crete, 20-50 peo­ple killed an in­cor­rupt­ible python, this will not have the too big loss, but my com­par­i­son bold some, and sev­eral MM formed a team to brush to­ward, in team also on Lin Wan Er and Dong Cheng month and for­est. The small dance, thou­sand area units Yaochi four peo­ple, T and out­put and treat­ment had, as the mat­ter stands our kills the strange speed to be quick enough, the ex­pe­ri­ence will not be cheated by oth­ers.Al­though I have be­lieved that guild whole is re­ally strong, but in the suit­able pro­mo­tion guild the em­pir­i­cal value of peak player is also good, after all each time war time, can lead the guild at­tack and de­fense rhythm truly, is ac­tu­ally Lin Wan Er and Li Mu, one sec­ond of hero and Lin Xi­aowu these peo­ple, after large-scale groups fight, in the guild func­tion every­body of ex­tra-su­pe­rior player has pro­found un­der­stand­ing.
Kills is killing, the in­stance that sud­denly „”, an in­cor­rupt­ible python hangs, gave back to us to blow out a fierce breast­plate un­ex­pect­edly, I walked to go for­ward to bend the waist to fish, the mod­el­ing of this armor was very unique, the curve aes­thetic sense was full, re­fined passed sev­eral points of dig­nity, the armor sur­round­ings is reap­pear­ing in­cor­rupt­ible of being and out, looked at the at­tribute again, as if also very good ap­pear­ance
【Ice demon armor】( Di­vine Tier)
Type: Armor
De­fense: 3740
Strength: + 185
Phys­i­cal strength: + 181
Agile: + 177
Ad­di­tional: Pro­motes the user 70% de­fen­sive pow­ers and magic de­fense
Ad­di­tional: Pro­motes the user 16500 HP upper lim­its
Spe­cial ef­fect: Ices the demon to pro­tect the body, forms an in­cor­rupt­ible cara­pace to pro­tect one­self to be lit­tle hurt, the tough­ness is re­lated with own at­tribute
Cov­er­all part: Ices demon cov­er­all chest Ar­mour
Needs Level: 165
Needs the charm: 200
Is hold­ing the ice demon armor, I Li Mu to dis­tant place, Wang Jian said: „Li Mu, Wang Jian, here mon­ster can blow out 165 lev­els of armor cov­er­alls, fa­vored, the goal ap­peared, our time goals are to col­lect this type of ice demon cov­er­all, striv­ing let on many melt god cav­alry equip­ment this type of cov­er­all!”
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
7 tingkat roh-roh jahat yang berbeda membunuh tidak sulit, tapi rasa terlalu berat, figur python fana ini hanya terlalu agak besar, mulut terbuka sepenuhnya mungkin adalah lonceng perkasa raksasa, Li Mu, satu detik dari heroik dua biaya kelebihan orang terakhir yang diterima menelan serangan, python membungkuk bertubuh satu waktu untuk membuang menggigit, mulut hampir menelan turun dengan kuda dua orang ini, takut berenang bayi kulit pucat: "Faint, Li Mu terkait kepala harness makan tubuh "
Apakah baik karena, serangan python fana hanya flash selesai, tertelan ke bawah dan keluar, Li Mu wajah lendir, mengangkat terbakar untuk membakar pedang pada pertandingan pembuka untuk sepuluh ribu keterampilan, memiliki starlike Lu Bu gambar untuk membunuh pada bang pada tubuh python binasa.
aku belum pergi untuk bergabung dalam kegembiraan, karena koridor cukup luas, setidaknya 200 meter, di juga memiliki python fana lainnya di sepanjang jalan, hasil dari "mendesis desis "terdengar satu bagian lagi, sudah itu sepotong padat dan banyak dari ular yang tidak fana, adalah 172 tingkat 7 tingkat roh-roh jahat yang berbeda, adalah rakasa paling pemberani yang saat ini pemain bisa bertemu, karena semua orang diskrit, 20-50 orang membunuh seorang python tidak fana, ini tidak akan memiliki kerugian terlalu besar, tapi saya perbandingan beberapa berani, dan beberapa MM membentuk tim untuk menyikat ke arah, dalam tim juga di Lin Wan Er dan Dong Cheng bulan dan hutan. Tarian kecil, ribu unit daerah Yaochi empat orang, T dan output dan pengobatan memiliki, sebagai materi yang berdiri membunuh kami kecepatan aneh untuk menjadi cukup cepat, pengalaman tidak akan ditipu oleh orang lain.
Meskipun saya percaya bahwa seluruh serikat benar-benar kuat, tetapi dalam serikat promosi cocok nilai empiris dari puncak pemain juga baik, setelah semua setiap kali perang waktu, dapat memimpin serikat serangan dan pertahanan ritme yang benar-benar, benar-benar Lin Wan Er dan Li Mu, satu detik pahlawan dan Lin Xiaowu orang-orang ini, setelah kelompok skala besar melawan, dalam fungsi serikat semua pemain ekstra-superior memiliki pemahaman yang mendalam.
Tewaskan membunuh, contoh yang tiba-tiba "", sebuah hang python tidak binasa, memberi kembali kepada kami untuk meniup sengit a dada tiba-tiba, aku berjalan untuk maju menekuk pinggang untuk ikan, pemodelan armor ini sangat unik, rasa estetika kurva penuh, halus melewati beberapa poin martabat, baju besi lingkungan yang muncul kembali fana menjadi dan keluar, tampak pada atribut lagi, seolah-olah juga sangat baik penampilan
【Ice demon armor】 (Divine Tier)
Ketik: Armor
Defense: 3740
kekuatan: + 185
kekuatan fisik: + 181
Agile: + 177
tambahan: Mempromosikan pengguna 70% kekuatan pertahanan dan sihir pertahanan
tambahan: Meningkatkan pengguna 16500 HP batas atas
efek khusus: Ices setan untuk melindungi tubuh, membentuk karapas fana untuk melindungi diri menjadi sedikit sakit, ketangguhan tersebut terkait dengan atribut sendiri
Coverall bagian: Ices dada coverall setan Armour
Kebutuhan Tingkat : 165
Kebutuhan pesona: 200
Apakah memegang baju besi es setan, aku Li Mu ke tempat yang jauh, Wang Jian mengatakan: "Li Mu, Wang Jian, di sini rakasa dapat meniup 165 tingkat baju zirah, disukai, tujuannya muncul, kami tujuan waktu yang mengumpulkan jenis es setan coverall, berusaha membiarkan pada banyak peralatan lelehan dewa kavaleri jenis coverall! "
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