The science and practice of prevention have advanced greatly in thisce terjemahan - The science and practice of prevention have advanced greatly in thisce Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The science and practice of prevent

The science and practice of prevention have advanced greatly in this
century, and the technology for diagnosis and treatment of diseases has become
highly sophisticated. Likewise, the technology for processing and managing
information has greatly altered the way public health conducts business.
In 1980, few public health professionals operated personal computers at
their desks. Today, such computers, with greatly enhanced capabilities and
with appropriate software, are not only common, but they are one of the
essential tools of public health practice (Friede and O'Carroll 1996). Public
health must now maximize the efficiency of existing information systems
while finding new, more innovative ways of conducting public health surveillance.
Surveillance for Eosinophilia-Myalgia Syndrome
In 1989, a state health department and the CDC were notified about a few cases of
patients with severe myalgia and peripheral eosinophilia. Upon investigation, it was
found that all three had taken an amino acid preparation of L-tryptophan (CDC 1989).
Because this preparation was distributed nationally, the CDC, in collaboration with
state and territorial health departments, established a national, state-based surveillance
system for eosinophilia and severe myalgia within 1 week of the reported outbreak
(Swygert et al. 1990).
An early step was the identification of a case definition using descriptive epidemiology
from the early reports. Initially, laboratory data were required to rule out
trichinosis; however, this part of the definition was dropped after data for 1 week
showed that the laboratory testing was not always clinically indicated (CDC 1990c).
Probable cases were reported on a voluntary basis by physicians in all 50 states, the
District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. Standardized collection forms were used to
collect demographic, clinical, and laboratory information, and aggregate numbers
were telephoned weekly to the CDC. Case report forms were then mailed. State and
territorial health departments conducted follow-up investigations of all deaths of patients
confirmed as having eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome (EMS). Disease latency was
calculated using the period from the date of first tryptophan use to date of onset of
illness. Frequencies of multiple- versus single-brand use and of reported brand names
were also used to assess association with specific products.
Key Questions
1. How does a public health surveillance system lead to accurate detection and
control of an emerging health condition such as EMS?
For a public health surveillance system to lead to detection and control, it is
essential that the steps outlined earlier in this chapter for establishing a surveillance
system be followed closely.
2. What are the epidemiologic characteristics of EMS in the United States?
During the acute phase of the epidemic, more than 1,500 cases of EMS were
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The science and practice of prevention have advanced greatly in thiscentury, and the technology for diagnosis and treatment of diseases has becomehighly sophisticated. Likewise, the technology for processing and managinginformation has greatly altered the way public health conducts business.In 1980, few public health professionals operated personal computers attheir desks. Today, such computers, with greatly enhanced capabilities andwith appropriate software, are not only common, but they are one of theessential tools of public health practice (Friede and O'Carroll 1996). Publichealth must now maximize the efficiency of existing information systemswhile finding new, more innovative ways of conducting public health surveillance.CASE STUDIESSurveillance for Eosinophilia-Myalgia SyndromeBackgroundIn 1989, a state health department and the CDC were notified about a few cases ofpatients with severe myalgia and peripheral eosinophilia. Upon investigation, it wasfound that all three had taken an amino acid preparation of L-tryptophan (CDC 1989).Because this preparation was distributed nationally, the CDC, in collaboration withstate and territorial health departments, established a national, state-based surveillancesystem for eosinophilia and severe myalgia within 1 week of the reported outbreak(Swygert et al. 1990).An early step was the identification of a case definition using descriptive epidemiologyfrom the early reports. Initially, laboratory data were required to rule outtrichinosis; however, this part of the definition was dropped after data for 1 weekshowed that the laboratory testing was not always clinically indicated (CDC 1990c).Probable cases were reported on a voluntary basis by physicians in all 50 states, theDistrict of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. Standardized collection forms were used tocollect demographic, clinical, and laboratory information, and aggregate numberswere telephoned weekly to the CDC. Case report forms were then mailed. State andterritorial health departments conducted follow-up investigations of all deaths of patientsconfirmed as having eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome (EMS). Disease latency wascalculated using the period from the date of first tryptophan use to date of onset ofillness. Frequencies of multiple- versus single-brand use and of reported brand nameswere also used to assess association with specific products.Key Questions1. How does a public health surveillance system lead to accurate detection andcontrol of an emerging health condition such as EMS?For a public health surveillance system to lead to detection and control, it isessential that the steps outlined earlier in this chapter for establishing a surveillancesystem be followed closely.2. What are the epidemiologic characteristics of EMS in the United States?During the acute phase of the epidemic, more than 1,500 cases of EMS were
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Ilmu pengetahuan dan praktek pencegahan telah sangat maju dalam hal ini
abad, dan teknologi untuk diagnosis dan pengobatan penyakit telah menjadi
sangat canggih. Demikian juga, teknologi untuk pengolahan dan pengelolaan
informasi telah sangat mengubah cara kesehatan masyarakat melakukan bisnis.
Pada tahun 1980, beberapa profesional kesehatan masyarakat dioperasikan komputer pribadi di
meja mereka. Saat ini, komputer tersebut, dengan kemampuan sangat ditingkatkan dan
dengan perangkat lunak yang sesuai, tidak hanya umum, tetapi mereka adalah salah satu
alat penting dari praktik kesehatan masyarakat (Friede dan O'Carroll 1996). Public
kesehatan sekarang harus memaksimalkan efisiensi sistem informasi yang ada
saat menemukan cara baru yang lebih inovatif melakukan pengawasan kesehatan masyarakat.
Surveillance untuk Eosinophilia-Myalgia Syndrome
Latar Belakang
Pada tahun 1989, departemen kesehatan negara dan CDC telah diberitahu tentang beberapa kasus
pasien dengan mialgia berat dan eosinofilia perifer. Setelah penyelidikan, itu
ditemukan bahwa ketiga telah mengambil persiapan asam amino L-tryptophan (CDC 1989).
Karena persiapan ini didistribusikan secara nasional, CDC, bekerja sama dengan
departemen kesehatan negara dan teritorial, membentuk nasional, berdasarkan negara- surveilans
sistem untuk eosinofilia dan mialgia berat dalam waktu 1 minggu dari wabah dilaporkan
(Swygert et al. 1990).
Langkah awal adalah identifikasi definisi kasus menggunakan epidemiologi deskriptif
dari laporan awal. Awalnya, data laboratorium yang diperlukan untuk menyingkirkan
cacingan; Namun, ini bagian dari definisi dijatuhkan setelah data selama 1 minggu
menunjukkan bahwa pengujian laboratorium tidak selalu indikasi klinis (CDC 1990c).
kasus Kemungkinan dilaporkan secara sukarela oleh dokter di seluruh 50 negara, yang
District of Columbia, dan Puerto Rico. Bentuk koleksi standar yang digunakan untuk
mengumpulkan demografis, klinis, dan informasi laboratorium, dan nomor agregat
yang menelepon mingguan CDC. Bentuk laporan kasus kemudian dikirimkan. Negara dan
departemen kesehatan teritorial melakukan penyelidikan tindak lanjut dari semua kematian pasien
dikonfirmasi memiliki sindrom eosinofilia-mialgia (EMS). Penyakit latency yang
dihitung dengan menggunakan periode dari tanggal penggunaan triptofan pertama yang tanggal onset
penyakit. Frekuensi multiple dibandingkan penggunaan tunggal-merek dan nama-nama merek dilaporkan
juga digunakan untuk menilai hubungan dengan produk tertentu.
Pertanyaan Kunci
1. Bagaimana sistem pengawasan kesehatan masyarakat menyebabkan deteksi akurat dan
kontrol kondisi kesehatan berkembang seperti EMS?
Untuk sistem surveilans kesehatan masyarakat untuk memimpin deteksi dan kontrol, itu adalah
penting bahwa langkah-langkah yang diuraikan sebelumnya dalam bab ini untuk membangun pengawasan yang
Sistem akan diikuti.
2. Apa karakteristik epidemiologi dari EMS di Amerika Serikat?
Selama fase akut epidemi, lebih dari 1.500 kasus EMS yang
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Bahasa lainnya
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