Hi Friend,Have you ever imagined how it feels like to wake up every mo terjemahan - Hi Friend,Have you ever imagined how it feels like to wake up every mo Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Hi Friend,Have you ever imagined ho

Hi Friend,

Have you ever imagined how it feels like to wake up every morning without the alarm beeping sound…

Just thinking of what you want to do today with your friends and family…

And NEVER have to worry about not having enough money to spend, anymore?

Imagine living a life with the certainty of making money online everyday.

You can finally afford vacations with your beloved family 2-3 times a year and and spend most of your time doing what you love doing. Pursuing your hobby and passion.

The truth is, all of these are not merely dreams – if you have achieved personal freedom. 

My name is Patric Chan, the best-selling author of WakeUp Millionaire and The Dialogue, which was featured in CNN recently. If you want to turn your dreams into a reality, to achieve your personal freedom as fast as possible starting from today, then this page may be crucial to you.

You see, I’m blessed that I’ve achieved my personal freedom many years ago. I will share with you how you can achieve it too, so make sure that you read until the end of this page.

I think it’s fair for me to say that to achieve your personal freedom fast, you need to know what is the right path to it – you need a breakthrough now. 

The question is, how can this be achieved fast, as fast as starting from today?

You Need A Breakthrough…
One of the many methods of achieving your personal freedom is none other than internet marketing.

But despite of what you may have heard… you’re wasting too much time on internet marketing if you’re not doing the way it should be done.

On this page, I’ll explain to you the real secret that all internet marketing gurus are using to make their money online, including how they are becoming internet millionaires.

Ironically, it’s the exact same way that they get you to buy their product.

After all, there’s only ONE STRATEGY to achieve permanent success with internet marketing.

And if the gurus tell you differently than this, I can guarantee you they’re not telling you the truth.

I mean, do you realize all of the Internet Marketing Gurus make money by using the SAME STRATEGY, regardless of what product they decide to sell?

All of them have a “list” and make money online using email marketing.

Technically, it starts by sending out emails.

However, by telling you this “secret” in a simple sentence doesn’t do it any justice at all; because it fails to express how valuable it is. So let me give you these remarks….

Take a look at the Guru you admire the most. Now, think carefully – why is he so “successful” in the internet marketing world? If you dig a little deeper, you’ll soon realize it’s because he has a list of subscribers who personally RESPOND to him. Sorry to disappoint you, but he’s not really that magical, awe-inspiring or full of amazing strategies. The core is the LIST.
Facebook’s most valuable asset is probably its database. Isn’t a database a form of mailing list?
As ironic as it sounds, I’m marketing the 4-Week Freedom Formula Coaching Program by promoting offers to my list. And if you have heard this page from someone, that someone’s my Joint Venture partner or perhaps my affiliate – someone who also has a list.
You see, whether you’re doing affiliate marketing or selling your own product, internet marketing boils down to something very simple: LIST MARKETING.

To further reinforce this fact…

Have you ever seen a super affiliate who doesn’t have a list?

I doubt it. It’s his list which makes him a SUPER AFFILIATE who can command 5-figure affiliate commission when he sends out offers to his list. With a list, he can dictate traffic on demand to promote any single affiliate program he likes. That’s the lifestyle you ideally want to have.

Have you ever seen an internet marketing guru who doesn’t have a list?

That will never happen. Here’s a clue – he became an internet marketing guru because he has a list to promote his products and his partner’s products to.

For all these reasons, are you getting the essence of it so far?

Here’s more…

Take, for example, a video marketing guru who sells video marketing courses. Guess how he sells his course (and thousands of copies of it). I’m not surprised at all, it ain’t through video marketing. It’s from his own list and promotion through his joint venture or affiliates’ lists.

Let me point out another thing to you –

The reason why you haven’t made money online or are somehow not making the amount of money you should be is because of these reasons…

You do not have a list or…
The size of your list is too small or…
You do not have a solid and proven system to continue building your list or…
Your list is not responsive to your emails or…
You do not know how to make money with it or…
So don’t waste your time by buying the latest software on how you can get highly ranked in Youtube.com. If you want to quit your job to become an internet millionaire or simply to make some consistent part time income each month, there’s only one strategy you need to master effectively – and that’s list marketing.

Here’s another fact from CNN about how powerful it is with selling stuff online through emails…

In the graph above, you can see the rapid growth of selling stuffs online through emails every year.

As a result of what I am telling you right now, I believe you begin to feel that it’s possible to start an internet business with internet marketing now.

The reality is when you have a list, you have a “golden goose” that you can do whatever you want with.

By the way, this strategy works in almost any niche market, whether it’s a list of people who are interested about fitness, or a list dedicated to internet marketing.

List Building + Email Marketing = List Marketing

Pretty simple formula, right?


If this is true, everyone as well as their dogs would become super affiliates and internet marketing gurus, am I right?

Because it’s actually very complicated to master.

Of course, unless, you have a blueprint and the strategies for it, it’s genuinely easy as pie.

Let’s look at the complexity of it all –

First, you have got to have a webpage where it’s amazingly crafted, structured and designed to attract website visitors wanting you to give you their email addresses. Then there must be some kind of strategy in place to pull traffic to it all day long.

And if you’ve somehow cracked that code, well, what’s next?

Do not be misunderstood that having a list equals to an auto-pilot internet business. It’s only a business when you’ve reached the final level of mastery of knowing exactly how to convert your list into BUYERS and genuine action takers.

Here’s the most interesting part…

Once you’ve reached the final level of mastery, you can make money INSTANTLY every single time when you send out an email.

Here’s an example…

Let’s say you have 10,000 subscribers who are interested in weight loss.

You find a weight loss product that sells for $50 and it’s offering 50% commissions to you as an affiliate. It means, you’ll make $25 per sale. 

so you wrote an email to promote the product and with just a click of a button, it reaches 10,000 people. Your subscribers.

To be very conservative, assuming out of the 10,000 subscribers, only 0.5% of them buy the weight loss product you’ve recommended in your email.

50 subscribers x $25 = $1,250

You’ve just made a nice $2,500 affiliate commissions by just writing and sending an email. Total work involved? Probably 15 minutes or less.

And we’re only talking about sending just ONE email here with just a 0.5%  conversion. What about if you’re emailing 4 times a month, which is just once a week and it converts at 1% instead?

You can be making $10,000 per month by just sending emails, once a week…

This is exactly what I’ve been doing for the past 10 years and now, this luxury is available to you – starting from nothing, to having your own list of active subscribers. You can master the art of list marketing and making money instantly, each time you’re sending out emails. 

You can achieve all of these now.

The 4-Week Freedom Formula Coaching Program

If you want to truly master internet marketing, this is the premier program that I recommend to you - the most comprehensive internet marketing program ever developed, period.

This is the program that reveals the core secret necessary to all internet marketing’s wealth and success.

Unlocking this will literally open up the vault to internet wealth and put you up there, right at the highest food chain of internet marketing – among the super affiliates and gurus.

Even if you’re an experienced marketer, you’ll gain TREMENDOUS value by being part of The Freedom Formula Coaching Program.

Very simple – if you’re a newbie, you’ll be able to get started quickly, and start making money from the internet. If you’re already an experienced marketer, you’ll be able to increase your revenue – whether it’s by 20%, 100% or even 5 times more, it’s up to you on how you’re going to apply my cutting edge strategies.

My strategies have not just been proven for myself, but also for my students and clients.

Freedom Formula Program is about teaching you how to build a quality list, getting it to be responsive and the strategies of list monetization.

It’s the CORE of internet marketing.

But make no mistake, this is NOT a list-building or email marketing course – it’s a program that exists to teach you how to build an internet business with just a list. There are plenty of “list building” courses and email marketing books out there; you can buy those for less than $20 in other places. Most of them are usually theory-based stuff and rehashed content from somewhere else – nothing new.

Freedom Formula Program is a comprehensive 4 weeks coaching program based on the very same strategy that helped me to become an internet millionaire.

With a mailing list, you literally own an
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Hai temanPernahkah Anda membayangkan bagaimana rasanya untuk bangun setiap pagi tanpa alarm suara bip...Hanya berpikir tentang apa yang Anda ingin lakukan hari ini dengan teman dan keluarga Anda...Dan tidak perlu khawatir tidak memiliki cukup uang untuk dibelanjakan, lagi?Bayangkan hidup dengan kepastian membuat uang online setiap hari.Anda akhirnya mampu liburan bersama keluarga tercinta 2 - 3 kali setahun dan dan menghabiskan sebagian besar waktu Anda melakukan apa yang Anda suka lakukan. Mengejar hobi dan gairah.Kebenaran adalah, Semua ini tidak hanya mimpi-jika Anda telah mencapai kebebasan pribadi. Nama saya adalah Patric Chan, penulis terlaris WakeUp jutawan dan The dialog, yang adalah fitur dalam CNN baru-baru ini. Jika Anda ingin mengubah impian Anda menjadi kenyataan, untuk mencapai kebebasan pribadi Anda secepat mungkin mulai dari hari ini, maka Halaman ini mungkin penting untuk Anda.Anda lihat, saya diberkati bahwa aku sudah mencapai kebebasan pribadi saya bertahun-tahun yang lalu. Saya akan berbagi dengan Anda bagaimana Anda dapat mencapai itu juga, jadi pastikan bahwa Anda membaca sampai akhir Halaman ini.Saya pikir adil bagi saya untuk mengatakan bahwa untuk mencapai kebebasan pribadi Anda cepat, Anda perlu tahu apa adalah jalan yang benar untuk itu-Anda membutuhkan sebuah terobosan sekarang. Pertanyaannya adalah, bagaimana ini dapat dicapai cepat, secepat mulai dari hari ini?Anda perlu sebuah terobosan...Salah satu banyak metode mencapai kebebasan pribadi Anda adalah tidak lain dari pemasaran internet.Tapi terlepas dari apa Anda mungkin pernah mendengar... Anda membuang terlalu banyak waktu di internet marketing jika Anda tidak melakukan cara yang harus dilakukan.Pada Halaman ini, saya akan menjelaskan kepada Anda rahasia sebenarnya yang semua internet marketing guru gunakan untuk membuat uang secara online, termasuk bagaimana mereka menjadi jutawan internet.Ironisnya, itu adalah cara yang sama bahwa mereka mendapatkan Anda untuk membeli produk mereka.Setelah semua, ada hanya salah satu strategi untuk mencapai keberhasilan permanen dengan internet marketing.Dan jika guru memberitahu Anda berbeda dari ini, saya dapat menjamin Anda mereka tidak mengatakan Anda kebenaran.Maksudku, Apakah Anda menyadari semua Internet Marketing Guru membuat uang dengan menggunakan strategi yang sama, terlepas dari apa produk yang mereka memutuskan untuk menjual?Mereka semua memiliki "daftar" dan membuat uang online menggunakan email pemasaran.Secara teknis, dimulai dengan mengirimkan email.Namun, dengan mengatakan ini "rahasia" dalam kalimat sederhana tidak melakukannya setiap keadilan sama sekali; karena gagal untuk mengungkapkan betapa berharganya hal ini. Jadi, izinkan saya memberi Anda kata-kata ini...Lihatlah Guru Anda mengagumi yang paling. Sekarang, berpikir hati-hati – Mengapa Apakah dia begitu "berhasil" di internet marketing dunia? Jika Anda menggali sedikit lebih dalam, Anda akan segera menyadari itu adalah karena ia memiliki daftar pelanggan yang secara pribadi menanggapi kepadanya. Maaf mengecewakan Anda, tetapi dia bukanlah hal yang ajaib, menakjubkan atau penuh strategi yang menakjubkan. Inti adalah daftar.Facebook aset yang paling berharga mungkin adalah database-nya. Bukankah database bentuk milis?Ironis kedengarannya, aku 'm pemasaran kebebasan Formula Coaching Program 4-minggu dengan mempromosikan Penawaran ke daftar saya. Dan jika Anda telah mendengar Halaman ini dari seseorang, bahwa seseorang adalah mitra patungan saya atau mungkin saya afiliasi – seseorang yang juga memiliki daftar.Anda lihat, Apakah Anda melakukan afiliasi pemasaran atau menjual produk Anda sendiri, pemasaran internet bermuara pada sesuatu yang sangat sederhana: daftar pemasaran.Untuk lebih memperkuat fakta ini...Apakah Anda pernah melihat afiliasi super yang tidak memiliki daftar?Aku ragu itu. Ini adalah daftar yang membuatnya SUPER afiliasi yang dapat perintah 5-angka afiliasi komisi ketika ia mengirim Penawaran ke daftar nya. Dengan daftar, ia dapat mendikte lalu-lintas pada permintaan untuk mempromosikan program satu afiliasi apapun yang ia suka. Itu adalah gaya hidup yang ideal Anda inginkan.Apakah Anda pernah melihat seorang guru pemasaran internet yang tidak memiliki daftar?Itu tidak akan terjadi. Berikut adalah petunjuk-ia menjadi guru pemasaran internet karena ia memiliki daftar untuk mempromosikan produk dan produk mitra nya.Untuk semua alasan ini, Apakah Anda mendapatkan inti dari itu begitu jauh?Di sini adalah lain...Ambil, misalnya, seorang guru pemasaran video yang menjual video kursus pemasaran. Kira bagaimana dia menjual saja (dan ribuan salinan itu). Aku tidak terkejut sama sekali, itu tidak melalui video pemasaran. Ini dari daftar dan promosi melalui nya patungan atau afiliasi daftar sendiri.Let me point out another thing to you –The reason why you haven’t made money online or are somehow not making the amount of money you should be is because of these reasons…You do not have a list or…The size of your list is too small or…You do not have a solid and proven system to continue building your list or…Your list is not responsive to your emails or…You do not know how to make money with it or…ALL OF THEM.So don’t waste your time by buying the latest software on how you can get highly ranked in Youtube.com. If you want to quit your job to become an internet millionaire or simply to make some consistent part time income each month, there’s only one strategy you need to master effectively – and that’s list marketing.Here’s another fact from CNN about how powerful it is with selling stuff online through emails…In the graph above, you can see the rapid growth of selling stuffs online through emails every year.As a result of what I am telling you right now, I believe you begin to feel that it’s possible to start an internet business with internet marketing now.The reality is when you have a list, you have a “golden goose” that you can do whatever you want with.By the way, this strategy works in almost any niche market, whether it’s a list of people who are interested about fitness, or a list dedicated to internet marketing.List Building + Email Marketing = List MarketingPretty rumus sederhana, benar?SALAH.Jika ini benar, semua orang serta anjing mereka akan menjadi super afiliasi dan internet marketing guru, aku benar?Karena itu sebenarnya sangat rumit untuk menguasai.Tentu saja, kecuali Anda memiliki cetak biru dan strategi untuk itu, hal ini benar-benar mudah sebagai pie.Mari kita lihat kompleksitas dari semua itu-Pertama, Anda harus memiliki sebuah halaman web di mana ia telah luar biasa dibuat, terstruktur dan dirancang untuk menarik pengunjung situs yang ingin Anda untuk memberikan alamat email mereka. Maka harus ada beberapa jenis strategi di tempat untuk menarik lalu lintas ke itu sepanjang hari.Dan jika Anda telah entah bagaimana retak kode, baik, apa berikutnya?Jangan salah paham bahwa memiliki daftar yang sama dengan bisnis internet auto-pilot. Ini adalah hanya sebuah bisnis ketika Anda telah mencapai tingkat akhir penguasaan tahu persis bagaimana untuk mengubah daftar Anda menjadi pembeli dan Taker tindakan asli.Berikut adalah bagian yang paling menarik...Sekali Anda telah mencapai tingkat akhir penguasaan, Anda dapat membuat uang langsung setiap saat ketika Anda mengirim email.Berikut adalah contoh...Katakanlah Anda memiliki 10.000 pelanggan yang tertarik dalam penurunan berat badan.Anda menemukan produk penurunan berat badan yang menjual untuk $50 dan mereka menawarkan Komisi 50% untuk Anda sebagai afiliasi. Artinya, Anda akan membuat $25 per penjualan. Jadi Anda menulis email untuk mempromosikan produk dan dengan hanya satu klik tombol, mencapai 10.000 orang. Pelanggan Anda.To be very conservative, assuming out of the 10,000 subscribers, only 0.5% of them buy the weight loss product you’ve recommended in your email.50 subscribers x $25 = $1,250You’ve just made a nice $2,500 affiliate commissions by just writing and sending an email. Total work involved? Probably 15 minutes or less.And we’re only talking about sending just ONE email here with just a 0.5% conversion. What about if you’re emailing 4 times a month, which is just once a week and it converts at 1% instead?You can be making $10,000 per month by just sending emails, once a week…This is exactly what I’ve been doing for the past 10 years and now, this luxury is available to you – starting from nothing, to having your own list of active subscribers. You can master the art of list marketing and making money instantly, each time you’re sending out emails. You can achieve all of these now.The 4-Week Freedom Formula Coaching ProgramIf you want to truly master internet marketing, this is the premier program that I recommend to you - the most comprehensive internet marketing program ever developed, period.This is the program that reveals the core secret necessary to all internet marketing’s wealth and success.Unlocking this will literally open up the vault to internet wealth and put you up there, right at the highest food chain of internet marketing – among the super affiliates and gurus.Even if you’re an experienced marketer, you’ll gain TREMENDOUS value by being part of The Freedom Formula Coaching Program.Very simple – if you’re a newbie, you’ll be able to get started quickly, and start making money from the internet. If you’re already an experienced marketer, you’ll be able to increase your revenue – whether it’s by 20%, 100% or even 5 times more, it’s up to you on how you’re going to apply my cutting edge strategies.My strategies have not just been proven for myself, but also for my students and clients.Freedom Formula Program is about teaching you how to build a quality list, getting it to be responsive and the strategies of list monetization.It’s the CORE of internet marketing.But make no mistake, this is NOT a list-building or email marketing course – it’s a program that exists to teach you how to build an internet business with just a list. There are plenty of “list building” courses and email marketing books out there; you can buy those for less than $20 in other places. Most of them are usually theory-based stuff and rehashed content from somewhere else – nothing new.Freedom Formula Program is a comprehensive 4 weeks coaching program based on the very same strategy that helped me to become an internet millionaire.With a mailing list, you literally own an
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Hi Friend,

Have you ever imagined how it feels like to wake up every morning without the alarm beeping sound…

Just thinking of what you want to do today with your friends and family…

And NEVER have to worry about not having enough money to spend, anymore?

Imagine living a life with the certainty of making money online everyday.

You can finally afford vacations with your beloved family 2-3 times a year and and spend most of your time doing what you love doing. Pursuing your hobby and passion.

The truth is, all of these are not merely dreams – if you have achieved personal freedom. 

My name is Patric Chan, the best-selling author of WakeUp Millionaire and The Dialogue, which was featured in CNN recently. If you want to turn your dreams into a reality, to achieve your personal freedom as fast as possible starting from today, then this page may be crucial to you.

You see, I’m blessed that I’ve achieved my personal freedom many years ago. I will share with you how you can achieve it too, so make sure that you read until the end of this page.

I think it’s fair for me to say that to achieve your personal freedom fast, you need to know what is the right path to it – you need a breakthrough now. 

The question is, how can this be achieved fast, as fast as starting from today?

You Need A Breakthrough…
One of the many methods of achieving your personal freedom is none other than internet marketing.

But despite of what you may have heard… you’re wasting too much time on internet marketing if you’re not doing the way it should be done.

On this page, I’ll explain to you the real secret that all internet marketing gurus are using to make their money online, including how they are becoming internet millionaires.

Ironically, it’s the exact same way that they get you to buy their product.

After all, there’s only ONE STRATEGY to achieve permanent success with internet marketing.

And if the gurus tell you differently than this, I can guarantee you they’re not telling you the truth.

I mean, do you realize all of the Internet Marketing Gurus make money by using the SAME STRATEGY, regardless of what product they decide to sell?

All of them have a “list” and make money online using email marketing.

Technically, it starts by sending out emails.

However, by telling you this “secret” in a simple sentence doesn’t do it any justice at all; because it fails to express how valuable it is. So let me give you these remarks….

Take a look at the Guru you admire the most. Now, think carefully – why is he so “successful” in the internet marketing world? If you dig a little deeper, you’ll soon realize it’s because he has a list of subscribers who personally RESPOND to him. Sorry to disappoint you, but he’s not really that magical, awe-inspiring or full of amazing strategies. The core is the LIST.
Facebook’s most valuable asset is probably its database. Isn’t a database a form of mailing list?
As ironic as it sounds, I’m marketing the 4-Week Freedom Formula Coaching Program by promoting offers to my list. And if you have heard this page from someone, that someone’s my Joint Venture partner or perhaps my affiliate – someone who also has a list.
You see, whether you’re doing affiliate marketing or selling your own product, internet marketing boils down to something very simple: LIST MARKETING.

To further reinforce this fact…

Have you ever seen a super affiliate who doesn’t have a list?

I doubt it. It’s his list which makes him a SUPER AFFILIATE who can command 5-figure affiliate commission when he sends out offers to his list. With a list, he can dictate traffic on demand to promote any single affiliate program he likes. That’s the lifestyle you ideally want to have.

Have you ever seen an internet marketing guru who doesn’t have a list?

That will never happen. Here’s a clue – he became an internet marketing guru because he has a list to promote his products and his partner’s products to.

For all these reasons, are you getting the essence of it so far?

Here’s more…

Take, for example, a video marketing guru who sells video marketing courses. Guess how he sells his course (and thousands of copies of it). I’m not surprised at all, it ain’t through video marketing. It’s from his own list and promotion through his joint venture or affiliates’ lists.

Let me point out another thing to you –

The reason why you haven’t made money online or are somehow not making the amount of money you should be is because of these reasons…

You do not have a list or…
The size of your list is too small or…
You do not have a solid and proven system to continue building your list or…
Your list is not responsive to your emails or…
You do not know how to make money with it or…
So don’t waste your time by buying the latest software on how you can get highly ranked in Youtube.com. If you want to quit your job to become an internet millionaire or simply to make some consistent part time income each month, there’s only one strategy you need to master effectively – and that’s list marketing.

Here’s another fact from CNN about how powerful it is with selling stuff online through emails…

In the graph above, you can see the rapid growth of selling stuffs online through emails every year.

As a result of what I am telling you right now, I believe you begin to feel that it’s possible to start an internet business with internet marketing now.

The reality is when you have a list, you have a “golden goose” that you can do whatever you want with.

By the way, this strategy works in almost any niche market, whether it’s a list of people who are interested about fitness, or a list dedicated to internet marketing.

List Building + Email Marketing = List Marketing

Pretty simple formula, right?


If this is true, everyone as well as their dogs would become super affiliates and internet marketing gurus, am I right?

Because it’s actually very complicated to master.

Of course, unless, you have a blueprint and the strategies for it, it’s genuinely easy as pie.

Let’s look at the complexity of it all –

First, you have got to have a webpage where it’s amazingly crafted, structured and designed to attract website visitors wanting you to give you their email addresses. Then there must be some kind of strategy in place to pull traffic to it all day long.

And if you’ve somehow cracked that code, well, what’s next?

Do not be misunderstood that having a list equals to an auto-pilot internet business. It’s only a business when you’ve reached the final level of mastery of knowing exactly how to convert your list into BUYERS and genuine action takers.

Here’s the most interesting part…

Once you’ve reached the final level of mastery, you can make money INSTANTLY every single time when you send out an email.

Here’s an example…

Let’s say you have 10,000 subscribers who are interested in weight loss.

You find a weight loss product that sells for $50 and it’s offering 50% commissions to you as an affiliate. It means, you’ll make $25 per sale. 

so you wrote an email to promote the product and with just a click of a button, it reaches 10,000 people. Your subscribers.

To be very conservative, assuming out of the 10,000 subscribers, only 0.5% of them buy the weight loss product you’ve recommended in your email.

50 subscribers x $25 = $1,250

You’ve just made a nice $2,500 affiliate commissions by just writing and sending an email. Total work involved? Probably 15 minutes or less.

And we’re only talking about sending just ONE email here with just a 0.5%  conversion. What about if you’re emailing 4 times a month, which is just once a week and it converts at 1% instead?

You can be making $10,000 per month by just sending emails, once a week…

This is exactly what I’ve been doing for the past 10 years and now, this luxury is available to you – starting from nothing, to having your own list of active subscribers. You can master the art of list marketing and making money instantly, each time you’re sending out emails. 

You can achieve all of these now.

The 4-Week Freedom Formula Coaching Program

If you want to truly master internet marketing, this is the premier program that I recommend to you - the most comprehensive internet marketing program ever developed, period.

This is the program that reveals the core secret necessary to all internet marketing’s wealth and success.

Unlocking this will literally open up the vault to internet wealth and put you up there, right at the highest food chain of internet marketing – among the super affiliates and gurus.

Even if you’re an experienced marketer, you’ll gain TREMENDOUS value by being part of The Freedom Formula Coaching Program.

Very simple – if you’re a newbie, you’ll be able to get started quickly, and start making money from the internet. If you’re already an experienced marketer, you’ll be able to increase your revenue – whether it’s by 20%, 100% or even 5 times more, it’s up to you on how you’re going to apply my cutting edge strategies.

My strategies have not just been proven for myself, but also for my students and clients.

Freedom Formula Program is about teaching you how to build a quality list, getting it to be responsive and the strategies of list monetization.

It’s the CORE of internet marketing.

But make no mistake, this is NOT a list-building or email marketing course – it’s a program that exists to teach you how to build an internet business with just a list. There are plenty of “list building” courses and email marketing books out there; you can buy those for less than $20 in other places. Most of them are usually theory-based stuff and rehashed content from somewhere else – nothing new.

Freedom Formula Program is a comprehensive 4 weeks coaching program based on the very same strategy that helped me to become an internet millionaire.

With a mailing list, you literally own an
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