I did not know I should be happy or to be disappointed when I discover terjemahan - I did not know I should be happy or to be disappointed when I discover Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

I did not know I should be happy or

I did not know I should be happy or to be disappointed when I discovered the truth. I just did not understand why Tiffany could open a site like my blog. Was she someone who like me? But could it not she who access. It could have been someone else who uses her laptop and e-mail.
Was Tiffany not stay alone?
"Aaarrhh!!! This is driving me crazy!!!" I ruffled my hair.
Finally I drove my car with the feeling that raged. I did not know what I should behave with Tiffany later. Looks like from the beginning I should not be too curious.


I still came for college the next day as usual. But as much as possible I avoid Tiffany. Even I did not follow soccer practice this time. I did not want to meet with Tiffany in the field.
I felt like a coward. Actually I did not understand why I have to be like this. Moreover, Tiffany also did not know if I was the owner of the blog, is not it? I should be granted.
I tilted my head. I almost screamed and fell off the chair. But fortunately this person was quickly silenced my mouth with that person hand.
"Shhhh... We should not be noisy in the library." slowly that person removed the hand from my mouth.
"T-Tiffany?" I almost could not pull out my voice.
"So now you're going away from me like this after you open the laptop without permission? Huh?" Tiffany sat opposite me and crossing her arms across her chest. She looked at me sharply. I can only swallowed many times.
"Wh-what do you mean?"
"Do not play dumb."
I almost forgot to take a breath. I felt helpless. Tiffany pulled something from her pocket. Then she handed it to me. She gave me my smartphone. I did not realize that left in her apartment.
"M-my phone..." with quivering I took back my smartphone.
"I opened your smartphone yesterday. So we're even. You've opened my laptop without permission. So did I." Tiffany issued her smirk. I became aware of that fact Tiffany was a dangerous woman.
"Y-you..." I could not say anything.
"I'm not going to tell about this to others. But do not tell anyone that I also visited the blog like yours. Especially at Jessica."
"Stop playing, Kim Taeyeon. Or I must call you 'ByunTaeng'?"
"Okay, stop!" I pay attention to the surroundings. Hopefully, no one hears it. Fortunately, I sat in a fairly quiet place. It seems like no one has heard her words.
"I need your help, Tae..."
"Huh? What do you want?" I asked. I gently massaged my temples. I can look back Tiffany sly smile. Then she was closer to me.
"As long as we already know each other, I want to discuss this with you."
I swallowed.
"I do not like what you think. I do not open sites like your blog for useless things."
"What do you mean?" I shrink my voice. I wish Tiffany also spoke with a small voice.
"I just wanted to know what a man think who like you."
"W-what? I'm not a !" I denied. Well, I knew this was actually a stupid reason. How could person who has a blog and he ion at woman apartment did not ?
"My fiance cheated on me. I just wanted to know how could he having an affair with someone else? I mean, I'm not good for him?"
"F-fiance?" It feels like my heart was shattered. I did not know why this woman save a lot of mystery. But, fiance... I think it's been overdone.
"Okay, I know that this engagement is simply because our parents. But how dare he is!"
Somehow hearing it made me felt a little relieved. "Then why do not you use that reasons for canceling your engagement because he cheating on you?" I'm smart enough, is not it?
"I did not have enough evidence. After all he is my best friend since childhood."
"Then what's the problem with me? Why do you involve me?" I pointed to myself.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
I did not know I should be happy or to be disappointed when I discovered the truth. I just did not understand why Tiffany could open a site like my blog. Was she someone who like me? But could it not she who access. It could have been someone else who uses her laptop and e-mail.But...Was Tiffany not stay alone?"Aaarrhh!!! This is driving me crazy!!!" I ruffled my hair.Finally I drove my car with the feeling that raged. I did not know what I should behave with Tiffany later. Looks like from the beginning I should not be too curious. **** I still came for college the next day as usual. But as much as possible I avoid Tiffany. Even I did not follow soccer practice this time. I did not want to meet with Tiffany in the field.I felt like a coward. Actually I did not understand why I have to be like this. Moreover, Tiffany also did not know if I was the owner of the blog, is not it? I should be granted."Taeyeon..."I tilted my head. I almost screamed and fell off the chair. But fortunately this person was quickly silenced my mouth with that person hand."Shhhh... We should not be noisy in the library." slowly that person removed the hand from my mouth."T-Tiffany?" I almost could not pull out my voice."So now you're going away from me like this after you open the laptop without permission? Huh?" Tiffany sat opposite me and crossing her arms across her chest. She looked at me sharply. I can only swallowed many times."Wh-what do you mean?"
"Do not play dumb."
I almost forgot to take a breath. I felt helpless. Tiffany pulled something from her pocket. Then she handed it to me. She gave me my smartphone. I did not realize that left in her apartment.
"M-my phone..." with quivering I took back my smartphone.
"I opened your smartphone yesterday. So we're even. You've opened my laptop without permission. So did I." Tiffany issued her smirk. I became aware of that fact Tiffany was a dangerous woman.
"Y-you..." I could not say anything.
"I'm not going to tell about this to others. But do not tell anyone that I also visited the blog like yours. Especially at Jessica."
"Stop playing, Kim Taeyeon. Or I must call you 'ByunTaeng'?"
"Okay, stop!" I pay attention to the surroundings. Hopefully, no one hears it. Fortunately, I sat in a fairly quiet place. It seems like no one has heard her words.
"I need your help, Tae..."
"Huh? What do you want?" I asked. I gently massaged my temples. I can look back Tiffany sly smile. Then she was closer to me.
"As long as we already know each other, I want to discuss this with you."
I swallowed.
"I do not like what you think. I do not open sites like your blog for useless things."
"What do you mean?" I shrink my voice. I wish Tiffany also spoke with a small voice.
"I just wanted to know what a man think who like you."
"W-what? I'm not a !" I denied. Well, I knew this was actually a stupid reason. How could person who has a blog and he ion at woman apartment did not ?
"My fiance cheated on me. I just wanted to know how could he having an affair with someone else? I mean, I'm not good for him?"
"F-fiance?" It feels like my heart was shattered. I did not know why this woman save a lot of mystery. But, fiance... I think it's been overdone.
"Okay, I know that this engagement is simply because our parents. But how dare he is!"
Somehow hearing it made me felt a little relieved. "Then why do not you use that reasons for canceling your engagement because he cheating on you?" I'm smart enough, is not it?
"I did not have enough evidence. After all he is my best friend since childhood."
"Then what's the problem with me? Why do you involve me?" I pointed to myself.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Aku tidak tahu aku harus senang atau kecewa ketika saya menemukan kebenaran. Aku hanya tidak mengerti mengapa Tiffany bisa membuka situs seperti blog saya. Apakah dia orang yang seperti saya? Tapi bisa tidak dia yang mengakses. Itu bisa saja orang lain yang menggunakan laptop dan e-mail.
Tapi ...
Apakah Tiffany tidak tinggal sendirian?
"Aaarrhh !!! ini membuatku gila !!!" Aku mengacak-acak rambutku.
Akhirnya saya mengendarai mobil saya dengan perasaan yang berkecamuk. Aku tidak tahu apa yang harus saya berperilaku dengan Tiffany kemudian. Sepertinya dari awal saya tidak boleh terlalu penasaran. **** Aku masih datang untuk kuliah keesokan harinya seperti biasa. Tapi sebisa mungkin aku menghindari Tiffany. Bahkan saya tidak mengikuti latihan sepak bola saat ini. Aku tidak ingin bertemu dengan Tiffany di lapangan. Aku merasa seperti seorang pengecut. Sebenarnya saya tidak mengerti mengapa saya harus seperti ini. Selain itu, Tiffany juga tidak tahu apakah saya adalah pemilik blog, bukan? Saya harus diberikan. "Taeyeon ..." Aku memiringkan kepala saya. Aku hampir menjerit dan jatuh dari kursi. Tapi untungnya orang ini segera dibungkam mulut saya dengan orang tangan. "Shhhh ... Kita seharusnya tidak berisik di perpustakaan." perlahan orang itu dihapus tangan dari mulut saya. "T-Tiffany?" Aku hampir tidak bisa menarik keluar suara saya. "Jadi sekarang kau akan pergi dariku seperti ini setelah Anda membuka laptop tanpa izin? Hah?" Tiffany duduk di hadapanku dan menyilangkan tangan di dada. Dia menatapku tajam. Aku hanya bisa menelan ludah berkali-kali. "A-apa maksudmu?" "Jangan berlagak bodoh." Aku hampir lupa untuk mengambil napas. Aku merasa tak berdaya. Tiffany menarik sesuatu dari sakunya. Lalu ia menyerahkannya kepada saya. Dia memberi saya smartphone saya. Aku tidak menyadari bahwa yang tersisa di apartemennya. "M-saya telepon ..." dengan gemetar aku mengambil kembali smartphone saya. "Aku membuka smartphone Anda kemarin. Jadi kita bahkan. Anda telah membuka laptop saya tanpa izin. Jadi melakukan I. " Tiffany mengeluarkan seringai nya. Saya menyadari bahwa fakta Tiffany adalah seorang wanita yang berbahaya. "Y-Anda ..." Aku tidak bisa mengatakan apa-apa. "Saya tidak akan memberitahu tentang hal ini kepada orang lain. Tapi jangan bilang siapa-siapa bahwa saya juga mengunjungi blog seperti Anda. Terutama di Jessica. "" H-hah? "" Berhenti bermain, Kim Taeyeon. Atau aku harus memanggilmu 'ByunTaeng'? "" Oke, berhenti! " Saya memperhatikan lingkungan. Mudah-mudahan, tidak ada yang mendengarnya. Untungnya, aku duduk di tempat yang cukup tenang. Sepertinya tidak ada yang mendengar kata-katanya. "Saya butuh bantuan Anda, Tae ..." "Huh? Apa yang Anda inginkan?" Saya bertanya. Saya dipijat lembut candi saya. Aku bisa melihat kembali Tiffany senyum licik. Kemudian ia lebih dekat dengan saya. "Selama kita sudah mengenal satu sama lain, saya ingin membicarakan hal ini dengan Anda." Aku menelan ludah. ​​"Aku tidak suka apa yang Anda pikirkan. Saya tidak membuka situs-situs seperti blog Anda untuk hal-hal yang tidak berguna. "" Apa maksudmu? " Aku mengecilkan suaraku. Saya berharap Tiffany juga berbicara dengan suara kecil. "Aku hanya ingin tahu apa yang pria pikirkan yang menyukai Anda." "A-apa? Aku bukan!" Saya membantah. Yah, aku tahu ini adalah benar-benar alasan yang bodoh. Bagaimana mungkin orang yang memiliki blog dan ia ion di apartemen wanita tidak? "Tunangan saya berselingkuh saya. Saya hanya ingin tahu bagaimana dia bisa berselingkuh dengan orang lain? Maksudku, aku tidak baik untuknya?" "F-tunangan?" Rasanya seperti hati saya hancur. Aku tidak tahu mengapa wanita ini menyimpan banyak misteri. Tapi, tunangan ... saya pikir itu sudah berlebihan. "Oke, aku tahu bahwa keterlibatan ini hanya karena orang tua kita. Tapi bagaimana berani dia!" Entah bagaimana mendengar itu membuat saya merasa sedikit lega. "Lalu kenapa tidak Anda menggunakan alasan untuk membatalkan pertunangan Anda karena ia kecurangan pada Anda?" Aku cukup pintar, bukan? "Aku tidak punya cukup bukti. Setelah semua dia adalah teman terbaik saya sejak kecil." "Lalu apa masalahnya dengan saya? Mengapa Anda melibatkan saya?" Aku menunjuk diriku sendiri.

Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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