The fierce com­bat starts the re­ac­tionary reign of ter­ror, after sl terjemahan - The fierce com­bat starts the re­ac­tionary reign of ter­ror, after sl Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The fierce com­bat starts the re­ac

The fierce com­bat starts the re­ac­tionary reign of ter­ror, after slaugh­ters, Song Han et al. could not re­ally have blocked wal­lop­ing that the cor­rupt wolf rides, quick, the Wei Fan 7000 cor­rupt wolves ride al­ready the meet­ing Shen Bing 1.2 W per­son, re­or­ga­nized near 2 W army, on Wei Fan face also had the happy ex­pres­sion, bran­dished the tom­a­hawk, Ha Ha said with a smile: „Counter-at­tack!”
Li Mu knits the brows: „Feel­ing sit­u­a­tion re­versed!”
My sink­ing sound track: „Do not be flus­tered, re­ac­ti­vates all iron edges to ride, pre­pares to de­fend!”
„Re­turns the de­fense?”
„Um, wait­ing at­tack op­por­tu­nity!”
What al­though Li Mu does not know in my bot­tle gourd to sell is any med­i­cine, but thinks that trusts my di­rec­tor, im­me­di­ately or­ga­nizes the peo­ple's same place de­fense on the plain, but the dis­tant place, the cor­rupt wolf rode also re­ac­ti­vates, about 8000 peo­ple of cor­rupt wolves has rid­den the team to start the im­pact on the [Zhan Long] bat­tle po­si­tion once more, more­over this time they had hun­dred to fight BUFF and mas­sive treat­ments and re­in­forc­ing fires.
The flame cor­rupt wolf four palms fly up­wards, put out the tongue, ex­cited is run­ning on the wilder­ness.
Also at this mo­ment, my thought moves: „Chi Yu Han is cold, at­tack!”
The jun­gle of dis­tant place alarms sud­denly, the mas­sive deep cold cav­al­ries have killed, bran­dishes the long hal­berd, the warhorse is gal­lop­ing, Chi Yu Han is rid­ing a black warhorse coldly in the array front line, this is the mil­i­tary com­man­ders of 100 mil­i­tary force val­ues comes the Mil­i­tary Con­trol army, to the strik­ing power should also the ad­di­tion many, these deep cold cav­al­ries have I 100% im­me­di­ate at­trib­utes, the im­pulse can be imag­ined!
„, Is the Dragon’s den NPC army?!” Yue Qing Qian opens the eye, sat­is­fac­tory say­ing with a smile: „In­ter­jec­tion in­di­cat­ing sur­prise ha-ha, this time we were win, the ram­ble elder brother also kept such one un­ex­pect­edly!”
Li Mu also feels re­laxed to say with a smile: „No won­der must de­fend same place, orig­i­nally must make the deep cold cav­alry clash level one first”
The cor­rupt wolf in charge rode had not talked and laughed mer­rily, Wei Fan com­plex­ion be­came ex­cep­tion­ally ugly: „These NPC cav­alry sol­diers what's the mat­ter? This”
Pa­trols to clench jaws: „Was the Dragon’s den army, Li Xiao Yao had own NPC army, mother egg! Do not fear that largest 1000, mas­sacres and that's the end, the NPC army will hang not to re­ac­ti­vate!”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The fierce com­bat starts the re­ac­tionary reign of ter­ror, after slaugh­ters, Song Han et al. could not re­ally have blocked wal­lop­ing that the cor­rupt wolf rides, quick, the Wei Fan 7000 cor­rupt wolves ride al­ready the meet­ing Shen Bing 1.2 W per­son, re­or­ga­nized near 2 W army, on Wei Fan face also had the happy ex­pres­sion, bran­dished the tom­a­hawk, Ha Ha said with a smile: „Counter-at­tack!”Li Mu knits the brows: „Feel­ing sit­u­a­tion re­versed!”My sink­ing sound track: „Do not be flus­tered, re­ac­ti­vates all iron edges to ride, pre­pares to de­fend!”„Re­turns the de­fense?”„Um, wait­ing at­tack op­por­tu­nity!”„Good!”What al­though Li Mu does not know in my bot­tle gourd to sell is any med­i­cine, but thinks that trusts my di­rec­tor, im­me­di­ately or­ga­nizes the peo­ple's same place de­fense on the plain, but the dis­tant place, the cor­rupt wolf rode also re­ac­ti­vates, about 8000 peo­ple of cor­rupt wolves has rid­den the team to start the im­pact on the [Zhan Long] bat­tle po­si­tion once more, more­over this time they had hun­dred to fight BUFF and mas­sive treat­ments and re­in­forc­ing fires.The flame cor­rupt wolf four palms fly up­wards, put out the tongue, ex­cited is run­ning on the wilder­ness.Also at this mo­ment, my thought moves: „Chi Yu Han is cold, at­tack!”„Bang!”The jun­gle of dis­tant place alarms sud­denly, the mas­sive deep cold cav­al­ries have killed, bran­dishes the long hal­berd, the warhorse is gal­lop­ing, Chi Yu Han is rid­ing a black warhorse coldly in the array front line, this is the mil­i­tary com­man­ders of 100 mil­i­tary force val­ues comes the Mil­i­tary Con­trol army, to the strik­ing power should also the ad­di­tion many, these deep cold cav­al­ries have I 100% im­me­di­ate at­trib­utes, the im­pulse can be imag­ined!„, Is the Dragon’s den NPC army?!” Yue Qing Qian opens the eye, sat­is­fac­tory say­ing with a smile: „In­ter­jec­tion in­di­cat­ing sur­prise ha-ha, this time we were win, the ram­ble elder brother also kept such one un­ex­pect­edly!”Li Mu also feels re­laxed to say with a smile: „No won­der must de­fend same place, orig­i­nally must make the deep cold cav­alry clash level one first”The cor­rupt wolf in charge rode had not talked and laughed mer­rily, Wei Fan com­plex­ion be­came ex­cep­tion­ally ugly: „These NPC cav­alry sol­diers what's the mat­ter? This”Pa­trols to clench jaws: „Was the Dragon’s den army, Li Xiao Yao had own NPC army, mother egg! Do not fear that largest 1000, mas­sacres and that's the end, the NPC army will hang not to re­ac­ti­vate!”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Pertempuran sengit dimulai pemerintahan reaksioner teror, setelah pembantaian, Lagu Han et al. bisa benar-benar telah diblokir pukulan keras yang korup serigala rides, cepat, Wei Fan 7000 serigala korup naik sudah pertemuan Shen Bing 1,2 W orang, reorganisasi dekat 2 tentara W, di wajah Wei Fan juga memiliki ekspresi senang, mengacungkan tomahawk itu, ha ha berkata sambil tersenyum: "counter-attack!"
Li Mu rajutan alis: "! situasi Feeling terbalik"
saya tenggelam sound track: "Jangan bingung, mengaktifkan kembali semua tepi besi untuk naik, mempersiapkan untuk membela!"
"Pengembalian pertahanan? "
" Um, menunggu kesempatan serangan! "
" Baik! "
Apa yang meskipun Li Mu tidak tahu di labu botol saya untuk menjual adalah obat apapun, tapi berpikir bahwa mempercayai direktur saya, segera menyelenggarakan tempat pertahanan yang sama rakyat di dataran , tetapi tempat yang jauh, serigala korup berkuda juga mengaktifkan kembali, sekitar 8000 orang dari serigala yang korup telah ditunggangi tim untuk memulai dampak pada [Zhan panjang] posisi pertempuran sekali lagi, apalagi kali ini mereka harus ratus berjuang BUFF dan perawatan besar . dan memperkuat kebakaran
api serigala korup empat telapak terbang ke atas, mengeluarkan lidah, bersemangat berjalan pada padang gurun.
Juga pada saat ini, saya bergerak pemikiran: "Chi Yu Han dingin, serangan!"
hutan dari jauh tempat alarm tiba-tiba, besar cavalries dingin dalam membunuh, mengacung-acungkan tombak panjang, kuda perang yang berlari, Chi Yu Han mengendarai kuda perang hitam dingin di line array depan, ini adalah komandan militer dari 100 nilai kekuatan militer datang tentara Kontrol Militer, dengan kekuatan mencolok harus juga Selain itu banyak, ini cavalries dalam dingin harus saya 100% atribut langsung, impuls bisa dibayangkan!
", Apakah Naga den NPC tentara ?!" Yue Qing Qian membuka mata, memuaskan berkata dengan tersenyum: "Interjection menunjukkan kejutan ha-ha, saat ini kami menang, kakak melantur juga terus satu seperti tiba-tiba!"
Li Mu juga merasa santai untuk mengatakan dengan tersenyum: "Tidak heran harus mempertahankan tempat yang sama, awalnya harus membuat tingkat bentrokan kavaleri dingin dalam pertama "
serigala korup yang bertanggung jawab berkuda tidak berbicara dan tertawa riang, Wei Fan kulit menjadi sangat jelek:" NPC ini prajurit kavaleri ada apa? Ini "
Patroli mengepalkan rahang:" Apakah tentara den Naga, Li Xiao Yao memiliki tentara NPC sendiri, ibu telur! Jangan takut bahwa terbesar 1000, pembantaian dan itulah akhirnya, tentara NPC akan menggantung tidak untuk mengaktifkan kembali! "
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