By Thursday, Evelyn still couldn’t shake her thoughts of Parker. The m terjemahan - By Thursday, Evelyn still couldn’t shake her thoughts of Parker. The m Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

By Thursday, Evelyn still couldn’t

By Thursday, Evelyn still couldn’t shake her thoughts of Parker. The more she thought about him the more she worried something was wrong, as though an unknown force was putting him into her mind on purpose. Lucian had long ago forbidden her to visit the part of the city where the shelter was, because he considered it too dangerous. She’d tried to sneak back a few times, only to be followed. Each attempt ended in a fight she had no interest in repeating.
Lucian had a lot on his mind lately, probably some big business deal. She didn’t want to cause a rift or bring him more stress by mentioning Parker or asking to visit St. Christopher’s.
She knew the only way she could get to that part of Folsom was through sheer creativity and pretended innocence. The problem was, Lucian loathed any hint of dishonesty between them. She’d have to figure out a way to check on Parker while being honest and casually forgetting to divulge her true intensions. There was a run-down strip mall between St. Christopher’s and the Folsom Library, and that was how her plan took shape.
“Do you think Dugan can take me to a craft store tomorrow?”
Lucian looked up from the checkered onyx, considering his next move. Chess was a way they often ended their evenings. She’d become quite good at the game. He lifted his knight and captured her bishop.
She scowled at the board. She didn’t want to sacrifice her queen.
“What do you need there?” Lucian asked as she contemplated a very stupid move she would likely make in order to save the old girl.
“I was thinking about getting some wire and stuff. Maybe I can make something out of the sea glass I bought.”
“Like a sculpture.”
She smiled, knowing it took everything he had not to tease her. “No, not like a sculpture. Maybe a necklace or something.”
“I’m not sure if I know where a store with that sort of stuff is in the city.”
“There’s one by the library.”
He eyed her curiously for a long moment, and she hoped he didn’t see through her request. She took great interest in moving her rook to a square that made no sense.
He pursed his lips, eyeing her, as he captured the rook with a pawn. “Are you sure wire is all that you’re looking for?”
She swallowed and forced herself not to give anything away. Looking down at the board she picked up a pawn without thinking and slid it forward. “Maybe some tools to work with too.”
When she returned her gaze to his face he was still watching her. Without breaking eye contact, he captured the pawn she just moved. “Think about your actions, Evelyn. Hasty moves will get you into trouble.”
He was referring to the game, but the knot in her stomach told her he might be commenting on more than that. He could read her like one of those books she longed to devour from start to finish. She looked down and frowned over her new predicament. “You’ve won.” She moved her bishop anyway, knowing it was only a matter of two or three moves before he had her in check without an escape.
He slid his bishop forward, knocking out her most powerful piece and doing exactly that. “I always get my queen. Check.”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Oleh Kamis, Evelyn masih tidak bisa goyang pikirannya Parker. Semakin dia berpikir tentang dia semakin dia khawatir ada yang salah, seolah-olah suatu kekuatan yang tidak diketahui adalah menempatkan dia dalam benaknya sengaja. Lucian telah lama dilarang untuk mengunjungi bagian kota mana tempat penampungan adalah, karena ia menganggap itu terlalu berbahaya. Dia telah mencoba untuk menyelinap kembali beberapa kali, hanya untuk diikuti. Setiap upaya berakhir dalam perkelahian ia tidak tertarik berulang.Lucian telah banyak di pikiran akhir-akhir ini, mungkin beberapa kesepakatan bisnis besar. Dia tidak ingin menimbulkan keretakan atau membawanya lebih stres menyebutkan Parker atau meminta untuk mengunjungi St Christopher's.Dia tahu satu-satunya cara yang dia bisa untuk bagian Folsom melalui kreativitas semata-mata dan pura-pura tidak bersalah. Masalahnya adalah, Lucian dibenci petunjuk ketidakjujuran antara mereka. Dia harus mencari cara untuk memeriksa Parker sementara bersikap jujur dan santai lupa untuk mengungkapkan intensions nya benar. Ada mal run-down antara St Christopher's dan Perpustakaan Folsom, dan bahwa adalah bagaimana dia berencana mengambil bentuk."Apakah Anda pikir Dugan dapat membawa saya ke sebuah toko kerajinan besok?"Lucian mendongak dari onyx kotak-kotak, mempertimbangkan bergerak berikutnya. Catur adalah cara mereka sering berakhir malam mereka. Dia akan menjadi cukup baik di permainan. Dia mengangkat knight nya dan ditangkap Uskup nya.Bajingan.Dia merengut di papan. Dia tidak mau mengorbankan Ratu.“What do you need there?” Lucian asked as she contemplated a very stupid move she would likely make in order to save the old girl.“I was thinking about getting some wire and stuff. Maybe I can make something out of the sea glass I bought.”“Like a sculpture.”She smiled, knowing it took everything he had not to tease her. “No, not like a sculpture. Maybe a necklace or something.”“I’m not sure if I know where a store with that sort of stuff is in the city.”“There’s one by the library.”He eyed her curiously for a long moment, and she hoped he didn’t see through her request. She took great interest in moving her rook to a square that made no sense.He pursed his lips, eyeing her, as he captured the rook with a pawn. “Are you sure wire is all that you’re looking for?”She swallowed and forced herself not to give anything away. Looking down at the board she picked up a pawn without thinking and slid it forward. “Maybe some tools to work with too.”When she returned her gaze to his face he was still watching her. Without breaking eye contact, he captured the pawn she just moved. “Think about your actions, Evelyn. Hasty moves will get you into trouble.”He was referring to the game, but the knot in her stomach told her he might be commenting on more than that. He could read her like one of those books she longed to devour from start to finish. She looked down and frowned over her new predicament. “You’ve won.” She moved her bishop anyway, knowing it was only a matter of two or three moves before he had her in check without an escape.He slid his bishop forward, knocking out her most powerful piece and doing exactly that. “I always get my queen. Check.”
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