from October 2007 to November 2008, and the second cohort completed th terjemahan - from October 2007 to November 2008, and the second cohort completed th Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

from October 2007 to November 2008,

from October 2007 to November 2008, and the second cohort completed the study from April 2008 to May 2009. Foods Lupin or control foods were provided to participants and were consumed in place of other cereal-based food products normally used in the diet. The three foods provided were bread, biscuits and pasta. The bread and biscuits were baked at Bodhi’s Bakery (Fremantle, Western Australia, Australia). The bread was sliced and supplied fresh or frozen to the participants every month, commencing from baseline. Participants were required to freeze the bread. The biscuits were provided fresh every month starting at the 4-month appointment. The pasta was produced at Belmar Foods (Balcatta, Western Australia, Australia) and was provided
fresh every month starting at the 6-month appointment. The food introduction was staggered to keep the initial weight loss period of the study simple, and to aid retention in the
later phases of the study by increasing variety. The lupin flour in the lupin products was substituted for wheat flour, primarily wholemeal, in the control products. The incorporation rate of lupin flour into lupin products was 25–40% by weight. The two sets of food products were matched as closely as possible in colour, taste and texture, and sensory acceptability and energy, fat and sodium content in order to assist in blinding of participants to their treatment group allocation (Table 1). Dietary assessment Dietary intake was assessed using a 3-day food diary designed by a qualified dietitian, based on a previously validated 3-day estimated food record. 28 Participants were given both verbal and written instructions on its completion using household measures to quantify intake. The food diaries were completed on two weekdays and one day of the weekend. A weekly log of alcohol intake was included in the food diary, where participants were asked to record their alcohol consumption over 7 days. Food intake data were analysed using FoodWorks Professional 2007 Software (Xyris, Brisbane, Australia) based on the Australian Food Composition Database to determine average daily energy, protein, total
fat, cholesterol, carbohydrate, dietary fibre, mineral and alcohol intake. Physical activity assessment Participants were instructed to maintain their current physical activity levels for the first 4 months of the study (during the weight loss period and stabilization). During
the 8-month weight maintenance stage, participants were free to alter their usual physical activity if they wished. Physical activity was assessed using the Stanford 7-day Recall Interview 29 and the International Physical Activity Questionnaire, which has previously been shown to have an acceptable test-retest reliability and criterion validity. 30 Body weight and composition Body weight was determined using Wedderburn digital scales (20–200 kg) (Wedderburn, Perth, Western Australia, Australia). Participants were weighed with minimal clothing, without shoes, and weight was recorded to the nearest 0.1 kg. Body composition was measured with dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (GE Lunar Prodigy, GE Lunar Corporation, Madison, WI, USA) by a trained researcher. 11 The exclusion criteria for the dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry scan included a chance of pregnancy, a recent barium test or nuclear medicine scan. At the start of each session, quality assurance and quality control tests were performed. Participants removed jewellery/metal objects, and wore minimal clothing or a hospital gown. Participants were
supine on an X-ray bed, centred within the scan line with their head 3 cm from the top border. The dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry scanner reliability is high with coefficients of
variation of 0.6% for fat tissue and 4.5% for lean tissue. 31 Blood pressure The 24-h ambulatory blood pressure measurements were performed using Spacelab monitors (Model 90217; SpaceLabs Medical Inc., Issaquah, WA, USA). The monitor was programmed to take an oscillometric reading every 20 min during waking hours and every 30 min during sleeping hours. The monitor cuff was fitted to the nondominant arm approximately 2.5 cm above the antecubital fossa. The Spacelab machine was calibrated by taking a reading with Spacelab monitor connected to a mercury
sphygmomanometer and at least three readings recorded by the monitor were within±7 mm Hg of the readings observed on the sphygmomanometer after correcting for bleep stop value. A valid 24 h recording was defined as a minimum of 80% successful readings, with hourly mean blood pressure
recordings missing for o4 h of the 24 h period. The 24-h ambulatory blood pressure provides greater statistical power than casual (clinical) measurement. Small effects on blood pressure may be missed using single clinical measurements. This is partly a result of increased power with multiple measurements over 24 h, but may also be the result of
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
from October 2007 to November 2008, and the second cohort completed the study from April 2008 to May 2009. Foods Lupin or control foods were provided to participants and were consumed in place of other cereal-based food products normally used in the diet. The three foods provided were bread, biscuits and pasta. The bread and biscuits were baked at Bodhi’s Bakery (Fremantle, Western Australia, Australia). The bread was sliced and supplied fresh or frozen to the participants every month, commencing from baseline. Participants were required to freeze the bread. The biscuits were provided fresh every month starting at the 4-month appointment. The pasta was produced at Belmar Foods (Balcatta, Western Australia, Australia) and was providedfresh every month starting at the 6-month appointment. The food introduction was staggered to keep the initial weight loss period of the study simple, and to aid retention in thelater phases of the study by increasing variety. The lupin flour in the lupin products was substituted for wheat flour, primarily wholemeal, in the control products. The incorporation rate of lupin flour into lupin products was 25–40% by weight. The two sets of food products were matched as closely as possible in colour, taste and texture, and sensory acceptability and energy, fat and sodium content in order to assist in blinding of participants to their treatment group allocation (Table 1). Dietary assessment Dietary intake was assessed using a 3-day food diary designed by a qualified dietitian, based on a previously validated 3-day estimated food record. 28 Participants were given both verbal and written instructions on its completion using household measures to quantify intake. The food diaries were completed on two weekdays and one day of the weekend. A weekly log of alcohol intake was included in the food diary, where participants were asked to record their alcohol consumption over 7 days. Food intake data were analysed using FoodWorks Professional 2007 Software (Xyris, Brisbane, Australia) based on the Australian Food Composition Database to determine average daily energy, protein, totalfat, cholesterol, carbohydrate, dietary fibre, mineral and alcohol intake. Physical activity assessment Participants were instructed to maintain their current physical activity levels for the first 4 months of the study (during the weight loss period and stabilization). Duringthe 8-month weight maintenance stage, participants were free to alter their usual physical activity if they wished. Physical activity was assessed using the Stanford 7-day Recall Interview 29 and the International Physical Activity Questionnaire, which has previously been shown to have an acceptable test-retest reliability and criterion validity. 30 Body weight and composition Body weight was determined using Wedderburn digital scales (20–200 kg) (Wedderburn, Perth, Western Australia, Australia). Participants were weighed with minimal clothing, without shoes, and weight was recorded to the nearest 0.1 kg. Body composition was measured with dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (GE Lunar Prodigy, GE Lunar Corporation, Madison, WI, USA) by a trained researcher. 11 The exclusion criteria for the dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry scan included a chance of pregnancy, a recent barium test or nuclear medicine scan. At the start of each session, quality assurance and quality control tests were performed. Participants removed jewellery/metal objects, and wore minimal clothing or a hospital gown. Participants weresupine on an X-ray bed, centred within the scan line with their head 3 cm from the top border. The dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry scanner reliability is high with coefficients ofvariation of 0.6% for fat tissue and 4.5% for lean tissue. 31 Blood pressure The 24-h ambulatory blood pressure measurements were performed using Spacelab monitors (Model 90217; SpaceLabs Medical Inc., Issaquah, WA, USA). The monitor was programmed to take an oscillometric reading every 20 min during waking hours and every 30 min during sleeping hours. The monitor cuff was fitted to the nondominant arm approximately 2.5 cm above the antecubital fossa. The Spacelab machine was calibrated by taking a reading with Spacelab monitor connected to a mercurysphygmomanometer and at least three readings recorded by the monitor were within±7 mm Hg of the readings observed on the sphygmomanometer after correcting for bleep stop value. A valid 24 h recording was defined as a minimum of 80% successful readings, with hourly mean blood pressurerecordings missing for o4 h of the 24 h period. The 24-h ambulatory blood pressure provides greater statistical power than casual (clinical) measurement. Small effects on blood pressure may be missed using single clinical measurements. This is partly a result of increased power with multiple measurements over 24 h, but may also be the result of
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
dari Oktober 2007 sampai November 2008, dan kelompok kedua menyelesaikan studi dari April 2008 sampai Mei 2009. Makanan Lupin atau makanan kontrol diberikan kepada peserta dan dikonsumsi di tempat produk makanan berbasis sereal lain yang biasanya digunakan dalam makanan. Tiga makanan yang disediakan adalah roti, biskuit dan pasta. Roti dan biskuit dipanggang di Bodhi Bakery (Fremantle, Australia Barat, Australia). Roti diiris dan disediakan segar atau beku kepada peserta setiap bulan, terhitung sejak awal. Peserta diminta untuk membekukan roti. Biskuit diberikan segar setiap bulan mulai dari pengangkatan 4 bulan. Pasta diproduksi di Belmar Foods (Balcatta, Australia Barat, Australia) dan diberikan
segar setiap bulan mulai dari pengangkatan 6 bulan. Pengenalan makanan terhuyung-huyung untuk menjaga periode penurunan berat badan awal penelitian sederhana, dan untuk membantu retensi dalam
tahap akhir penelitian dengan meningkatkan variasi. Tepung lupin dalam produk lupin diganti untuk tepung terigu, terutama gandum, dalam produk kontrol. Tingkat penggabungan tepung lupin menjadi produk lupin adalah 25-40% berat. Dua set produk makanan yang cocok sedekat mungkin dalam warna, rasa dan tekstur, dan penerimaan sensorik dan energi, lemak dan kadar natrium dalam rangka untuk membantu menyilaukan dari peserta untuk alokasi kelompok perlakuan mereka (Tabel 1). Penilaian diet asupan diet dinilai menggunakan buku harian makanan 3-hari yang dirancang oleh seorang ahli diet yang memenuhi syarat, berdasarkan divalidasi sebelumnya 3 hari rekor diperkirakan makanan. 28 Peserta diberikan baik instruksi lisan dan tertulis pada penyelesaian dengan menggunakan langkah-langkah rumah tangga untuk mengukur asupan. Buku harian makanan telah diselesaikan pada dua hari kerja dan satu hari akhir pekan. Log mingguan asupan alkohol termasuk dalam buku harian makanan, di mana peserta diminta untuk mencatat konsumsi alkohol mereka selama 7 hari. Data asupan makanan dianalisis menggunakan FoodWorks Professional 2007 Software (Xyris, Brisbane, Australia) berdasarkan Food Komposisi database Australia untuk menentukan energi rata-rata harian, protein, jumlah
lemak, kolesterol, karbohidrat, serat makanan, mineral dan asupan alkohol. Peserta penilaian aktivitas fisik diperintahkan untuk mempertahankan tingkat aktivitas fisik mereka saat ini untuk 4 bulan pertama dari studi (selama periode penurunan berat badan dan stabilisasi). Selama
tahap pemeliharaan berat badan 8 bulan, peserta bebas untuk mengubah aktivitas fisik yang biasa mereka jika mereka mau. Aktivitas fisik dinilai menggunakan Stanford 7 hari Recall Wawancara 29 dan International Aktivitas Fisik Kuesioner, yang sebelumnya telah terbukti memiliki reliabilitas test-retest dan kriteria validitas diterima. 30 Badan berat badan dan komposisi tubuh berat ditentukan dengan menggunakan Wedderburn timbangan digital (20-200 kg) (Wedderburn, Perth, Australia Barat, Australia). Peserta ditimbang dengan pakaian minim, tanpa sepatu, dan berat tercatat 0,1 kg. Komposisi tubuh diukur dengan dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (GE Lunar Prodigy, GE Lunar Corporation, Madison, WI, USA) oleh seorang peneliti yang terlatih. 11 Kriteria eksklusi untuk dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry memindai termasuk kemungkinan kehamilan, tes barium baru atau pemindaian kedokteran nuklir. Pada awal setiap sesi, jaminan kualitas dan tes kontrol kualitas dilakukan. Peserta dihapus benda perhiasan / logam, dan mengenakan pakaian minim atau gaun rumah sakit. Peserta
terlentang di tempat tidur X-ray, yang berpusat di dalam garis scan dengan mereka kepala 3 cm dari perbatasan atas. Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry keandalan scanner tinggi dengan koefisien
variasi 0,6% untuk jaringan lemak dan 4,5% untuk jaringan ramping. 31 Tekanan darah 24-jam darah ambulatory pengukuran tekanan dilakukan dengan menggunakan monitor Spacelab (Model 90217; Spacelabs Medical Inc., Issaquah, WA, USA). Monitor diprogram untuk mengambil oscillometric membaca setiap 20 menit saat bangun tidur jam dan setiap 30 menit selama jam tidur. Monitor manset dipasang ke lengan nondominant sekitar 2,5 cm di atas fossa antecubital. Mesin Spacelab telah dikalibrasi dengan mengambil membaca dengan monitor Spacelab terhubung ke merkuri
sphygmomanometer dan setidaknya tiga pembacaan dicatat oleh monitor berada dalam ± 7 mm Hg dari pembacaan diamati pada sphygmomanometer setelah mengoreksi bip berhenti nilai. Sebuah rekaman 24 jam valid didefinisikan sebagai minimum 80% pembacaan sukses, dengan jam berarti tekanan darah
rekaman hilang untuk o4 h periode 24 jam. 24-jam tekanan darah ambulatory memberikan kekuatan statistik lebih besar dari biasa (klinis) pengukuran. Efek kecil pada tekanan darah mungkin terlewatkan menggunakan pengukuran klinis tunggal. Hal ini sebagian hasil dari peningkatan daya dengan beberapa pengukuran lebih dari 24 jam, tetapi mungkin juga hasil dari
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