he lecithotrophic strategy of development (Reznick et al., 2002) entai terjemahan - he lecithotrophic strategy of development (Reznick et al., 2002) entai Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

he lecithotrophic strategy of devel

he lecithotrophic strategy of development (Reznick et al., 2002) entails the
provisioning of embryos with resources from the maternal yolk deposit rather than from a placenta. It
allows the extracorporal culture of
guppy embryos. After showing that
guppy embryos can continue development in culture (Fig. 2), we investigated whether we could grow explanted embryos in culture for the
entire period of embryonic development, and whether they would hatch
in vitro. Figure 3 shows the development of embryos explanted at blastodisc stage for 23 subsequent days. The
embryonic streak stage was reached
on day 2 after explanting (Fig. 3B),
and the optic cup stage, with perceptible heartbeat, on day 3 (Fig. 3C). The
yolk portal system became more pronounced between days 3 and 6 (Fig.
Eye pigmentation started at day 4
(Fig. 3D). Pigment cells on the head
first appeared between days 7 and 8
(Fig. 3G,H), and they gradually increased in number and size throughout the experiment (Fig. 3G–R). After
13 days in culture, iridophores were
Fig. 3. Embryonic development in vitro.A–U:Embryos explanted at blastodisc stage (A) were cultured as described in the Experimental Procedures
section and photographed on each subsequent day (B–U). See text for details. Scale bar500m.
mainly seen on the choroid of the eyes
(Fig. 3N–U), and after 14 days they
were also observed over the midbrain
(Fig. 3P–U). On day 21 to 23, melanophores could be seen in the tail and on
the tail fin, which is wrapped around
the yolk (Fig. 3S–U). However, after
day 19 in culture, the yolk became
very heterogeneous in structure and it
appeared to contain some large, coalesced oil droplets. A considerable
amount of yolk remained after 23 days
of culture (Fig. 3U), when the embryo
was still alive but whose development
was delayed relative to embryos developing in the follicle (see below). In culture, the development of pigmentation, somites, and appendages was
symmetrical, but heart development
revealed obvious differences between
individuals. In general, cultured embryos moved their eyes, tails, and pectoral fins within the vitelline envelope. Although normal morphology
often became compromised after more
than 2 weeks in culture, several embryos remained alive for a period of up
to 29 days in culture, corresponding to
37 dap, although these individuals
failed to completely resorb the yolk
and retract the yolk sac. Although embryos developed significantly slower
in vitro than in the ovary, it was impossible to exactly quantify the developmental delay in culture, due to the
obvious spread in developmental
stage within each batch of eggs (data
not shown).
Why embryos could not be cultured
for the entire period of their embryonic development remains unclear.
Varying the concentration of fetal calf
serum in the medium and mimicking
a diurnal cycle of dim light did not
significantly improve development.
That some individuals survived in
vitro for longer than the normal gestational period suggests that survival
in vitro is not the limiting factor. Although guppy embryos are considered
as completely lecithotrophic (Thibault
and Schultz, 1978; Reznick et al.,
2002), we cannot exclude the possibility that specific factors required for
normal development are delivered by
means of the maternal circulation
and, therefore, that these would be
lacking in vitro.
Haas-Andela (1976) succeeded in
rearingXiphophorusembryos in vitro,
starting at neurulation, and obtained
fertile fish. Similar to guppies, Xiphophorus embryos develop more
slowly in vitro than in the follicle, and
often fail to retract the yolk sac. Of
interest, both survival and yolk sac
retraction could be significantly improved by addition of fish-conditioned
water to the culture medium and by
exposure of fully developed embryos to
conditioned water by means of a dialysis bag (Haas-Andela, 1976). These
findings suggest that retraction of the
yolk sac may be the most critical step
of in vitro culture in both species and
that it may require as yet unidentified
low molecular weight factors from the
mother, which could be contained in or
substituted for by the aquarium water.
Whereas guppy embryos cultured
from 8 dap onward (blastodisc to beginning early-eyed stage) showed arrested embryonic development, some
embryos explanted during late gestation (17 to 21 dap) consumed and internalized the remaining yolk, and became mature and fertile fish (data not
shown). When embryos were explanted during the last third of gestation, individuals whose vitelline envelope was removed survived for longer
on average. Moreover, swimming embryos occasionally became fertile
adults, indicating that positive effects
of active movement on gas exchange
and waste disposal may exist, indicating that these parameters may need
future optimization.
Our success in culturing guppy embryos in vitro demonstrates that some
of the drawbacks of live bearing fish as
objects of early developmental studies
can be overcome. Extension of in vitro
culture for the entire gestation period
would allow for experimental procedures not normally possible in live
bearers, including lineage tracing and
genetic manipulations, such as RNA
interference or application of morpholino oligonucleotides
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
he lecithotrophic strategy of development (Reznick et al., 2002) entails theprovisioning of embryos with resources from the maternal yolk deposit rather than from a placenta. Itallows the extracorporal culture ofguppy embryos. After showing thatguppy embryos can continue development in culture (Fig. 2), we investigated whether we could grow explanted embryos in culture for theentire period of embryonic development, and whether they would hatchin vitro. Figure 3 shows the development of embryos explanted at blastodisc stage for 23 subsequent days. Theembryonic streak stage was reachedon day 2 after explanting (Fig. 3B),and the optic cup stage, with perceptible heartbeat, on day 3 (Fig. 3C). Theyolk portal system became more pronounced between days 3 and 6 (Fig.3C–F).Eye pigmentation started at day 4(Fig. 3D). Pigment cells on the headfirst appeared between days 7 and 8(Fig. 3G,H), and they gradually increased in number and size throughout the experiment (Fig. 3G–R). After13 days in culture, iridophores wereFig. 3. Embryonic development in vitro.A–U:Embryos explanted at blastodisc stage (A) were cultured as described in the Experimental Proceduressection and photographed on each subsequent day (B–U). See text for details. Scale bar500m.620 MARTYN ET AL.mainly seen on the choroid of the eyes(Fig. 3N–U), and after 14 days theywere also observed over the midbrain(Fig. 3P–U). On day 21 to 23, melanophores could be seen in the tail and onthe tail fin, which is wrapped aroundthe yolk (Fig. 3S–U). However, afterday 19 in culture, the yolk becamevery heterogeneous in structure and itappeared to contain some large, coalesced oil droplets. A considerableamount of yolk remained after 23 daysof culture (Fig. 3U), when the embryowas still alive but whose developmentwas delayed relative to embryos developing in the follicle (see below). In culture, the development of pigmentation, somites, and appendages wassymmetrical, but heart developmentrevealed obvious differences betweenindividuals. In general, cultured embryos moved their eyes, tails, and pectoral fins within the vitelline envelope. Although normal morphologyoften became compromised after morethan 2 weeks in culture, several embryos remained alive for a period of upto 29 days in culture, corresponding to37 dap, although these individualsfailed to completely resorb the yolkand retract the yolk sac. Although embryos developed significantly slowerin vitro than in the ovary, it was impossible to exactly quantify the developmental delay in culture, due to theobvious spread in developmentalstage within each batch of eggs (datanot shown).Why embryos could not be culturedfor the entire period of their embryonic development remains unclear.Varying the concentration of fetal calfserum in the medium and mimickinga diurnal cycle of dim light did notsignificantly improve development.That some individuals survived in
vitro for longer than the normal gestational period suggests that survival
in vitro is not the limiting factor. Although guppy embryos are considered
as completely lecithotrophic (Thibault
and Schultz, 1978; Reznick et al.,
2002), we cannot exclude the possibility that specific factors required for
normal development are delivered by
means of the maternal circulation
and, therefore, that these would be
lacking in vitro.
Haas-Andela (1976) succeeded in
rearingXiphophorusembryos in vitro,
starting at neurulation, and obtained
fertile fish. Similar to guppies, Xiphophorus embryos develop more
slowly in vitro than in the follicle, and
often fail to retract the yolk sac. Of
interest, both survival and yolk sac
retraction could be significantly improved by addition of fish-conditioned
water to the culture medium and by
exposure of fully developed embryos to
conditioned water by means of a dialysis bag (Haas-Andela, 1976). These
findings suggest that retraction of the
yolk sac may be the most critical step
of in vitro culture in both species and
that it may require as yet unidentified
low molecular weight factors from the
mother, which could be contained in or
substituted for by the aquarium water.
Whereas guppy embryos cultured
from 8 dap onward (blastodisc to beginning early-eyed stage) showed arrested embryonic development, some
embryos explanted during late gestation (17 to 21 dap) consumed and internalized the remaining yolk, and became mature and fertile fish (data not
shown). When embryos were explanted during the last third of gestation, individuals whose vitelline envelope was removed survived for longer
on average. Moreover, swimming embryos occasionally became fertile
adults, indicating that positive effects
of active movement on gas exchange
and waste disposal may exist, indicating that these parameters may need
future optimization.
Our success in culturing guppy embryos in vitro demonstrates that some
of the drawbacks of live bearing fish as
objects of early developmental studies
can be overcome. Extension of in vitro
culture for the entire gestation period
would allow for experimental procedures not normally possible in live
bearers, including lineage tracing and
genetic manipulations, such as RNA
interference or application of morpholino oligonucleotides
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
ia lecithotrophic strategi pembangunan (Reznick et al., 2002) memerlukan
penyediaan embrio dengan sumber daya dari deposit kuning ibu bukan dari plasenta. Ini
memungkinkan budaya extracorporal dari
embrio guppy. Setelah menunjukkan bahwa
embrio guppy dapat melanjutkan pembangunan dalam budaya (Gbr. 2), kami menyelidiki apakah kita bisa tumbuh embrio explanted dalam budaya untuk
seluruh periode perkembangan embrio, dan apakah mereka akan menetas
in vitro. Gambar 3 menunjukkan perkembangan embrio explanted pada tahap blastodisc selama 23 hari berikutnya. The
tahap beruntun embrio dicapai
pada hari 2 setelah explanting (Gambar. 3B),
dan tahap cangkir optik, dengan detak jantung jelas, pada hari ke 3 (Gambar. 3C). The
kuning sistem portal menjadi lebih jelas antara hari 3 dan 6 (Gambar.
Pigmentasi mata dimulai pada hari 4
(Gambar. 3D). Sel pigmen di kepala
pertama muncul antara hari 7 dan 8
(Gambar. 3G, H), dan mereka secara bertahap meningkat dalam jumlah dan ukuran seluruh percobaan (Gambar. 3G-R). Setelah
13 hari dalam budaya, iridophores yang
Gambar. 3. pengembangan embrio di vitro.A-U: Embrio explanted pada tahap blastodisc (A) dikultur seperti yang dijelaskan dalam Prosedur Eksperimental
bagian dan difoto pada setiap hari berikutnya (B-U). Lihat teks untuk rincian. Skala bar? 500? M.
Terutama terlihat pada koroid mata
(Gambar. 3N-U), dan setelah 14 hari mereka
juga diamati selama otak tengah
(Gambar. 3P-U). Pada hari 21-23, melanophores bisa dilihat di bagian ekor dan pada
sirip ekor, yang melilit
kuning (Gambar. 3S-U). Namun, setelah
hari 19 dalam budaya, kuning telur menjadi
sangat heterogen dalam struktur dan
tampaknya mengandung beberapa besar, tetesan minyak berkoalisi. Sebuah cukup
jumlah kuning telur tetap setelah 23 hari
dari budaya (Gambar. 3U), ketika embrio
masih hidup tapi yang perkembangannya
tertunda relatif terhadap embrio berkembang dalam folikel (lihat di bawah). Dalam budaya, pengembangan pigmentasi, somit, dan pelengkap adalah
simetris, tetapi pengembangan jantung
menunjukkan perbedaan yang jelas antara
individu. Secara umum, embrio berbudaya pindah mata mereka, ekor, dan sirip dada dalam amplop vitelline. Meskipun morfologi normal
sering menjadi terganggu setelah lebih
dari 2 minggu dalam budaya, beberapa embrio tetap hidup untuk jangka waktu sampai
dengan 29 hari dalam budaya, sesuai dengan
37 hst, meskipun orang-orang
gagal untuk sepenuhnya menyerap kuning telur
dan menarik kuning telur. Meskipun embrio berkembang secara signifikan lebih lambat
in vitro daripada di ovarium, itu tidak mungkin untuk persis mengukur keterlambatan perkembangan dalam budaya, karena
penyebaran jelas dalam perkembangan
tahap dalam setiap batch telur (data
tidak ditampilkan).
Mengapa embrio tidak bisa berbudaya
untuk seluruh periode perkembangan embrio mereka masih belum jelas.
Memvariasikan konsentrasi janin sapi
serum dalam medium dan meniru
siklus diurnal cahaya redup tidak
secara signifikan meningkatkan pembangunan.
Itu beberapa individu bertahan di
vitro selama lebih dari periode kehamilan yang normal menunjukkan bahwa kelangsungan hidup
in vitro bukan faktor pembatas. Meskipun embrio guppy dianggap
sebagai benar-benar lecithotrophic (Thibault
dan Schultz, 1978;. Reznick et al,
2002), kita tidak bisa mengesampingkan kemungkinan bahwa faktor khusus yang diperlukan untuk
perkembangan normal yang disampaikan oleh
sarana sirkulasi ibu
dan, karena itu, bahwa ini akan akan
kurang in vitro.
Haas-Andela (1976) berhasil
rearingXiphophorusembryos in vitro,
mulai neurulasi, dan memperoleh
ikan subur. Mirip dengan guppies, Xiphophorus embrio berkembang lebih
lambat in vitro daripada di folikel, dan
sering gagal untuk menarik kembali kantung kuning telur. Dari
bunga, baik kelangsungan hidup dan kuning kantung
retraksi dapat secara signifikan ditingkatkan dengan penambahan-ikan AC
air ke dalam media kultur dan oleh
paparan dari embrio sepenuhnya dikembangkan untuk
air dikondisikan dengan cara kantong dialisis (Haas-Andela, 1976). Ini
Temuan menunjukkan bahwa pencabutan dari
kuning telur mungkin langkah yang paling penting
dari kultur in vitro pada kedua spesies dan
yang mungkin memerlukan yang belum teridentifikasi
faktor berat molekul rendah dari
ibu, yang bisa terkandung dalam atau
digantikan oleh air akuarium .
Sedangkan embrio guppy berbudaya
dari 8 dap seterusnya (blastodisc untuk mulai tahap awal bermata) menunjukkan ditangkap perkembangan embrio, beberapa
embrio explanted selama akhir kehamilan (17-21 hst) dikonsumsi dan diinternalisasi kuning yang tersisa, dan menjadi matang dan ikan subur (data tidak
ditampilkan). Ketika embrio explanted selama sepertiga terakhir kehamilan, individu yang amplop vitelline telah dihapus bertahan lebih lama
rata-rata. Selain itu, embrio berenang sesekali menjadi subur
dewasa, menunjukkan bahwa efek positif
dari gerakan aktif pada pertukaran gas
dan pembuangan limbah mungkin ada, menunjukkan bahwa parameter ini mungkin perlu
optimasi masa depan.
Kesuksesan kami di kultur embrio guppy in vitro menunjukkan bahwa beberapa
kelemahan dari hidup bantalan ikan sebagai
objek studi perkembangan awal
dapat diatasi. Perpanjangan in vitro
kultur untuk periode kehamilan seluruh
akan memungkinkan untuk prosedur eksperimental biasanya tidak mungkin dalam hidup
pembawa, termasuk keturunan pelacakan dan
manipulasi genetik, seperti RNA
gangguan atau penerapan oligonukleotida morfolino
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