Plato and PythagorasPythagoras, depicted as a medieval scholar in the  terjemahan - Plato and PythagorasPythagoras, depicted as a medieval scholar in the  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Plato and PythagorasPythagoras, dep

Plato and Pythagoras
Pythagoras, depicted as a medieval scholar in the Nuremberg Chronicle

Although Socrates influenced Plato directly as related in the dialogues, the influence of Pythagoras upon Plato also appears to have significant discussion in the philosophical literature. Pythagoras, or in a broader sense, the Pythagoreans, allegedly exercised an important influence on the work of Plato. According to R. M. Hare, this influence consists of three points: (1) The platonic Republic might be related to the idea of "a tightly organized community of like-minded thinkers", like the one established by Pythagoras in Croton. (2) There is evidence that Plato possibly took from Pythagoras the idea that mathematics and, generally speaking, abstract thinking is a secure basis for philosophical thinking as well as "for substantial theses in science and morals". (3) Plato and Pythagoras shared a "mystical approach to the soul and its place in the material world". It is probable that both were influenced by Orphism.[32]

Aristotle claimed that the philosophy of Plato closely followed the teachings of the Pythagoreans,[33] and Cicero repeats this claim: Platonem ferunt didicisse Pythagorea omnia ("They say Plato learned all things Pythagorean").[34] Bertrand Russell, in his A History of Western Philosophy, contended that the influence of Pythagoras on Plato and others was so great that he should be considered the most influential of all Western philosophers.
Plato and Socrates
Main article: Socratic problem
Plato and Socrates in a medieval depiction

The precise relationship between Plato and Socrates remains an area of contention among scholars. Plato makes it clear in his Apology of Socrates, that he was a devoted young follower of Socrates. In that dialogue, Socrates is presented as mentioning Plato by name as one of those youths close enough to him to have been corrupted, if he were in fact guilty of corrupting the youth, and questioning why their fathers and brothers did not step forward to testify against him if he was indeed guilty of such a crime (33d-34a). Later, Plato is mentioned along with Crito, Critobolus, and Apollodorus as offering to pay a fine of 30 minas on Socrates' behalf, in lieu of the death penalty proposed by Meletus (38b). In the Phaedo, the title character lists those who were in attendance at the prison on Socrates' last day, explaining Plato's absence by saying, "Plato was ill." (Phaedo 59b)

Plato never speaks in his own voice in his dialogues. In the Second Letter, it says, "no writing of Plato exists or ever will exist, but those now said to be his are those of a Socrates become beautiful and new" (341c); if the Letter is Plato's, the final qualification seems to call into question the dialogues' historical fidelity. In any case, Xenophon and Aristophanes seem to present a somewhat different portrait of Socrates from the one Plato paints. Some have called attention to the problem of taking Plato's Socrates to be his mouthpiece, given Socrates' reputation for irony and the dramatic nature of the dialogue form.[35]

Aristotle attributes a different doctrine with respect to the Ideas to Plato and Socrates (Metaphysics 987b1–11). Putting it in a nutshell, Aristotle merely suggests that Socrates' idea of forms can be discovered through investigation of the natural world, unlike Plato's Forms that exist beyond and outside the ordinary range of human understanding.
Later life

Plato may have traveled in Italy, Sicily, Egypt and Cyrene, Libya.[36] Said to have returned to Athens at the age of forty, Plato founded one of the earliest known organized schools in Western Civilization on a plot of land in the Grove of Hecademus or Academus.[37] The Academy was a large enclosure of ground about six stadia outside of Athens proper. One story is that the name of the Academy comes from the ancient hero, Academus. Another story is that the name came from a supposed a former owner, a citizen of Athens also named Academus. Yet another account is that it was named after a member of the army of Castor and Pollux, an Arcadian named Echedemus.[38] The Academy operated until it was destroyed by Lucius Cornelius Sulla in 84 BCE. Neoplatonists revived the Academy in the early 5th century, and it operated until AD 529, when it was closed by Justinian I of Byzantium, who saw it as a threat to the propagation of Christianity. Many intellectuals were schooled in the Academy, the most prominent one being Aristotle.[39][40]

Throughout his later life, Plato became entangled with the politics of the city of Syracuse. According to Diogenes Laertius, Plato initially visited Syracuse while it was under the rule of Dionysius.[41] During this first trip Dionysius's brother-in-law, Dion of Syracuse, became one of Plato's disciples, but the tyrant himself turned against Plato. Plato almost faced death, but he was sold into slavery, then Anniceris[42] bought Plato's freedom for twenty minas,[43] and sent him home. After Dionysius's death, according to Plato's Seventh Letter, Dion requested Plato return to Syracuse to tutor Dionysius II and guide him to become a philosopher king. Dionysius II seemed to accept Plato's teachings, but he became suspicious of Dion, his uncle. Dionysius expelled Dion and kept Plato against his will. Eventually Plato left Syracuse. Dion would return to overthrow Dionysius and ruled Syracuse for a short time before being usurped by Calippus, a fellow disciple of Plato.

A variety of sources have given accounts of Plato's death. One story, based on a mutilated manuscript,[44] suggests Plato died in his bed, whilst a young Thracian girl played the flute to him.[45] Another tradition suggests Plato died at a wedding feast. The account is based on Diogenes Laertius's reference to an account by Hermippus, a third-century Alexandrian.[46] According to Tertullian, Plato simply died in his sleep.[46]
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Plato dan PythagorasPythagoras, digambarkan sebagai seorang sarjana abad pertengahan di Nuremberg ChronicleMeskipun Socrates dipengaruhi Plato langsung yang terkait dalam dialog, juga pengaruh Pythagoras Plato juga muncul untuk memiliki diskusi yang signifikan dalam literatur filosofis. Pythagoras, atau dalam arti luas, Pythagorean, diduga dilakukan pengaruh penting pada karya Plato. Menurut R. M. Hare, pengaruh ini terdiri dari tiga poin: (1) Republik Platonis mungkin terkait dengan ide "diselenggarakan Rapat komunitas seperti hati pemikir", seperti yang ditetapkan oleh Pythagoras di Croton. (2) ada bukti bahwa Plato mungkin mengambil dari Pythagoras gagasan bahwa matematika dan, pada umumnya, pemikiran abstrak ialah dasar yang kukuh untuk pemikiran filsafat serta "untuk Tesis substansial dalam ilmu dan moral". (3) Plato dan Pythagoras bersama "pendekatan mistik untuk jiwa dan tempatnya dalam dunia materi". Ini kemungkinan bahwa keduanya telah dipengaruhi oleh Orphism.[32]Aristoteles mengklaim bahwa filsafat Plato erat mengikuti ajaran-ajaran Pythagorean, [33] dan Cicero mengulangi klaim ini: Platonem ferunt didicisse Pythagorea omnia ("mereka mengatakan Plato belajar semua hal Pythagoras").[34] Bertrand Russell, di nya A History of Western filsafat, berpendapat bahwa pengaruh Pythagoras pada Plato dan lain-lain begitu besar bahwa ia harus dipertimbangkan paling berpengaruh dari semua filsuf Barat.Plato dan SocratesArtikel utama: Socrates masalahPlato dan Socrates dalam gambaran abad pertengahanHubungan yang tepat antara Plato dan Socrates tetap wilayah pertengkaran diantara para sarjana. Plato membuatnya jelas dalam nya permintaan maaf Socrates, bahwa ia adalah seorang pengikut setia muda Socrates. Dalam bahwa dialog, Socrates disajikan sebagai rahasia Plato oleh nama sebagai salah satu pemuda tersebut cukup dekat kepadanya untuk dipalsukan, jika ia bahkan bersalah karena merusak pemuda, dan mempertanyakan mengapa ayah dan saudara-saudara mereka lakukan tidak melangkah maju untuk bersaksi terhadap dia jika dia memang bersalah atas kejahatan (33d-34a). Kemudian, Plato disebut Crito, Critobolus, dan Apollodoros seperti menawarkan untuk membayar denda sebesar 30 minas atas nama Socrates, sebagai pengganti hukuman mati diusulkan oleh Meletus (38b). Dalam Phaedo, karakter judul daftar orang-orang yang hadir di penjara pada hari terakhir Socrates, menjelaskan Plato ketiadaan dengan mengatakan, "Plato adalah sakit." (Phaedo 59b)Plato tidak pernah berbicara dalam suaranya sendiri dalam dialog nya. Dalam Surat kedua, ia mengatakan, "ada tulisan Plato ada atau pernah akan ada, tetapi mereka sekarang dikatakan nya adalah dari Socrates menjadi indah dan baru" (341c); Jika huruf Plato, kualifikasi akhir tampaknya mempertanyakan kesetiaan sejarah dialog. Dalam setiap kasus, Xenophon dan Aristophanes tampaknya hadir potret agak berbeda Socrates dari cat Plato satu. Beberapa telah disebut perhatian pada masalah mengambil Plato Socrates untuk menjadi juru bicara nya, diberikan Socrates reputasi untuk ironi dan sifat dramatis bentuk dialog.[35]Aristoteles atribut doktrin yang berbeda terhadap ide-ide Plato dan Socrates (metafisika 987b1-11). Meletakkan itu Singkatnya, Aristoteles hanya menunjukkan bahwa Socrates ide bentuk dapat ditemukan melalui penyelidikan alam, tidak seperti bentuk Plato yang ada di luar dan di luar biasa pemahaman manusia.Kemudian kehidupanPlato telah dijalani di Italia, Sisilia, Mesir dan Cyrene, Libia.[36] Said telah kembali ke Athena pada usia empat puluh, Plato mendirikan salah satu paling awal diketahui terorganisir sekolah dalam peradaban Barat di sebidang tanah di Grove Hecademus atau Academus.[37] Akademi adalah kandang besar tanah tentang enam stadia di luar Athena yang tepat. Satu cerita adalah bahwa nama Akademi berasal dari pahlawan kuno, Academus. Cerita lainnya adalah bahwa nama ini berasal dari seharusnya mantan pemilik, warga Athena juga bernama Academus. Namun account lain adalah bahwa ia dinamai setelah anggota tentara Castor dan Pollux, Arcadian bernama Echedemus.[38] Akademi dioperasikan namun hancur oleh Lucius Cornelius Sulla pada 84 BCE. Neoplatonists dihidupkan kembali Akademi di awal abad ke-5, dan itu dioperasikan hingga 529 AD, ketika itu tertutup oleh Justinianus I dari Byzantium, yang melihat itu sebagai ancaman terhadap penyebaran Kekristenan. Banyak intelektual yang dididik di Akademi, yang paling menonjol satu menjadi Aristoteles.[39][40]Sepanjang hidupnya nanti, Plato menjadi terjerat dengan politik kota Syracuse. Menurut Diogenes Laertius, Plato awalnya dikunjungi Syracuse sementara itu di bawah pemerintahan Dionysius.[41] selama perjalanan Dionysius ini pertama saudara iparnya, Dion Syracuse, menjadi salah satu murid-murid Plato, tetapi tiran dirinya berbalik melawan Plato. Plato hampir menghadapi kematian, tetapi ia dijual untuk menjadi budak, maka Anniceris [42] membeli Plato kebebasan untuk dua puluh minas, [43] dan mengirimnya rumah. Setelah kematian Dionysius's, menurut huruf ketujuh Plato, Dion diminta kembali Plato Syracuse tutor Dionysius II dan membimbingnya untuk menjadi seorang filsuf raja. Dionysius II tampaknya menerima ajaran-ajaran Plato, tapi ia menjadi curiga Dion, pamannya. Dionysius dikeluarkan Dion dan memelihara Plato menentang kehendak-Nya. Akhirnya Plato kiri Syracuse. Dion akan kembali untuk menggulingkan Dionysius dan memerintah Syracuse untuk waktu yang singkat sebelum menjadi dirampas oleh Calippus, sesama murid Plato.KematianBerbagai sumber telah memberikan Plato meninggal. Satu cerita, berdasarkan naskah yang dimutilasi, [44] menunjukkan Plato mati di tempat tidurnya, sementara seorang gadis Thracian dimainkan seruling kepadanya.[39] tradisi menunjukkan Plato meninggal pada pesta pernikahan. Account ini didasarkan pada Diogenes Laertius referensi ke account oleh Hermippus, sebuah abad ke-ketiga Alexandria.[46] sesuai dengan Tertullian, Plato hanya meninggal dalam tidurnya.[46]
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Plato and Pythagoras
Pythagoras, depicted as a medieval scholar in the Nuremberg Chronicle

Although Socrates influenced Plato directly as related in the dialogues, the influence of Pythagoras upon Plato also appears to have significant discussion in the philosophical literature. Pythagoras, or in a broader sense, the Pythagoreans, allegedly exercised an important influence on the work of Plato. According to R. M. Hare, this influence consists of three points: (1) The platonic Republic might be related to the idea of "a tightly organized community of like-minded thinkers", like the one established by Pythagoras in Croton. (2) There is evidence that Plato possibly took from Pythagoras the idea that mathematics and, generally speaking, abstract thinking is a secure basis for philosophical thinking as well as "for substantial theses in science and morals". (3) Plato and Pythagoras shared a "mystical approach to the soul and its place in the material world". It is probable that both were influenced by Orphism.[32]

Aristotle claimed that the philosophy of Plato closely followed the teachings of the Pythagoreans,[33] and Cicero repeats this claim: Platonem ferunt didicisse Pythagorea omnia ("They say Plato learned all things Pythagorean").[34] Bertrand Russell, in his A History of Western Philosophy, contended that the influence of Pythagoras on Plato and others was so great that he should be considered the most influential of all Western philosophers.
Plato and Socrates
Main article: Socratic problem
Plato and Socrates in a medieval depiction

The precise relationship between Plato and Socrates remains an area of contention among scholars. Plato makes it clear in his Apology of Socrates, that he was a devoted young follower of Socrates. In that dialogue, Socrates is presented as mentioning Plato by name as one of those youths close enough to him to have been corrupted, if he were in fact guilty of corrupting the youth, and questioning why their fathers and brothers did not step forward to testify against him if he was indeed guilty of such a crime (33d-34a). Later, Plato is mentioned along with Crito, Critobolus, and Apollodorus as offering to pay a fine of 30 minas on Socrates' behalf, in lieu of the death penalty proposed by Meletus (38b). In the Phaedo, the title character lists those who were in attendance at the prison on Socrates' last day, explaining Plato's absence by saying, "Plato was ill." (Phaedo 59b)

Plato never speaks in his own voice in his dialogues. In the Second Letter, it says, "no writing of Plato exists or ever will exist, but those now said to be his are those of a Socrates become beautiful and new" (341c); if the Letter is Plato's, the final qualification seems to call into question the dialogues' historical fidelity. In any case, Xenophon and Aristophanes seem to present a somewhat different portrait of Socrates from the one Plato paints. Some have called attention to the problem of taking Plato's Socrates to be his mouthpiece, given Socrates' reputation for irony and the dramatic nature of the dialogue form.[35]

Aristotle attributes a different doctrine with respect to the Ideas to Plato and Socrates (Metaphysics 987b1–11). Putting it in a nutshell, Aristotle merely suggests that Socrates' idea of forms can be discovered through investigation of the natural world, unlike Plato's Forms that exist beyond and outside the ordinary range of human understanding.
Later life

Plato may have traveled in Italy, Sicily, Egypt and Cyrene, Libya.[36] Said to have returned to Athens at the age of forty, Plato founded one of the earliest known organized schools in Western Civilization on a plot of land in the Grove of Hecademus or Academus.[37] The Academy was a large enclosure of ground about six stadia outside of Athens proper. One story is that the name of the Academy comes from the ancient hero, Academus. Another story is that the name came from a supposed a former owner, a citizen of Athens also named Academus. Yet another account is that it was named after a member of the army of Castor and Pollux, an Arcadian named Echedemus.[38] The Academy operated until it was destroyed by Lucius Cornelius Sulla in 84 BCE. Neoplatonists revived the Academy in the early 5th century, and it operated until AD 529, when it was closed by Justinian I of Byzantium, who saw it as a threat to the propagation of Christianity. Many intellectuals were schooled in the Academy, the most prominent one being Aristotle.[39][40]

Throughout his later life, Plato became entangled with the politics of the city of Syracuse. According to Diogenes Laertius, Plato initially visited Syracuse while it was under the rule of Dionysius.[41] During this first trip Dionysius's brother-in-law, Dion of Syracuse, became one of Plato's disciples, but the tyrant himself turned against Plato. Plato almost faced death, but he was sold into slavery, then Anniceris[42] bought Plato's freedom for twenty minas,[43] and sent him home. After Dionysius's death, according to Plato's Seventh Letter, Dion requested Plato return to Syracuse to tutor Dionysius II and guide him to become a philosopher king. Dionysius II seemed to accept Plato's teachings, but he became suspicious of Dion, his uncle. Dionysius expelled Dion and kept Plato against his will. Eventually Plato left Syracuse. Dion would return to overthrow Dionysius and ruled Syracuse for a short time before being usurped by Calippus, a fellow disciple of Plato.

A variety of sources have given accounts of Plato's death. One story, based on a mutilated manuscript,[44] suggests Plato died in his bed, whilst a young Thracian girl played the flute to him.[45] Another tradition suggests Plato died at a wedding feast. The account is based on Diogenes Laertius's reference to an account by Hermippus, a third-century Alexandrian.[46] According to Tertullian, Plato simply died in his sleep.[46]
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