VolumeManufacturing processes can be classified in terms of the relati terjemahan - VolumeManufacturing processes can be classified in terms of the relati Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

VolumeManufacturing processes can b

Manufacturing processes can be classified in terms of the relationship of cost per unit to volume of output. The traditional perspective is to treat volume in terms of the well-established principle of economy of scale. The scale principle defines a relationship wherein the average cost of producing a product declines as its manufacturing volume increases; that is, a product quantity should be increased as long as a per unit increase in volume decreases the average cost per unit manufactured. Economy of scale results from efficiencies generated by specialization of process, workforce, fixed asset utiliza-tion, procurement economies, and limited need for process changeover.
Economy of scale is extremely important in manufacturing situations involving high fixed cost machinery to convert raw material into finished products. Typical ex-amples are found in the paper, steel, and refining industries. In fact, some petroleum processing firms have decoupled their refineries from their supply chain marketing structure and positioned them as independent external suppliers. The refineries are then able to sell in the open market to all potential buyers and fully exploit economy-of-scale advantage.
In volume-sensitive industries, high capital investment coupled with high cost of changeover tends to encourage extremely long production runs. In terms of logistical support, two considerations related to volume influence supply chain design. First, supply chain operations must accommodate the number of times a specific product is manufactured during a specific planning period. Such manufacturing frequency has a direct impact on both inbound and outbound logistical requirements. Second, the quantity or lot size typically produced during a specific manufacturing run determines the product volume that must be handled and warehoused in a supply chain structure.
In contrast to manufacturing situations dominated by scale, other production technolo¬gies feature flexibility. These manufacturing processes are characterized by relatively frequent product runs and high repetition of small lot sizes. As contrasted to economy of scale, manufacturing processes that feature variety rapidly switch production from one product to another while retaining efficiency are referred to as having economy of scope. Scope means that a manufacturing process can use varied combinations of ma¬terials, equipment, and labor to produce a variety of different products.
Variety refers to the range of product variations that are capable of being manu-factured in a given manufacturing process. Such variation may result from the nature of how products are routed throughout a manufacturing plant and/or the use of general as contrasted to specialized equipment. The achievement of economy of scope is also directly related to the speed and cost of changeover from one product to another. In terms of logistical support, high variety translates to relatively small manufacturing lot sizes, flexible material requirements, and a broad range of product outputs. High man¬ufacturing variety directly impacts the type of transportation and warehousing services required to accommodate flexible manufacturing.
All manufacturing processes reflect a balance between economy of scale and economy of scope. Volume and variety drive logistical support requirements. Constraints inter¬act with volume and variety to create manufacturing plans. The three primary con¬straints that influence manufacturing operations are capacity, equipment, and setup/

changeover. Each of these constraints forces compromise concerning ideal manufac-turing operations. Such compromise planned in the context of forecasted sales and planned promotions reconciles into a production plan.
Capacity, as the name implies, is a measure of how much product can be pro-duced per unit of time. Of particular interest is a firm's demonstrated capacity of qual-ity production. Whereas a factory, process, or machine may have a rated capacity, the relevant measure is a firm's demonstrated ability to reach and maintain a specific level of quality output in a predictable time period. A measure of manufacturing compe¬tency is the speed to which a particular process reaches demonstrated capacity given an unexpected change in requirements.17 Such scalability reflects a combination of manufacturing, procurement, and logistical agility.
Equipment constraints are related to flexibility concerning the use and sequencing of specific machines to perform multiple manufacturing tasks. Clearly the variety a factory can produce is constrained by the range of available equipment and the re-quired sequence of work. However, some manufacturing requirements are more easily accommodated across a family of machines and by using variable work sequences than are others. In many situations, a specific machine or work task tends to constrain or act as a bottleneck to the overall manufacturing process. Likewise, logistical capa-bility to accommodate different patterns of equipment utilization may serve to enhance or constrain flexibility of the manufacturing process. Manufacturing executives devote substantial time and resources to eliminating bottlenecks that serve to constrain opera¬tions. The structure for focusing managerial attention is captured in theory of con¬straint methodology.] 8
Setup/changeover constraints are directly related to the earlier discussion concern-ing variety. Substantial progress has been made in manufacturing management to speed up both process changeover time and the time required to reach demonstrated capacity. Whereas several hours and even days were once required for changeover, today the tasks are being performed in hours. For example, modular-manufacturing units, such as paint sprayers, are being set up and calibrated offline and then being inserted ready to flow into assembly lines. Of course all efforts to increase setup/ changeover speed are directly dependent upon logistical support.
Manufacturing leadtime is a measure of the elapsed time between release of a work order to the shop floor and the completion of all work necessary to achieve ready-to-ship product status. Any given manufacturing process consumes operational and inter-operational time.19
Operational time is the combination of setup/changeover and running or actual production time. In any manufacturing situation the greater the amount of total lead-time accounted for by actual production, the inherently more efficient is the conver-sion process. Efficient operational time must be traded off against the issues discussed earlier concerning volume and variety.
'7Thomas G. Gunn, 21st Century Manufacturing (Essex Junction, VT: OM NEO, 1992), Chapter 8.
I8For origins of this logic, see Eliyahu M. Goldratt and J. Cox, The Goal (Croton on Hudson, NY: North River Press, 1984); and Eliyahu M. Goldratt and Robert E. Fox, The Race (Croton on Hudson, NY: North River Press, 1986).
I9Steven A. Melnyk and R. T. Christensen, Back to Basics: Your Guide to Manufacturing Excellence (Boca Raton, FL: St. Lucie Press, 2000), pp. 15-17.

152 Part I Logistics in Supply Chain Management
Manufacturing processes also encounter unexpected losses of time. During peri-ods that a process, line, or machine is idle due to queuing, waiting, breakdown, or fail-ure in logistical support, manufacturing efficiency is negatively impacted. All forms of unexpected delay represent serious bottleneck issues. For example, Melnyk and Chris-tensen estimate that between 75 and 95 percent of all nonproductive delays result from unplanned queuing in manufacturing processes.2° Needless to say, most manufacturing executives have little or no tolerance for unexpected production delays that result from late or damaged arrival of critical materials or components. Logistical delay on the part of a supplier who provides parts or materials can result in manufacturing failure to meet planned output. A firm's strategic impact is directly impacted by leadtime perfor¬mance. As a general rule, firms that compress manufacturing leadtimes and control or eliminate unexpected performance variance exhibit greater flexibility to accommodate customer requirements while enjoying low-cost manufacturing.
Logistical operations committed to supporting manufacturing can impact operat-ing efficiency in a variety of ways. The potential benefits of brand power are based on a firm's track record regarding timely performance of customer order-to-delivery com-mitment. Lot-size efficiencies related to manufacturing frequency and repetition are dependent on reliable logistical support. The decision to produce large manufacturing lot sizes directly creates need for logistical support. Economy of scale drives procure-ment best practice and average inventory investment across the supply chain. The de-cision to focus on variety in manufacturing impacts the logistics requirements by adding the complexity of frequent changeover. Logistical performance is also a key variable in managing constraints. Such constraints can be caused or resolved based on the quality and flexibility of logistical support. Finally, logistics is critical to achieving high levels of leadtime performance. In particular, logistical failure can increase man-ufacturing leadtime by introducing unexpected delays.
The above logistical interfaces, as well as all other factors that impact manufac-turing performance predictability, serve to create operational gaps that are resolved by inventory. Inventory stocks occur, in part, when the timing of customer expectation exceeds a firm's, or its suppliers', ability to deliver the correct assortment of products to the right place at the right time. The management of these raw material and finished inventory stocks is a prime responsibility of logistics.

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
VolumeManufacturing processes can be classified in terms of the relationship of cost per unit to volume of output. The traditional perspective is to treat volume in terms of the well-established principle of economy of scale. The scale principle defines a relationship wherein the average cost of producing a product declines as its manufacturing volume increases; that is, a product quantity should be increased as long as a per unit increase in volume decreases the average cost per unit manufactured. Economy of scale results from efficiencies generated by specialization of process, workforce, fixed asset utiliza-tion, procurement economies, and limited need for process changeover.Economy of scale is extremely important in manufacturing situations involving high fixed cost machinery to convert raw material into finished products. Typical ex-amples are found in the paper, steel, and refining industries. In fact, some petroleum processing firms have decoupled their refineries from their supply chain marketing structure and positioned them as independent external suppliers. The refineries are then able to sell in the open market to all potential buyers and fully exploit economy-of-scale advantage.In volume-sensitive industries, high capital investment coupled with high cost of changeover tends to encourage extremely long production runs. In terms of logistical support, two considerations related to volume influence supply chain design. First, supply chain operations must accommodate the number of times a specific product is manufactured during a specific planning period. Such manufacturing frequency has a direct impact on both inbound and outbound logistical requirements. Second, the quantity or lot size typically produced during a specific manufacturing run determines the product volume that must be handled and warehoused in a supply chain structure.VarietyIn contrast to manufacturing situations dominated by scale, other production technolo¬gies feature flexibility. These manufacturing processes are characterized by relatively frequent product runs and high repetition of small lot sizes. As contrasted to economy of scale, manufacturing processes that feature variety rapidly switch production from one product to another while retaining efficiency are referred to as having economy of scope. Scope means that a manufacturing process can use varied combinations of ma¬terials, equipment, and labor to produce a variety of different products.Variety refers to the range of product variations that are capable of being manu-factured in a given manufacturing process. Such variation may result from the nature of how products are routed throughout a manufacturing plant and/or the use of general as contrasted to specialized equipment. The achievement of economy of scope is also directly related to the speed and cost of changeover from one product to another. In terms of logistical support, high variety translates to relatively small manufacturing lot sizes, flexible material requirements, and a broad range of product outputs. High man¬ufacturing variety directly impacts the type of transportation and warehousing services required to accommodate flexible manufacturing.ConstraintsAll manufacturing processes reflect a balance between economy of scale and economy of scope. Volume and variety drive logistical support requirements. Constraints inter¬act with volume and variety to create manufacturing plans. The three primary con¬straints that influence manufacturing operations are capacity, equipment, and setup/ changeover. Each of these constraints forces compromise concerning ideal manufac-turing operations. Such compromise planned in the context of forecasted sales and planned promotions reconciles into a production plan.Capacity, as the name implies, is a measure of how much product can be pro-duced per unit of time. Of particular interest is a firm's demonstrated capacity of qual-ity production. Whereas a factory, process, or machine may have a rated capacity, the relevant measure is a firm's demonstrated ability to reach and maintain a specific level of quality output in a predictable time period. A measure of manufacturing compe¬tency is the speed to which a particular process reaches demonstrated capacity given an unexpected change in requirements.17 Such scalability reflects a combination of manufacturing, procurement, and logistical agility.Equipment constraints are related to flexibility concerning the use and sequencing of specific machines to perform multiple manufacturing tasks. Clearly the variety a factory can produce is constrained by the range of available equipment and the re-quired sequence of work. However, some manufacturing requirements are more easily accommodated across a family of machines and by using variable work sequences than are others. In many situations, a specific machine or work task tends to constrain or act as a bottleneck to the overall manufacturing process. Likewise, logistical capa-bility to accommodate different patterns of equipment utilization may serve to enhance or constrain flexibility of the manufacturing process. Manufacturing executives devote substantial time and resources to eliminating bottlenecks that serve to constrain opera¬tions. The structure for focusing managerial attention is captured in theory of con¬straint methodology.] 8Setup/changeover constraints are directly related to the earlier discussion concern-ing variety. Substantial progress has been made in manufacturing management to speed up both process changeover time and the time required to reach demonstrated capacity. Whereas several hours and even days were once required for changeover, today the tasks are being performed in hours. For example, modular-manufacturing units, such as paint sprayers, are being set up and calibrated offline and then being inserted ready to flow into assembly lines. Of course all efforts to increase setup/ changeover speed are directly dependent upon logistical support.
Manufacturing leadtime is a measure of the elapsed time between release of a work order to the shop floor and the completion of all work necessary to achieve ready-to-ship product status. Any given manufacturing process consumes operational and inter-operational time.19
Operational time is the combination of setup/changeover and running or actual production time. In any manufacturing situation the greater the amount of total lead-time accounted for by actual production, the inherently more efficient is the conver-sion process. Efficient operational time must be traded off against the issues discussed earlier concerning volume and variety.
'7Thomas G. Gunn, 21st Century Manufacturing (Essex Junction, VT: OM NEO, 1992), Chapter 8.
I8For origins of this logic, see Eliyahu M. Goldratt and J. Cox, The Goal (Croton on Hudson, NY: North River Press, 1984); and Eliyahu M. Goldratt and Robert E. Fox, The Race (Croton on Hudson, NY: North River Press, 1986).
I9Steven A. Melnyk and R. T. Christensen, Back to Basics: Your Guide to Manufacturing Excellence (Boca Raton, FL: St. Lucie Press, 2000), pp. 15-17.

152 Part I Logistics in Supply Chain Management
Manufacturing processes also encounter unexpected losses of time. During peri-ods that a process, line, or machine is idle due to queuing, waiting, breakdown, or fail-ure in logistical support, manufacturing efficiency is negatively impacted. All forms of unexpected delay represent serious bottleneck issues. For example, Melnyk and Chris-tensen estimate that between 75 and 95 percent of all nonproductive delays result from unplanned queuing in manufacturing processes.2° Needless to say, most manufacturing executives have little or no tolerance for unexpected production delays that result from late or damaged arrival of critical materials or components. Logistical delay on the part of a supplier who provides parts or materials can result in manufacturing failure to meet planned output. A firm's strategic impact is directly impacted by leadtime perfor¬mance. As a general rule, firms that compress manufacturing leadtimes and control or eliminate unexpected performance variance exhibit greater flexibility to accommodate customer requirements while enjoying low-cost manufacturing.
Logistical operations committed to supporting manufacturing can impact operat-ing efficiency in a variety of ways. The potential benefits of brand power are based on a firm's track record regarding timely performance of customer order-to-delivery com-mitment. Lot-size efficiencies related to manufacturing frequency and repetition are dependent on reliable logistical support. The decision to produce large manufacturing lot sizes directly creates need for logistical support. Economy of scale drives procure-ment best practice and average inventory investment across the supply chain. The de-cision to focus on variety in manufacturing impacts the logistics requirements by adding the complexity of frequent changeover. Logistical performance is also a key variable in managing constraints. Such constraints can be caused or resolved based on the quality and flexibility of logistical support. Finally, logistics is critical to achieving high levels of leadtime performance. In particular, logistical failure can increase man-ufacturing leadtime by introducing unexpected delays.
The above logistical interfaces, as well as all other factors that impact manufac-turing performance predictability, serve to create operational gaps that are resolved by inventory. Inventory stocks occur, in part, when the timing of customer expectation exceeds a firm's, or its suppliers', ability to deliver the correct assortment of products to the right place at the right time. The management of these raw material and finished inventory stocks is a prime responsibility of logistics.

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
proses Manufacturing dapat diklasifikasikan dalam hal hubungan biaya per unit untuk volume output. Perspektif tradisional untuk mengobati Volume dalam hal prinsip mapan skala ekonomi. Prinsip skala mendefinisikan hubungan dimana biaya rata-rata menghasilkan produk menurun sebagai yang meningkat volume produksi; yaitu, kuantitas produk harus ditingkatkan asalkan per unit kenaikan volume menurun rata-rata biaya per unit yang diproduksi. Ekonomi hasil skala dari efisiensi yang dihasilkan oleh spesialisasi proses, tenaga kerja, aset tetap utiliza-tion, ekonomi pengadaan, dan kebutuhan yang terbatas untuk proses pergantian.
Ekonomi skala sangat penting dalam situasi manufaktur yang melibatkan tinggi mesin biaya tetap untuk mengkonversi bahan baku menjadi selesai produk. Khas mantan amples ditemukan dalam industri kertas, baja, dan pemurnian. Bahkan, beberapa perusahaan pengolahan minyak bumi telah dipisahkan kilang mereka dari struktur pemasaran rantai pasokan mereka dan posisi mereka pemasok eksternal independen. Kilang kemudian dapat menjual di pasar terbuka untuk semua pembeli potensial dan sepenuhnya memanfaatkan ekonomi-of-skala keuntungan.
Dalam industri volume sensitif, investasi modal yang tinggi ditambah dengan biaya tinggi changeover cenderung untuk mendorong produksi berjalan sangat panjang. Dalam hal dukungan logistik, dua pertimbangan yang berkaitan dengan pengaruh Volume desain rantai pasokan. Pertama, operasi rantai suplai harus mengakomodasi jumlah kali produk tertentu yang diproduksi selama periode perencanaan tertentu. Frekuensi manufaktur tersebut memiliki dampak langsung pada kedua persyaratan logistik inbound dan outbound. Kedua, kuantitas atau banyak ukuran biasanya dihasilkan selama menjalankan manufaktur tertentu menentukan volume produk yang harus ditangani dan warehoused dalam struktur rantai pasokan.
Berbeda dengan situasi manufaktur didominasi oleh skala, technolo¬gies produksi lainnya memiliki fleksibilitas. Proses-proses manufaktur ditandai dengan berjalan produk relatif sering dan pengulangan tinggi ukuran lot yang kecil. Sebagai kontras dengan skala ekonomi, proses manufaktur yang menampilkan berbagai cepat beralih produksi dari satu produk ke yang lain sementara tetap mempertahankan efisiensi yang disebut sebagai memiliki perekonomian lingkup. Lingkup berarti bahwa proses manufaktur dapat menggunakan kombinasi beragam ma¬terials, peralatan, dan tenaga kerja untuk menghasilkan berbagai produk yang berbeda.
Variety mengacu pada berbagai variasi produk yang mampu menjadi manu-factured dalam proses manufaktur yang diberikan. Variasi tersebut mungkin akibat dari sifat bagaimana produk yang diarahkan ke seluruh pabrik dan / atau penggunaan umum sebagai kontras dengan peralatan khusus. Pencapaian ekonomi dari lingkup juga langsung terkait dengan kecepatan dan biaya changeover dari satu produk yang lain. Dalam hal dukungan logistik, berbagai tinggi diterjemahkan ke ukuran yang relatif kecil banyak manufaktur, kebutuhan bahan yang fleksibel, dan berbagai output produk. Berbagai man¬ufacturing tinggi langsung dampak jenis layanan transportasi dan pergudangan diperlukan untuk mengakomodasi manufaktur fleksibel.
Semua proses manufaktur mencerminkan keseimbangan antara skala ekonomi dan ekonomi lingkup. Volume dan berbagai berkendara persyaratan dukungan logistik. Kendala inter¬act dengan volume dan berbagai untuk membuat rencana manufaktur. Tiga con¬straints utama yang mempengaruhi operasi manufaktur yang kapasitas, peralatan, dan setup / changeover. Setiap pasukan kendala kompromi mengenai operasi pabrikan-turing yang ideal. Kompromi seperti yang direncanakan dalam konteks penjualan diperkirakan dan promosi yang direncanakan mendamaikan menjadi rencana produksi. Kapasitas, seperti namanya, adalah ukuran dari seberapa banyak produk bisa pro-diproduksi per unit waktu. Yang menarik adalah menunjukkan kemampuan suatu perusahaan produksi qual-ity. Sedangkan pabrik, proses, atau mesin mungkin memiliki kapasitas dinilai, ukuran yang relevan adalah menunjukkan kemampuan perusahaan untuk mencapai dan mempertahankan tingkat tertentu kualitas output dalam jangka waktu diprediksi. Ukuran manufaktur compe¬tency adalah kecepatan yang proses tertentu mencapai kapasitas menunjukkan diberikan perubahan yang tak terduga di requirements.17 skalabilitas tersebut mencerminkan kombinasi manufaktur, pengadaan, dan kelincahan logistik. Kendala Peralatan terkait dengan fleksibilitas mengenai penggunaan dan sequencing mesin khusus untuk melakukan banyak tugas manufaktur. Jelas berbagai pabrik dapat menghasilkan dibatasi oleh berbagai peralatan yang tersedia dan urutan re-quired kerja. Namun, beberapa persyaratan manufaktur lebih mudah ditampung di sebuah keluarga mesin dan dengan menggunakan urutan kerja variabel daripada yang lain. Dalam banyak situasi, mesin tertentu atau tugas pekerjaan cenderung membatasi atau bertindak sebagai hambatan untuk proses manufaktur secara keseluruhan. Demikian juga, logistik capa-bility untuk mengakomodasi pola yang berbeda dari pemanfaatan peralatan dapat berfungsi untuk meningkatkan atau membatasi fleksibilitas dari proses manufaktur. Manufaktur eksekutif mencurahkan banyak waktu dan sumber daya untuk menghilangkan hambatan yang berfungsi untuk membatasi opera¬tions. Struktur untuk memfokuskan perhatian manajerial ditangkap dalam teori metodologi con¬straint.] 8 Setup / kendala pergantian secara langsung berkaitan dengan pembahasan masalah-ing berbagai sebelumnya. Kemajuan substansial telah dibuat dalam pembuatan manajemen untuk mempercepat proses kedua waktu changeover dan waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk mencapai kapasitas ditunjukkan. Sedangkan beberapa jam dan bahkan berhari-hari yang pernah diperlukan untuk changeover, saat ini tugas-tugas yang sedang dilakukan di jam. Misalnya, unit modular-manufaktur, seperti penyemprot cat, sedang mengatur dan dikalibrasi secara offline dan kemudian yang dimasukkan siap untuk mengalir ke lini perakitan. Tentu saja semua upaya untuk meningkatkan setup / kecepatan pergantian secara langsung tergantung pada dukungan logistik. Leadtime Manufacturing leadtime adalah ukuran dari waktu yang telah berlalu antara rilis dari perintah kerja ke lantai toko dan penyelesaian semua pekerjaan yang diperlukan untuk mencapai siap-to- status produk kapal. Setiap proses manufaktur diberikan mengkonsumsi operasional dan antar-operasional time.19 waktu operasional adalah kombinasi dari setup / changeover dan berjalan atau waktu produksi aktual. Dalam setiap situasi manufaktur semakin besar jumlah total lead-time dicatat dengan produksi aktual, yang inheren lebih efisien adalah proses konversi dari-sion. Waktu operasional yang efisien harus diperdagangkan off melawan masalah yang dibahas sebelumnya mengenai volume dan berbagai. '7Thomas G. Gunn, 21st Century Manufacturing (Essex Junction, VT: OM NEO, 1992), Bab 8. I8For asal-usul logika ini, lihat Eliyahu M . Goldratt dan J. Cox, The Goal (Croton on Hudson, NY: North River Press, 1984); dan Eliyahu M. Goldratt dan Robert E. Fox, Race (Croton on Hudson, NY: North River Press, 1986). I9Steven A. Melnyk dan RT Christensen, Kembali ke Dasar: Panduan Anda untuk Manufacturing Excellence (Boca Raton, FL: St Lucie Press, 2000), hlm. 15-17. 152 Bagian I Logistik di Manajemen Rantai Pasokan proses Manufacturing juga mengalami kerugian yang tidak terduga waktu. Selama peri-ods bahwa proses, garis, atau mesin idle karena antrian, menunggu, kerusakan, atau gagal-ure di dukungan logistik, efisiensi manufaktur dampak negatif. Semua bentuk penundaan tak terduga merupakan masalah bottleneck yang serius. Misalnya, Melnyk dan estimasi Chris-tensen bahwa antara 75 dan 95 persen dari semua penundaan produktif hasil dari antrian yang tidak direncanakan dalam pembuatan processes.2 ° Tak perlu dikatakan, sebagian besar eksekutif manufaktur memiliki sedikit atau tidak ada toleransi untuk keterlambatan produksi tak terduga yang dihasilkan dari terlambat atau rusak kedatangan bahan kritis atau komponen. Keterlambatan logistik pada bagian dari pemasok yang menyediakan suku cadang atau bahan dapat mengakibatkan manufaktur kegagalan untuk memenuhi keluaran yang direncanakan. Dampak strategis Sebuah perusahaan secara langsung dipengaruhi oleh leadtime perfor¬mance. Sebagai aturan umum, perusahaan yang kompres leadtimes manufaktur dan kontrol atau menghilangkan kinerja terduga varians pameran fleksibilitas yang lebih besar untuk mengakomodasi kebutuhan pelanggan sambil menikmati manufaktur murah. Operasi logistik berkomitmen untuk mendukung manufaktur dapat berdampak efisiensi operas-ing dalam berbagai cara. Potensi manfaat kekuatan merek didasarkan pada track record perusahaan mengenai kinerja tepat waktu pelanggan agar-to-pengiriman com-mitment. Efisiensi Lot-size yang berkaitan dengan frekuensi manufaktur dan pengulangan tergantung pada dukungan logistik yang handal. Keputusan untuk menghasilkan ukuran banyak manufaktur besar langsung menciptakan butuhkan untuk dukungan logistik. Skala ekonomi drive pengadaan-ment praktek terbaik dan investasi persediaan rata seluruh rantai pasokan. De-cision untuk fokus pada berbagai dampak manufaktur persyaratan logistik dengan menambahkan kompleksitas sering changeover. Kinerja logistik juga merupakan variabel kunci dalam mengelola kendala. Kendala tersebut dapat disebabkan atau diselesaikan berdasarkan kualitas dan fleksibilitas dukungan logistik. Akhirnya, logistik sangat penting untuk mencapai tingkat kinerja yang tinggi leadtime. Secara khusus, kegagalan logistik dapat meningkatkan man-ufacturing leadtime dengan memperkenalkan penundaan tak terduga. Antarmuka logistik di atas, serta semua faktor lain yang berdampak pabrikan-turing kinerja prediktabilitas, melayani pembuatan kesenjangan operasional yang diselesaikan oleh persediaan. Saham persediaan terjadi, sebagian, ketika waktu melebihi harapan pelanggan perusahaan, atau pemasoknya ', kemampuan untuk memberikan berbagai macam produk yang benar ke tempat yang tepat pada waktu yang tepat. Pengelolaan ini bahan baku dan saham persediaan selesai adalah tanggung jawab utama dari logistik.

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