A deep voice came over the microphone, and we scooted closer to the ba terjemahan - A deep voice came over the microphone, and we scooted closer to the ba Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

A deep voice came over the micropho

A deep voice came over the microphone, and we scooted closer to the ballroom just in time to hear the magic words. Grace opened the door, her face beaming, as a spotlight hit us square in our faces.
We held hands and made our way through the throng of people clapping and cheering. It was like being a celebrity for a night, and I suddenly realized why movie stars were all so thin. There was no time to eat.
Jude and I had spent a hefty amount of time picking out a beautiful place to have the reception. It needed to be classy enough for his mother’s guests and for us. Well, all we’d really cared about was the food. This location had class and great food. Their chef was amazing and managed to make food that was both divine and not overbearing.
But I hadn’t had a chance to eat any of it since arriving at our table. Every time I raised my fork to my mouth, someone would tap on my shoulder, ready to congratulate me or offer hugs and kisses. It was lovely and heartfelt, and I adored the attention, but if I didn’t get food in my belly soon, people were going to see what a bridezilla truly looked like.
“Miss?” a young waiter said at my side before correcting himself. “I mean, Mrs. Cavanaugh?” His hand covered his mouth as he cleared his throat and blushed, clearly nervous.
I took a moment to glance over at my new husband, who was giving him the evil eye.
“Lailah is fine,” I replied sweetly before giving Jude a look that told him to stand down.
“The chef has requested final approval on the cake,” he said, his eyes darting toward the kitchen and then back to me.
“Um . . . oh. I’m sure whatever he’s done is fine,” I said with a wave of my hand.
If there were an award for an easygoing bride, I would win, hands down. No meltdown bridezilla here.
He pulled at the neck of his collar before wiping his palms against his black slacks. “He was quite insistent.”
“Oh. Okay.” I sighed, not wanting to cause the poor thing any more discomfort.
“Do you want me to accompany you?” Jude offered, rising from his seat to take my hand.
“No, it’s all right. I’ll be right back. One of us should stay and eat. Save my plate?” I requested, kissing his cheek and he nodded.
I followed the waiter toward the back, waving and smiling as I quickly rushed by. He held the door for me, and I made my way into the kitchen. Quickly remembering the last time I’d been in an industrial kitchen like this, I smiled. Seeing the stainless steel workspaces, memories of pizza dough and marinara sauce flooded my mind. But they were quickly dashed when I saw a single place setting, complete with candles and a cloth napkin waiting for me.
“What is this?” I asked, turning toward the waiter.
“Dinner,” he answered. Then, he promptly took his leave through a swinging door, which led further into the depths of the kitchen.
I looked around, searching for answers, and then I found them.
Standing stoically in the corner, he wore his trademark smile and a designer black suit.
“Nice of you to join us,” I muttered.
“I’ve been here the entire time,” he answered. “In the background, where I belong . . . on a day such as this,” he added.
“You did this?” I asked, not bothering to hide the surprise in my tone.
“Well, we couldn’t have the bride fainting on her wedding day, could we?” Roman said, taking a step forward, as his hand slid across the cool steel of the table.
“And what about your brother?” I asked, folding my arms across my chest in defiance.
“Well, someone needs to entertain the masses.” His face curled into a wicked grin.
“Why, Roman?” I questioned, taking an angry step toward him. “Why be generous now? After all these months? Don’t you see what you’ve been putting your brother through?”
His features contorted—first with anger and then melting into something closer to pain. He studied the floor, never making eye contact, as he seemed to fight an internal battle for control.
It seemed to be ages before he spoke, “I’ve been to hundreds of these types of things.” Apparently, he decided to entirely skirt around my pointed questions.
“Weddings?” I asked.
“Weddings, fundraisers, galas—they’re all the same. Same boring people, same dull food.”
I glanced down at my second dinner. It was growing colder by the minute, and I pouted. It wasn’t dull. It was beautiful.
“If you stay in New York long enough, you’ll realize this. It doesn’t matter where you go or what you attend—they all look the same. Pompous old men will brag about their portfolios and riches while their trophy wives will admire each other’s gowns and gossip about the latest scandal. It never changes.”
“And what would you know about interesting conversations?” I challenged. I eyed my food one more time as my stomach growled.
“Nothing, I’m sure. As always, I’m just here for the booze.”
He looked at my untouched plate as he walked up to me. Our shoulders touched for the briefest moment.
“Better eat up, dear sister. They’ll start to notice your absence soon.”
Then, he was gone.
And I was left wondering just how many sides there were to my strange and mysterious new brother and whether I'd ever figure them all out.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
A deep voice came over the microphone, and we scooted closer to the ballroom just in time to hear the magic words. Grace opened the door, her face beaming, as a spotlight hit us square in our faces.We held hands and made our way through the throng of people clapping and cheering. It was like being a celebrity for a night, and I suddenly realized why movie stars were all so thin. There was no time to eat.Jude and I had spent a hefty amount of time picking out a beautiful place to have the reception. It needed to be classy enough for his mother’s guests and for us. Well, all we’d really cared about was the food. This location had class and great food. Their chef was amazing and managed to make food that was both divine and not overbearing.But I hadn’t had a chance to eat any of it since arriving at our table. Every time I raised my fork to my mouth, someone would tap on my shoulder, ready to congratulate me or offer hugs and kisses. It was lovely and heartfelt, and I adored the attention, but if I didn’t get food in my belly soon, people were going to see what a bridezilla truly looked like.“Miss?” a young waiter said at my side before correcting himself. “I mean, Mrs. Cavanaugh?” His hand covered his mouth as he cleared his throat and blushed, clearly nervous.I took a moment to glance over at my new husband, who was giving him the evil eye.“Lailah is fine,” I replied sweetly before giving Jude a look that told him to stand down.“The chef has requested final approval on the cake,” he said, his eyes darting toward the kitchen and then back to me.“Um . . . oh. I’m sure whatever he’s done is fine,” I said with a wave of my hand.If there were an award for an easygoing bride, I would win, hands down. No meltdown bridezilla here.He pulled at the neck of his collar before wiping his palms against his black slacks. “He was quite insistent.”“Oh. Okay.” I sighed, not wanting to cause the poor thing any more discomfort.“Do you want me to accompany you?” Jude offered, rising from his seat to take my hand.“No, it’s all right. I’ll be right back. One of us should stay and eat. Save my plate?” I requested, kissing his cheek and he nodded.I followed the waiter toward the back, waving and smiling as I quickly rushed by. He held the door for me, and I made my way into the kitchen. Quickly remembering the last time I’d been in an industrial kitchen like this, I smiled. Seeing the stainless steel workspaces, memories of pizza dough and marinara sauce flooded my mind. But they were quickly dashed when I saw a single place setting, complete with candles and a cloth napkin waiting for me.“What is this?” I asked, turning toward the waiter.“Dinner,” he answered. Then, he promptly took his leave through a swinging door, which led further into the depths of the kitchen.I looked around, searching for answers, and then I found them.Standing stoically in the corner, he wore his trademark smile and a designer black suit.“Nice of you to join us,” I muttered.“I’ve been here the entire time,” he answered. “In the background, where I belong . . . on a day such as this,” he added.“You did this?” I asked, not bothering to hide the surprise in my tone.“Well, we couldn’t have the bride fainting on her wedding day, could we?” Roman said, taking a step forward, as his hand slid across the cool steel of the table.“And what about your brother?” I asked, folding my arms across my chest in defiance.“Well, someone needs to entertain the masses.” His face curled into a wicked grin.“Why, Roman?” I questioned, taking an angry step toward him. “Why be generous now? After all these months? Don’t you see what you’ve been putting your brother through?”His features contorted—first with anger and then melting into something closer to pain. He studied the floor, never making eye contact, as he seemed to fight an internal battle for control.It seemed to be ages before he spoke, “I’ve been to hundreds of these types of things.” Apparently, he decided to entirely skirt around my pointed questions.“Weddings?” I asked.“Weddings, fundraisers, galas—they’re all the same. Same boring people, same dull food.”I glanced down at my second dinner. It was growing colder by the minute, and I pouted. It wasn’t dull. It was beautiful.“If you stay in New York long enough, you’ll realize this. It doesn’t matter where you go or what you attend—they all look the same. Pompous old men will brag about their portfolios and riches while their trophy wives will admire each other’s gowns and gossip about the latest scandal. It never changes.”“And what would you know about interesting conversations?” I challenged. I eyed my food one more time as my stomach growled.“Nothing, I’m sure. As always, I’m just here for the booze.”He looked at my untouched plate as he walked up to me. Our shoulders touched for the briefest moment.“Better eat up, dear sister. They’ll start to notice your absence soon.”Then, he was gone.And I was left wondering just how many sides there were to my strange and mysterious new brother and whether I'd ever figure them all out.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Sebuah suara berat datang mikrofon, dan kami berlari lebih dekat ke ballroom tepat pada waktunya untuk mendengar kata-kata ajaib. Grace membuka pintu, berseri-seri wajahnya, sebagai lampu sorot memukul kami persegi di wajah kami.
Kami berpegangan tangan dan berjalan melalui kerumunan orang-orang bertepuk tangan dan bersorak-sorai. Itu seperti menjadi selebriti untuk malam, dan tiba-tiba aku menyadari mengapa bintang film itu semua begitu tipis. Tidak ada waktu untuk makan.
Jude dan saya telah menghabiskan sejumlah besar dan kuat dari waktu memilih sebuah tempat yang indah untuk memiliki penerimaan. Ini harus cukup berkelas untuk tamu ibunya dan untuk kita. Nah, semua kita akan benar-benar peduli tentang makanan. Lokasi ini memiliki kelas dan besar makanan. Koki mereka luar biasa dan berhasil membuat makanan yang baik ilahi dan tidak sombong.
Tapi aku tidak punya kesempatan untuk makan semua itu sejak tiba di meja kami. Setiap kali saya mengangkat garpu ke mulut saya, seseorang akan tekan pada bahu saya, siap untuk mengucapkan selamat saya atau menawarkan pelukan dan ciuman. Itu indah dan tulus, dan aku memuja perhatian, tetapi jika aku tidak mendapatkan makanan di perut saya segera, orang akan melihat apa yang bridezilla yang benar-benar tampak seperti.
"Miss?" Pelayan muda mengatakan di sisiku sebelum mengoreksi diri. "Maksudku, Mrs. Cavanaugh?" Tangannya menutup mulutnya saat ia berdeham dan tersipu, jelas gugup.
Aku mengambil waktu untuk melirik pada suami baru saya, yang memberinya mata jahat.
"Lailah baik-baik saja, "Saya menjawab manis sebelum memberikan Jude tampilan yang menyuruhnya untuk
mundur." Koki telah meminta persetujuan akhir pada kue, "katanya, matanya melirik ke arah dapur dan kemudian kembali ke
saya." Um. . . oh. Aku yakin apa pun yang dia lakukan baik-baik saja, "kataku dengan gelombang tangan saya.
Jika ada penghargaan untuk pengantin santai, saya akan menang, tangan ke bawah. Tidak ada krisis bridezilla sini.
Dia menarik leher kerah sebelum menyeka telapak melawan celana panjang hitam. "Dia cukup ngotot."
"Oh. Oke. "Aku mendesah, tidak ingin menimbulkan hal yang buruk ketidaknyamanan
lagi." Apakah Anda ingin saya untuk menemani Anda? "Jude ditawarkan, naik dari tempat duduknya untuk mengambil tangan
saya." Tidak, tidak apa-apa. Aku akan segera kembali. Salah satu dari kami harus tinggal dan makan. Simpan piring? "Saya meminta, mencium pipinya dan dia mengangguk.
Aku mengikuti pelayan ke arah belakang, melambaikan tangan dan tersenyum saat aku cepat bergegas oleh. Dia memegang pintu untuk saya, dan saya membuat jalan ke dapur. Cepat mengingat terakhir kali aku berada di dapur industri seperti ini, aku tersenyum. Melihat ruang kerja stainless steel, kenangan adonan pizza dan saus marinara membanjiri pikiran saya. Tetapi mereka dengan cepat berlari ketika aku melihat pengaturan tempat tunggal, lengkap dengan lilin dan kain serbet menunggu saya.
"Apa ini?" Tanyaku, berbalik ke arah pelayan.
"Makan malam," jawabnya. Kemudian, ia segera mengambil cuti melalui pintu ayun, yang menyebabkan lebih lanjut ke kedalaman dapur.
Aku melihat sekeliling, mencari jawaban, dan kemudian saya menemukan mereka.
Berdiri stoically di sudut, ia mengenakan senyum khasnya dan desainer setelan hitam.
"Nice dari Anda untuk bergabung dengan kami," gumamku.
"Aku sudah di sini sepanjang waktu," jawabnya. "Di latar belakang, di mana saya berada. . . pada hari seperti ini,
"tambahnya." Anda melakukan ini? "tanya saya, tidak mengganggu untuk menyembunyikan kejutan dalam nada
saya." Yah, kita tidak bisa memiliki pingsan pengantin di hari pernikahannya, bisa kita? " Roman mengatakan, mengambil langkah maju, sementara tangannya meluncur melintasi baja dingin meja.
"Dan bagaimana dengan adikmu?" tanya saya, melipat lengan di dada saya yang menyimpang.
"Yah, seseorang perlu untuk menghibur massa. "Wajahnya meringkuk menjadi seringai
jahat." Kenapa, Roman? "Aku bertanya, mengambil langkah marah ke arahnya. "Mengapa bermurah hati sekarang? Setelah berbulan-bulan? Apakah Anda tidak melihat apa yang Anda telah menempatkan saudara Anda melalui?
"Wajahnya berkerut-pertama dengan kemarahan dan kemudian mencair menjadi sesuatu yang lebih dekat dengan rasa sakit. Ia belajar lantai, tidak pernah membuat kontak mata, karena ia tampaknya untuk melawan pertempuran internal control.
Tampaknya menjadi usia sebelum ia berbicara, "Aku pernah ke ratusan jenis hal." Rupanya, dia memutuskan untuk sepenuhnya rok sekitar pertanyaan menunjuk saya.
"Pernikahan?" saya bertanya.
"Pernikahan, pengumpulan dana, galas-mereka semua sama. Orang membosankan yang sama, makanan membosankan yang sama.
"Aku melirik makan malam kedua saya. Itu tumbuh dingin oleh menit, dan saya cemberut. Itu tidak membosankan. Itu indah.
"Jika Anda tinggal di New York cukup lama, Anda akan menyadari ini. Tidak peduli di mana Anda pergi atau apa yang Anda menghadiri-mereka semua terlihat sama. Orang tua sombong akan membual tentang portofolio dan kekayaan mereka sementara istri trofi mereka akan mengagumi gaun dan gosip satu sama lain tentang skandal terbaru. Itu tidak pernah berubah.
"" Dan apa yang akan Anda ketahui tentang percakapan yang menarik? "Saya menantang. Aku menatap makanan sekali lagi sebagai perutku menggeram.
"Tidak ada, saya yakin. Seperti biasa, Aku di sini hanya untuk minuman keras.
"Dia menatap piring tersentuh saya saat ia berjalan ke arahku. Bahu kita menyentuh untuk saat singkat.
"Lebih baik makan sampai, adik sayang. Mereka akan mulai melihat segera ketidakhadiran Anda.
"Kemudian, dia pergi.
Dan aku bertanya-tanya berapa banyak sisi ada saudara baru saya aneh dan misterius dan apakah saya pernah mencari mereka semua.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Bahasa lainnya
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