Excavation Directors are people who have professional training and extensive fieldwork experience in
the investigation of relics within historical archaeological sites. Excavation Directors have usually
completed tertiary training in archaeology, prehistory or a closely related field. Excavation Directors
may be consultant historical archaeologists undertaking paid professional work associated with site
redevelopment projects; university employed archaeologists and/or others undertaking research
investigations of historic sites.
The purpose of these criteria is to highlight the composition of skills required when selecting an
Excavation Director, to be nominated as part of an application under relevant sections of the NSW
Heritage Act, 1977. Those sections include: section 140 and section 60 applications; section 65A, and
section 144 variations to existing approvals and also Integrated Development Applications (IDAs)
lodged under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979 (the EPA Act).
Excavation Directors need to have pertinent qualifications and professional fieldwork experience. They
must also provide sound justification for the proposed archaeological work which is likely to impact on
‘relics’, within the meaning of the Heritage Act, 1977. Any qualified historical or maritime
archaeologists with demonstrated historic sites experience wishing to act as an Excavation Director
must submit a current written statement to the Heritage Council addressing his/her ability to meet the
basic criteria set out in the following table. This applies equally to both Primary Excavation Director
and Secondary Excavation Directors (see below). Such documents must be lodged to support
applications to undertake controlled activities under the Heritage Act 1977, as well as for IDAs, where
excavation would or is likely to result in a relic being moved, damaged, destroyed, exposed or altered.
The Criteria for the Assessment of Excavation Directors will also assist in establishing commitments
for projects determined under the EPA Act, 1979, including Part 3A, Part 4 and Part 5 matters.
The Assessment Criteria can set a standard for archaeological consultancies for the recruitment of
staff and for in-house training and mentoring of less experienced personnel. Combined with Mentoring
from more experienced practitioners, the Criteria have been designed to provide a pathway for
individuals who may wish to become future Excavation Directors for Heritage Act permits.
Selection of a suitably qualified and experienced historical archaeological Excavation Director will
usually provide benefits to a project and improvements in cost effectiveness due to early consideration
of the opportunities and options to amend development plans, and the capacity to devise other
appropriate mitigation strategies if significant features are discovered or expected.
Usually a single individual will be nominated as the Excavation Director for an archaeology permit. In
cases where more than one Excavation Director is nominated or required due to project
circumstances, then the terms Primary and Secondary Director will be relevant. These are defined in
Section C of the Criteria. When only one Director is nominated, that individual is the Primary Director.
Additional submission requirements outlined following, will be required of Primary Excavation Directors
or Secondary Excavation Directors nominated for the first time and also for Excavation Directors who
wish to be nominated for the first time to investigate archaeological sites assessed as having State,
heritage significance, when his/her previous experience has only dealt with sites of Local significance.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
KRITERIA PENILAIAN DIREKTUR PENGGALIANDirektur penggalian adalah orang yang memiliki pelatihan profesional dan pengalaman di lapangan yang luaspenyelidikan relik-relik dalam sejarah situs arkeologi. Direktur penggalian mempunyai biasanyamenyelesaikan pelatihan tersier di arkeologi, prasejarah atau bidang terkait erat. Direktur penggalianmungkin konsultan sejarah arkeolog melakukan dibayar kerja profesional yang terkait dengan situsproyek pembangunan; Universitas dipekerjakan arkeolog dan/atau orang lain melakukan penelitianpenyelidikan situs bersejarah.TUJUANTujuan dari kriteria ini adalah untuk menyoroti komposisi keterampilan yang diperlukan ketika memilihDirektur penggalian, Nominasi sebagai bagian dari aplikasi di bawah bagian yang relevan dari NSWUndang-undang warisan, 1977. Bagian tersebut meliputi: bagian 140 dan bagian 60 aplikasi; Bagian 65A, danvariasi bagian 144 persetujuan yang ada dan juga aplikasi pengembangan terpadu (IDAs)bersarang di bawah perencanaan lingkungan dan penilaian Act, 1979 (UU EPA).KUALIFIKASIDirektur penggalian perlu memiliki kualifikasi yang relevan dan pengalaman lapangan yang profesional. Merekajuga harus memberikan suara pembenaran untuk kerja arkeologi yang kemungkinan akan berdampak pada'peninggalan', dimaksud dalam undang-undang warisan, 1977. Apapun syarat sejarah atau Maritimarkeolog dengan situs-situs bersejarah yang menunjukkan pengalaman berharap untuk bertindak sebagai Direktur penggalianharus menyerahkan arus pernyataan tertulis kepada Dewan warisan yang menangani / kemampuannya untuk memenuhikriteria dasar ditetapkan dalam tabel berikut. Hal ini berlaku sama untuk kedua Direktur penggalian dasardan penggalian sekunder Direksi (lihat bawah). Dokumen tersebut harus diajukan untuk mendukungaplikasi untuk melakukan kegiatan yang dikendalikan di bawah 1977 undang-undang warisan, juga untuk IDAs, manapenggalian akan atau mungkin untuk menghasilkan peninggalan sedang dipindahkan, rusak, hancur, terkena atau diubah.EPA TINDAKAN PERSETUJUANKriteria penilaian Direksi penggalian juga akan membantu dalam membangun komitmenuntuk proyek-proyek yang ditentukan di bawah UU EPA, 1979, termasuk 3A bagian, Bagian 4 dan 5 bagian penting.PENDAMPINGANKriteria penilaian dapat menetapkan standar untuk arkeologi konsultan untuk perekrutanstaf dan untuk rumah pelatihan dan pendampingan kurang berpengalaman personil. Dikombinasikan dengan Mentoringdari praktisi yang lebih berpengalaman, kriteria telah dirancang untuk memberikan jalan untukizin individu yang mungkin ingin menjadi Direktur penggalian masa depan untuk undang-undang warisan.MANFAATPilihan dari sesuai berkualitas dan berpengalaman sejarah arkeologi Direktur penggalian akanbiasanya memberikan manfaat untuk sebuah proyek dan perbaikan dalam efektivitas biaya karena pertimbangan awalpeluang dan pilihan untuk mengubah rencana pembangunan, dan kemampuan untuk merancang lainstrategi mitigasi yang tepat jika fitur signifikan ditemukan atau diharapkan.PROSESBiasanya seorang individu akan dinominasikan sebagai Direktur penggalian arkeologi izin. DalamBila lebih dari satu Direktur penggalian nominasi atau diperlukan karena proyekkeadaan, maka istilah primer dan sekunder Direktur akan relevan. Ini didefinisikan dalamBagian C kriteria. Ketika hanya satu Direktur adalah dinominasikan, individu tersebut adalah direktur utama.Persyaratan pengajuan tambahan yang diuraikan mengikuti, akan diperlukan Direksi penggalian utamaatau Direktur penggalian sekunder dinominasikan untuk pertama kalinya dan juga Direktur penggalian yangingin dinominasikan untuk pertama kalinya untuk menyelidiki situs arkeologi yang dinilai sebagai negara,warisan makna, ketika pengalamannya yang sebelumnya hanya telah ditangani dengan situs lokal penting.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Excavation Directors are people who have professional training and extensive fieldwork experience in
the investigation of relics within historical archaeological sites. Excavation Directors have usually
completed tertiary training in archaeology, prehistory or a closely related field. Excavation Directors
may be consultant historical archaeologists undertaking paid professional work associated with site
redevelopment projects; university employed archaeologists and/or others undertaking research
investigations of historic sites.
The purpose of these criteria is to highlight the composition of skills required when selecting an
Excavation Director, to be nominated as part of an application under relevant sections of the NSW
Heritage Act, 1977. Those sections include: section 140 and section 60 applications; section 65A, and
section 144 variations to existing approvals and also Integrated Development Applications (IDAs)
lodged under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979 (the EPA Act).
Excavation Directors need to have pertinent qualifications and professional fieldwork experience. They
must also provide sound justification for the proposed archaeological work which is likely to impact on
‘relics’, within the meaning of the Heritage Act, 1977. Any qualified historical or maritime
archaeologists with demonstrated historic sites experience wishing to act as an Excavation Director
must submit a current written statement to the Heritage Council addressing his/her ability to meet the
basic criteria set out in the following table. This applies equally to both Primary Excavation Director
and Secondary Excavation Directors (see below). Such documents must be lodged to support
applications to undertake controlled activities under the Heritage Act 1977, as well as for IDAs, where
excavation would or is likely to result in a relic being moved, damaged, destroyed, exposed or altered.
The Criteria for the Assessment of Excavation Directors will also assist in establishing commitments
for projects determined under the EPA Act, 1979, including Part 3A, Part 4 and Part 5 matters.
The Assessment Criteria can set a standard for archaeological consultancies for the recruitment of
staff and for in-house training and mentoring of less experienced personnel. Combined with Mentoring
from more experienced practitioners, the Criteria have been designed to provide a pathway for
individuals who may wish to become future Excavation Directors for Heritage Act permits.
Selection of a suitably qualified and experienced historical archaeological Excavation Director will
usually provide benefits to a project and improvements in cost effectiveness due to early consideration
of the opportunities and options to amend development plans, and the capacity to devise other
appropriate mitigation strategies if significant features are discovered or expected.
Usually a single individual will be nominated as the Excavation Director for an archaeology permit. In
cases where more than one Excavation Director is nominated or required due to project
circumstances, then the terms Primary and Secondary Director will be relevant. These are defined in
Section C of the Criteria. When only one Director is nominated, that individual is the Primary Director.
Additional submission requirements outlined following, will be required of Primary Excavation Directors
or Secondary Excavation Directors nominated for the first time and also for Excavation Directors who
wish to be nominated for the first time to investigate archaeological sites assessed as having State,
heritage significance, when his/her previous experience has only dealt with sites of Local significance.
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