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Mulan II adalah 2004 Amerika langsung-film animasi Disney ke videodisutradarai oleh Darrell Rooney danLynne Southerland dan merupakan sekuel1998 animasi film Mulan(awalnya dirilis di bioskop). Theseluruh cast dari film pertamakembali, kecuali Eddie Murphy(Mushu), Miriam Margolyes (Mak comblang), Chris Sanders (sedikitSaudara) dan Matthew Wilder (Lingsuara nyanyian). Murphy danMargolyes digantikan oleh MarkMoseley dan April Winchell; KecilSaudara disuarakan oleh Frank Welker,dan Gedde Watanabe melakukan nya sendiribernyanyi untuk sekuel. Mulan IIFitur Mulan dan tunangannya baru,Li Shang umum pada khususMisi: mengawal Kaisartiga anak perempuan di seluruh negeriuntuk memenuhi fiancés mereka segera-to-be.Film mengisahkan diaturloyalitas, perkawinan, hubungan,membuat pilihan, kepercayaan, dan menemukanCinta sejati. Tidak seperti pendahulunya,yang mendapatkan pujian kritis, inifilm disambut buruk oleh para kritikus.PlotSatu bulan setelah peristiwa pertamafilm, Umum Shang meminta Mulan untuktangannya dalam perkawinan dan diadengan senang hati menerima. Mendengar tentang merekaketerlibatan, Mushu senang untukmereka sampai pemimpinnenek moyang memberitahu kepadanya bahwa jika Mulanmenikah ia akan kehilangan pekerjaannya sebagaiwali naga dan harus meninggalkanMulan dan alas nya, itutempat kehormatan sebagai penjaga. Thenenek moyang senang dengan hal inikarena Mulan akan mendapatkanmenikah dengan Shang, dan akan menjadiBagian dari keluarganya, yang akanrequire her to have his familyancestors and guardians. Wanting tokeep his job and his friend, Mushuattempts to tear the couple apart,having noticed that they are notvery compatible, while Cri-Kee triesto foil his attempts and keep thecouple together. Meanwhile, theEmperor calls upon Mulan andGeneral Shang to escort his threedaughters, Princesses Mei, Ting-Tingand Su, across China to be betrothedto three princes so that an alliancecan be formed with the kingdom ofQui Gong. If the task is notcompleted within three days, thealliance will crumble, and theMongols will destroy China.Mulan and Shang set out, along withYao, Ling and Chien-Po, to safelyescort the princesses to their newkingdom. Unfortunately, theprincesses fall in love with Yao, Lingand Chien-Po, and Mulan, who haslong believed arranged marriagesare wrong, decides to go against herorders and, despite Shang's wishes,stop the joining of the kingdoms.One night, Chien-Po, Ling and Yaotake the princesses out to a villageand declare their love for them.Meanwhile, Mushu tricks Shang intothinking Mulan is taking advantageof him. While traveling throughbandit country Mushu is pressuredby Cri-Kee to confess to Mulan whathe had done. Although Mulan isangered by what Mushu tried to do,at the same time, she is enlightenedabout the news, and she attempts toreconcile with Shang, only to beattacked by Mongols moments later.While saving the princesses, thebridge Mulan and Shang arestanding on breaks, leaving the twodangling off by a loose rope.Realizing that the rope can onlysupport the weight of one person,Shang sacrifices his life to saveMulan and allows himself to fall intothe river below.Devastated by Shang's apparentdeath, Mulan continues on the tripalone to Qui Gong. Not wanting theprincesses to be forced into aloveless marriage, she offers herselfto marry one of the ruler's sons.Shang, who actually survived thefall, soon hears about the news andrushes to stop the marriage, but theruler denies it. Mushu decides tohelp by pretending to be the GreatGolden Dragon of Unity, and forcesthe ruler to stop the marriage. Stillunder the guise of the Great GoldenDragon, Mushu marries Mulan andShang and releases the princessesfrom their vows. Some time later,Shang combines the family temples,meaning that Mushu gets to keep hisjob, much to the ancestor's dismay.In his happiness, Mushu accidentallyreveals himself to Shang, eventhough Mulan had already toldShang about him.CastMing-Na Wen as Fa MulanMark Moseley as MushuBD Wong as General Li ShangLucy Liu as Princess MeiHarvey Fierstein as YaoSandra Oh as Princess Ting-TingGedde Watanabe as Ling
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