Other speciesLimited clinical information exists for other species. In terjemahan - Other speciesLimited clinical information exists for other species. In Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Other speciesLimited clinical infor

Other species
Limited clinical information exists for other species. In dogs,
distemper-like syndrome was described with pyrexia, depression,
dyspnoea and conjunctivitis with purulent ocular-nasal discharge [6].
Severe disease with mortality was also reported. NiV infection was
confirmed by immunohistochemical examination of 1 dead and 1
dying dog from the epidemic area in Malaysia. Both showed histologic
evidence of severe disease [50]. Morbidity in dogs during outbreaks in
Malaysia was interestingly high, with a seroprevalence from 15% up to
46% [8]. Nipah affected cats were observed on farms during outbreaks
in Malaysia and some of these resulted in death [49]. Experimental
intranasal and oral inoculation of cats produced clinical disease
characterized by acute febrile course with respiratory complications
[51]. Fruit bats show no serious signs of infection.
In humans: different pathological features have been observed,
primarily at the level of central nervous system. Confirmed NiV
patients showed marked vasculitis with endothelial damage, up to
cellular lyses, in the arterioles, venules, and capillaries of various
organs. The brain was the most severely affected organ [6]. In one
study, evaluation at autopsy of microscopic features in the CNS showed
necrotic lesions, perivascular cuffing, thrombosis, and vasculitis in 80%
to 90% of the 30 cases examined; endothelial syncytia were present in
27% and meningitis in 57% of the patients [52]. The severity of the CNS
pathology was demonstrated also by Magnetic Resonance Imaging
(MRI) analysis of encephalitis patients in the Malaysian outbreak
[53,54]. Investigations by MRI revealed a pattern similar to ischaemic
infarction caused by obstruction of small cerebral blood vessels.
Patients had multiple small (less than 1 cm in maximum diameter)
bilateral abnormalities within the subcortical and deep white matter;
in some patients, the cortex, brainstem, and
corpus callosum
were also
involved. However, relapse and late-onset cases in Malaysia, and other
outbreaks of Nipah virus in Bangladesh, showed a different pattern of
predominantly confluent cortical lesions [53].
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Spesies lainInformasi terbatas klinis ada untuk spesies lain. Pada anjing, Sindrom diketahui digambarkan dengan Pireksia, depresi, dyspnoea dan konjungtivitis dengan okular-hidung bernanah debit [6]. Parah penyakit dengan kematian juga dilaporkan. NiV infeksi dikonfirmasi oleh pemeriksaan imunohistokimia 1 mati dan 1 sekarat anjing dari daerah epidemi di Malaysia. Keduanya menunjukkan histologis bukti penyakit parah [50]. Morbiditas pada anjing selama wabah di Malaysia adalah menarik tinggi, dengan seroprevalence dari 15% hingga 46% [8]. Nipah terpengaruh kucing diamati di peternakan selama wabah di Malaysia dan beberapa di antaranya mengakibatkan kematian [49]. Eksperimental intranasal dan oral inokulasi kucing diproduksi klinis penyakit ditandai dengan akut demam lapangan dengan pernapasan komplikasi [51]. kelelawar buah menunjukkan tanda-tanda infeksi tidak serius.LesiPada manusia: fitur patologis yang berbeda telah diamati, terutama pada tingkat sistem saraf pusat. NiV dikonfirmasi pasien menunjukkan vaskulitis ditandai dengan endotel kerusakan, hingga lyses seluler, di arteriol, terjadi pada venula, dan kapiler berbagai organ. Otak adalah organ yang paling parah terkena [6]. Di salah satu studi, evaluasi di otopsi mikroskopis fitur dalam SSP menunjukkan lesi nekrotik, perivascular cuffing, trombosis dan vaskulitis 80% 90% dari kasus 30 Diperiksa; syncytia endotel hadir di 27% and meningitis in 57% of the patients [52]. The severity of the CNS pathology was demonstrated also by Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) analysis of encephalitis patients in the Malaysian outbreak [53,54]. Investigations by MRI revealed a pattern similar to ischaemic infarction caused by obstruction of small cerebral blood vessels. Patients had multiple small (less than 1 cm in maximum diameter) bilateral abnormalities within the subcortical and deep white matter; in some patients, the cortex, brainstem, and corpus callosum were also involved. However, relapse and late-onset cases in Malaysia, and other outbreaks of Nipah virus in Bangladesh, showed a different pattern of predominantly confluent cortical lesions [53].
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