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Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
A brief description is given to the Sudan economy during the study period 1960 – 2005.The salient features relevant to the three macroeconomic variables are presented. Unit root test iscarried out to avoid spurious regression and to enable for undertaking Granger Causality testsince the assumption of stationarity is essential, as well as cointegration analysis. The resultsfrom correlation analysis indicate that there is strong correlation between the three variablespairwise.The Granger causality test reveals a uniform directional causation between the supply ofmoney and prices movement. The causation runs from money supply to prices. This we regard asa piece of empirical evidence supporting the monetarist claim, to the extent that monetary expansion is not promptly followed by a response from the production sector of the economy, thesupply of money will have a direct effect on prices.The Sudan economy, like many other developing economies, is a dual economy in thesense that traditional sector coexist with a modern sector. However, the traditional sector is themost dominant since almost 80 per cent of the populations live in this sector. Consequential uponthat the increase in money supply does not seem to affect the output of the traditional sectorwhich constitutes a large share in the GDP. This is due to the fact that the economic activity ofthis sector is exclusively determined by exogenous forces. This might be one reason why nomuch amount of causation was found between money supply and real GDP at least in the shortrun.Further, the co-integration analysis has established that the real GDP, money supply andprice level were found to be co-integrated suggesting a existence of long-run relationshipbetween these macroeconomic variables.In spite of the fact that a complete model of the inflationary process needs to beformulated, still we believe that the results of first hypothesis which established a unidirectionalcausation between money supply and prices movements, constitutes a satisfactory framework forthe discussion of anti-inflationary policies in the Sudan.
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