Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
50300:37:29, 730--> 00:37:33, 330Kebetulan, Anda akan mengambil saksi dalam persidangan?50400:37:33, 990--> 00:37:35, 880Kang Hyeon Woong harus dihukum untuk kejahatan nya.50500:37:35, 880--> 00:37:41, 390Anda tidak bisa melakukan itu. Anda mungkin harus disalahkan untuk hal-hal yang tidak Anda lakukan. Itu terlalu berbahaya.50600:37:41, 390--> 00:37:43, 410Aku akan mengurus diriku sendiri.50700:37:50, 530--> 00:37:56, 200Sumpah: Aku bersumpah bahwa saya akan berbicara kebenaran, seluruh kebenaran, dan tidak ada tapi kebenaran menurut hati nurani saya sendiri dan50800:37:56, 200--> 00:38:01, 700dan jika ada kesalahan apapun dalam pernyataan saya, saya akan dihukum untuk sumpah palsu.50900:38:03, 980--> 00:38:09, 880Tim pemimpin Yoo Min Hui, Anda mengatakan bahwa Anda tidak tahu persis siapa topeng. Apakah itu benar?51000:38:09, 880--> 00:38:12, 080Ya. Aku tidak dapat memeriksa identitas.51100:38:12, 080--> 00:38:14, 930Anda mengatakan bahwa ponsel Anda tidak akan menerima dari masker51200:38:14, 930--> 00:38:18, 030-diambil oleh Kang Hyeon Woong, kanan? -Ya.51300:38:18, 030--> 00:38:21, 580- Dan kemudian Anda menerima bukti foto melalui surat.-Ya.51400:38:21, 580--> 00:38:24, 770Pada akhirnya, Anda tidak pasti menerimanya secara pribadi dari masker.51500:38:24, 770--> 00:38:28, 560Ya. Itu benar.51600:38:28, 560--> 00:38:31, 020Menghormati Anda, saya memiliki keberatan.51700:38:31, 700--> 00:38:37, 820Apakah Anda mencoba untuk menyangkal pernyataan Anda bahwa Anda menerima bukti dari masker, kanan?51800:38:37, 820--> 00:38:38, 720Tidak, saya tidak.51900:38:38, 720--> 00:38:42, 320Jaksa. Hal ini tidak diperbolehkan untuk mengajukan pertanyaan terkemuka.52000:38:42, 320--> 00:38:46, 950Ya, saya mengerti. Saya ingin memanggil saksi lain.52100:38:59, 380--> 00:39:05, 290Sumpah: Aku bersumpah bahwa saya akan berbicara kebenaran, seluruh kebenaran, dan tidak ada tapi kebenaran menurut hati nurani saya sendiri,52200:39:05, 290--> 00:39:09, 950dan jika ada kesalahan apapun dalam pernyataan saya, saya akan dihukum untuk sumpah palsu.52300:39:11, 880--> 00:39:15, 260Akan Anda memberitahu kami sendiri52400:39:15, 260--> 00:39:17, 760apa alasan adalah untuk datang ke sini?52500:39:19, 470--> 00:39:24, 150Saya orang yang mengirim gambar ke tim pemimpin Yoo Min Hui.52600:39:24, 150--> 00:39:28, 140Jika Anda memeriksa email, nama saya akan di atasnya untuk konfirmasi Anda.52700:39:28, 140--> 00:39:31, 430Saksi mengatakan bahwa ia adalah topeng sekarang?52800:39:31, 430--> 00:39:35, 440Aku berkata aku adalah orang yang mengirimkan email kepada Yoo Min Hui.52900:39:35, 440--> 00:39:36, 690Aku tidak mengatakan bahwa aku adalah masker.53000:39:36, 690--> 00:39:41, 190Saksi Yoo Min Hui jelas mengatakan bahwa dia menerima gambar dari topeng. Anda tahu itu, kan?53100:39:41, 190--> 00:39:44, 990Karena dia tidak menerimanya secara langsung, itu bisa kemungkinan bahwa dia punya bingung?53200:39:44,990 --> 00:39:49,390Then, why didn't you give it to her in person and not by email?53300:39:50,330 --> 00:39:54,340I am blood related with Kang Hyeon Woong.53400:39:55,190 --> 00:40:00,610Because I am related, I wanted to hide the fact that I sent it.53500:40:00,610 --> 00:40:03,180The witness is blood related to the defendant?53600:40:03,180 --> 00:40:04,530Yes.53700:40:08,570 --> 00:40:10,780He is my younger brother.53800:40:10,780 --> 00:40:12,820I will ask witness Yoo Min Hui.53900:40:12,820 --> 00:40:15,470Is he the one who sent you the email?54000:40:15,470 --> 00:40:18,390You have to tell the truth.54100:40:18,390 --> 00:40:21,160Yes, that is possible.54200:40:21,160 --> 00:40:23,980Then, it's the same as her saying that he is the Mask.54300:40:23,980 --> 00:40:27,850You said that you weren't completely sure of who the Mask was.54400:40:27,850 --> 00:40:32,630- Yes.- But why did you say that Ha Dae Cheol sent you the email?54500:40:32,630 --> 00:40:35,620Then, are you definitvely saying that Ha Dae Cheol is the Mask?54600:40:35,620 --> 00:40:38,520No, it's just that it's a possibility.54700:40:38,520 --> 00:40:40,640Whether I saw him definitely or54800:40:40,640 --> 00:40:43,260confirmed that fact, I did not.54900:40:43,260 --> 00:40:46,570The email was sent by Ha Dae Cheol.55000:40:47,280 --> 00:40:50,610He is not the prosecutor in charge.55100:40:50,610 --> 00:40:53,250Because the evidence was not found during the investigation,55200:40:53,250 --> 00:40:56,770we can't dispute whether the evidence was obtained illegally.55300:41:02,110 --> 00:41:05,130Witness, how did you obtain the evidence?55400:41:05,130 --> 00:41:07,310Do you assert you obtained the evidence legally?55500:41:07,310 --> 00:41:10,650I received a mail from the person who provided the evidence.55600:41:10,650 --> 00:41:13,410The person who provided the evidence is a regular person.55700:41:13,410 --> 00:41:15,420He or she has nothing to do with this case.55800:41:15,420 --> 00:41:17,260Even if pictures themselves are taken illegally,55900:41:17,260 --> 00:41:20,420as long as due process is not violated to obtain the pictures, they are admissible.56000:41:20,420 --> 00:41:22,630I believe that the evidence is valid.56100:41:22,630 --> 00:41:24,850Can you reveal the name of the person who provided the evidence?56200:41:24,850 --> 00:41:29,560Of course. After the end of the trial, I will submit it to you.56300:41:29,560 --> 00:41:35,570Then there is no need to discuss any further whether this picture was illegally obtained evidence.56400:41:39,840 --> 00:41:42,830This afternoon, at the trial held in Seochodong, the Southern District,56500:41:42,830 --> 00:41:47,260Meskipun diterimanya bukti dalam kasus pembunuhan mantan jaksa lagu manusia Seok's diperdebatkan,56600:41:47, 260--> 00:41:50, 530Kang Hyeon Woong benar-benar selesai.56700:41:51, 590--> 00:41:55, 150Kemudian adalah sasaran berikutnya saya?56800:42:03, 450--> 00:42:09, 150Karena sudah lama sejak aku minum dengan Anda, saya merasa hebat.56900:42:09, 150--> 00:42:12, 580Aku merasa baik karena aku punya seorang teman yang minum tetapi57000:42:12, 580--> 00:42:17, 650Mengapa Anda melakukan datang ke rumah saya?57100:42:17, 650--> 00:42:22, 070Hari ini, saya melakukan hal yang besar.57200:42:22, 070--> 00:42:24, 550Hal yang besar?57300:42:24, 550--> 00:42:29, 480Aku meletakkan adik saya di penjara.57400:42:29, 480--> 00:42:31, 830Apa maksudnya?57500:42:31, 830--> 00:42:36, 430Namun, saya tidak menyesal.57600:42:36, 430--> 00:42:40, 260Saya hanya melakukan tugas saya sebagai Jaksa.57700:42:40, 260--> 00:42:43, 760Jaksa tidak bisa menjadi toleran pada anggota keluarga.57800:42:43, 760--> 00:42:48, 350Meskipun hatiku sakit sedikit, karena aku seorang Jaksa,57900:42:48, 350--> 00:42:51, 740Aku hanya melakukan apa yang harus saya lakukan sebagai Jaksa.58000:42:52, 320--> 00:42:53, 720Saya tidak memiliki apapun menyesal.58100:42:53, 720--> 00:42:57, 690Itu benar. Satu harus harus dihukum jika seseorang melakukan dosa.58200:42:57, 690--> 00:43:00, 590Anda tidak dapat lunak hanya karena anggota keluarga seorang Jaksa.58300:43:00, 590--> 00:43:04, 390I know. I did the right thing, right?58400:43:04,390 --> 00:43:07,550Of course. You did the right thing but58500:43:07,550 --> 00:43:12,140Prosecutor Ha, you don't have any family members.58600:43:12,720 --> 00:43:15,350Oh, that is...58700:43:15,350 --> 00:43:16,900What are you two doing?58800:43:16,900 --> 00:43:19,320-Oh, welcome.-Let me in on the conversation.58900:43:19,320 --> 00:43:21,660Okay. Bring the drinking glass.59000:43:24,040 --> 00:43:25,190Give me a drink too.59100:43:25,190 --> 00:43:29,170Okay, today's main character is here.59200:43:29,170 --> 00:43:30,990Who is the main character?59300:43:30,990 --> 00:43:34,860I was only a puppet that you and Seo Ri Na were controlling from behind the scene.59400:43:34,860 --> 00:43:37,880Hey, how could I control you?59500:43:37,880 --> 00:43:42,060After I met you, you were the one controlled my feelings.59600:43:42,060 --> 00:43:47,650Wow, that's cool. Are you confessing right now?59700:43:47,650 --> 00:43:52,540After I met you, there's not a moment that I didn't think about you.59800:43:52,540 --> 00:43:54,240Be quiet and just drink.59900:43:54,240 --> 00:43:56,420-Okay.-Here.60000:43:56,420 --> 00:43:58,420Cheers.60100:44:01,410 --> 00:44:07,230- Min Hui, we pegged Kang Yeon Woong.- I know.60200:44:07,230 --> 00:44:10,020However, this is not the end.60300:44:10,020 --> 00:44:13,010We have to get Jo Sang Taek.60400:44:13,010 --> 00:44:18,120We have to get Jo Sang Taek so we can reveal their real sins.60500:44:19,340 --> 00:44:24,740- Here. This is the beginning.- Fighting!60600:44:25,920 --> 00:44:28,840Okay, fighting.60700:44:39,470 --> 00:44:41,540But...60800:44:43,960 --> 00:44:47,340I should feel good but60900:44:47,340 --> 00:44:50,660why don't I feel good?61000:44:50,660 --> 00:44:53,390Our jobs are like that.61100:44:53,390 --> 00:44:56,430When we catch the person we are supposed to catch,61200:44:56,430 --> 00:45:00,410we get mixed feelings of good and bad feelings.61300:45:00,410 --> 00:45:05,170That's right. That's the way I feel now.61400:45:05,940 --> 00:45:10,130But because you are with me, I feel consoled.61500:45:10,130 --> 00:45:14,140These days, I am getting more dependent on you,61600:45:14,140 --> 00:45:16,380seeing that I look for only you.61700:45:16,380 --> 00:45:20,060Because you don't have any friend except me.61800:45:20,060 --> 00:45:23,350No. I don't think so.61900:45:24,190 --> 00:45:27,620Do you like the Mask or me?62000:45:27,620 --> 00:45:29,040The Mask.62100:45:29,040 --> 00:45:31,750- Then what about me?- I don't like you.62200:45:31,750 --> 00:45:35,610Ahh...last time, when I kissed you,62300:45:35,610 --> 00:45:39,750you..accepted...it.
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