1. INTRODUCTION1.1 The ProjectPT Krakatau Osaka Steel (hereinafter ref terjemahan - 1. INTRODUCTION1.1 The ProjectPT Krakatau Osaka Steel (hereinafter ref Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

1. INTRODUCTION1.1 The ProjectPT Kr


1.1 The Project

PT Krakatau Osaka Steel (hereinafter referred to as "PT KOS") desires to construct new plant (hereinafter referred to as the "Project") that consists of rolling mill equipment, water treatment facility, billet stockyard and product warehouse, to produce the total of 500,000 (five hundred thousand) tons per year of plain/deformed bar, small section, and flat bar to be supplied to construction and manufacturing industry in and/or outside Indonesia. To realize the Project, PT KOS requests the qualified bidder (the "Bidder") to execute a building construction works including designing of the Project.

1.2 Eligible Bidder

The qualified Bidder, shall be a recognized building construction company with designing capability who has track record in last 5 years, or an construction company with designing capability who has track record in engaging of general construction company. Company Grade classification 7 for construction . The Bidders shall submit reference or report as evidence for above qualifications.

1.3 Bidding System

The Bidding system for the tender on the scope, terms and conditions as described in this Bidding Documents, shall be carried out using the procedure set out in Section 5 hereof.


2.1. Basic Requirements

a. To bid the Project, the Bidder shall fulfil PT KOS’ requirement that the plant with the criteria high qualified construction company with designing capability.
b. The Bidder shall be responsible for the design and construction of the building for the Project (hereinafter referred to as “Object”).
2.2. Scope

The Project is to be executed on the basis of purchase contract in accordance with what to be elaborated in Bidding Document Volume II- Master Construction Contract

Agreement and Volume III- General Technical Specification and Technical Specification. The construction of the Object shall consist of, but not limited to, followings :
• Designing Work

- Civil Drawing

- Building Drawing

• Civil Work :

- Foundation for Main Equipment

- installation of Water Treatment

- Floor pavement

• Building :

- Main buildings

- Foundation for building

- Electrical Cabin

- Office

- Other

2.3. Price

The price quoted for the Project shall be in Indonesian Rupiah in full amount, calculated to cover all the costs and any associated costs and expenses in relation to performing the scope specified in Section 2.2, and including any rise or suspected rise in costs, which costs shall collectively constitute the Lump Sum Basis.
The price quoted for the Project shall be considered basic terms of payment as below:

Payment Progress
Advanced payment 10% 0%
Payment Progress 1 20% 20%
Payment Progress 2 20% 40%
Payment Progress 3 20% 60%
Payment Progress 4 20% 80%
Final Acceptance 10% 100%
Total 100%


3.1. Bidding Documents

All scope of work to be executed, including the terms, requirements and condition required for the performance of the Project are specified and elaborated in the following bidding documents:
• Volume I : Instruction to Bidder (ITB)

• Volume II : Master Construction Contract Agreement (MCCA)

• Volume III :General Technical Specification (GTS) and Technical Specification (TPS)
(Volume I to Volume III referred to the above shall be collectively referred to as the “Bidding Documents”)
The Bidder are expected to carefully examine the Bidding Documents, including any and all instructions, forms, terms, and specifications referred to therein. Failure to furnish all information required under the Bidding Documents or submission of the Bid in accordance with the Bidding Documents in every material respects may result in the rejection of the Bid. The Bidders shall be bound to all instructions and conditions described in this Volume I of Bidding Documents including any amendment(s) as depicted in Section 3.3 below.
The Bidding Documents will be distributed in hard copy and/or soft copy. In the event that there is any discrepancy, whatsoever, between the hard copy and the soft copy, the hard copy version shall prevail.

3.2. Distribution and Confidentiality of Bidding Documents

The Bidding Documents Volume I, Volume II and Volume III are for the Bidders only. Each of the Bidding Documents must be treated as confidential and shall not be disclosed to any party other than the respective recipient. The Bidding Documents are available to be collected by the Bidders or their authorized representatives at PT KOS Tender Committee office at the address specified in Section 8 hereof.

3.3. Amendment of Bidding Documents

At any time prior to the Bid submission, PT KOS may, for whatever reasons, whether at its sole discretion or in response to a clarification requested by the Bidders, amend, alter or otherwise supplement any of the Bidding Documents.

The amendment, alteration or supplement to the Bidding Documents shall constitute an integral and inseparable part to the Bidding Documents referred to Section 3.1, and will be notified in writing or by e-mail to all Bidders who have received the Bidding Documents, and the Bidders will be bound by such terms.
In order to provide sufficient and reasonable time for the Bidders to take into account in preparing their Bids resulting from such amendment, PT KOS may, at its sole discretion, extend the date of the submission of Bidding Documents and the Bidding Schedule referred to in Section 5.7.

4.1. Language of Bid

The bids (including the bid proposal) prepared by the Bidders, and all correspondence and documents submitted or made in relation to the bids exchanged by the Bidders and PT KOS, shall be in English. Any printed literature submitted by the Bidders to PT KOS may be written in another language, provided that this literature is accompanied by an accurate English translation, in which case, for purposes of interpretation, the English translation shall govern.
4.2. Documents to be prepared by the Bidders

To participate in the bid, the Bidders are required to prepare the following documents to be submitted to PT KOS :
• Envelope-1, consists of:

1) Administrative and Legal Documents, comprising:

a. The audited Financial Statement for the last 3 years.

b. Statement letter of No Bankruptcy from the Company (using the form in Attachment F).
c. Statement letter of No Conflict of Interest from the Company (using the form in Attachment G).
d. Statement letter of Good Corporate Governance practice from the Company (using the form in Attachment H).
e. Confidentiality and Nondisclosure Agreement (using the form in Attachment I).
Documents (a) to (e) shall be provided by all Bidders.

2) Technical Documents, compromising:

Designated necessary technical documents in General Technical Specification, Technical Specification and Master Construction Contract Agreement.
3) Commercial Condition Deviation Documents, comprising:

Deviation against Volume II - Master Construction Contract Agreement.

4) Project Documentations, consist of :

1. Organization chart of the site personnel.

2. Schedule of work.

3. Company’s track record in similar project (evidenced by a part copy of the related contract).

• Envelope-2, contains of:

1) Proposal Letter (using the format of the Attachment A-2).

2) Summary of Price (using the format of the Attachment-B).

3) Bill of Quantities (using the format of the Attachment-C).

4.3. Bid Costs

The costs incurred by the Bidder in connection with the preparation of the bid shall be borne by their own accounts and shall not be reimbursable by PT KOS.


5.1 Bid Explanation Meeting for the Bidders

The Bidders will be invited for a bid explanation meeting at PT KOS office or other place designated by PT KOS, to explain any and all issues, inquiries or any other additional information arising in relation to the matters contained in the Bidding Documents.
The Bidders are advised to make site inspection and data collection relating to Bidding Documents which are necessarily required for preparing the bid.
After the bid explanation meeting, the Bidder who requires any further information or explanation of the Bidding Documents may notify PT KOS in writing or by e-mail at described address in Section 8 at the latest 3 (three) working days after the end of the bid explanation meeting referred to in Section 5.7 hereof. PT KOS will respond in writing or by e-mail to any request for information or explanation of the Bidding

Documents that it receives, no later than 5 (five) working days upon the receipt of such inquiries. Such response (including an explanation of the query) will be sent by mail or by e-mail to all Bidders who have received the Bidding Documents.
If the Bidder requires any translators (English or Indonesian) during the bid explanation meeting, the Bidder shall provide their own translators and at their own costs.
5.2 Bids Submission

The Bidder shall submit the Bidding Document in full conformity with the requirements as stipulated in Section 4 and submitted to PT KOS Tender Committee in the manner as follows:
1) Envelope-1 regarding Administrative, Legal, Technical and Commercial condition deviation Documents is able to be submitted by e-mail to designated e-mail address.
2) If Envelope-1 submission to be used hard copy , the original shall be submitted in non-transparent sealed envelope with the mark “BUILDING CONSTRUCTION OF BAR AND SMALL SECTION MILL – PT KRAKATAU OSAKA
STEEL”, and additional 2 (two) sets of softcopy shall be provided in compact

discs. In the event there is any discrepancy between the hard copy and the soft copy, the hard copy version shall prevail.
Any bid received by PT KOS Tender Committee after the submission date as stipulated in Section 5.7. will be rejected.
The Bidders are requested to submit (i) the Envelope-1 relating to the Administration, Legal and Technical Documents; and (ii) Envelop
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
1. INTRODUCTION1.1 The ProjectPT Krakatau Osaka Steel (hereinafter referred to as "PT KOS") desires to construct new plant (hereinafter referred to as the "Project") that consists of rolling mill equipment, water treatment facility, billet stockyard and product warehouse, to produce the total of 500,000 (five hundred thousand) tons per year of plain/deformed bar, small section, and flat bar to be supplied to construction and manufacturing industry in and/or outside Indonesia. To realize the Project, PT KOS requests the qualified bidder (the "Bidder") to execute a building construction works including designing of the Project.1.2 Eligible BidderThe qualified Bidder, shall be a recognized building construction company with designing capability who has track record in last 5 years, or an construction company with designing capability who has track record in engaging of general construction company. Company Grade classification 7 for construction . The Bidders shall submit reference or report as evidence for above qualifications.1.3 Bidding SystemThe Bidding system for the tender on the scope, terms and conditions as described in this Bidding Documents, shall be carried out using the procedure set out in Section 5 hereof.2. PROJECT OUTLINE2.1. Basic Requirementsa. To bid the Project, the Bidder shall fulfil PT KOS’ requirement that the plant with the criteria high qualified construction company with designing capability.b. The Bidder shall be responsible for the design and construction of the building for the Project (hereinafter referred to as “Object”).2.2. ScopeThe Project is to be executed on the basis of purchase contract in accordance with what to be elaborated in Bidding Document Volume II- Master Construction Contract Agreement and Volume III- General Technical Specification and Technical Specification. The construction of the Object shall consist of, but not limited to, followings :• Designing Work- Civil Drawing- Building Drawing• Civil Work :- Foundation for Main Equipment- installation of Water Treatment- Floor pavement• Building :- Main buildings- Foundation for building- Electrical Cabin- Office- Other2.3. PriceThe price quoted for the Project shall be in Indonesian Rupiah in full amount, calculated to cover all the costs and any associated costs and expenses in relation to performing the scope specified in Section 2.2, and including any rise or suspected rise in costs, which costs shall collectively constitute the Lump Sum Basis.The price quoted for the Project shall be considered basic terms of payment as below: Payment Progress Advanced payment 10% 0% Payment Progress 1 20% 20% Payment Progress 2 20% 40% Payment Progress 3 20% 60% Payment Progress 4 20% 80% Final Acceptance 10% 100%Total 100% 3. BIDDING DOCUMENTS3.1. Bidding DocumentsAll scope of work to be executed, including the terms, requirements and condition required for the performance of the Project are specified and elaborated in the following bidding documents:• Volume I : Instruction to Bidder (ITB)• Volume II : Master Construction Contract Agreement (MCCA)• Volume III :General Technical Specification (GTS) and Technical Specification (TPS)(Volume I to Volume III referred to the above shall be collectively referred to as the “Bidding Documents”)The Bidder are expected to carefully examine the Bidding Documents, including any and all instructions, forms, terms, and specifications referred to therein. Failure to furnish all information required under the Bidding Documents or submission of the Bid in accordance with the Bidding Documents in every material respects may result in the rejection of the Bid. The Bidders shall be bound to all instructions and conditions described in this Volume I of Bidding Documents including any amendment(s) as depicted in Section 3.3 below.The Bidding Documents will be distributed in hard copy and/or soft copy. In the event that there is any discrepancy, whatsoever, between the hard copy and the soft copy, the hard copy version shall prevail.3.2. Distribution and Confidentiality of Bidding DocumentsThe Bidding Documents Volume I, Volume II and Volume III are for the Bidders only. Each of the Bidding Documents must be treated as confidential and shall not be disclosed to any party other than the respective recipient. The Bidding Documents are available to be collected by the Bidders or their authorized representatives at PT KOS Tender Committee office at the address specified in Section 8 hereof.

3.3. Amendment of Bidding Documents

At any time prior to the Bid submission, PT KOS may, for whatever reasons, whether at its sole discretion or in response to a clarification requested by the Bidders, amend, alter or otherwise supplement any of the Bidding Documents.

The amendment, alteration or supplement to the Bidding Documents shall constitute an integral and inseparable part to the Bidding Documents referred to Section 3.1, and will be notified in writing or by e-mail to all Bidders who have received the Bidding Documents, and the Bidders will be bound by such terms.
In order to provide sufficient and reasonable time for the Bidders to take into account in preparing their Bids resulting from such amendment, PT KOS may, at its sole discretion, extend the date of the submission of Bidding Documents and the Bidding Schedule referred to in Section 5.7.

4.1. Language of Bid

The bids (including the bid proposal) prepared by the Bidders, and all correspondence and documents submitted or made in relation to the bids exchanged by the Bidders and PT KOS, shall be in English. Any printed literature submitted by the Bidders to PT KOS may be written in another language, provided that this literature is accompanied by an accurate English translation, in which case, for purposes of interpretation, the English translation shall govern.
4.2. Documents to be prepared by the Bidders

To participate in the bid, the Bidders are required to prepare the following documents to be submitted to PT KOS :
• Envelope-1, consists of:

1) Administrative and Legal Documents, comprising:

a. The audited Financial Statement for the last 3 years.

b. Statement letter of No Bankruptcy from the Company (using the form in Attachment F).
c. Statement letter of No Conflict of Interest from the Company (using the form in Attachment G).
d. Statement letter of Good Corporate Governance practice from the Company (using the form in Attachment H).
e. Confidentiality and Nondisclosure Agreement (using the form in Attachment I).
Documents (a) to (e) shall be provided by all Bidders.

2) Technical Documents, compromising:

Designated necessary technical documents in General Technical Specification, Technical Specification and Master Construction Contract Agreement.
3) Commercial Condition Deviation Documents, comprising:

Deviation against Volume II - Master Construction Contract Agreement.

4) Project Documentations, consist of :

1. Organization chart of the site personnel.

2. Schedule of work.

3. Company’s track record in similar project (evidenced by a part copy of the related contract).

• Envelope-2, contains of:

1) Proposal Letter (using the format of the Attachment A-2).

2) Summary of Price (using the format of the Attachment-B).

3) Bill of Quantities (using the format of the Attachment-C).

4.3. Bid Costs

The costs incurred by the Bidder in connection with the preparation of the bid shall be borne by their own accounts and shall not be reimbursable by PT KOS.


5.1 Bid Explanation Meeting for the Bidders

The Bidders will be invited for a bid explanation meeting at PT KOS office or other place designated by PT KOS, to explain any and all issues, inquiries or any other additional information arising in relation to the matters contained in the Bidding Documents.
The Bidders are advised to make site inspection and data collection relating to Bidding Documents which are necessarily required for preparing the bid.
After the bid explanation meeting, the Bidder who requires any further information or explanation of the Bidding Documents may notify PT KOS in writing or by e-mail at described address in Section 8 at the latest 3 (three) working days after the end of the bid explanation meeting referred to in Section 5.7 hereof. PT KOS will respond in writing or by e-mail to any request for information or explanation of the Bidding

Documents that it receives, no later than 5 (five) working days upon the receipt of such inquiries. Such response (including an explanation of the query) will be sent by mail or by e-mail to all Bidders who have received the Bidding Documents.
If the Bidder requires any translators (English or Indonesian) during the bid explanation meeting, the Bidder shall provide their own translators and at their own costs.
5.2 Bids Submission

The Bidder shall submit the Bidding Document in full conformity with the requirements as stipulated in Section 4 and submitted to PT KOS Tender Committee in the manner as follows:
1) Envelope-1 regarding Administrative, Legal, Technical and Commercial condition deviation Documents is able to be submitted by e-mail to designated e-mail address.
2) If Envelope-1 submission to be used hard copy , the original shall be submitted in non-transparent sealed envelope with the mark “BUILDING CONSTRUCTION OF BAR AND SMALL SECTION MILL – PT KRAKATAU OSAKA
STEEL”, and additional 2 (two) sets of softcopy shall be provided in compact

discs. In the event there is any discrepancy between the hard copy and the soft copy, the hard copy version shall prevail.
Any bid received by PT KOS Tender Committee after the submission date as stipulated in Section 5.7. will be rejected.
The Bidders are requested to submit (i) the Envelope-1 relating to the Administration, Legal and Technical Documents; and (ii) Envelop
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
1. PENDAHULUAN 1.1 Proyek PT Krakatau Osaka Baja (selanjutnya disebut sebagai "PT KOS") keinginan untuk membangun pabrik baru (selanjutnya disebut sebagai "Proyek") yang terdiri dari peralatan bergulir pabrik, fasilitas pengolahan air, billet stockyard dan produk gudang, untuk menghasilkan total 500.000 (lima ratus ribu) ton per tahun dari dataran / cacat bar, bagian kecil, dan bar datar yang harus diberikan kepada konstruksi dan industri manufaktur di dan / atau di luar Indonesia. Untuk mewujudkan proyek, PT KOS meminta penawar yang memenuhi syarat ("Peserta") untuk melaksanakan pembangunan gedung karya termasuk merancang Proyek. 1.2 Peserta Berhak The Penawar yang memenuhi syarat, akan menjadi bangunan perusahaan konstruksi diakui dengan merancang kemampuan yang memiliki track record dalam 5 tahun terakhir, atau perusahaan konstruksi dengan merancang kemampuan yang memiliki track record dalam melakukan perusahaan konstruksi umum. Perusahaan Kelas Klasifikasi 7 untuk konstruksi. Peserta Lelang harus menyerahkan referensi atau laporan sebagai bukti kualifikasi di atas. 1.3 Bidding System Sistem Penawaran untuk tender di lingkup, syarat dan kondisi seperti yang dijelaskan dalam Penawaran ini Dokumen, harus dilakukan dengan menggunakan prosedur yang diatur dalam Pasal 5 Peraturan Pemerintah ini. 2. PROYEK GARIS 2.1. Persyaratan dasar a. Untuk tawaran Proyek, Peserta Lelang harus memenuhi PT KOS 'persyaratan bahwa tanaman dengan kriteria tinggi perusahaan konstruksi yang berkualitas dengan merancang kemampuan. b. Peserta Lelang harus bertanggung jawab untuk desain dan konstruksi bangunan untuk Proyek (selanjutnya disebut sebagai "Obyek"). 2.2. Ruang lingkup Proyek yang akan dilaksanakan atas dasar kontrak pembelian sesuai dengan apa yang diuraikan dalam Dokumen Volume II-Guru Kontrak Konstruksi Agreement dan Volume III Umum Spesifikasi Teknis dan Spesifikasi Teknis. Pembangunan Objek terdiri dari, namun tidak terbatas pada, berikut: • Merancang Kerja - Drawing Sipil - Bangunan Menggambar • Civil Work: - Yayasan Peralatan Utama - instalasi Pengolahan Air - Lantai perkerasan • Bangunan: - bangunan utama - Yayasan untuk membangun - Cabin Listrik - Kantor - Lainnya 2.3. Harga Harga dikutip untuk proyek harus dalam Rupiah Indonesia dalam jumlah penuh, dihitung untuk menutup semua biaya dan biaya yang terkait dan beban sehubungan dengan melakukan lingkup yang ditentukan dalam Bagian 2.2, dan termasuk kenaikan atau dugaan kenaikan biaya, yang . Biaya kolektif akan merupakan Dasar Lump Sum Harga dikutip untuk Proyek dianggap istilah dasar pembayaran sebagai berikut: Kemajuan Pembayaran Lanjut pembayaran 10% 0% Kemajuan Pembayaran 1 20% 20% Progress Pembayaran 2 20% 40% Kemajuan Pembayaran 3 20% 60% Kemajuan Pembayaran 4 20% 80% Penerimaan Akhir 10% 100% Jumlah 100% 3. PENAWARAN DOKUMEN 3.1. Dokumen Tender Semua lingkup pekerjaan yang harus dijalankan, termasuk persyaratan, persyaratan dan kondisi yang diperlukan untuk kinerja Proyek ditentukan dan diuraikan dalam dokumen penawaran berikut: • Volume I: Instruksi kepada Peserta Lelang (ITB) • Volume II: Guru Konstruksi Perjanjian Kontrak (MCCA) • Volume III: Umum Spesifikasi Teknis (GTS) dan Spesifikasi Teknis (TPS) (Volume I Volume III disebut di atas harus secara kolektif disebut sebagai "dokumen tender") Peserta yang diharapkan hati-hati memeriksa Dokumen Penawaran, termasuk setiap dan semua instruksi, bentuk, syarat, dan spesifikasi tersebut di bawah ini. Kegagalan untuk memberikan semua informasi yang diperlukan di bawah Dokumen Penawaran atau penyerahan Bid sesuai dengan Dokumen Penawaran dalam setiap hal yang material dapat mengakibatkan penolakan Bid. Peserta Lelang akan terikat kepada semua instruksi dan kondisi yang dijelaskan dalam Volume ini saya Dokumen Penawaran termasuk amandemen (s) seperti yang digambarkan dalam Bagian 3.3 di bawah ini. Dokumen Penawaran akan didistribusikan dalam bentuk hard copy dan / atau soft copy. Dalam hal ada perbedaan apapun, apapun, antara hard copy dan soft copy, versi hard copy yang berlaku. 3.2. Distribusi dan Kerahasiaan Penawaran Dokumen The dokumen tender Volume I, Volume II dan III Volume adalah untuk hanya Peserta Lelang. Setiap Dokumen Penawaran harus diperlakukan sebagai rahasia dan tidak akan diungkapkan kepada pihak lain selain penerima masing-masing. Dokumen Penawaran yang tersedia untuk dikumpulkan oleh Peserta Lelang atau perwakilan resmi mereka di kantor PT KOS Panitia Tender di alamat yang ditentukan dalam Pasal 8 Peraturan Pemerintah ini. 3.3. Perubahan dokumen tender Setiap saat sebelum penyerahan Bid, PT KOS mungkin, untuk alasan apa pun, baik secara sepihak atau sebagai tanggapan atas klarifikasi yang diminta oleh Peserta Lelang, mengubah, mengubah atau menambah salah satu Dokumen Penawaran. The Perubahan, perubahan atau suplemen untuk Dokumen Penawaran harus merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dengan Dokumen Penawaran disebut Bagian 3.1, dan akan diberitahukan secara tertulis atau melalui e-mail ke semua Penawar yang telah menerima Dokumen Penawaran, dan Penawar akan terikat oleh persyaratan tersebut. Dalam rangka memberikan waktu yang cukup dan wajar untuk Peserta Lelang untuk memperhitungkan dalam mempersiapkan Tawaran mereka akibat perubahan tersebut, PT KOS mungkin, atas kebijakannya sendiri, memperpanjang tanggal pengajuan dokumen tender dan penawaran Jadwal dimaksud dalam Pasal 5.7. 4. PERSIAPAN PENAWARAN 4.1. Bahasa Bid Tawaran (termasuk proposal penawaran) disiapkan oleh Peserta Lelang, dan semua korespondensi dan dokumen yang diserahkan atau dibuat sehubungan dengan tawaran yang dipertukarkan oleh Peserta Lelang dan PT KOS, harus dalam bahasa Inggris. Setiap literatur cetak yang disampaikan oleh Peserta Lelang kepada PT KOS dapat ditulis dalam bahasa lain, asalkan literatur ini disertai dengan terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang akurat, dalam hal ini, untuk tujuan interpretasi, terjemahan bahasa Inggris akan mengatur. 4.2. Dokumen yang harus disiapkan oleh Peserta Lelang Untuk berpartisipasi dalam penawaran, Peserta lelang diwajibkan untuk mempersiapkan dokumen-dokumen berikut harus diserahkan kepada PT KOS: • Amplop-1, terdiri dari: 1) Administrasi dan Hukum Dokumen, yang terdiri dari: a. Laporan Keuangan yang telah diaudit untuk 3 tahun terakhir. b. Surat Pernyataan Tidak Kepailitan dari Perusahaan (menggunakan formulir pada Lampiran F). c. Surat Pernyataan Tidak Memiliki Benturan Kepentingan dari Perusahaan (menggunakan formulir dalam Lampiran G). d. Surat Pernyataan praktek tata kelola perusahaan dari Perusahaan (menggunakan formulir dalam Lampiran H). e. . Kerahasiaan dan Perjanjian Menyingkap (menggunakan formulir dalam Lampiran I) . Dokumen (a) sampai (e) harus disediakan oleh semua Peserta Pengadaan 2) Dokumen Teknis, mengorbankan: Ditunjuk dokumen teknis yang diperlukan di General Spesifikasi Teknis, Spesifikasi Teknis dan Guru Kontrak Konstruksi Perjanjian. 3) Kondisi Komersial Penyimpangan Dokumen, yang terdiri dari: . Penyimpangan terhadap Volume II - Guru Konstruksi Kontrak Perjanjian 4) Proyek Dokumentasi, terdiri dari: 1. Struktur organisasi personil situs. 2. Jadwal kerja. 3. Track record perusahaan dalam proyek serupa (dibuktikan dengan salinan bagian dari kontrak yang bersangkutan). • Amplop-2, mengandung: . 1) Surat Proposal (menggunakan format Lampiran A-2) 2) Ringkasan Harga (menggunakan format Lampiran-B). 3) Daftar Kuantitas (menggunakan format Lampiran-C). 4.3. Tawaran Biaya Biaya yang dikeluarkan oleh Peserta Lelang sehubungan dengan persiapan tender harus ditanggung oleh account mereka sendiri dan tidak akan diganti oleh KOS PT. 5. PROSEDUR LELANG 5.1 Bid Meeting Penjelasan untuk Peserta Lelang The Lelang akan diundang untuk pertemuan penjelasan tawaran pada PT KOS kantor atau tempat lain yang ditunjuk oleh PT KOS, untuk menjelaskan setiap dan semua masalah, pertanyaan atau informasi tambahan lainnya yang timbul sehubungan dengan hal-hal terkandung dalam Dokumen Penawaran. Para Peserta lelang disarankan untuk membuat situs pemeriksaan dan pengumpulan data yang berhubungan dengan Dokumen Penawaran yang selalu diperlukan untuk menyiapkan tawaran. Setelah pertemuan penjelasan tender, Peserta Lelang yang memerlukan informasi lebih lanjut atau penjelasan Dokumen Penawaran dapat memberitahukan PT KOS secara tertulis atau melalui e-mail di alamat yang dijelaskan dalam Pasal 8 selambat-lambatnya 3 (tiga) hari kerja setelah berakhirnya pertemuan penjelasan tender sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 5.7 Perjanjian ini. PT KOS akan merespon secara tertulis atau melalui e-mail ke permintaan informasi atau penjelasan tentang Penawaran Dokumen yang diterima, paling lambat 5 (lima) hari kerja setelah diterimanya permintaan tersebut. Respon tersebut (termasuk penjelasan dari query) akan dikirim melalui pos atau melalui e-mail ke semua Penawar yang telah menerima Dokumen Penawaran. Jika Peserta Lelang memerlukan salah penerjemah (Inggris atau Indonesia) selama pertemuan penjelasan tender, Peserta Lelang harus menyediakan penerjemah mereka sendiri dan dengan biaya sendiri. 5.2 pemasukan The Penawar mengajukan Dokumen Penawaran sepenuhnya sesuai dengan persyaratan sebagaimana diatur dalam Pasal 4 dan diserahkan kepada PT Panitia Tender KOS dengan cara sebagai berikut: 1) Amplop-1 tentang Administrasi, Hukum, Teknis dan Komersial Dokumen penyimpangan kondisi dapat disampaikan melalui e-mail ke ditunjuk e-mail address. 2) Jika Amplop-1 pengajuan yang akan digunakan hard copy, asli harus diserahkan dalam amplop tertutup non-transparan dengan tanda "BANGUNAN KONSTRUKSI BAR DAN KECIL BAGIAN MILL - PT KRAKATAU OSAKA STEEL ", dan tambahan 2 (dua) set softcopy harus disediakan dalam kompak cakram. Dalam hal ada perbedaan antara hard copy dan soft copy, versi hard copy berlaku. Setiap tawaran yang diterima oleh PT KOS Panitia Tender setelah tanggal penyerahan sebagaimana diatur dalam Pasal 5.7. . akan ditolak The Peserta lelang diminta untuk menyerahkan (i) Amplop-1 yang berkaitan dengan Administrasi, Hukum dan Teknis Dokumen; dan (ii) Menyelimuti

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