Bijzondere waardevermindering evaluatie proces reële waarde optieNiet langer opnemen van tegoedenVorderingen worden ook financiële activa, ze zijn ook een financieel instrument. Vorderingen (vaak aangeduid als leningenenvorderingen) worden vorderingen gehouden tegen klanten en andere voor geld, goederen of dienstenOninbare rekeningen reveivableHelaas, deze situatie vaak treedt niet op. Bijvoorbeeld, kan een klant niet kunnen betalen vanwege een daling van de omzet als gevolg van een teruggang in de economie. Ook kunnen particulieren worden ontslagen uit hun baan of geconfronteerd met onverwachte ziekenhuisrekeningen. Bedrijven opnemen kredietverliezen als afschrijvingen op slechte schulden last (of oninbare rekeningen kosten). Deze verliezen zijn een gebruikelijke en noodzakelijke risico van zakendoen op basis van krediet. Twee metohds worden gebruikt in Accounting voor oninbare accounts: 1 de direct afschrijven van methode en 2 de directe schrijven uit methode voor oninbare accountsonder de directe schrijven uit de methode, wanneer een bedrijf een bepaalde account oninbare, bepaalt laadt het het verlies aan slechte schulden kosten. Stel, bijvoorbeeld, dat op 10 December Cruz co. af als oninbare yusado van 8000 evenwicht schrijft.Uitkering methode voor oninbare accountsDe methode van de vergoeding voor de financiële verslaggeving voor dubieuze debiteuren omvat schatten van oninbare rekeningen aan het einde van elke periode. Dit biedt een betere maatstaf van het inkomen. Het zorgt er ook voor dat ondernemingen staat vorderingen over de verklaring van de financiële positie tegen hun contante realiseerbare waardeIfrs requires the allowance method for financial reporting purposes when bad debts are material in amount. This method has three essential features :1. Companies estimate uncollectible accounts receivable. They record this estimated expense in the same accounting period in which they record the revenue2. Companies debit estimated uncollectibles to bad debt expense and credit them to allowance for doubtful accounts ( a contra asset account) through an adjusting entry at the end of each period3. When companies write off a specific account, they debit actual uncollectibles to allowance for doubtful accounts and credit that amount to accounts receivablesRecording estimated uncollectiblesRecording the write off of an uncollectible accountRecovery of an uncollectible accountBases used for allowance methodTwo bases are used to determine this amount, 1 percentage of sales and percentage of receivablePercentage of sales (income statement) approach. In the percentage of sales approach, management estimates what percentage of credit sales will be uncollectible. This percentage is based on past experience and anticipated credit policyPercentage of receivables ( statement of financial position) approach. Using past experience, a company can estimate the percentage of its outstanding receivables that will become uncollectible, without identifying specific accounts.Recognition of notes receivableCompanies generally record short term notes at face value (less allowances), ignoring the interest implicit in the maturity value. A general rule is that notes treated as cash equivalents (maturities of three months or less and easily converted to cash) are not subject to premium or discount amortization due to materiality considerations)Valuation of notes receivableThe computations and estimations involved in valuing short term notes receivable and in recording bad debt expense and the related allowance exactly parallel that for trade accounts receivable. As a result, companies often use one of the collective assessment methods (percentage of sales or percentage of receivables) to measure possible impairmentsLong term receivables, however, often involve additional estimation problems. For example the value of a note receivable may change over time as a discount or premium is amortized. In addition, because these receivables are outstanding for a number of periods, significant differences between fair value and amortized cost often result. In the case of long term notes receivable, impairment tests are often done on an individual assessment basis rather than on a collective assessment basis. In this situation, impairment losses are measured as the difference between the carrying value of the receivable and the present value of the estimate future cash flows discounted at the original effective interest rateFair value option
Fair value measurement
If companies choose the fair value option, receivables are recorded at fair value, with unrealized holding gains or losses reported as part of net income. An unrealized holding gain or loss is the net change in the fair value of the receivable from one period to another, exclusive of interest revenue recognized but not recorded. As a result, the company reports the receivable at fair value each reporting date. In addition, it reports the change in value as part of net income
Companies may elect to use the fair value option at the time the receivable is originally recognized or when some event triggers a new basis of accounting. If a company elects the fair value option for a receivable, it must continue to use fair value measurement for that receivable until the company no longer owns this receivables. If the company does not elect the fair value option for a given receivable at the date of recognition, it may not use this option on that specific receivable in subsequent periods
Recording fair value option
Derecognition of receivables
Tranfers of receivables
The transfer of receivables to a third party for cash happens in one of two ways
1 secured borrowing
2 sales of receivables
Sale without guarantee
When buying receivables, the purchaser generally assumes the risk of collectibilty and absorbs any credit losses. A sale of this type is often referred to as a sale without guarantee (without recourse) against credit loss. The transfer of receivables in this case is an outright sale of the receivables both in form and substance. As in any sale of assets, the seller debits cash for the proceeds and credits accounts receivable for the face value of the receivables. The seller recognizes the difference, reduced by any provision for probable adjustments (discount, returns, allowances, etc) as a loss on sale receivables. The seller uses a due from factor account to account for the proceeds retained by the factor to cover probable sales discounts, sales returns, and sales allowances
Sale with guarantee
To illustrate a sale of receivables with guarantee against credit loss, assume that crest textiles issues a guarantee to commercial factors to compensate commercial factors for any credit losses on receivables transferred. In this situation, the question is whether the risks and rewards of ownership are transferred to commercial factors or remain with with crest textile. Im other words, is it to be accounted for as a saleor a borrowing
In this case, given that there is a guarantee for all defaults, it appears that the risks and rewards of these receivables still remain with crest textiles. As a result, the transfer is considered a borrowing sometimes referred to as a failed sale. Crest textiles continues to recognize the receivable on its books, and the transaction is treated as a borrowing.
The general rules in classifying receivables are
1. Segregate and report the carrying amounts of the different categories of receivables
2. Indicate the receivables classified as current and non current in the statement of financial position
3. Appropriately offset the valuation accounts for receivables that are impaired , including a discussion of individual and collectively determined impairments
4. Disclose the fair value of receivables in such a way that permits it to be compared with its carrying amount
5. Disclose information to assess the credit risk inherent in the receivables by providing information on :
a. Receivables that are neither past due nor impaired
b. The carrying amount of receivables that would otherwise be past due or impaired, whose terms have been renegotiated
c. For receivables that are either past due or impaired, disclose an analysis of the age of the receivables that are past due as of the end of the reporting period
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