It was sometimes said that the dynamic, energetic Theodore Rooseveltha terjemahan - It was sometimes said that the dynamic, energetic Theodore Rooseveltha Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

It was sometimes said that the dyna

It was sometimes said that the dynamic, energetic Theodore Roosevelt
had to be “the bride at every wedding and the corpse at every funeral.”
And it was certainly true that day. Wherever the president went, the
guests followed at his heels.
Before long Eleanor and Franklin found themselves standing all alone,
deserted. Franklin seemed annoyed, but Eleanor didn’t mind. She had
found the ceremony deeply moving. And she stood next to her husband
in a glow of idealism—very serious, very grave, very much in love.
In May 1906 the couple’s first child was born. During the next nine years
Eleanor gave birth to five more babies, one of whom died in infancy. Still
timid, shy, afraid of making mistakes, she found herself so busy that there
was little time to think of her own drawbacks.
Still, looking back later on the early years of her marriage, Eleanor knew
that she should have been a stronger person, especially in the handling of
Franklin’s mother, or, as they both called her, “Mammá.” Too often Mammá
made the decisions about such things as where they would live, how
their home would be furnished, how the children would be disciplined.
Eleanor and Franklin let her pay for things they could not afford—extra
servants, vacations, doctor bills, clothing. She offered, and they accepted.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
It was sometimes said that the dynamic, energetic Theodore Roosevelthad to be “the bride at every wedding and the corpse at every funeral.”And it was certainly true that day. Wherever the president went, theguests followed at his heels.Before long Eleanor and Franklin found themselves standing all alone,deserted. Franklin seemed annoyed, but Eleanor didn’t mind. She hadfound the ceremony deeply moving. And she stood next to her husbandin a glow of idealism—very serious, very grave, very much in love.In May 1906 the couple’s first child was born. During the next nine yearsEleanor gave birth to five more babies, one of whom died in infancy. Stilltimid, shy, afraid of making mistakes, she found herself so busy that therewas little time to think of her own drawbacks.Still, looking back later on the early years of her marriage, Eleanor knewthat she should have been a stronger person, especially in the handling ofFranklin’s mother, or, as they both called her, “Mammá.” Too often Mammámade the decisions about such things as where they would live, howtheir home would be furnished, how the children would be disciplined.Eleanor and Franklin let her pay for things they could not afford—extraservants, vacations, doctor bills, clothing. She offered, and they accepted.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Hal itu kadang-kadang mengatakan bahwa dinamis, energik Theodore Roosevelt
harus "pengantin di setiap pernikahan dan mayat di setiap pemakaman."
Dan itu memang benar hari itu. Dimanapun presiden pergi, para
tamu diikuti di tumitnya.
Tak lama Eleanor dan Franklin menemukan diri mereka berdiri sendirian,
sepi. Franklin tampak kesal, tapi Eleanor tidak keberatan. Dia telah
menemukan upacara yang sangat menyentuh. Dan dia berdiri di samping suaminya
dalam cahaya idealisme-sangat serius, sangat serius, sangat banyak cinta.
Pada Mei 1906 anak pertama pasangan itu lahir. Selama sembilan tahun berikutnya
Eleanor melahirkan lima bayi, satu di antaranya meninggal saat masih bayi. Masih
takut-takut, malu, takut membuat kesalahan, ia mendapati dirinya begitu sibuk bahwa ada
sedikit waktu untuk memikirkan kelemahan sendiri.
Namun, melihat kembali kemudian pada tahun-tahun awal pernikahannya, Eleanor tahu
bahwa ia harus menjadi orang kuat , terutama dalam penanganan
ibu Franklin, atau, karena keduanya memanggilnya, "Mama." Terlalu sering Mamma
membuat keputusan tentang hal-hal seperti di mana mereka akan hidup, bagaimana
rumah mereka akan dilengkapi, bagaimana anak-anak akan disiplin.
Eleanor dan Franklin biarkan dia membayar untuk hal-hal yang mereka tidak mampu-tambahan
pegawai, liburan, tagihan dokter, pakaian. Dia menawarkan, dan mereka diterima.
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