(Cole, 1991). Cooking loss is one of the most frequently measured para terjemahan - (Cole, 1991). Cooking loss is one of the most frequently measured para Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

(Cole, 1991). Cooking loss is one o

(Cole, 1991). Cooking loss is one of the most frequently measured parameters as an estimate of GF pasta resistance to disintegration upon prolonged boiling (Hormdok and Noomhorm, 2007; Yoenyongbuddhagal and Noomhorn, 2002a, 2002b). Another important measured index is pasta water uptake, which depends on the weakness of starch granules and is related to the amount of starch damage (Yoenyongbuddhagal and Noomhorn, 2002a,
2002b). A large number of instrumental methods have also been developed to measure the textural properties of cooked pasta (Bhattacharya et al., 1999; Hormdok and Noomhorm, 2007). Tensile, cutting, compression tests and texture profile analyses have been frequently performed to evaluate cooked pasta characteris- tics, and parameters such as tensile strength, deformation at rupture, cutting stress, hardness, adhesiveness, springiness and cohesiveness have been extracted (Charutigon et al., 2008; Cole,
1991; Collado and Corke, 1997; Galvez et al., 1994; Yoenyongbuddhagal and Noomhorn, 2002b; Tam et al., 2004).
The purpose of this paper was to determine the cooking behaviour of fourteen commercial GF spaghetti samples, previously investigated for their chemical, biochemical and physical properties in the uncooked state (Mariotti et al., 2011). A durum wheat spaghetti sample of a well known Italian brand was the reference. Proper cooking conditions were adopted and different conven- tional and innovative evaluations (i.e. compression test, creep test) were performed at various cooking times. Investigations on the ultrastructural organization of the uncooked products were also carried out.

2. Experimental

2.1. GF spaghetti samples

Fourteen Italian commercial GF spaghetti samples have been investigated. On the basis of the ingredients declared on the labels, they were divided into four groups as follows: 1) rice spaghetti [R]: R1 (100% rice flour); R2 (rice flour, E-471: mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids); R3 (100% rice flour); R4 (rice flour, 2% rice germ, E-
471); 2) corn spaghetti [C]: C1 (100% corn flour); C2 (100% corn flour); C3 (100% corn flour); 3) corn starch based spaghetti [CS]: CS1 (corn starch, potato starch, inulin, E-471, aroma cardamom); CS2 (corn starch, potato starch, lupin flour, lupin proteins, E-471); CS3 (corn starch, corn flour, rice flour, pea protein isolate, E-471); CS4 (corn starch, potato starch, lupin flour, lupin proteins, E-471);
4) spaghetti prepared with a mixture of rice flour and corn flour, alone or with the addition of other ingredients [M]: M1 (70% rice flour, 29% corn flour, E-471); M2 (corn flour, rice flour, buckwheat flour, yeast, tapioca flour, sunflower flour); M3 (corn flour, rice flour, pea protein isolate, E-471). The addition of E-471 was re- ported for eight brands. All the samples were produced in Italy, with the only exception of R3, imported from Thailand. A durum wheat spaghetti [S] sample, of a well-known Italian brand, was the reference.

2.2. Cooking conditions

Pasta was cooked in boiling mineral water (total dissolved solids ¼ 0.1002 g/L), without salt addition, using a pasta to water ratio of 1e15. Different cooking times were considered, both below and above the optimum cooking time (OCT): 4, 7, 8, 9, 12 min for [R] samples; 4, 8, 9, 11 and 14 min for the other GF samples; 3, 5, 7, 8, 9,
12 min for [S]. The evaluation of pasta characteristics was con- ducted as a function of cooking time, to obtain a more complete description of the cooking quality of a sample; in particular, its behaviour under overcooking conditions was considered for testing the resistance of the sample to hydrothermal disintegration. The
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
(Cole, 1991). Memasak kerugian adalah salah satu parameter yang paling sering diukur sebagai perkiraan GF pasta perlawanan terhadap disintegrasi berdasarkan berkepanjangan mendidih (Hormdok dan Noomhorm, 2007; Yoenyongbuddhagal dan Noomhorn, 2002a, 2002b). Indeks diukur penting lain adalah pengambilan air pasta, yang tergantung pada kelemahan pati dan berhubungan dengan jumlah kerusakan Pati (Yoenyongbuddhagal dan Noomhorn, 2002a,
2002b). Sejumlah besar instrumen metode juga telah dikembangkan untuk mengukur tekstur sifat pasta dimasak (Bhattacharya et al., 1999; Hormdok dan Noomhorm, 2007). Tarik, pemotongan, tes kompresi dan tekstur profile analisis telah sering dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi pasta dimasak characteris-tics, dan parameter seperti kekuatan tarik, deformasi pada pecah, pemotongan stres, kekerasan, kelengketan, springiness dan kekompakan telah diekstraksi (Charutigon et al., 2008; Cole,
1991; Collado dan dirinya sebagai, 1997; Galvez et al., 1994; Yoenyongbuddhagal dan Noomhorn, 2002b; Tam et al., 2004).
tujuan karya ini adalah untuk menentukan perilaku memasak empat belas spaghetti GF commercial sample, sebelumnya diselidiki karena sifat fisik, kimia dan biokimia dalam keadaan mentah (Mariotti et al., 2011). Durum gandum spaghetti sampel merek Italia terkenal adalah referensi. Kondisi memasak yang tepat yang diadopsi dan berbeda mengkonversikannya-mem dan inovatif evaluasi (yaitu kompresi tes, tes creep) dilakukan pada berbagai waktu memasak. Penyelidikan pada organisasi ultra produk mentah mereka juga membawa out.

2. Eksperimental

2.1. GF spaghetti sampel

empat belas Italia komersial GF spaghetti sampel telah menyelidiki. Berdasarkan bahan-bahan yang menyatakan pada label, mereka dibagi menjadi empat kelompok sebagai berikut: 1) beras spaghetti [R]: R1 (beras 100% flour); R2 (beras flour, E-471: mono - dan diglycerides asam lemak); R3 (beras 100% flour); R4 (beras flour, kuman beras 2%, E-
471); 2) jagung spaghetti [C]: C1 (100% jagung flour); C2 (100% jagung flour); C3 (100% jagung flour); 3) jagung Pati berdasarkan spaghetti [CS]: CS1 (tepung jagung, tepung kentang, inulin, E-471, aroma kapulaga); CS2 (tepung jagung, tepung kentang, lupin flour, protein lupin, E-471); CS3 (pati jagung, flour jagung, beras flour, pea protein mengisolasi, E-471); CS4 (tepung jagung, tepung kentang, lupin flour, protein lupin, E-471);
4) spaghetti siap dengan campuran flour beras dan jagung flour, sendiri atau dengan penambahan bahan-bahan lain [M]: M1 (70% beras flour, 29% jagung flour, E-471); M2 (jagung flour, beras flour, soba flour, ragi, tapioka flour, sunflower flour); M3 (jagung flour, flour beras, kacang protein isolat, E-471). Penambahan E-471 adalah re-porting untuk delapan merek. Semua sampel yang diproduksi di Italia, dengan satu-satunya pengecualian dari R3, diimpor dari Thailand. Durum gandum sampel spaghetti [S], merek Italia terkenal, adalah referensi.

2.2. Memasak kondisi

Pasta dimasak dalam mineral air mendidih (total padatan terlarut ¼ 0.1002 g/L), tanpa tambahan garam, menggunakan pasta untuk air rasio dari 1e15. Waktu memasak yang berbeda dianggap, baik di bawah dan di atas yang optimal waktu (OCT) memasak: 4, 7, 8, 9, 12 min untuk sampel [R]; 4, 8, 9, 11 dan 14 min sampel GF lain; 3, 5, 7, 8, 9,
12 min untuk [S]. Evaluasi karakteristik pasta adalah con-menyalurkan sebagai fungsi dari waktu, untuk mendapatkan gambaran yang lebih lengkap kualitas memasak sampel; memasak secara khusus, perilaku kondisi overcooking dianggap untuk pengujian perlawanan sampel untuk hydrothermal disintegrasi. The
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
(Cole, 1991). Cooking loss is one of the most frequently measured parameters as an estimate of GF pasta resistance to disintegration upon prolonged boiling (Hormdok and Noomhorm, 2007; Yoenyongbuddhagal and Noomhorn, 2002a, 2002b). Another important measured index is pasta water uptake, which depends on the weakness of starch granules and is related to the amount of starch damage (Yoenyongbuddhagal and Noomhorn, 2002a,
2002b). A large number of instrumental methods have also been developed to measure the textural properties of cooked pasta (Bhattacharya et al., 1999; Hormdok and Noomhorm, 2007). Tensile, cutting, compression tests and texture profile analyses have been frequently performed to evaluate cooked pasta characteris- tics, and parameters such as tensile strength, deformation at rupture, cutting stress, hardness, adhesiveness, springiness and cohesiveness have been extracted (Charutigon et al., 2008; Cole,
1991; Collado and Corke, 1997; Galvez et al., 1994; Yoenyongbuddhagal and Noomhorn, 2002b; Tam et al., 2004).
The purpose of this paper was to determine the cooking behaviour of fourteen commercial GF spaghetti samples, previously investigated for their chemical, biochemical and physical properties in the uncooked state (Mariotti et al., 2011). A durum wheat spaghetti sample of a well known Italian brand was the reference. Proper cooking conditions were adopted and different conven- tional and innovative evaluations (i.e. compression test, creep test) were performed at various cooking times. Investigations on the ultrastructural organization of the uncooked products were also carried out.

2. Experimental

2.1. GF spaghetti samples

Fourteen Italian commercial GF spaghetti samples have been investigated. On the basis of the ingredients declared on the labels, they were divided into four groups as follows: 1) rice spaghetti [R]: R1 (100% rice flour); R2 (rice flour, E-471: mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids); R3 (100% rice flour); R4 (rice flour, 2% rice germ, E-
471); 2) corn spaghetti [C]: C1 (100% corn flour); C2 (100% corn flour); C3 (100% corn flour); 3) corn starch based spaghetti [CS]: CS1 (corn starch, potato starch, inulin, E-471, aroma cardamom); CS2 (corn starch, potato starch, lupin flour, lupin proteins, E-471); CS3 (corn starch, corn flour, rice flour, pea protein isolate, E-471); CS4 (corn starch, potato starch, lupin flour, lupin proteins, E-471);
4) spaghetti prepared with a mixture of rice flour and corn flour, alone or with the addition of other ingredients [M]: M1 (70% rice flour, 29% corn flour, E-471); M2 (corn flour, rice flour, buckwheat flour, yeast, tapioca flour, sunflower flour); M3 (corn flour, rice flour, pea protein isolate, E-471). The addition of E-471 was re- ported for eight brands. All the samples were produced in Italy, with the only exception of R3, imported from Thailand. A durum wheat spaghetti [S] sample, of a well-known Italian brand, was the reference.

2.2. Cooking conditions

Pasta was cooked in boiling mineral water (total dissolved solids ¼ 0.1002 g/L), without salt addition, using a pasta to water ratio of 1e15. Different cooking times were considered, both below and above the optimum cooking time (OCT): 4, 7, 8, 9, 12 min for [R] samples; 4, 8, 9, 11 and 14 min for the other GF samples; 3, 5, 7, 8, 9,
12 min for [S]. The evaluation of pasta characteristics was con- ducted as a function of cooking time, to obtain a more complete description of the cooking quality of a sample; in particular, its behaviour under overcooking conditions was considered for testing the resistance of the sample to hydrothermal disintegration. The
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