industrial zones, and the urban areas where they have comparative adva terjemahan - industrial zones, and the urban areas where they have comparative adva Korea Bagaimana mengatakan

industrial zones, and the urban are

industrial zones, and the urban areas where they have comparative advantages and leaving the rural and remote areas behind. The annual growth rate of industries is about 10 percent per year (ICEM, 2007). As a result, there are 96 industrial and export processing zones have been launched in cities such as Ha Noi,Hai Phong, Ho Chi Minh, Binh Duong, Dong Nai and Ba Ria Vung Tau because of good basic infrastructure and easy transformation conditions (Business-in-Asia, 2007). The Economic Focal Region development policies are found in the Decree No. 145/2004/QD-TTg, 148/2004/QD-TTg, and 146/2004/QD-TTg(VPQH, 2004a, 2004b, 2004c). According to these documents, the country will form three Economic Focal Regions in the North Region, the Central Region and the South Region, respectively, from the year of 2010 to 2020. The development of industries, services, infrastructures is being prioritized to boost the economic situation. More recently, the Economic Focal Region in the Mekong Delta has been established under the Decree No. 492/QD-TTg (Minister, 2009). The GPD per capita is being targeted to increase some ten percent per year and the poverty will be almost eliminated in the year of 2020.
Concerning ethnic development policy, from the beginning of the country’s independence declaration, the ethnic minorities groups are treated politically and economically equal. However, almost of them have low backgrounds of development. Therefore, there is still gap between them and the majority. The government has always given more priorities and supports for them with various development programs and projects. They can be listed out such as “135 program”, “30a program” that have been launched in the ethnic minorities’ areas for poverty reduction, economic development, heath care, education, culture reservation. Besides, the ethnic minorities have access to free services such as health care and education.
As a result, the livelihood of ethnic minorities has been improved significantly. However, the gap still exists between them and it needs more and more efforts from government and policy makers in order to get fully reduced poverty and improved rural development. Recently, the big program for poverty reduction has been implemented under the Decision No. 30a/2008/NQ-CP by the government. In this program, there are 62 poor districts and 43 of them from the Northwest region are given priority for social and economic development. However, due to the limitation of development resources, this program mostly focuses on human resource development, capacity building, and poverty reduction direct support.
Therefore, these regions having the poorest districts are still far from development compared to others of the country. In conclusion, there are still some regions being left behind in terms economic development, giving then undue disadvantage compared to others. Given this situation, one may ask as to what kind of incentives the government needs to provide for these regions to catch up with the others.
Box 1: Major economic policies introduced since Doi moi
1986 The VI Congress of Vietnam Communist Party adopts economic policy reform (Doi moi).
1987 Promulgation of the Foreign Investment Law, opening of the economy; Promulgation of the Land Law,
affirming the land use right of farming households.
1988 Reform of banking system; Resolution 10 of Vietnam Communist Party granting business autonomy to
farming households.
1989 Elimination of the two-price system; Elimination of many export quotas; Financial tightening of SOEs.
1990 Adoption of the Company Law and Private Enterprise Law, creating legal ground for operation to the
private sector.
1991 Private enterprises are allowed to directly export and import.
1992 Pilot equitization of SOEs.
1993 Promulgation of the Law on Enterprise Bankruptcy, the Law on Environment, and the Land Law.
1994 1994 Elimination of export license for all commodities, excluding rice, wood and crude oil; Promulgation of
the Labor Code; Establishment of state general corporations.
1995 Promulgation of the State Owned Enterprise Law; Vietnam joins ASEAN and AFTA.
1997 Elimination of all barriers for domestic rice trade; Private sector is allowed to export rice.
1998 Non-tariff and exchange control measures are introduced to regulate import, and protect domestic
production during the Asian financial crisis.
1999 Adoption of the Enterprise Law; Implementation of VAT; Decree on free export and import right is issued
2000 Adoption of the Vietnam - United States Trade Agreement.
2001 Adoption of the program for arranging, renovating, developing and improving the efficiency of SOEs in the
period 2001-05.
2002 Freely the interest rate of loans in credit organizations
2003 Promulgation of the Land Law 2003
2005 Competitive Law is become valid
2006 Private business is accepted in the National Communist Congress X.
Viet Nam become the 150 th
member of WTO
Source: ICEM (2007); Wikipedia(2011) and authors’ additions
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Hasil (Korea) 1: [Salinan]
Industrial areas and urban areas and rural areas and with comparative advantage, which they left in a remote area. The annual growth rate of the industry (ICEM, 2007) is about 10% per year. As a result, 96 industrial and export processing zones good basic infrastructure and easy conversion conditions (Business - 2007 in Asia). Ha Noi, Hai Phong, Ho Chi Minh City, Vienna's en, Dong Nai Ba Ria Vung Tau began in the city, such as 145/2004 / qd is -TTg, 148/2004 / qd is -TTg, and 146/2004 / qd is -TTg (VPQH, 2004a, 2004b, 2004c) can be found in local economic development policy focus decree number will be formed according to this document, the three countries to the north, central and southern regions Each focus area economy 2010 2020, industry, services, improve the economic situation that priority infrastructure development in more recent years, the Mekong River Delta economic focus areas ordinance No. 492 / qd is -TTg (Secretary, 2009) was established under. GPD per capita annual growth of around 10% target is being removed almost poverty in 2020. From the beginning of the Declaration of Independence of minority ethnic development policy of the country economic and political equality groups being treated. However, almost develop their low background therefore, still mostly a gap between them and the government has always given a higher priority in various development programs and project support for them. They are "135 Program", "30a Program" poverty reduction, economic development, heath care, education, minority areas for cultural reservation has been started, you can list out the same. In addition, minorities, including free health care and education There is access to the service. As a result, life has improved greatly in the minority. However, the gap still exists between poverty reduction and fully and rural development in order to improve the government and policy makers increasingly more effort needs them. Recently, , a large program for poverty reduction is determined by the Government No. 30a / 2008 / NQ-CP was implemented in. The program has 62 poorest districts in the 43 northwest priority for their social and economic development in the region is given. However, due to limitations of the program development resources are mainly human resources development, the number of capacity building, and focuses on poverty reduction and direct support. Therefore, this poor district has far developed than in other countries. In conclusion, there is still left to the next undue disadvantage compared to others in terms of economic development in some areas . Given this situation, you may ask what kind of incentives provided by the government is necessary for catching this area along the others. Box 1: Key Economic Doi moi policy introduced in 1986 VI Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam economy adopt a policy reform (Doi moi). 1987 horror economy of the foreign investment law; the heat of the horror of the land law of furniture affirmed the use of agricultural land. 1988 reform the financial system; give a solution of 10 Communist Party of Vietnam business autonomy household farming a. two price system; in 1989 removed many export quotas; the removal . The strengthening of the financial SOEs Companies Act 1990 and the introduction of a private company law, the legal basis for creating jobs is the private sector can directly import and export of private enterprises in 1991 can. 1992 of the pilot equitization SOEs. law on bankruptcy, environment, law and land law promulgated in 1993. rice, wood and oil; except for export licenses in 1994 and 1994 for removing all items terror Labour Code; State General The establishment of the corporation. 1995 terror state-owned corporate law; Vietnam joined ASEAN and AFTA. 1997 domestic rice trade; remove all barriers for you to export rice in the private sector in 1998 and brought to introduce non-tariff measures exchange import, control and protect domestic production during the Asian financial crisis. 1999 adopter law; VAT; the implementation of laws and the right of free import export run Vietnam-US Trade Agreement of 2000, adopted in 2001 introduced prepare, innovation, development and In the program for improving the efficiency of SOEs is the period 2001-05. 2002 interest free loans from credit institutions 2003 with the promulgation of the 2003 Land Act , 2005 to be effective competition law is allowed in the communist country X 2006 Private Business Council. 150 times to be Vietnam WTO Members of sources: ICEM (2007 년); Wikipedia (2011) and the addition of the author
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Hasil (Korea) 2:[Salinan]
Industrial complex, and they leave the rural and urban areas, remote areas. Behind has a comparative advantage in the industry is the annual growth rate per year 10% (ICEM, 2007). Transformation (96) industrial and export processing zones, because a good basic infrastructure easily Conditions of Hanoi, Hai Phong, Ho Chi Minh City, Binh Duong, Dong Nai (Dong Nai) and Ba Ria Vung Tau (which began in cities such business as a result, are -in- Asia, 2007). Economic development policy focus areas 148/2004 / QD-TTG, found in Decree No. 2,004 분 의 145 / QD-TTG and 2,004 분 의 146 / QD-TTG (VPQH, 2004A, 2004b, 2004c) is. According to this document, the priority to strengthen the country and in 2020 the industry and services, respectively, compared to the development of infrastructure in 2010 to form the North Region, Central Region and the three focus areas of the southern economy economy. Economic focus areas of the Mekong Delta's recent Decree No. 492 / QD- TTG (Secretary, 2009) was established by the GPD per capita is aiming for an annual increase of about 10%, and poverty will be eliminated on almost 2020.
At the beginning of the Declaration of Independence of the country on national development policies, minority Ethnic groups are politically and economically are treated the same. However, almost has a low background of its development. Therefore, there is still a gap between the most to them. The government has always given a higher priority ranking and the various development programs and support for them in the project. They are such as can be listed as the "135 Program", poverty reduction, economic development, heath care, education, culture, began in the minority 'areas of the reserve "(30A) program." In addition, minorities have access to free services such as health care and education.
As a result, the life of ethnic minorities has improved significantly. However, the gap still exists between them, and it's totally reduce poverty and improve rural development The more effort getting from the government and policy makers need to achieve. In recent years, a large program on poverty reduction has been implemented in the decision No. 30A / 2008 / NQ-CP of the Government. In this program, there is a poor area and 62 In the northwestern part of that (43) should give priority to the social and economic development. However, a limitation of development resources, this program is mainly focused on human resource development, capacity building and poverty reduction in direct support.
Therefore, The region with the poorest region is still far from the development of the country than in others. In conclusion, then, remain in terms of economic development that excessive penalties than others and it still exists in some areas. Given these circumstances, time, one can ask this area the government about what things need to provide incentives to catch up with the others.
Box 1: Doi Moi policy was introduced after the major economies
VI Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam in 1986 is an economic policy reform adoption (Doi Moi)
Foreign Investment Law promulgated in 1987, the economy of the opening; fear, the land law
affirms the land use rights of agricultural households.
Reform of the financial system in 1988; Vietnam gongsandangga grant business autonomy resolution (10)
. Agricultural households
two price system 1989 Removing the removal of many export quotas; Financial tightening of state-owned enterprises
and private companies, company law legislation adopted in 1990, created the legal basis for action in
. the private sector
. 1991 private companies can be used to export and import directly
owned The company's 1992 pilot equitization.
Law promulgated in 1993 companies. Bankruptcy, Law on Environment and Agricultural Land Law
1994 rice export license in 1994, removal of all goods, except for wood and oil; fear of
labor; establishment of national general business.
SOEs terror laws in 1995; . Vietnam joined ASEAN and AFTA
in 1997 to remove all barriers to the domestic rice trade; . The private sector can export rice
in 1998, and the financial management of non-tariff measures and regulates the importation, is introduced to the domestic protection
. The Asian financial crisis, the production
company law adopted in 1999; the implementation of VAT; import and export right decree issued free of charge
. American Trade Agreement - Vietnam's 2000 adoption
, deployment modeling, development, and programs to improve the efficiency of state-owned enterprises in 2001 adopted
. 2001-05 period
interest free loans from credit institutions 2002
2003 2003 Land Law promulgated
the 2005 competition law is enabled
2006 private business is allowed on the X Communist Party national convention
of Vietnam become the 150th
member of the World Trade Organization (WTO)
Source: ICEM (2007); Wikipedia (2011), the authors' More
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Hasil (Korea) 3:[Salinan]
Industry, and they have a Comparative Advantage in Rural and remote areas, Leaving Urban areas. The Annual growth rate of the Industry 10% per year (ICEM, 2007) is. Accordingly, 96 Industrial and Export Processing Zone HA Noi. Anti-Hai Phong, Ho Chi Minh Binh Duong was Launched in Cities Such as, Dong Good Because NAI and Basic Infrastructure and BA RIA Easy Vung Tau in Southern Vietnam Marine transition condition (Business Asia, 2007). Regional Economic Development Decree No 145/2004 policy focus / QD-ttg, 148/2004/qd- ttg, 146/2004/qd- ttg (vpqh, two thousand and four ares, 2004b, 2004c) in looks. According to this Document, the State will be formed Three kinds of focus Economic Area in the North region. Central Region and southern regions respectively in 2010 and 2020. industrial, service, development of infrastructure and for overriding economic situation. In recent years, the Mekong River Delta economic focus area QD (Secretary, 2009) -TTg decree No 492 / under will be established.
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