Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
OCB didefinisikan sebagai "perilaku individu itu discretionary, tidak langsung atau secara eksplisit diakui oleh sistem formal hadiah, dan bahwa dalam agregat mempromosikan efektif fungsi organisasi" (Organ 1988, p. 4). Somech dan Arta atau-Zahavy (2004) menjelaskan OCBC sebagai tindakan mulia, altruistik dan produktif atau perilaku yang ditunjukkan oleh karyawan di dalam sebuah organisasi. OCBC dianggap di antara yang paling diinginkan perilaku di tempat kerja (Lihat, Katz 1964; LePine et al. 2002). Penelitian sebelumnya telah meneliti berbagai individu dan organisasi faktor yang mempengaruhi OCBC. Sebagai contoh, meta analitik penelitian sebelumnya telah menyarankan bahwa faktor-faktor organisasi seperti organisasi keadilan (Colquitt et al. 2001) dan dirasakan organisasi dukungan (Riggle et al. 2009) mempengaruhi perilaku kewarganegaraan antara karyawan. Demikian pula, penelitian terbaru meta analitik juga telah meneliti efek kepribadian faktor pada OCBC (Lihat, Chiaburu et al. 2011; Podsakoff et al. 2009 untuk diskusi).In a similar vein, KSBs are considered to be very critical to a firm’s success (Hooff and Weenen 2004), and scholars have suggested that organizations should encourage and involve their employees in knowledge sharing (see, Andrawina and Govindaraju 2009; O’Dell and Grayson 1998 for discussion). Hooff and Ridder (2004) define knowledge sharing as a procedure or course of action in which a person exchanges his/her knowledge with others and then jointly creates new knowledge. Similarly, Connelly and Kelloway (2003, p. 1) have explained KSBs as “a set of behaviors that involve the exchange of information or assistance to others. It is separate from information sharing, which typically involves management making information on the organization available to employees. While knowledge sharing contains an element of reciprocity, information sharing can be unidirectional and unrequested.”Knowledge sharing is a procedure through which employee knowledge is managed in such a manner that it can be used by individual employees and also by others with a broader understanding, and is thus more useful to the organization; in other words, it can be defined as an individual’s ability to carry out knowledge collection or donation (see, Hooff and Weenen 2004; Ipe 2003). Previous researchers have studied the relationship between KSBs and many other variables including innovative behavior, organizational performance, and innovation capability (see, Lin 2007; Sáenz et al. 2009).
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