InstrumentsPerception of Learning Organization Scale (PLOS) developed  terjemahan - InstrumentsPerception of Learning Organization Scale (PLOS) developed  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

InstrumentsPerception of Learning O


Perception of Learning Organization Scale (PLOS) developed by Güçlü and Türkoğlu (2003) was used in this research with the approval of the researcher. PLOS based on Senge’s (1990) study consisting of five dimensions, personal mastery, mental models, shared vision, system thinking, and team learning includes 42 items. PLOS is a 5-point Likert Type scale and response options are 1) Never, 2) Rarely, 3) Occasionally, 4) Frequently, and 5) Very Frequently. Respondents are asked to determine the extent to which each of the questions reflects their school in the aspect of the learning organization. Güçlü and Türkoğlu (2003) obtained Cronbach’s Alpha reliability coefficient for the PLOS as 0.97 and Sperman-Brown coefficient was .93. Researcher validated the scale through experts’ opinions. Uysal (2005) used PLOS developed by Güçlü and Türkoğlu (2003) and calculated Cronbach’s Alpha reliability coefficient for dimensions of PLOS as follows: Personal mastery: .81; Mental models: 0.89; Shared vision: 0.93; System Thinking: 0.89; Team learning: 0.95.

A scale developed by Park and Rojewski (2006) based on Senge’s (1990) study having the same dimensions used in this research found reliability (alpha) coefficient for five factors derived from exploratory factor analysis ranged from 0.856 to 0.897, with an overall internal consistency value for all 35 items equal to 0.954. The research conducted by Khasawneh (2011) using the same scale as this research found the following alpha coefficient for dimensions of learning organizations: personal mastery: .83; mental models: 0.86; shared
vision: 0.85; team learning: 0.83; and system thinking: 0.88. Khasawneh’s research calculated the overall internal consistency coefficient for the survey as 0.90.

The short form Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ) developed by Weiss et al. (1967) was used to evaluate job satisfaction of the teachers who participated in the research. MSQ includes 20 items measurement with 5-point Likert Type scale and response options are 1) Very dissatisfied, 2) Dissatisfied, 3) N (Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied), 4) Satisfied, and 5) Very satisfied. The respondents were asked to indicate their level of satisfaction. The Alpha reliability coefficient value of MSQ for this research was 0.90 and total item correlation ranged from 0.38 to 0.65.

Procedures and Data Analysis

The data gathered by PLOS and MSS scales have been analyzed by SPSS (Version 20). Demographic variables percentages and frequencies were used for the analysis. To describe perceived learning organization and level of teachers’ job satisfaction, descriptive statistics such as mean and standard deviation were used. To compare perceived learning organization and teachers’ job satisfaction level in terms of gender, t-test; for period of service, One Way ANOVA were used. In order to see how accurately the perceived learning organization could predict job satisfaction of teachers, Stepwise Regression Analysis was used. Stepwise method defined by Howel (2010) as “a set of rules for delivering a regression equation by adding or subtracting one variable at a time from the regression equation” (p. 266). Stepwise method combines both Forward and Backwards procedures. Due to the complexity of inter-correlations, the variance explained by certain variables will change when new variables enter in the equation. Sometimes a variable that is qualified to enter loses some of its predictive validity when other variables enter. If this takes place, the Stepwise method will remove the “weakened” variable. Stepwise is probably the most frequently used one of the regression methods (George & Mallery, 2001, p.215).

Durbin-Watson test showing autocorrelations between 1.5 – 2.5 values for this test is the indicator of lack of autocorrelations. Durbin-Watson test value was 1.72. Tolerance and VIF values were .558 and 1.79 consecutively. Interpretations of the PLOS point were as follows: Never: 1 – 1.79; Rarely: 1.80 – 2.59; Occasionally: 2.60 – 3.39; Frequently: 3.40 – 4.19; Very Frequently: 4.20 – 5.00 while MSS points were as follows: Very dissatisfied: 1 – 1.79; Dissatisfied: 1.80 – 2.59; N (Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied): 2.60 – 3.39; Satisfied: 3.40 – 4.19; Very satisfied: 4.20 – 5.00.

Findings and Results

Under this title, basic descriptive statistics such as mean and standard deviation for perceived learning organization and job satisfaction of teachers; to compare learning organization and job satisfaction of teachers in terms of gender and subject matter, t-test; for service period, one way ANOVA; and to predict job satisfaction of teachers regression analysis results were presented and discussed. Basic descriptive statistics for perceived learning organization and job satisfaction were presented in Table 1.

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]

persepsi dari pembelajaran organisasi skala (PLOS) dikembangkan oleh Güçlü dan Türkoğlu (2003) digunakan dalam penelitian ini dengan persetujuan dari peneliti. PLOS berdasarkan se 's studi (1990) yang terdiri dari lima dimensi, penguasaan pribadi, model mental, visi bersama, sistem berpikir, dan tim belajar termasuk 42 item. PLOS adalah 5-titik Likert jenis skala dan respon pilihan 1) pernah, 2) jarang, 3) kadang-kadang, 4) sering, dan 5) sangat sering. Responden diminta untuk menentukan sejauh mana setiap pertanyaan mencerminkan sekolah mereka dalam aspek organisasi pembelajaran. Güçlü dan Türkoğlu (2003) diperoleh Cronbach's Alpha keandalan koefisien untuk PLOS sebagai 0.Koefisien 97 dan Sperman-Brown adalah.93. Peneliti divalidasi skala melalui ahli pendapat. Uysal (2005) digunakan PLOS yang dikembangkan oleh Güçlü dan Türkoğlu (2003) dan dihitung Cronbach's Alpha keandalan koefisien untuk dimensi PLOS sebagai berikut: penguasaan pribadi:. 81; Model mental: 0.89; Bersama Visi: 0.93; Sistem berpikir: 0.89; Tim belajar: 0,95.

Skala yang dikembangkan oleh Park dan Rojewski (2006) berdasarkan se 's studi (1990) yang memiliki dimensi yang sama yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menemukan kehandalan (alpha) koefisien untuk lima faktor yang berasal dari analisis faktor eksplorasi yang berkisar dari 0.856 ke 0.897, dengan nilai konsistensi keseluruhan internal untuk semuanya 35 yang sama dengan 0.954. Penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Khasawneh (2011) menggunakan skala yang sama sebagai penelitian ini menemukan koefisien alpha berikut untuk dimensi organisasi belajar: penguasaan pribadi:. 83; model mental: 0.86; bersama
Visi: 0,85; Tim belajar: 0.83; dan berpikir sistem: 0.88. Khasawneh's penelitian dihitung koefisien konsistensi keseluruhan internal untuk survei sebagai 0.90.

Formulir singkat Minnesota kepuasan kuesioner (m2) dikembangkan oleh Weiss et al. (1967) digunakan untuk mengevaluasi kepuasan kerja para guru yang berpartisipasi dalam penelitian. M2 mencakup 20 item pengukuran dengan 5-titik Likert jenis skala dan respon pilihan 1) sangat tidak puas, 2) tidak puas, 3) N (tidak puas atau tidak puas), 4) puas, dan 5) sangat puas. Responden diminta untuk menunjukkan tingkat kepuasan. Alpha keandalan koefisien nilai m2 untuk penelitian ini adalah korelasi 0.90 dan total item yang berkisar dari 0.38 untuk 0,65.

prosedur dan analisis Data

data yang dikumpulkan oleh PLOS dan MSS skala telah dianalisis oleh SPSS (versi 20). Variabel-variabel demografik persentase dan frekuensi yang digunakan untuk analisis. Untuk menggambarkan dirasakan belajar organisasi dan tingkat kepuasan kerja guru, statistik deskriptif seperti mean dan deviasi standar yang digunakan. Untuk membandingkan organisasi belajar yang dirasakan dan pekerjaan guru tingkat kepuasan dalam hal jenis kelamin, t-test; selama layanan, One Way ANOVA digunakan. Untuk melihat bagaimana secara akurat organisasi belajar yang dirasakan bisa memprediksi kepuasan kerja guru, bertahap analisis regresi digunakan. Metode bertahap yang didefinisikan oleh Howel (2010) sebagai "kumpulan aturan untuk menyampaikan persamaan regresi dengan menambah atau mengurangi satu variabel pada waktu dari persamaan regresi" (p. 266). Metode bertahap menggabungkan maju dan Backwards prosedur. Karena kompleksitas antar korelasi, varians dijelaskan oleh variabel-variabel tertentu akan berubah ketika memasuki baru variabel dalam persamaan. Kadang-kadang sebuah variabel yang memenuhi syarat untuk masuk kehilangan beberapa keabsahannya prediktif ketika memasuki variabel lain. Jika ini terjadi, metode bertahap akan menghapus variabel "lemah". Stepwise adalah mungkin yang paling sering digunakan metode regresi (George & Mallery, 2001, p.215).

tes Durbin-Watson yang menampilkan autocorrelations antara nilai-nilai 1,5 – 2,5 untuk tes ini adalah indikator kurangnya autocorrelations. Nilai tes Durbin-Watson adalah 1,72. Nilai-nilai toleransi dan VIF adalah.558 dan 1,79 berturut-turut. Interpretasi dari titik PLOS adalah sebagai berikut: tidak pernah: 1 – 1,79; Jarang: 1.80 – 2,59; Kadang-kadang: 2,60 – 3.39; Sering: 3,40 – 4,19; Sangat sering: 4.20-5,00 sementara MSS poin adalah sebagai berikut: sangat puas: 1 – 1,79; Puas: 1.80 – 2,59; N (tidak puas atau tidak puas): 2,60 – 3.39; Puas: 3,40 – 4,19; Sangat puas: 4.20-5,00.

Temuan dan hasil

di bawah judul ini, dasar statistik deskriptif seperti mean dan deviasi standar untuk organisasi belajar yang dirasakan dan kepuasan kerja guru; untuk membandingkan organisasi belajar dan kepuasan kerja guru dalam hal gender dan subjek, t-test; untuk layanan periode, salah satu cara ANOVA; dan untuk memprediksi kepuasan kerja hasil analisis regresi guru yang dipresentasikan dan dibahas. Dasar statistik deskriptif untuk organisasi belajar yang dirasakan dan kepuasan kerja yang disajikan dalam tabel 1.

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]

Perception of Learning Organization Scale (PLOS) developed by Güçlü and Türkoğlu (2003) was used in this research with the approval of the researcher. PLOS based on Senge’s (1990) study consisting of five dimensions, personal mastery, mental models, shared vision, system thinking, and team learning includes 42 items. PLOS is a 5-point Likert Type scale and response options are 1) Never, 2) Rarely, 3) Occasionally, 4) Frequently, and 5) Very Frequently. Respondents are asked to determine the extent to which each of the questions reflects their school in the aspect of the learning organization. Güçlü and Türkoğlu (2003) obtained Cronbach’s Alpha reliability coefficient for the PLOS as 0.97 and Sperman-Brown coefficient was .93. Researcher validated the scale through experts’ opinions. Uysal (2005) used PLOS developed by Güçlü and Türkoğlu (2003) and calculated Cronbach’s Alpha reliability coefficient for dimensions of PLOS as follows: Personal mastery: .81; Mental models: 0.89; Shared vision: 0.93; System Thinking: 0.89; Team learning: 0.95.

A scale developed by Park and Rojewski (2006) based on Senge’s (1990) study having the same dimensions used in this research found reliability (alpha) coefficient for five factors derived from exploratory factor analysis ranged from 0.856 to 0.897, with an overall internal consistency value for all 35 items equal to 0.954. The research conducted by Khasawneh (2011) using the same scale as this research found the following alpha coefficient for dimensions of learning organizations: personal mastery: .83; mental models: 0.86; shared
vision: 0.85; team learning: 0.83; and system thinking: 0.88. Khasawneh’s research calculated the overall internal consistency coefficient for the survey as 0.90.

The short form Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ) developed by Weiss et al. (1967) was used to evaluate job satisfaction of the teachers who participated in the research. MSQ includes 20 items measurement with 5-point Likert Type scale and response options are 1) Very dissatisfied, 2) Dissatisfied, 3) N (Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied), 4) Satisfied, and 5) Very satisfied. The respondents were asked to indicate their level of satisfaction. The Alpha reliability coefficient value of MSQ for this research was 0.90 and total item correlation ranged from 0.38 to 0.65.

Procedures and Data Analysis

The data gathered by PLOS and MSS scales have been analyzed by SPSS (Version 20). Demographic variables percentages and frequencies were used for the analysis. To describe perceived learning organization and level of teachers’ job satisfaction, descriptive statistics such as mean and standard deviation were used. To compare perceived learning organization and teachers’ job satisfaction level in terms of gender, t-test; for period of service, One Way ANOVA were used. In order to see how accurately the perceived learning organization could predict job satisfaction of teachers, Stepwise Regression Analysis was used. Stepwise method defined by Howel (2010) as “a set of rules for delivering a regression equation by adding or subtracting one variable at a time from the regression equation” (p. 266). Stepwise method combines both Forward and Backwards procedures. Due to the complexity of inter-correlations, the variance explained by certain variables will change when new variables enter in the equation. Sometimes a variable that is qualified to enter loses some of its predictive validity when other variables enter. If this takes place, the Stepwise method will remove the “weakened” variable. Stepwise is probably the most frequently used one of the regression methods (George & Mallery, 2001, p.215).

Durbin-Watson test showing autocorrelations between 1.5 – 2.5 values for this test is the indicator of lack of autocorrelations. Durbin-Watson test value was 1.72. Tolerance and VIF values were .558 and 1.79 consecutively. Interpretations of the PLOS point were as follows: Never: 1 – 1.79; Rarely: 1.80 – 2.59; Occasionally: 2.60 – 3.39; Frequently: 3.40 – 4.19; Very Frequently: 4.20 – 5.00 while MSS points were as follows: Very dissatisfied: 1 – 1.79; Dissatisfied: 1.80 – 2.59; N (Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied): 2.60 – 3.39; Satisfied: 3.40 – 4.19; Very satisfied: 4.20 – 5.00.

Findings and Results

Under this title, basic descriptive statistics such as mean and standard deviation for perceived learning organization and job satisfaction of teachers; to compare learning organization and job satisfaction of teachers in terms of gender and subject matter, t-test; for service period, one way ANOVA; and to predict job satisfaction of teachers regression analysis results were presented and discussed. Basic descriptive statistics for perceived learning organization and job satisfaction were presented in Table 1.

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