Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Proceedings in the case of certain Norwegian loans, between France and Norway, had beeninstituted by an Application of the French Government which requested the Court to adjudgethat certain loans issued on the French market and on other foreign markets by the Kingdom ofNorway, the Mortgage Bank of the Kingdom of Norway and the Smallholding and Workers'Housing Bank, stipulated in gold the amount of the borrower's obligation and that the borrowercould only discharge the substance of his debt by the payment of the gold value of the couponsand of the redeemed bonds. The Application expressly referred to Article 36(2) of the Statute ofthe Court and to the Declarations of Acceptance of the compulsory jurisdiction made by Franceand by Norway. For its part, the Norwegian Government raised certain Preliminary Objectionswhich, at the request of the French Government which the Norwegian Government did notoppose, the Court joined to the merits.In its Judgment the Court upheld one of the grounds relied upon by Norway, which the Courtconsidered more direct and conclusive: the Objection to the effect that Norway was entitled, byvirtue of the condition of reciprocity, to invoke the reservation relating to national jurisdictioncontained in the French Declaration, and that this reservation excluded from the jurisdiction ofthe court the dispute which has been referred to it by the Application of the French Government.Mengingat bahwa itu tidak perlu memeriksa keberatan Norwegia lainnya atau yang lainkiriman dari pihak, pengadilan yang ditemukan oleh dua belas suara untuk tiga itu tanpayurisdiksi untuk mengadili berdasarkan sengketa.Menilai Moreno Quintana menyatakan bahwa ia menganggap bahwa pengadilan itu tanpa yurisdiksi untukalasan berbeda dari yang diberikan dalam penghakiman. Wakil Presiden Badawi dan hakim Sir HerschLauterpacht ditambahkan kepada penghukuman atas pernyataan pengadilan pendapat individu mereka.Hakim Guerrero, Basdevant dan membaca ditambahkan kepada penghukuman Laporan Lapanganpendapat berbeda mereka.
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