Applications1. People who build bridges, railroad tracks, and tall bui terjemahan - Applications1. People who build bridges, railroad tracks, and tall bui Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Applications1. People who build bri

1. People who build bridges, railroad tracks, and tall buildings know
all about expansion and contraction of metals. If you build a
bridge out of very long, solid rods of steel, you’re asking for trouble.
When the outside temperature changes dramatically, these long
sections of steel will buckle and bend due to the expansion and
contraction of the metal. The solution? Make your structure with
many shorter pieces of metal with gaps in between to allow for
expansion and contraction due to temperature changes. Of course,
if you live near the equator and the temperature doesn’t vary
much, go ahead and use those very long sections of metal.
2. Different kinds of metals expand and contract different amounts
in response to a given change in temperature. Knowing that,
clever people have invented what are known as bimetallic strips.
These are just two strips of metal that are fastened together, as
in Figure 4.9.
Figure 4.10
Figure 4.11
Figure 4.12
Figure 4.9
When you heat this bimetallic strip, one
side expands more than the other side. To
see what this is like, put your hands together,
as in Figure 4.10.
Keep your fingertips together but push up
with one of your hands. This is like one side
of the metal expanding faster than the other
side. What happens is that your hands bend
in one direction (see Figure 4.11).
Well, that’s neat, but what does it have to
do with anything? To answer that, go take
the cover off the thermostat in your house
or apartment. Somewhere in there you’ll see
a coiled metal band. That coil is actually
a bimetallic strip. When the temperature
changes, the difference in expansion and contraction
between the two metals in that strip causes the coil to
wind or unwind. This triggers a switch (usually a tube containing
mercury) to turn your furnace or air conditioning
on and off.
If you have a dial-type thermometer (indicator of temperature
goes in a circular path), check out the back of it
and you’ll find the same coiled bimetallic strip.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Applications1. People who build bridges, railroad tracks, and tall buildings knowall about expansion and contraction of metals. If you build abridge out of very long, solid rods of steel, you’re asking for trouble.When the outside temperature changes dramatically, these longsections of steel will buckle and bend due to the expansion andcontraction of the metal. The solution? Make your structure withmany shorter pieces of metal with gaps in between to allow forexpansion and contraction due to temperature changes. Of course,if you live near the equator and the temperature doesn’t varymuch, go ahead and use those very long sections of metal.2. Different kinds of metals expand and contract different amountsin response to a given change in temperature. Knowing that,clever people have invented what are known as bimetallic strips.These are just two strips of metal that are fastened together, asin Figure 4.9.Figure 4.10Figure 4.11Figure 4.12Figure 4.9When you heat this bimetallic strip, oneside expands more than the other side. Tosee what this is like, put your hands together,as in Figure 4.10.Keep your fingertips together but push upwith one of your hands. This is like one sideof the metal expanding faster than the otherside. What happens is that your hands bendin one direction (see Figure 4.11).Well, that’s neat, but what does it have todo with anything? To answer that, go takethe cover off the thermostat in your houseor apartment. Somewhere in there you’ll seea coiled metal band. That coil is actuallya bimetallic strip. When the temperaturechanges, the difference in expansion and contractionbetween the two metals in that strip causes the coil towind or unwind. This triggers a switch (usually a tube containingmercury) to turn your furnace or air conditioningon and off.If you have a dial-type thermometer (indicator of temperaturegoes in a circular path), check out the back of itand you’ll find the same coiled bimetallic strip.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
1. Orang-orang yang membangun jembatan, rel kereta api, dan gedung-gedung tinggi tahu
semua tentang ekspansi dan kontraksi dari logam. Jika Anda membangun sebuah
jembatan dari yang sangat panjang, batang padat baja, Anda meminta masalah.
Ketika perubahan suhu luar dramatis, rute panjang
bagian baja akan gesper dan tikungan karena ekspansi dan
kontraksi logam. Solusi? Membuat struktur Anda dengan
banyak potongan-potongan yang lebih pendek dari logam dengan celah di antara untuk memungkinkan
ekspansi dan kontraksi akibat perubahan suhu. Tentu saja,
jika Anda tinggal di dekat khatulistiwa dan suhu tidak bervariasi
banyak, pergi ke depan dan menggunakan bagian-bagian yang sangat panjang dari logam.
2. Berbagai jenis logam memperluas dan kontrak jumlah yang berbeda
dalam menanggapi perubahan yang diberikan dalam suhu. Mengetahui bahwa,
orang pintar telah menemukan apa yang dikenal sebagai strip bimetal.
Ini hanya dua strip logam yang diikat bersama-sama, seperti
pada Gambar 4.9.
Gambar 4.10
Gambar 4.11
Gambar 4.12
Gambar 4.9
Ketika Anda memanaskan jalur bimetal ini, satu
sisi memperluas lebih dari sisi lain. Untuk
melihat apa ini seperti, meletakkan tangan Anda bersama-sama,
seperti pada Gambar 4.10.
Jauhkan jari Anda bersama-sama tapi mendorong
dengan satu tangan Anda. Ini seperti satu sisi
dari logam memperluas lebih cepat dari yang lain
sisi. Apa yang terjadi adalah bahwa tangan menekuk Anda
dalam satu arah (lihat Gambar 4.11).
Nah, itu rapi, tapi apa harus
dilakukan dengan apa? Untuk menjawab itu, pergi mengambil
penutup off termostat di rumah Anda
atau apartemen. Di suatu tempat di sana Anda akan melihat
sebuah band metal melingkar. Kumparan yang sebenarnya
strip bimetal. Ketika suhu
perubahan, perbedaan dalam ekspansi dan kontraksi
antara dua logam di strip yang menyebabkan kumparan untuk
angin atau bersantai. Hal ini memicu switch (biasanya tabung yang berisi
merkuri) untuk mengubah tungku atau AC
dan mematikan.
Jika Anda memiliki dial-jenis termometer (indikator suhu
berjalan di jalur melingkar), memeriksa belakang itu
dan Anda ' ll menemukan melingkar bimetal sama strip.
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