Steps into the royal palace main hall, Great and princess and other gr terjemahan - Steps into the royal palace main hall, Great and princess and other gr Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Steps into the royal palace main ha

Steps into the royal palace main hall, Great and princess and other group of peo­ple were dis­cussing of­fi­cial busi­ness as be­fore, but I en­tered has stood up, a face was angry, points at me loudly to shout to clear the way: „Li Xiao Yao, you may know crime!?”
I am sub­mis­sive: „Knows the crime, there­fore is will­ing to give the token, re­signs from palace guard com­mand­ing, no mat­ter what!”
Wears in great sur­prise, walks to go for­ward say­ing: „Li Xiao Yao, do not im­pulse!”
I bow, the hand is hold­ing two to­kens, one is south the town the mil­i­tary order, an­other is the palace guard com­mands the token.
In there, as if has not thought as­ton­ished I will do, but Luo four, Luis, Xu Yi and other mil­i­tary of­fi­cers in abun­dance are also dumb­founded, no one has thought that I can leave this move.
My be­hind Xiao Li holds the fist in the other hand to say ac­tu­ally: „Your majesty, the palace guard army more than 87,000 peo­ple awaited or­ders out­side Wang Cheng com­pletely, only needs your majesty to issue an order, we then re­tire, since the em­pire is not will­ing to kill the enemy with the palace guard again, value that the palace guard has not then had!”
Clenches jaws: „Li Xiao Yao, are you are com­pelling the palace?”
I shake the head: „Does not dare.”
Shouted to clear the way: „What do you mean?”
Xiao Li con­tin­ues to hold the fist in the other hand say­ing: „Your majesty, the palace guard since has not turned over to the war of sea al­ways un­prece­dented, the Li Tongling sin­cere heart, imag­ines with the dark month div­ina­tion slip makes an al­liance to make, re­sists the dif­fer­ent demon ter­ri­tory to­gether, there­fore will not turn over to the ma­rine stop flood dragon armed forces to pur­sue the dark month spirit, Li Tongling gives pri­or­ity to the em­pire whole­heart­edly, but also looks at your majesty bright mir­ror, palace guard five Yorozuo has had made up mind steadily, if Li Tongling re­signs, we will re­tire, the idle cloud wild crane, whom man­ages on this day under fi­nally is!”
Xiao Li words seem like loyal, but sim­ply is the rebels, but I like, this new em­peror acts will­fully, mak­ing him con­tinue such to do, the over­all strength of Chi­nese war zone will weaken, do I also go to se­ries seven big main cities? In fact, when who this em­peror I did not care that what I care is Tian Ling Em­pire whether can get down tyran­ni­calally.
Out­side city near 9 W palace guard al­ready at dag­gers drawn, so long as Long Xingxia is­sues an order will prob­a­bly break through Tian Ling Em­pire, the palace guard at­tacks swiftly and vi­o­lently, the player and im­pe­r­ial guard are un­able to re­sist, per­haps Tian Ling Em­pire re­ally has ex­changed own­er­ships, but wants my courage to be big enough, could work as the host of this Tian Ling Em­pire? Ok, thinks to be good, I do not want to sit in the im­pe­r­ial palace rust, is lead­ing [Zhan Long] one group of broth­ers and palace guards opens up ter­ri­tory the mat­ter that wards off earth that is I most wants to han­dle.
Xiao Li words ruth­less char­ac­ter be­hind a gen­tle ap­pear­ance, has swal­lowed under the saliva, on the face has shown the happy ex­pres­sion after care­ful con­sid­er­a­tion sud­denly: „Li Xiao Yao, the or­phaned king knows that your loy­alty, does not need to re­buke one­self, comes the human, grants Li Tongling sil­ver axe yue, and pro­motes for third-level pro­tects the coun­try gen­eral, the palace guard army pay and pro­vi­sions for the mil­i­tary pro­motes 50%, the day plume em­pire will not dis­ap­point the sin­cere heart of brave war­rior, will also look at the au­di­ences to take Li Xiao Yao as the model!”
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Steps into the royal palace main hall, Great and princess and other group of peo­ple were dis­cussing of­fi­cial busi­ness as be­fore, but I en­tered has stood up, a face was angry, points at me loudly to shout to clear the way: „Li Xiao Yao, you may know crime!?”I am sub­mis­sive: „Knows the crime, there­fore is will­ing to give the token, re­signs from palace guard com­mand­ing, no mat­ter what!”„What?”Wears in great sur­prise, walks to go for­ward say­ing: „Li Xiao Yao, do not im­pulse!”I bow, the hand is hold­ing two to­kens, one is south the town the mil­i­tary order, an­other is the palace guard com­mands the token.In there, as if has not thought as­ton­ished I will do, but Luo four, Luis, Xu Yi and other mil­i­tary of­fi­cers in abun­dance are also dumb­founded, no one has thought that I can leave this move.My be­hind Xiao Li holds the fist in the other hand to say ac­tu­ally: „Your majesty, the palace guard army more than 87,000 peo­ple awaited or­ders out­side Wang Cheng com­pletely, only needs your majesty to issue an order, we then re­tire, since the em­pire is not will­ing to kill the enemy with the palace guard again, value that the palace guard has not then had!”Clenches jaws: „Li Xiao Yao, are you are com­pelling the palace?”I shake the head: „Does not dare.”Shouted to clear the way: „What do you mean?”Xiao Li con­tin­ues to hold the fist in the other hand say­ing: „Your majesty, the palace guard since has not turned over to the war of sea al­ways un­prece­dented, the Li Tongling sin­cere heart, imag­ines with the dark month div­ina­tion slip makes an al­liance to make, re­sists the dif­fer­ent demon ter­ri­tory to­gether, there­fore will not turn over to the ma­rine stop flood dragon armed forces to pur­sue the dark month spirit, Li Tongling gives pri­or­ity to the em­pire whole­heart­edly, but also looks at your majesty bright mir­ror, palace guard five Yorozuo has had made up mind steadily, if Li Tongling re­signs, we will re­tire, the idle cloud wild crane, whom man­ages on this day under fi­nally is!”
Xiao Li words seem like loyal, but sim­ply is the rebels, but I like, this new em­peror acts will­fully, mak­ing him con­tinue such to do, the over­all strength of Chi­nese war zone will weaken, do I also go to se­ries seven big main cities? In fact, when who this em­peror I did not care that what I care is Tian Ling Em­pire whether can get down tyran­ni­calally.
Out­side city near 9 W palace guard al­ready at dag­gers drawn, so long as Long Xingxia is­sues an order will prob­a­bly break through Tian Ling Em­pire, the palace guard at­tacks swiftly and vi­o­lently, the player and im­pe­r­ial guard are un­able to re­sist, per­haps Tian Ling Em­pire re­ally has ex­changed own­er­ships, but wants my courage to be big enough, could work as the host of this Tian Ling Em­pire? Ok, thinks to be good, I do not want to sit in the im­pe­r­ial palace rust, is lead­ing [Zhan Long] one group of broth­ers and palace guards opens up ter­ri­tory the mat­ter that wards off earth that is I most wants to han­dle.
Xiao Li words ruth­less char­ac­ter be­hind a gen­tle ap­pear­ance, has swal­lowed under the saliva, on the face has shown the happy ex­pres­sion after care­ful con­sid­er­a­tion sud­denly: „Li Xiao Yao, the or­phaned king knows that your loy­alty, does not need to re­buke one­self, comes the human, grants Li Tongling sil­ver axe yue, and pro­motes for third-level pro­tects the coun­try gen­eral, the palace guard army pay and pro­vi­sions for the mil­i­tary pro­motes 50%, the day plume em­pire will not dis­ap­point the sin­cere heart of brave war­rior, will also look at the au­di­ences to take Li Xiao Yao as the model!”
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Langkah ke dalam istana kerajaan ruang utama, besar dan putri dan kelompok lain dari orang sedang mendiskusikan bisnis resmi seperti sebelumnya, tapi aku memasuki telah berdiri, wajah marah, menunjukku keras berteriak untuk membersihkan jalan: "Li Xiao Yao , Anda mungkin tahu kejahatan !? "
saya pasrah:" tahu kejahatan, karena itu bersedia memberikan token, mengundurkan diri dari penjaga istana memerintah, tidak peduli apa "!
" apa? "
Wears di kejutan besar, berjalan maju mengatakan : "Li Xiao Yao, tidak impuls!"
aku membungkuk, tangan memegang dua token, satu adalah selatan kota perintah militer, yang lain adalah pengawal istana perintah token.
Di sana, seolah-olah tidak berpikir heran saya akan dilakukan, tetapi Luo empat, Luis, Xu Yi dan perwira militer lainnya dalam kelimpahan juga tercengang, tidak ada yang berpikir bahwa saya dapat meninggalkan langkah ini.
saya balik Xiao Li memegang kepalan tangan di sisi lain mengatakan sebenarnya: "yang Mulia, tentara pengawal istana lebih dari 87.000 orang yang menunggu pesanan luar Wang Cheng benar, hanya perlu paduka untuk mengeluarkan perintah, kita kemudian pensiun, karena kerajaan tidak bersedia untuk membunuh musuh dengan pengawal istana lagi, nilai bahwa pengawal istana memiliki tidak kemudian harus "!
mengepalkan rahang:"? Li Xiao Yao, yang Anda menarik istana "
aku menggelengkan kepalanya:" tidak berani ".
teriak untuk membersihkan jalan:"? Apa maksudmu "
Xiao Li terus memegang tinju di pepatah sisi lain: "yang Mulia, pengawal istana karena belum diserahkan ke perang laut selalu belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya, Li Tongling hati yang tulus, membayangkan dengan gelap tergelincir bulan ramalan membuat aliansi untuk membuat, menolak berbeda wilayah setan bersama-sama, karena itu tidak akan menyerahkan kepada angkatan bersenjata laut berhenti naga banjir untuk mengejar semangat bulan gelap, Li Tongling memberikan prioritas kepada kekaisaran sepenuh hati, tetapi juga terlihat di cermin terang Mulia, istana penjaga lima Yorozuo telah telah dibuat keberatan terus, jika Li Tongling mengundurkan diri, kita akan pensiun, awan menganggur derek liar, yang mengelola pada hari ini di bawah akhirnya adalah! "
kata Xiao Li tampak seperti setia, tetapi hanya merupakan pemberontak, tapi aku suka, kaisar baru ini bertindak sengaja , membuatnya terus seperti melakukan, kekuatan keseluruhan zona perang Cina akan melemah, saya juga pergi ke seri tujuh kota besar utama? Bahkan, ketika yang kaisar ini saya tidak peduli bahwa apa yang saya peduli adalah Tian Ling Empire apakah bisa turun tyrannicalally.
Kota luar dekat 9 W pengawal istana sudah di belati ditarik, asalkan panjang Xingxia mengeluarkan perintah mungkin akan menerobos Tian Ling Empire, serangan pengawal istana dengan cepat dan keras, pemain dan penjaga kekaisaran tidak dapat menolak, mungkin Tian Ling Empire kepemilikan benar-benar telah ditukar, tapi ingin keberanian saya untuk menjadi cukup besar, bisa bekerja sebagai tuan rumah ini Tian Ling Empire? Ok, berpikir untuk menjadi baik, saya tidak ingin duduk di istana karat kekaisaran, memimpin [Zhan Panjang] satu kelompok saudara dan penjaga istana membuka wilayah peduli bahwa bangsal dari bumi yang paling saya ingin menangani.
" Buk "
kata Xiao Li karakter kejam balik penampilan lembut, telah menelan bawah air liur, pada wajah telah menunjukkan ekspresi bahagia setelah pertimbangan hati-hati tiba-tiba:" Li Xiao Yao, raja yatim tahu bahwa loyalitas Anda, tidak perlu menegur diri sendiri , datang manusia, memberikan Li Tongling perak kapak yue, dan mempromosikan untuk ketiga tingkat melindungi umum negara, istana penjaga tentara bayaran dan ketentuan untuk militer mempromosikan 50%, kekaisaran hari bulu-bulu tidak akan mengecewakan hati yang tulus dari pejuang pemberani , juga akan melihat penonton untuk mengambil Li Xiao Yao sebagai model! "
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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