The study proposes a causal-comparative research toinvestigate the eff terjemahan - The study proposes a causal-comparative research toinvestigate the eff Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The study proposes a causal-compara

The study proposes a causal-comparative research to
investigate the effectiveness of the addition of a readily
available computer game originally designed to teach
multiplication facts to primary level students. Since the review
of literature indicates a strong opposition towards the inclusion
of video games in education, the researchers are committed to a
neutral stand to find out whether computer-based video games
are destructive in children’s learning process or enhance the
children’s learning. Although there are evidences of negative
effects of video games to children, one cannot totally ignore
the potential of video games as future tools of delivering
educational and training material. This is because computer
and video games have become relevant as cultural medium as
books, television and films especially for children and
teenagers of today. The video game used in this study, TimezAttack,
is a free downloadable game produced by Big Brainz
Inc., California .Timez-Attack is a commercial game available
off the shelf which is specifically designed to teach
multiplication facts to children. This game, available at, is proposed as a
supplementary classroom activity in schools or educational
activity at home. Causal-comparative research is assumed by
this study as it enables the researcher to investigate the effect of computer-based video game on children’s learning by
comparing differences in groups or individuals. This method
further enables the researcher to determine the reasons or
causes which bring about the effects and differences in groups
of participants (Wallen & Fraenkel, 2001, pp. 330-348). Causal
comparative studies usually involve two (or more) groups and
one independent variable.
The study aims to generate a variety of data sets, allowing a
comparison between students who participated in the game and
students who did not. Data sets would include gender, race, and
locality (urban students versus rural students).The various data
groups will be tested using identical testing situations and
materials to allow a quantitative comparison of the scores of
students participating in the game and students not
participating in the game. Students have the same learning
material and class content apart from the video game to
reinforce the credibility of results generated from students’
participation in the video game. As the data were expected to
be approximately normally distributed, normal curve goodness
of fit testing was used to test these assumptions. These tests
were based on different pairs of sample data as laid out in the
research questions and accompanying hypothesis previously
described. In addition, a standard six-step hypothesis test for
each research question was used to determine whether to reject
the null hypothesis.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The study proposes a causal-comparative research toinvestigate the effectiveness of the addition of a readilyavailable computer game originally designed to teachmultiplication facts to primary level students. Since the reviewof literature indicates a strong opposition towards the inclusionof video games in education, the researchers are committed to aneutral stand to find out whether computer-based video gamesare destructive in children’s learning process or enhance thechildren’s learning. Although there are evidences of negativeeffects of video games to children, one cannot totally ignorethe potential of video games as future tools of deliveringeducational and training material. This is because computerand video games have become relevant as cultural medium asbooks, television and films especially for children andteenagers of today. The video game used in this study, TimezAttack,is a free downloadable game produced by Big BrainzInc., California .Timez-Attack is a commercial game availableoff the shelf which is specifically designed to teachmultiplication facts to children. This game, available at, is proposed as asupplementary classroom activity in schools or educationalactivity at home. Causal-comparative research is assumed bythis study as it enables the researcher to investigate the effect of computer-based video game on children’s learning bycomparing differences in groups or individuals. This methodfurther enables the researcher to determine the reasons orcauses which bring about the effects and differences in groupsof participants (Wallen & Fraenkel, 2001, pp. 330-348). Causalcomparative studies usually involve two (or more) groups andone independent variable.The study aims to generate a variety of data sets, allowing acomparison between students who participated in the game andstudents who did not. Data sets would include gender, race, andlocality (urban students versus rural students).The various datagroups will be tested using identical testing situations andmaterials to allow a quantitative comparison of the scores ofstudents participating in the game and students notparticipating in the game. Students have the same learningmaterial and class content apart from the video game toreinforce the credibility of results generated from students’participation in the video game. As the data were expected tobe approximately normally distributed, normal curve goodnessof fit testing was used to test these assumptions. These testswere based on different pairs of sample data as laid out in theresearch questions and accompanying hypothesis previouslydescribed. In addition, a standard six-step hypothesis test foreach research question was used to determine whether to rejectthe null hypothesis.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Penelitian ini mengusulkan penelitian kausal-komparatif untuk
menyelidiki efektivitas penambahan mudah
permainan komputer yang tersedia awalnya dirancang untuk mengajarkan
fakta-fakta perkalian untuk siswa tingkat dasar. Karena tinjauan
literatur menunjukkan oposisi yang kuat terhadap masuknya
video game dalam pendidikan, para peneliti berkomitmen untuk
berdiri netral untuk mengetahui apakah video game berbasis komputer
yang merusak dalam proses belajar anak-anak atau meningkatkan
pembelajaran anak-anak. Meskipun ada bukti negatif
efek dari video game untuk anak-anak, orang tidak bisa benar-benar mengabaikan
potensi video game sebagai alat masa depan memberikan
materi pendidikan dan pelatihan. Hal ini karena komputer
dan video game telah menjadi relevan sebagai media budaya sebagai
buku, televisi dan film terutama untuk anak-anak dan
remaja saat ini. Video game yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini, TimezAttack,
adalah permainan download gratis yang diproduksi oleh Big Brainz
Inc., California .Timez-Attack adalah permainan komersial yang tersedia
dari rak yang khusus dirancang untuk mengajarkan
fakta-fakta perkalian untuk anak-anak. Game ini, tersedia di, diusulkan sebagai
kegiatan kelas tambahan di sekolah atau pendidikan
aktivitas di rumah. Penelitian kausal komparatif-diasumsikan oleh
penelitian ini karena memungkinkan peneliti untuk menyelidiki efek dari video game berbasis komputer pada pembelajaran anak-anak dengan
membandingkan perbedaan kelompok atau individu. Metode ini
lebih memungkinkan peneliti untuk menentukan alasan atau
penyebab yang membawa tentang efek dan perbedaan dalam kelompok
peserta (Wallen & Fraenkel, 2001, hlm. 330-348). Kausal
studi banding biasanya melibatkan dua (atau lebih) kelompok dan
satu variabel independen.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan berbagai set data, memungkinkan
perbandingan antara siswa yang berpartisipasi dalam permainan dan
siswa yang tidak. Data set akan mencakup jenis kelamin, ras, dan
wilayah (siswa perkotaan dibandingkan siswa pedesaan) .suatu berbagai data
kelompok akan diuji dengan menggunakan pengujian situasi yang sama dan
bahan untuk memungkinkan perbandingan kuantitatif dari sejumlah
siswa yang berpartisipasi dalam permainan dan siswa tidak
berpartisipasi dalam permainan. Siswa memiliki sama belajar
materi dan kelas konten terpisah dari video game untuk
memperkuat kredibilitas hasil yang dihasilkan dari siswa
partisipasi dalam video game. Sebagai data diharapkan
akan sekitar terdistribusi normal, kebaikan kurva normal
fit pengujian digunakan untuk menguji asumsi-asumsi ini. Tes ini
didasarkan pada pasangan yang berbeda dari data sampel diletakkan dalam
pertanyaan penelitian dan hipotesis yang menyertainya sebelumnya
dijelaskan. Selain itu, uji hipotesis enam langkah standar untuk
setiap pertanyaan penelitian yang digunakan untuk menentukan apakah akan menolak
hipotesis nol.
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