To ap­proach­ing noon time, had not found Wang Zecheng as be­fore, nea terjemahan - To ap­proach­ing noon time, had not found Wang Zecheng as be­fore, nea Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

To ap­proach­ing noon time, had not

To ap­proach­ing noon time, had not found Wang Zecheng as be­fore, near this Xihu villa area al­ready com­pletely has sur­rounded by the po­lice and army, this our sound made that is too big, the sur­round­ing res­i­dent af­fir­ma­tion had been alarmed, es­pe­cially the bomb­ings on pin­point of two J-20, Hangzhoucheng is a peace­ful city, the pre­vi­ous war is more than half cen­tury ago mat­ter.
** Al­ways has been think­ing since cov­er­ing-up, for fear that the peo­ple know ex­is­tences of our group of peo­ple, to main­tain sta­ble so­cial sit­u­a­tion, even takes our lives as the chip, but this time he did not have any­thing to re­tain, co­or­di­nat­ing the mil­i­tary di­rectly to at­tack, this act has in­di­cated but ac­tu­ally also Chi­nese Mil­i­tary's man­ner to Buesst.
In brain a con­fu­sion, when Xing Lie, axe found me in the moun­tain I the whole body has soaked, Xing Lie saw that my is not nor­mal, has touched my fore­head with the hand hur­riedly, is out of con­trol said as­ton­ished: „Was good to burn the boss you to have a fever!”
I nod: „Um, sleeps well.”
At this time, an in­tense weary feel­ing raided fi­nally, the strength that night con­sumed was re­ally too many, the per­son but who mas­sa­cred were also many enough, gym­nosophists and 10 dragon blood sol­diers who con­trolled one's feel­ings the peak, sur- dozens Wang Zecheng par­ti­san, but Wang Ze hon­estly how heart­less, loses that many peo­ple he not to be grieved, but I, lost Shen Bing suf­fi­ciently to make me feel like a knife twist­ing in the heart.
„Wang do Dui and Gen­eral Sun Xiang under the moun­tain, we hurry?” The axe said.
„Um, walks.”
Takes a step again, the dis­cov­ery both legs are al­most not ac­tu­ally able to step, the axe and Xing Lie are hold­ing me hur­riedly, nearby five mem­bers of pro­tec­tor squads are grip­ping tightly the sub­ma­chine gun, alerts in the sur­round­ings, they know that I lost the bat­tle ef­fi­ciency now, only then they can pro­tect me.
Under moun­tain, tem­porar­ily con­trol cen­ter, Sun Xiang with an­other two major gen­er­als pe­riph­ery, large quan­ti­ties of army sur­round­ing, **, then frowns tightly, saw that I came to relax, asked: „All right?”
„All right.” My weak shak­ing the head, asked: „Caught Wang Zecheng?”
„Tem­porar­ily did not have, was es­caped mostly.”
Sun Xiang asked in side: „Li Xiao Yao, Buesst's Chi­nese re­gion CEO, that Wang Zecheng is also breeds to think of the human?”
„Um, the S level breeds to think of the human, du­pli­cated my strength­en­ing of some strengths to breed to think of the human.”
„Scoundrel” grand­son flies in cir­cles makes a fist, said: „Has not thought of their this ma­lig­nant tu­mors al­ready rot­tenly to this sit­u­a­tion!”
I asked: „Searches for Wang Zecheng dwelling, what found?”
Sun Xiang nods: „Um, found re­search and de­vel­op­ment to breed to in­stall the tech­ni­cal in the ruins of base­ment the lab­o­ra­tory, has cap­tured alive more than 30 their sci­en­tists, this ev­i­dence is solid, Buesst was ends.”
I im­plored the tone, said: „That is good, Shen Bing Nether­world has the knowl­edge, should also com­fort some?”
Sun Xi­ang­dao: „Shen Bing duty sub­or­di­nates in the mil­i­tary re­gion, she died at one's post, the mil­i­tary re­gion will cer­tainly not make her sac­ri­fice in vain, plans to sup­ple­ment the lieu­tenant colonel mil­i­tary rank and first-class merit.”
„Human did not have, these are also use­ful.”
I smile lightly, said to nearby Xing Lie: „Small fierce, holds me to board, I must rest a meet­ing, Wang Dui, has any­thing to be good to pun­ish my, al­though looks, I rec­og­nize.”
** Looks at my ap­pear­ance, said: „I can also pun­ish your any­thing to rest quickly! When your re­cov­ered, this ar­rests Wang Zecheng duty also to need you to carry out per­son­ally.”
I know that the Wang Zecheng pre­sent strength by far in the or­di­nary peo­ple, hav­ing made the or­di­nary po­lice of­fi­cer ar­rest this devil truly to feel em­bar­rassed
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Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
To ap­proach­ing noon time, had not found Wang Zecheng as be­fore, near this Xihu villa area al­ready com­pletely has sur­rounded by the po­lice and army, this our sound made that is too big, the sur­round­ing res­i­dent af­fir­ma­tion had been alarmed, es­pe­cially the bomb­ings on pin­point of two J-20, Hangzhoucheng is a peace­ful city, the pre­vi­ous war is more than half cen­tury ago mat­ter.** Al­ways has been think­ing since cov­er­ing-up, for fear that the peo­ple know ex­is­tences of our group of peo­ple, to main­tain sta­ble so­cial sit­u­a­tion, even takes our lives as the chip, but this time he did not have any­thing to re­tain, co­or­di­nat­ing the mil­i­tary di­rectly to at­tack, this act has in­di­cated but ac­tu­ally also Chi­nese Mil­i­tary's man­ner to Buesst.In brain a con­fu­sion, when Xing Lie, axe found me in the moun­tain I the whole body has soaked, Xing Lie saw that my is not nor­mal, has touched my fore­head with the hand hur­riedly, is out of con­trol said as­ton­ished: „Was good to burn the boss you to have a fever!”I nod: „Um, sleeps well.”At this time, an in­tense weary feel­ing raided fi­nally, the strength that night con­sumed was re­ally too many, the per­son but who mas­sa­cred were also many enough, gym­nosophists and 10 dragon blood sol­diers who con­trolled one's feel­ings the peak, sur- dozens Wang Zecheng par­ti­san, but Wang Ze hon­estly how heart­less, loses that many peo­ple he not to be grieved, but I, lost Shen Bing suf­fi­ciently to make me feel like a knife twist­ing in the heart.„Wang do Dui and Gen­eral Sun Xiang under the moun­tain, we hurry?” The axe said.
„Um, walks.”
Takes a step again, the dis­cov­ery both legs are al­most not ac­tu­ally able to step, the axe and Xing Lie are hold­ing me hur­riedly, nearby five mem­bers of pro­tec­tor squads are grip­ping tightly the sub­ma­chine gun, alerts in the sur­round­ings, they know that I lost the bat­tle ef­fi­ciency now, only then they can pro­tect me.
Under moun­tain, tem­porar­ily con­trol cen­ter, Sun Xiang with an­other two major gen­er­als pe­riph­ery, large quan­ti­ties of army sur­round­ing, **, then frowns tightly, saw that I came to relax, asked: „All right?”
„All right.” My weak shak­ing the head, asked: „Caught Wang Zecheng?”
„Tem­porar­ily did not have, was es­caped mostly.”
Sun Xiang asked in side: „Li Xiao Yao, Buesst's Chi­nese re­gion CEO, that Wang Zecheng is also breeds to think of the human?”
„Um, the S level breeds to think of the human, du­pli­cated my strength­en­ing of some strengths to breed to think of the human.”
„Scoundrel” grand­son flies in cir­cles makes a fist, said: „Has not thought of their this ma­lig­nant tu­mors al­ready rot­tenly to this sit­u­a­tion!”
I asked: „Searches for Wang Zecheng dwelling, what found?”
Sun Xiang nods: „Um, found re­search and de­vel­op­ment to breed to in­stall the tech­ni­cal in the ruins of base­ment the lab­o­ra­tory, has cap­tured alive more than 30 their sci­en­tists, this ev­i­dence is solid, Buesst was ends.”
I im­plored the tone, said: „That is good, Shen Bing Nether­world has the knowl­edge, should also com­fort some?”
Sun Xi­ang­dao: „Shen Bing duty sub­or­di­nates in the mil­i­tary re­gion, she died at one's post, the mil­i­tary re­gion will cer­tainly not make her sac­ri­fice in vain, plans to sup­ple­ment the lieu­tenant colonel mil­i­tary rank and first-class merit.”
„Human did not have, these are also use­ful.”
I smile lightly, said to nearby Xing Lie: „Small fierce, holds me to board, I must rest a meet­ing, Wang Dui, has any­thing to be good to pun­ish my, al­though looks, I rec­og­nize.”
** Looks at my ap­pear­ance, said: „I can also pun­ish your any­thing to rest quickly! When your re­cov­ered, this ar­rests Wang Zecheng duty also to need you to carry out per­son­ally.”
I know that the Wang Zecheng pre­sent strength by far in the or­di­nary peo­ple, hav­ing made the or­di­nary po­lice of­fi­cer ar­rest this devil truly to feel em­bar­rassed
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Untuk mendekati waktu siang, belum menemukan Wang Zecheng seperti sebelumnya, dekat daerah villa Xihu ini sudah benar-benar telah dikelilingi oleh polisi dan tentara, ini suara kami membuat yang terlalu besar, penegasan warga sekitarnya telah khawatir, terutama pemboman di pinpoint dua J-20, Hangzhoucheng adalah kota yang damai, perang sebelumnya lebih dari setengah abad yang lalu peduli.
** Selalu telah berpikir sejak meliputi-up, karena takut bahwa orang tahu keberadaan kelompok kami orang, untuk mempertahankan stabil situasi sosial, bahkan mengambil kehidupan kita sebagai chip, tapi kali ini ia tidak memiliki apa-apa untuk mempertahankan, koordinasi militer langsung ke serangan, tindakan ini mengindikasikan namun sebenarnya juga cara Cina militer untuk Buesst.
dalam otak kebingungan, ketika Xing Lie , kapak menemukan saya di gunung saya seluruh tubuh telah direndam, Xing Lie melihat bahwa saya tidak normal, telah menyentuh dahiku dengan tangan buru-buru, adalah di luar kendali berkata heran: "Apakah yang baik untuk membakar bos Anda untuk memiliki demam "!
saya mengangguk:". Um, tidur dengan baik "
pada saat ini, perasaan lelah intens menggerebek akhirnya, kekuatan malam itu dikonsumsi benar-benar terlalu banyak, orang tapi yang dibantai juga cukup banyak, gimnosofis dan 10 naga prajurit darah yang menguasai perasaan seseorang puncak, puluhan sur- Wang Zecheng partisan, tapi Wang Ze jujur ​​bagaimana berperasaan, kehilangan bahwa banyak orang ia tidak akan sedih, tapi aku, kehilangan Shen Bing cukup untuk membuat saya merasa seperti pisau memutar di dalam hati.
"Wang melakukan Dui dan General Sun Xiang bawah gunung, kami bergegas?" kapak kata.
"Um, berjalan."
Membawa langkah lagi, penemuan kedua kaki hampir tidak benar-benar mampu melangkah, kapak dan Xing Lie memegang saya buru-buru, lima anggota terdekat dari regu pelindung yang mencengkeram erat senapan mesin ringan, alert di sekitarnya, mereka tahu bahwa saya kehilangan efisiensi pertempuran sekarang, hanya kemudian mereka bisa melindungi saya.
di bawah gunung, sementara mengontrol pusat, Sun Xiang dengan dua lain jenderal besar pinggiran, jumlah besar tentara sekitarnya, **, kemudian mengernyit erat, melihat bahwa aku datang untuk bersantai, bertanya: "? Baiklah"
. "Baiklah" saya lemah menggelengkan kepala, bertanya: "? Tertangkap Wang Zecheng"
"untuk sementara tidak telah, sedang melarikan diri sebagian besar."
Sun Xiang bertanya di sisi: "? Li Xiao Yao, CEO wilayah Cina Buesst ini, yang Wang Zecheng juga melahirkan memikirkan manusia"
"Um, keturunan tingkat S-pikir manusia, digandakan penguatan saya beberapa kekuatan untuk berkembang biak memikirkan manusia ".
" Scoundrel "cucu lalat di kalangan membuat tinju, mengatakan:" belum memikirkan mereka tumor ganas ini sudah rottenly untuk situasi ini! "
saya bertanya: "pencarian untuk Wang Zecheng tinggal, apa yang ditemukan?"
Sun Xiang mengangguk: "Um, menemukan penelitian dan pengembangan untuk berkembang biak untuk menginstal teknis di reruntuhan basement laboratorium, telah ditangkap hidup-hidup lebih dari 30 ilmuwan mereka, bukti ini solid, Buesst adalah ujung ".
saya memohon nada, mengatakan:" Itu baik, Shen Bing akhirat memiliki pengetahuan, juga harus menghibur beberapa "?
Sun Xiangdao:" Shen Bing bawahan bertugas di wilayah militer, dia meninggal di pos seseorang, daerah militer tentu tidak akan membuat pengorbanan nya sia-sia, berencana untuk melengkapi pangkat militer letnan kolonel dan jasa kelas pertama ".
" Manusia tidak memiliki, ini juga berguna. "
aku tersenyum ringan, dikatakan Lie Xing terdekat:" Kecil . sengit, memegang saya untuk naik, aku harus beristirahat pertemuan, Wang Dui, ​​memiliki apa-apa untuk menjadi baik untuk menghukum saya, meskipun penampilan, saya mengakui "
** tampak di penampilan saya, mengatakan:" saya juga bisa menghukum apapun Anda untuk beristirahat segera! Ketika pulih Anda, ini penangkapan tugas Wang Zecheng juga membutuhkan Anda untuk melaksanakan secara pribadi. "
" Um. "
Saya tahu bahwa Wang Zecheng hadir kekuatan jauh di orang biasa, telah membuat biasa penangkapan polisi setan ini benar-benar merasa malu
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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