The results of the path analysis are also presented in Table indicatin terjemahan - The results of the path analysis are also presented in Table indicatin Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The results of the path analysis ar

The results of the path analysis are also presented in Table indicating support for all the hypotheses. The results support Hypothesis 1, which states that Total Quality Management (TQM) practices has significant effect toward organizational performance. The standardized coefficient is 0.285, which is statistically significant at Prob. < 0.05 (t =3.471). The statistical significance of Hypothesis 1 confirms that the implementation TQM practices may directly improve an organization’s financial and marketing performances in the long run period.

Hypothesis 2 is also supported, which indicates that Total Quality Management (TQM) practices have significant effect toward competitive advantage. The standardized coefficient is 0.522, which is statistically significant at Prob. < 0.05 (t =7.540). The implementation of TQM practices may provide the organization a competitive advantage on cost, dependability, innovation, and time to market dimensions. The results also


TQM Practices, Competitive Advantage and Organizational Performance

indicate that competitive advantage has significant effect toward organizational performance. So, higher levels of competitive advantage may lead to improved organizational performance. Therefore this finding has confirms Hypothesis 3. The standardized coefficient is 0.399 which is statistically significant at Prob. < 0.05 (t =5.580).

Furthermore, the standardized coefficient of the indirect effect of the TQM practices toward organizational performance is 0.208 (t =2.230), which is significant at 0.05 level. An analysis from Table III shows that the TQM practices have direct and positive influence on organizational performance as well as an indirect one through the competitive advantage.

The results show that organizational performance is more influenced by competitive advantage than TQM practices. These finding indicates that TQM practices produce competitive advantage to the organization in the first place, then competitive advantage will improve the organizational performance in the second place.

Generally, top management and quality managers in these companies regarded TQM as the first priority for the survival of the company. Quality management is defined as one element of operations management and as a management method designed to reach organizational objectives more efficiently, thus enhancing the quality of business resources as well as the competitiveness and vitality of the organization (Krajewski et al., 2006).

If TQM practices are implemented properly, it produces variety of benefits such as understanding customers’ needs, improved customer satisfaction, improved internal communication, better problem solving and fewer errors. The success of TQM program can increase when its implementation is extended to the overall company. Thus, effective implementation of TQM is valuable asset in each organization. TQM practices can produce important competitive capabilities and become important source of competitive advantage. Implementing TQM practices as a competitive weapon can improve the competitive advantage and organizational performance gradually.

These findings were in line with previous studies. In the literature, TQM practice, mostly, has been linked directly to organizational performance (Terziovski and Samson, 1999; Sila and Ibrahimpour, 2005; Demirbag et al., 2006; Lakhal et al., 2006; Li et al., 2006). The findings of this research also indicate the presence of an intermediate role of competitive advantage between TQM practices and organizational performance.

6. Conclusion

The aim of this study was to test the impact of TQM practices on competitive advantage and organizational performance at fishery companies in South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. TQM practices have positive and significant effect toward organizational performance and competitive advantage. Competitive advantage has positive and significant effect toward organizational performance. Therefore, organizational performance is more influenced by competitive advantage than TQM practices. TQM practices provide best explanation in improving organizational performance through competitive advantage dimensions such as price or cost, delivery, innovation and time to market. The better competitive advantage can produce best performance.



7. Suggestions, Limitations and Future Directions

The role of top management is important factor in implementing TQM in organization. Therefore, the success or fail of TQM practices implementation in organization is part of top management responsibility. Quality improvement program not only emphasize the commitment of top management, but also employee involvement, and other TQM practices dimensions. Managers have to responsible in determining appropriate organization capabilities to support their competitive advantage. Besides that, managers should also determine quality policy and develop specific measurable goals to meet customer expectations and improve their organizations performance.

These research finding indicate the number of factors can mediate TQM practices and organizational performance relationship. Although this study establishes relationship among TQM practices, competitive advantage and organizational performance, other factors such as size, organizational culture, innovative capacities and market orientation of sample firms may also have some impact on organizational performance. Market orientation, consumer satisfaction, organizational culture and level of innovation seem to be highly relevant to TQM practices implementation and performance for further research on manufacturing companies. Thus, this study focused on manufacturing companies. So, the next research also could be carried forward with a focus on service companies in order to obtain more specific results
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The results of the path analysis are also presented in Table indicating support for all the hypotheses. The results support Hypothesis 1, which states that Total Quality Management (TQM) practices has significant effect toward organizational performance. The standardized coefficient is 0.285, which is statistically significant at Prob. < 0.05 (t =3.471). The statistical significance of Hypothesis 1 confirms that the implementation TQM practices may directly improve an organization’s financial and marketing performances in the long run period.Hypothesis 2 is also supported, which indicates that Total Quality Management (TQM) practices have significant effect toward competitive advantage. The standardized coefficient is 0.522, which is statistically significant at Prob. < 0.05 (t =7.540). The implementation of TQM practices may provide the organization a competitive advantage on cost, dependability, innovation, and time to market dimensions. The results also193 TQM Practices, Competitive Advantage and Organizational Performanceindicate that competitive advantage has significant effect toward organizational performance. So, higher levels of competitive advantage may lead to improved organizational performance. Therefore this finding has confirms Hypothesis 3. The standardized coefficient is 0.399 which is statistically significant at Prob. < 0.05 (t =5.580).Furthermore, the standardized coefficient of the indirect effect of the TQM practices toward organizational performance is 0.208 (t =2.230), which is significant at 0.05 level. An analysis from Table III shows that the TQM practices have direct and positive influence on organizational performance as well as an indirect one through the competitive advantage.The results show that organizational performance is more influenced by competitive advantage than TQM practices. These finding indicates that TQM practices produce competitive advantage to the organization in the first place, then competitive advantage will improve the organizational performance in the second place.Generally, top management and quality managers in these companies regarded TQM as the first priority for the survival of the company. Quality management is defined as one element of operations management and as a management method designed to reach organizational objectives more efficiently, thus enhancing the quality of business resources as well as the competitiveness and vitality of the organization (Krajewski et al., 2006).If TQM practices are implemented properly, it produces variety of benefits such as understanding customers’ needs, improved customer satisfaction, improved internal communication, better problem solving and fewer errors. The success of TQM program can increase when its implementation is extended to the overall company. Thus, effective implementation of TQM is valuable asset in each organization. TQM practices can produce important competitive capabilities and become important source of competitive advantage. Implementing TQM practices as a competitive weapon can improve the competitive advantage and organizational performance gradually.These findings were in line with previous studies. In the literature, TQM practice, mostly, has been linked directly to organizational performance (Terziovski and Samson, 1999; Sila and Ibrahimpour, 2005; Demirbag et al., 2006; Lakhal et al., 2006; Li et al., 2006). The findings of this research also indicate the presence of an intermediate role of competitive advantage between TQM practices and organizational performance.6. ConclusionThe aim of this study was to test the impact of TQM practices on competitive advantage and organizational performance at fishery companies in South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. TQM practices have positive and significant effect toward organizational performance and competitive advantage. Competitive advantage has positive and significant effect toward organizational performance. Therefore, organizational performance is more influenced by competitive advantage than TQM practices. TQM practices provide best explanation in improving organizational performance through competitive advantage dimensions such as price or cost, delivery, innovation and time to market. The better competitive advantage can produce best performance.194 Munizu7. Suggestions, Limitations and Future DirectionsThe role of top management is important factor in implementing TQM in organization. Therefore, the success or fail of TQM practices implementation in organization is part of top management responsibility. Quality improvement program not only emphasize the commitment of top management, but also employee involvement, and other TQM practices dimensions. Managers have to responsible in determining appropriate organization capabilities to support their competitive advantage. Besides that, managers should also determine quality policy and develop specific measurable goals to meet customer expectations and improve their organizations performance.These research finding indicate the number of factors can mediate TQM practices and organizational performance relationship. Although this study establishes relationship among TQM practices, competitive advantage and organizational performance, other factors such as size, organizational culture, innovative capacities and market orientation of sample firms may also have some impact on organizational performance. Market orientation, consumer satisfaction, organizational culture and level of innovation seem to be highly relevant to TQM practices implementation and performance for further research on manufacturing companies. Thus, this study focused on manufacturing companies. So, the next research also could be carried forward with a focus on service companies in order to obtain more specific results
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Hasil analisis jalur juga disajikan dalam Tabel menunjukkan dukungan untuk semua hipotesis. Hasil dukungan Hipotesis 1, yang menyatakan bahwa Total Quality Management (TQM) praktek berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja organisasi. Koefisien standar adalah 0,285, yang secara statistik signifikan pada Prob. <0,05 (t = 3,471). Signifikansi statistik Hipotesis 1 menegaskan bahwa praktek pelaksanaan TQM dapat langsung meningkatkan kinerja keuangan dan pemasaran organisasi dalam periode jangka panjang. Hipotesis 2 juga didukung, yang menunjukkan bahwa Total Quality Management (TQM) praktek berpengaruh signifikan terhadap keunggulan kompetitif. Koefisien standar adalah 0,522, yang secara statistik signifikan pada Prob. <0,05 (t = 7,540). Pelaksanaan praktek TQM dapat memberikan organisasi keunggulan kompetitif biaya, kehandalan, inovasi, dan waktu untuk dimensi pasar. Hasil ini juga 193 TQM Praktek, Keunggulan Kompetitif dan Kinerja Organisasi menunjukkan bahwa keunggulan kompetitif berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja organisasi. Jadi, tingkat yang lebih tinggi dari keunggulan kompetitif dapat menyebabkan peningkatan kinerja organisasi. Oleh karena itu temuan ini memiliki menegaskan Hipotesis 3. Koefisien standar adalah 0,399 yang secara statistik signifikan pada Prob. <0,05 (t = 5,580). Selanjutnya, koefisien standar dari efek tidak langsung dari praktik TQM terhadap kinerja organisasi adalah 0,208 (t = 2.230), yang signifikan pada tingkat 0,05. Sebuah analisis dari Tabel III menunjukkan bahwa praktik TQM memiliki pengaruh langsung dan positif terhadap kinerja organisasi serta tidak langsung melalui salah satu keunggulan kompetitif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kinerja organisasi lebih banyak dipengaruhi oleh keunggulan kompetitif dari praktek TQM. Temuan ini menunjukkan bahwa praktik TQM menghasilkan keunggulan kompetitif untuk organisasi di tempat pertama, maka keunggulan kompetitif akan meningkatkan kinerja organisasi di tempat kedua. Secara umum, manajemen dan kualitas manajer puncak di perusahaan-perusahaan ini dianggap TQM sebagai prioritas pertama untuk kelangsungan hidup perusahaan. Manajemen mutu didefinisikan sebagai salah satu unsur manajemen operasi dan sebagai metode manajemen yang dirancang untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi yang lebih efisien, sehingga meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya bisnis serta daya saing dan vitalitas organisasi (Krajewski et al., 2006). Jika praktik TQM diimplementasikan dengan baik, menghasilkan berbagai manfaat seperti memahami kebutuhan pelanggan, kepuasan pelanggan yang meningkat, meningkatkan komunikasi internal, pemecahan masalah dan kesalahan lebih sedikit lebih baik. Keberhasilan program TQM dapat meningkatkan ketika pelaksanaannya diperluas ke perusahaan secara keseluruhan. Dengan demikian, pelaksanaan yang efektif dari TQM adalah aset berharga dalam setiap organisasi. Praktek TQM dapat menghasilkan kemampuan kompetitif penting dan menjadi sumber penting dari keunggulan kompetitif. Menerapkan praktek TQM sebagai senjata kompetitif dapat meningkatkan keunggulan kompetitif dan kinerja organisasi secara bertahap. Temuan ini sejalan dengan penelitian sebelumnya. Dalam literatur, praktik TQM, sebagian besar, telah dikaitkan langsung dengan kinerja organisasi (Terziovski dan Samson, 1999; Sila dan Ibrahimpour, 2005; Demirbag et al, 2006;. Lakhal et al, 2006;.. Li et al, 2006) . Temuan penelitian ini juga menunjukkan adanya peran antara keunggulan kompetitif antara praktek TQM dan kinerja organisasi. 6. Kesimpulan Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji dampak dari praktek TQM pada keunggulan kompetitif dan kinerja organisasi di perusahaan perikanan di Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia. Praktek TQM berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja organisasi dan keunggulan kompetitif. Keunggulan kompetitif berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja organisasi. Oleh karena itu, kinerja organisasi lebih banyak dipengaruhi oleh keunggulan kompetitif dari praktek TQM. Praktik TQM memberikan penjelasan terbaik dalam meningkatkan kinerja organisasi melalui dimensi keunggulan kompetitif seperti harga atau biaya, pengiriman, inovasi dan waktu ke pasar. Keunggulan kompetitif yang lebih baik dapat menghasilkan kinerja terbaik. 194 Munizu 7. Saran, Keterbatasan dan Arah Masa Depan Peran manajemen puncak merupakan faktor penting dalam melaksanakan TQM dalam organisasi. Oleh karena itu, keberhasilan atau gagal praktik TQM implementasi dalam organisasi merupakan bagian dari tanggung jawab manajemen puncak. Program peningkatan kualitas tidak hanya menekankan komitmen manajemen puncak, tetapi juga keterlibatan karyawan, dan praktik TQM lainnya dimensi. Manajer harus bertanggung jawab dalam menentukan kemampuan organisasi yang tepat untuk mendukung keunggulan kompetitif mereka. Selain itu, manajer juga harus menentukan kebijakan mutu dan mengembangkan tujuan yang terukur khusus untuk memenuhi harapan pelanggan dan meningkatkan kinerja organisasi mereka. Penelitian Temuan ini menunjukkan sejumlah faktor dapat menengahi praktek TQM dan hubungan kinerja organisasi. Meskipun studi ini menetapkan hubungan antara praktek TQM, keunggulan kompetitif dan kinerja organisasi, faktor-faktor lain seperti ukuran, budaya organisasi, kapasitas inovatif dan orientasi pasar dari perusahaan sampel juga mungkin memiliki beberapa dampak pada kinerja organisasi. Orientasi pasar, kepuasan konsumen, budaya organisasi dan tingkat inovasi tampaknya sangat relevan dengan pelaksanaan dan kinerja praktik TQM untuk penelitian lebih lanjut tentang perusahaan manufaktur. Dengan demikian, penelitian ini difokuskan pada perusahaan manufaktur. Jadi, penelitian selanjutnya juga bisa dilakukan ke depan dengan fokus pada perusahaan jasa untuk mendapatkan hasil yang lebih spesifik

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