There are three kinds of anxiety: reality, neurotic, and moral. Realit terjemahan - There are three kinds of anxiety: reality, neurotic, and moral. Realit Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

There are three kinds of anxiety: r

There are three kinds of anxiety: reality, neurotic, and moral. Reality anxiety
is the fear of danger from the external world, and the level of such anxiety
is proportionate to the degree of real threat. Neurotic and moral anxieties are
evoked by threats to the “balance of power” within the person. They signal to
the ego that unless appropriate measures are taken the danger may increase
until the ego is overthrown. Neurotic anxiety is the fear that the instincts will
get out of hand and cause one to do something for which one will be punished.
Moral anxiety is the fear of one’s own conscience. People with a well-developed
conscience tend to feel guilty when they do something contrary to their moral
code. When the ego cannot control anxiety by rational and direct methods, it
relies on indirect ones—namely, ego-defense behavior.
Ego-Defense Mechanisms
Ego-defense mechanisms help the individual cope with anxiety and prevent
the ego from being overwhelmed. Rather than being pathological, ego
defenses are normal behaviors that can have adaptive value provided they
do not become a style of life that enables the individual to avoid facing reality.
The defenses employed depend on the individual’s level of development
and degree of anxiety. Defense mechanisms have two characteristics
in common: (1) they either deny or distort reality, and (2) they operate on
an unconscious level. Table 4.1 provides brief descriptions of some common
ego defenses.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Ada tiga jenis kecemasan: Realita, neurotik dan moral. Realitas kecemasantakut akan bahaya dari dunia luar, dan tingkat kecemasan tersebutsebanding dengan tingkat ancaman nyata. Kecemasan neurotik dan moral yangditimbulkan oleh ancaman terhadap "keseimbangan" dalam orang. Mereka sinyal untukego bahwa kecuali jika langkah-langkah yang tepat diambil bahaya dapat meningkatkansampai ego digulingkan. Neurotik kecemasan adalah ketakutan bahwa naluri akankeluar dari tangan dan menyebabkan seseorang untuk melakukan sesuatu yang satu akan dihukum.Moral kecemasan adalah ketakutan sendiri hati nurani. Orang-orang dengan berkembang dengan baikhati nurani cenderung merasa bersalah ketika mereka melakukan sesuatu yang bertentangan dengan moral merekakode. Ketika ego tidak dapat mengendalikan kecemasan dengan metode yang rasional dan langsung, itubergantung pada orang-orang tidak langsung — yaitu, ego-pertahanan perilaku.Mekanisme pertahanan egoMekanisme pertahanan ego membantu mengatasi individu dengan kecemasan dan mencegahego dari kewalahan. Daripada yang patologis, egopertahanan yang normal perilaku yang dapat memiliki nilai adaptif yang diberikan merekatidak menjadi gaya hidup yang memungkinkan individu untuk menghindari menghadapi kenyataan.Pertahanan digunakan tergantung pada tingkat individu perkembangandan tingkat kecemasan. Mekanisme pertahanan memiliki dua karakteristikkesamaan: (1) mereka menyangkal atau mendistorsi realitas, dan (2) mereka beroperasi padatingkat bawah sadar. Tabel 4.1 memberikan gambaran singkat dari beberapa kesamaanPertahanan ego.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
There are three kinds of anxiety: reality, neurotic, and moral. Reality anxiety
is the fear of danger from the external world, and the level of such anxiety
is proportionate to the degree of real threat. Neurotic and moral anxieties are
evoked by threats to the “balance of power” within the person. They signal to
the ego that unless appropriate measures are taken the danger may increase
until the ego is overthrown. Neurotic anxiety is the fear that the instincts will
get out of hand and cause one to do something for which one will be punished.
Moral anxiety is the fear of one’s own conscience. People with a well-developed
conscience tend to feel guilty when they do something contrary to their moral
code. When the ego cannot control anxiety by rational and direct methods, it
relies on indirect ones—namely, ego-defense behavior.
Ego-Defense Mechanisms
Ego-defense mechanisms help the individual cope with anxiety and prevent
the ego from being overwhelmed. Rather than being pathological, ego
defenses are normal behaviors that can have adaptive value provided they
do not become a style of life that enables the individual to avoid facing reality.
The defenses employed depend on the individual’s level of development
and degree of anxiety. Defense mechanisms have two characteristics
in common: (1) they either deny or distort reality, and (2) they operate on
an unconscious level. Table 4.1 provides brief descriptions of some common
ego defenses.
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