THE STUDY of international political economy (IPE)is of necessityhighl terjemahan - THE STUDY of international political economy (IPE)is of necessityhighl Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

THE STUDY of international politica

THE STUDY of international political economy (IPE)is of necessity
highly dependent on the theories and insights of neoclassical economics.
However, IPE and neoclassical economics ask different questions
as they apply their own mode of analysis.1 Whereas economics
is primarily concerned with efficiency and the mutual benefits of economic
exchange, international political economy is interested not
only in those subjects but also in a broader range of issues. IPE is
particularly interested in the distribution of gains from market activities;
neoclassical economics is not. Although, at least over the long
term, every society gains absolutely from the efficient functioning of
international markets, the gains are seldom distributed equally among
all economic actors, and states generally are very much concerned
over their own relative gains. Whereas economists regard markets as
self-regulating mechanisms isolated from political affairs, specialists
in IPE are interested in the fact that the world economy has a considerable
impact on the power, values, and political autonomy of national
societies. States have a strong incentive to take actions that
safeguard their own values and interests, especially their power and
freedom of action, and they also attempt to manipulate market forces
to increase their power and influence over rival states or to favor
friendly states.

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
THE STUDY of international political economy (IPE)is of necessityhighly dependent on the theories and insights of neoclassical economics.However, IPE and neoclassical economics ask different questionsas they apply their own mode of analysis.1 Whereas economicsis primarily concerned with efficiency and the mutual benefits of economicexchange, international political economy is interested notonly in those subjects but also in a broader range of issues. IPE isparticularly interested in the distribution of gains from market activities;neoclassical economics is not. Although, at least over the longterm, every society gains absolutely from the efficient functioning ofinternational markets, the gains are seldom distributed equally amongall economic actors, and states generally are very much concernedover their own relative gains. Whereas economists regard markets asself-regulating mechanisms isolated from political affairs, specialistsin IPE are interested in the fact that the world economy has a considerableimpact on the power, values, and political autonomy of nationalsocieties. States have a strong incentive to take actions thatsafeguard their own values and interests, especially their power andfreedom of action, and they also attempt to manipulate market forcesto increase their power and influence over rival states or to favorfriendly states.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
STUDI ekonomi politik internasional (IPE) adalah kebutuhan
sangat tergantung pada teori dan wawasan ekonomi neoklasik.
Namun, IPE dan neoklasik ekonomi mengajukan pertanyaan yang berbeda
yang berlaku modus mereka sendiri analysis.1 Sedangkan ekonomi
terutama berkaitan dengan efisiensi dan saling menguntungkan ekonomi
pertukaran, ekonomi politik internasional yang tertarik tidak
hanya pada mata pelajaran tetapi juga dalam lebih luas masalah. IPE adalah
sangat tertarik dalam distribusi keuntungan dari kegiatan pasar;
ekonomi neoklasik tidak. Meskipun, setidaknya selama panjang
jangka, setiap masyarakat benar-benar keuntungan dari fungsi efisien dari
pasar internasional, keuntungan jarang didistribusikan secara merata di antara
semua pelaku ekonomi, dan menyatakan secara umum sangat prihatin
atas keuntungan relatif mereka sendiri. Sedangkan ekonom menganggap pasar sebagai
mekanisme mengatur diri sendiri terisolasi dari urusan politik, spesialis
di IPE tertarik pada kenyataan bahwa ekonomi dunia memiliki cukup
berdampak pada daya, nilai-nilai, dan otonomi politik nasional
masyarakat. Negara memiliki insentif yang kuat untuk mengambil tindakan yang
menjaga nilai-nilai dan kepentingan mereka sendiri, terutama kekuasaan dan mereka
kebebasan bertindak, dan mereka juga berusaha untuk memanipulasi kekuatan pasar
untuk meningkatkan kekuasaan dan pengaruh mereka atas negara-negara saingan atau untuk mendukung
negara-negara yang ramah.

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