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From the Desk of Bethea Jenner

Arry, now that you're 67, every single obstacle to your happiness can finally be removed forever!

Get started right now
with your Special Free Gift -- the Laughing Buddha of Good Luck and Wealth

Dear Arry,

There is something I want to share with you... a secret technique that practically guarantees you more prosperity, luck and happiness than you ever dared to dream of!

This secret comes from my dear friend, Professor Benjamin Huntington, a world-renowned Master in the ancient Chinese discipline of Feng Shui.

Feng Shui is the art of re-aligning the energy in your environment, so that it works for you instead of against you. And Benjamin has re-discovered a simple-but-marvelous ceremony, passed on by a select group of Feng Shui masters to their pupils. The Chinese call it the "Blessing for a Happy Home." And at this point in your life, Arry, this ceremony can be especially powerful for you.

And to magnify your success, I want you to have a powerful free gift

In Chinese lore "The Laughing Buddha" is a treasured symbol of happiness, good fortune and wealth. It is said that placing this figure in your home invites prosperity, joy and good luck into your life.

Your Laughing Good Luck Buddha is encased in red copper, the metal of prosperity and power. His long earlobes symbolize the wisdom of the ages. According to ancient custom, rubbing the Buddha's belly will bring good luck to you and all who live in or visit your home.

I want you to have this powerful talisman of happiness and good fortune as a FREE housewarming gift, to set a tone of generosity, good luck, and joy in your Blessing for a Happy Home.

The "Blessing for a Happy Home" is so dynamic, it can immediately activate all the positive energy in your home!

What does this mean?

Well you see, Arry, a certain area in your home can hold "pockets" of psychic energy, or "chi," just like it may have certain warm or cool spots.

Not only can vibrational energy collect in different areas, but the space may also carry the "imprint" of previous energy flows and patterns, just as flowing water creates a stream bed.

Misfortune, arguments, hard times and other disturbances can all leave their subtle marks. In time, these marks may become so substantial that they actually interfere with the positive energy you want to bring into your life now.

Arry, I don't want anything to get in the way of the progress you're making that I see in your charts! And having reached such an important turning point, at 67, you now have even more power to remove obstacles to your happiness and create new and positive momentum for yourself.

The "Blessing for a Happy Home" provides the perfect way for you to fulfill this potential. It is designed to "break up" energy blockages in your environment and clear the traces of negativity or old patterns which may still be active in your space. (It's like a kind of renovation on a psychic energy level... only it happens instantly!)

How fast is "instantly"?... Well, let me tell you what happened to
one of Benjamin's clients!

I have to tell you this story, which Benjamin shared, about his client, Sandra:

When I first met Sandra, she was going through some hard times. She'd gotten divorced and was having difficulties with her business. However, she was about to move into a new home, and wanted to know what she could do to "clear" any negative energies and attract better luck.

It seemed to me that if ever anyone needed the "Blessing for a Happy Home," it was Sandra! So I sat down with her one afternoon and explained to her how it works. I even gave her a few things to take home with her -- special items the ceremony requires that I knew she’d have a hard time finding on her own.

A few weeks later I received a beautiful card from Sandra with the following note:

Dear Benjamin,

Given how skeptical I was, I felt I had to write and tell you what happened after I did your "Blessing for a Happy Home"...

Remember how I told you my main concern was money and my business? Well, the Wednesday after I did the blessing ceremony, I received a phone call from an old client, offering me a two-year contract! And that's not all: by the end of the week, I had also picked up two new clients, one through word of mouth, the other from a chance meeting, standing in line at the supermarket!

The "Blessing for a Happy Home" made me feel like things were improving the minute I moved into my new place. From that day on, my luck seemed to turn.

I cannot thank you enough for helping me find the rainbow at the end of all those gray skies!

With sincere gratitude,
Sandra M.

See why I want you to have the benefits of Benjamin's work? And, Arry, this is only one example of the magnificent success people have achieved with the help of this ancient Feng Shui blessing.

NOW: How am I going to help
you to enjoy a similar change in fortune,
as that enjoyed by Benjamin's clients?

First, Arry, I want to send you a very special guide. I’ve gotten Benjamin to put the entire "Blessing for a Happy Home" into a booklet. This gives you a very powerful way to bring the benefits of this ceremony into your life!

That's right -- by following Benjamin's precise directions, you can do this wonderful ceremony, so you are guaranteed the best possible results! Benjamin's words will guide you every step of the way, in welcoming a world of positive energies into your home!

A rare and special assortment of tools is now available for you to use

Second, you're going to need a few special tools to perform your Blessing Ceremony correctly. The bad news is, these items are very hard to come by. In fact, some of them are specially blessed or purified, and cannot be purchased at all.

The GOOD news is, I've made sure that all of that would be taken care of for you! Benjamin's contacts in the Orient have been extremely helpful in securing all the essentials you’ll need. They have been carefully assembled so you can use and enjoy your very own...


Your BLESSING FOR A HAPPY HOME CEREMONIAL MASTER KIT contains six indispensable tools that Benjamin has personally selected and energized to help you attract unbelievable Good Fortune into your life and home.

With your MASTER KIT, every single obstacle to your happiness can finally be removed -- forever! What's more, having these tools all together means you won't have to improvise or "make do" with ordinary substitutes, which may carry a negative charge.

Let me tell you about the unique items you will receive in your MASTER KIT, Arry:

1) Your Hand-Crafted "Royal Purple" Ritual Cloth
Throughout history and in all cultures, purple has been recognized as a symbol of wealth and regal nature. Purple is the color of healing and intutition, and is said to restore mental and physical health.

Your "Royal Purple" Ritual Cloth serves as a kind of sacred altar or centerpiece to attract positive chi to your home, bringing you good health, prosperity, longevity and happiness.

2) Your 2 Sacred Energy-Enhancing Beeswax Candles
White represents the element of metal, one of the five sacred elements, or energy forces, that permeate our Universe. White also stands for purity and spirituality. But these are no ordinary household candles!

You'll use these sacred candles in your "Blessing for a Happy Home" Ceremony to "cleanse" your environment and increase its vibrational level. This activates the powerful positive energy of your home and speeds a change in your fortune.

3) Specially Energized Purple Purifying Wind Incense
To the Chinese, the burning of incense represents the wind, which symbolizes the forces of change and liberation. When you light this special Feng Shui Incense and allow the intoxicating fragrance to fill the air, you start an amazing transformation: pockets of stagnant or negative energy begin to break up (you can actually feel this happening!), making room for joy and abundance to flow in!

4) Your Lucky Red Envelopes
Red is the color of mystery, magic and manifestation. This very fortunate color also symbolizes strength, passion, fame and success. That’s why at Chinese weddings, gifts of money are traditionally offered in red envelopes.

In Feng Shui, the color red attracts intense positive energy to a specific place. With your Lucky Red Envelopes, you’ll have a quick way to concentrate blessings. Learn the simple technique that can make even your wildest dreams come true immediately!

5) Your Personal Brass Invocation Bell
In Feng Shui, the ringing of bells is used to break up congealed energy and produce profound changes in your pattern of good fortune. Your personal invocation bell is beautifully engraved and crafted in polished brass, to create a sacred "pool" of sound that will cleanse and energize your surroundings for months to come.

Please understand, you cannot buy the "Blessing for a Happy Home Ceremonial Master Kit" in any store for any price. These are unique items, which Benjamin has assembled to make your "Blessing for a Happy Home" Ceremony 100% effective and enhance the success of your Feng Shui practice.


A powerful symbol of prosperity, good fortune and joy, your Laughing Good Luck Buddha plays an important role in your ceremony. Fix your eyes on his infectious grin, and feelings of sadness or despair give way to a new sense of hope, optimism, and possibility.

Hold this figure in your hand, during the meditation portions of your "Blessing for a Happy Home" ceremony. You'll be amazed as visions of riches
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To arrysstea@yahoo.comJul 5 at 11:34 AMIf you are experiencing difficulties in displaying this message correctly, click hereThank you for having opted in to receiving communications from If you wish to unsubscribe, click here.From the Desk of Bethea Jenner Arry, now that you're 67, every single obstacle to your happiness can finally be removed forever! Get started right nowwith your Special Free Gift -- the Laughing Buddha of Good Luck and Wealth Dear Arry, There is something I want to share with you... a secret technique that practically guarantees you more prosperity, luck and happiness than you ever dared to dream of! This secret comes from my dear friend, Professor Benjamin Huntington, a world-renowned Master in the ancient Chinese discipline of Feng Shui. Feng Shui is the art of re-aligning the energy in your environment, so that it works for you instead of against you. And Benjamin has re-discovered a simple-but-marvelous ceremony, passed on by a select group of Feng Shui masters to their pupils. The Chinese call it the "Blessing for a Happy Home." And at this point in your life, Arry, this ceremony can be especially powerful for you.And to magnify your success, I want you to have a powerful free giftTHE LAUGHING GOOD LUCK BUDDHA In Chinese lore "The Laughing Buddha" is a treasured symbol of happiness, good fortune and wealth. It is said that placing this figure in your home invites prosperity, joy and good luck into your life. Anda tertawa baik keberuntungan Buddha terbungkus dalam merah tembaga, logam kemakmuran dan kuasa. Telinga panjang nya melambangkan kebijaksanaan usia. Menurut adat istiadat kuno, menggosok perut Buddha akan membawa keberuntungan untuk Anda dan semua orang yang tinggal di atau mengunjungi rumah Anda. Saya ingin Anda untuk memiliki jimat ini kuat kebahagiaan dan keberuntungan sebagai hadiah pindah rumah gratis, untuk mengatur nada kemurahan hati, keberuntungan dan sukacita dalam berkat Anda untuk rumah Happy."Berkat untuk bahagia rumah" sangat dinamis, itu dapat segera mengaktifkan semua energi positif di rumah Anda! Apa artinya ini? Baik Anda melihat, Arry, daerah tertentu di rumah Anda dapat menahan "saku" psikis energi atau "chi," seperti itu mungkin memiliki titik-titik tertentu hangat atau dingin. Tidak hanya bisa mengumpulkan energi getaran di daerah yang berbeda, tapi ruang juga dapat membawa "jejak" sebelumnya aliran energi dan pola-pola, seperti air mengalir menciptakan tempat tidur sungai. Kemalangan, argumen, masa-masa sulit, dan gangguan lainnya semua dapat meninggalkan tanda halus mereka. Dalam waktu, tanda-tanda ini dapat menjadi begitu besar bahwa mereka benar-benar mengganggu dengan energi positif Anda ingin membawa ke dalam hidup Anda sekarang. Arry, saya tidak menginginkan sesuatu untuk mendapatkan di jalan kemajuan Anda membuat bahwa aku melihat dalam grafik Anda! Dan setelah mencapai seperti titik balik penting, pada 67, Anda sekarang memiliki kekuatan yang lebih untuk menghilangkan hambatan-hambatan untuk kebahagiaan Anda dan menciptakan momentum baru dan positif untuk diri sendiri. The "Blessing for a Happy Home" provides the perfect way for you to fulfill this potential. It is designed to "break up" energy blockages in your environment and clear the traces of negativity or old patterns which may still be active in your space. (It's like a kind of renovation on a psychic energy level... only it happens instantly!)How fast is "instantly"?... Well, let me tell you what happened toone of Benjamin's clients! I have to tell you this story, which Benjamin shared, about his client, Sandra:When I first met Sandra, she was going through some hard times. She'd gotten divorced and was having difficulties with her business. However, she was about to move into a new home, and wanted to know what she could do to "clear" any negative energies and attract better luck.It seemed to me that if ever anyone needed the "Blessing for a Happy Home," it was Sandra! So I sat down with her one afternoon and explained to her how it works. I even gave her a few things to take home with her -- special items the ceremony requires that I knew she’d have a hard time finding on her own.A few weeks later I received a beautiful card from Sandra with the following note:Dear Benjamin,Given how skeptical I was, I felt I had to write and tell you what happened after I did your "Blessing for a Happy Home"...Remember how I told you my main concern was money and my business? Well, the Wednesday after I did the blessing ceremony, I received a phone call from an old client, offering me a two-year contract! And that's not all: by the end of the week, I had also picked up two new clients, one through word of mouth, the other from a chance meeting, standing in line at the supermarket!The "Blessing for a Happy Home" made me feel like things were improving the minute I moved into my new place. From that day on, my luck seemed to turn.I cannot thank you enough for helping me find the rainbow at the end of all those gray skies!With sincere gratitude,Sandra M. See why I want you to have the benefits of Benjamin's work? And, Arry, this is only one example of the magnificent success people have achieved with the help of this ancient Feng Shui blessing.NOW: How am I going to helpyou to enjoy a similar change in fortune,as that enjoyed by Benjamin's clients? First, Arry, I want to send you a very special guide. I’ve gotten Benjamin to put the entire "Blessing for a Happy Home" into a booklet. This gives you a very powerful way to bring the benefits of this ceremony into your life! That's right -- by following Benjamin's precise directions, you can do this wonderful ceremony, so you are guaranteed the best possible results! Benjamin's words will guide you every step of the way, in welcoming a world of positive energies into your home!A rare and special assortment of tools is now available for you to use Second, you're going to need a few special tools to perform your Blessing Ceremony correctly. The bad news is, these items are very hard to come by. In fact, some of them are specially blessed or purified, and cannot be purchased at all. The GOOD news is, I've made sure that all of that would be taken care of for you! Benjamin's contacts in the Orient have been extremely helpful in securing all the essentials you’ll need. They have been carefully assembled so you can use and enjoy your very own..."BLESSING FOR A HAPPY HOME CEREMONIAL MASTER KIT" Your BLESSING FOR A HAPPY HOME CEREMONIAL MASTER KIT contains six indispensable tools that Benjamin has personally selected and energized to help you attract unbelievable Good Fortune into your life and home. With your MASTER KIT, every single obstacle to your happiness can finally be removed -- forever! What's more, having these tools all together means you won't have to improvise or "make do" with ordinary substitutes, which may carry a negative charge. Let me tell you about the unique items you will receive in your MASTER KIT, Arry:1) Your Hand-Crafted "Royal Purple" Ritual ClothThroughout history and in all cultures, purple has been recognized as a symbol of wealth and regal nature. Purple is the color of healing and intutition, and is said to restore mental and physical health.Your "Royal Purple" Ritual Cloth serves as a kind of sacred altar or centerpiece to attract positive chi to your home, bringing you good health, prosperity, longevity and happiness.2) Your 2 Sacred Energy-Enhancing Beeswax CandlesWhite represents the element of metal, one of the five sacred elements, or energy forces, that permeate our Universe. White also stands for purity and spirituality. But these are no ordinary household candles!You'll use these sacred candles in your "Blessing for a Happy Home" Ceremony to "cleanse" your environment and increase its vibrational level. This activates the powerful positive energy of your home and speeds a change in your fortune.3) Specially Energized Purple Purifying Wind IncenseTo the Chinese, the burning of incense represents the wind, which symbolizes the forces of change and liberation. When you light this special Feng Shui Incense and allow the intoxicating fragrance to fill the air, you start an amazing transformation: pockets of stagnant or negative energy begin to break up (you can actually feel this happening!), making room for joy and abundance to flow in!4) Your Lucky Red EnvelopesRed is the color of mystery, magic and manifestation. This very fortunate color also symbolizes strength, passion, fame and success. That’s why at Chinese weddings, gifts of money are traditionally offered in red envelopes.In Feng Shui, the color red attracts intense positive energy to a specific place. With your Lucky Red Envelopes, you’ll have a quick way to concentrate blessings. Learn the simple technique that can make even your wildest dreams come true immediately!5) Your Personal Brass Invocation BellIn Feng Shui, the ringing of bells is used to break up congealed energy and produce profound changes in your pattern of good fortune. Your personal invocation bell is beautifully engraved and crafted in polished brass, to create a sacred "pool" of sound that will cleanse and energize your surroundings for months to come.Please understand, you cannot buy the "Blessing for a Happy Home Ceremonial Master Kit" in any store for any price. These are unique items, which Benjamin has assembled to make your "Blessing for a Happy Home" Ceremony 100% effective and enhance the success of your Feng Shui practice.AND YOU'LL GET YOUR LAUGHING GOOD LUCK BUDDHA A powerful symbol of prosperity, good fortune and joy, your Laughing Good Luck Buddha plays an important role in your ceremony. Fix your eyes on his infectious grin, and feelings of sadness or despair give way to a new sense of hope, optimism, and possibility. Hold this figure in your hand, during the meditation portions of your "Blessing for a Happy Home" ceremony. You'll be amazed as visions of riches
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