The second phase of the teaching process is lesson presentation. The f terjemahan - The second phase of the teaching process is lesson presentation. The f Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The second phase of the teaching pr

The second phase of the teaching process is lesson presentation. The function of the Christian teacher is seen in relation to God-given pedagogical principles. The teacher is not only obligated to be a witness, but also must operate properly as a witness. This brings in the matter of methodology. God has provided certain pedagogical principles by which the Christian teacher can operate in relation to subject matter and goals involved. The relationship is pictured somewhat as in the chart on the preceding page. Here is revealed the very intimate relationship between principles of pedagogy which direct the use of subject matter as instrumental in bringing the student to the character-goal of Christ-likeness.
In meeting the student in the classroom situation the effectiveness of the teacher will depend on two things: (1) his contact with God and His truth in the study process, and (2) his contact with the student. In both preparation and presentation the teacher is a co-worker with the Holy Spirit. In the study process the teacher should have an "inner experience" with God so that the lesson is worked deeply into his own heart life. From this point the teacher can move into an "outer experience" of the classroom where he contacts the student. In presentation, the function of the teacher is to begin with the "outer experience" of the student and through the methodology involved lead the pupil to an "inner experience" of the truth as it came from God through the experience of his teacher. The whole process takes the form revealed in the following chart:
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The second phase of the teaching process is lesson presentation. The function of the Christian teacher is seen in relation to God-given pedagogical principles. The teacher is not only obligated to be a witness, but also must operate properly as a witness. This brings in the matter of methodology. God has provided certain pedagogical principles by which the Christian teacher can operate in relation to subject matter and goals involved. The relationship is pictured somewhat as in the chart on the preceding page. Here is revealed the very intimate relationship between principles of pedagogy which direct the use of subject matter as instrumental in bringing the student to the character-goal of Christ-likeness.
In meeting the student in the classroom situation the effectiveness of the teacher will depend on two things: (1) his contact with God and His truth in the study process, and (2) his contact with the student. In both preparation and presentation the teacher is a co-worker with the Holy Spirit. In the study process the teacher should have an "inner experience" with God so that the lesson is worked deeply into his own heart life. From this point the teacher can move into an "outer experience" of the classroom where he contacts the student. In presentation, the function of the teacher is to begin with the "outer experience" of the student and through the methodology involved lead the pupil to an "inner experience" of the truth as it came from God through the experience of his teacher. The whole process takes the form revealed in the following chart:
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Tahap kedua dari proses mengajar pelajaran presentasi. Fungsi guru Kristen dilihat dalam kaitannya dengan prinsip-prinsip pedagogis yang diberikan Tuhan. Guru tidak hanya berkewajiban untuk menjadi saksi, tetapi juga harus beroperasi dengan baik sebagai saksi. Hal ini membawa dalam hal metodologi. Allah telah menyediakan prinsip-prinsip pedagogis tertentu dimana guru Kristen dapat beroperasi dalam kaitannya dengan materi pelajaran dan tujuan yang terlibat. Hubungan digambarkan agak seperti pada tabel di halaman sebelumnya. Berikut ini mengungkapkan hubungan yang sangat dekat antara prinsip-prinsip pedagogi yang mengarahkan penggunaan materi pelajaran yang berperan dalam membawa siswa untuk karakter-tujuan Kristus-rupa.
Dalam pertemuan siswa dalam situasi kelas efektivitas guru akan tergantung pada dua hal: (1) kontak dengan Tuhan dan kebenaran-Nya dalam proses belajar, dan (2) kontak dengan siswa. Dalam kedua penyusunan dan penyajian guru adalah rekan kerja dengan Roh Kudus. Dalam proses pembelajaran guru harus memiliki "pengalaman batin" dengan Tuhan sehingga pelajaran yang bekerja dalam ke kehidupan hatinya sendiri. Dari titik ini guru dapat pindah ke suatu "pengalaman luar" dari kelas mana ia kontak siswa. Dalam presentasinya, fungsi guru adalah mulai dengan "pengalaman luar" dari siswa dan melalui metodologi yang terlibat memimpin murid ke "pengalaman batin" kebenaran seperti itu datang dari Allah melalui pengalaman gurunya. Seluruh proses mengambil bentuk terungkap pada grafik berikut:
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