Quick, one crowd of cultivator depart from boundless star, that is the eighth powerhouse. Although is unable to compare with ninth, may equally be also intrepid, the imposing manner proliferates, making the starry sky thunder.
Gradually, seventh, sixth, fifth until first cultivator , after successively appears, the entire boundless star, unprecedented reacted gets up immediately.
Innumerable Rogue Cultivator with amazement, have the well-informed source to know some karma, although does not make concrete, possibly understands the reason, but many Rogue Cultivator, did not know what happened, at this moment saw the boundless star so, immediately the holding breath tone, revealed the meaning of fear.
„Day, the boundless faction nine large amounts, all left the stars, is this must do?”
„This certainly is the war, the boundless faction must make war with other influence!!”
„In how possible, present starry sky, although small going on an expedition is unceasing, but sends this colossus boundlessly, will be impossible to make war, these nine source powerhouses, in tracking down the road of Transcendence”, not only will be these many Rogue Cultivator in boundless star is startled, at this moment outside boundless star, will be in the range of boundless faction, all will attach in many world of boundless faction, was shocked by the action of boundless faction.
When guessed the reason , some news, spread in this moment slowly.
„Heard, this time boundless faction all sent out, it is said that must help ninth Paragon!”
„Ninth Paragon, is one by Immortal God Continent as well as demon mainland deconstruction the person of world vestiges, he must take revenge, but the boundless faction, must help him take revenge!”
„Makes war with Immortal God Continent as well as the demon mainland? This ninth Paragon, how will have such rallying point!”
When this countless people are shocked, Boundless Star, departed nine sources forms, these nine source Paragon, this moment roars departed, stands from the front of status sect, sat cross-legged to sit in meditation, silently waiting.
Headmaster old man same, the look is serious, is having the meaning of thick withering, sat cross-legged to sit before first.
The gold robe youth, Shajiu Dong, the Bai Wuchen immortal, three people also appear, are powerful, making the starry sky shiver.
The entire boundless faction, nearly all sends out at this moment, such matter, in the boundless starry sky, absolutely is the shakes the heavens important matter, this news spreads over the four directions instantaneously, by all people of knowing, holding breath tone with amazement.
The innumerable world, have chosen the seal in this moment, innumerable vortex, are dim in this moment, is not willing to participate this looks like in all people, being doomed is in the savage war.
The time passes, in this all people the waiting of silently, the starry sky of distant place, spread one to whoosh suddenly, that was a huge lizard, this lizard body such as an entire mainland, has not waited to approach, the pressure that dispersed, making all person hearts tremble, Headmaster old man two eyes suddenly opened and closed, stood up slowly.
Gold robe youth et al., item, mind reacted, looks at that lizard, looks to stand in Meng Hao of lizard top of the head.
That lizard makes them have intense dreading, but the form of lizard top of the head, at this moment, making them feel the Transcendence dignity once more.
When this lizard approaches slowly, its behind has the low roar to neigh once more, that is a termite, this termite is equally huge, although was smaller than the lizard, the aura on form fitting, similarly intrepid to peak.
After this termite, in the starry sky a giant head, the float comes, this head is an old man, the look is fierce, does not get angry from the prestige, is proliferating the fluctuation of terrifying, that is nine source peak.
„God yi Patriarch!”
„Bai Xianyi Saint!!”
„Ancient times skull clan!!” Headmaster et al. mind reacted, look at present these three colossi, they know that these three existences, know these three, the achievement nine sources time, to has been hard to research the degree that glorious.
At this moment, the ninth direction, that several eight source Paragon, this moment breathes deeply, toward in Meng Hao of that old lizard top of the head, deeply does obeisance.
„Pays a visit Lord Devil!”
Words, their behind cultivation of 10 billion ninth influence, shake in this moment mind completely, roars does obeisance, the sound spread, has surmounted the sound wave, blasted out near four, thundered all directions.
„Pays a visit Lord Devil!”
Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Quick, one crowd of cultivator depart from boundless star, that is the eighth powerhouse. Although is unable to compare with ninth, may equally be also intrepid, the imposing manner proliferates, making the starry sky thunder.Gradually, seventh, sixth, fifth until first cultivator , after successively appears, the entire boundless star, unprecedented reacted gets up immediately.Innumerable Rogue Cultivator with amazement, have the well-informed source to know some karma, although does not make concrete, possibly understands the reason, but many Rogue Cultivator, did not know what happened, at this moment saw the boundless star so, immediately the holding breath tone, revealed the meaning of fear.„Day, the boundless faction nine large amounts, all left the stars, is this must do?”„This certainly is the war, the boundless faction must make war with other influence!!”„In how possible, present starry sky, although small going on an expedition is unceasing, but sends this colossus boundlessly, will be impossible to make war, these nine source powerhouses, in tracking down the road of Transcendence”, not only will be these many Rogue Cultivator in boundless star is startled, at this moment outside boundless star, will be in the range of boundless faction, all will attach in many world of boundless faction, was shocked by the action of boundless faction.When guessed the reason , some news, spread in this moment slowly.„Heard, this time boundless faction all sent out, it is said that must help ninth Paragon!”„Ninth Paragon, is one by Immortal God Continent as well as demon mainland deconstruction the person of world vestiges, he must take revenge, but the boundless faction, must help him take revenge!”„Makes war with Immortal God Continent as well as the demon mainland? This ninth Paragon, how will have such rallying point!”When this countless people are shocked, Boundless Star, departed nine sources forms, these nine source Paragon, this moment roars departed, stands from the front of status sect, sat cross-legged to sit in meditation, silently waiting.Headmaster old man same, the look is serious, is having the meaning of thick withering, sat cross-legged to sit before first.The gold robe youth, Shajiu Dong, the Bai Wuchen immortal, three people also appear, are powerful, making the starry sky shiver.The entire boundless faction, nearly all sends out at this moment, such matter, in the boundless starry sky, absolutely is the shakes the heavens important matter, this news spreads over the four directions instantaneously, by all people of knowing, holding breath tone with amazement.The innumerable world, have chosen the seal in this moment, innumerable vortex, are dim in this moment, is not willing to participate this looks like in all people, being doomed is in the savage war.Berjalannya waktu, dalam ini semua orang menunggu diam-diam, starry langit tempat yang jauh, spread yang satu whoosh tiba-tiba, itu besar kadal, kadal tubuh seperti seluruh daratan, telah tidak menunggu untuk mendekati, tekanan yang tersebar, membuat semua hati orang yang gemetar, kepala sekolah tua dua mata orang tiba-tiba dibuka dan ditutup, berdiri perlahan-lahan.Jubah emas pemuda et al., item, pikiran bereaksi, terlihat pada kadal yang terlihat untuk berdiri di Meng Hao kadal atas kepala.Kadal yang membuat mereka memiliki intens takut, tetapi bentuk kadal atas kepala, saat ini, membuat mereka merasa martabat transendensi sekali lagi.Ketika kadal ini mendekati perlahan-lahan, di belakang yang memiliki deru rendah untuk lingkungan sekali lagi, itulah rayap, rayap ini sama besar, meskipun lebih kecil dari kadal, aura di formulir pas, sama intrepid ke puncak.Setelah ini rayap, di starry langit kepala raksasa, datang mengapung, kepala ini adalah seorang lelaki tua, tampilan sengit, tidak mendapatkan marah dari prestise, terus meluas fluktuasi mengerikan, yang adalah sembilan sumber puncak."Allah yi patriak!""Saint Bai Xianyi!!""Zaman kuno tengkorak klan!!" Kepala sekolah et al. pikiran bereaksi, lihat saat ini tiga Kolose, mereka tahu bahwa eksistensi ini tiga, tahu ini tiga, pencapaian sembilan sumber waktu, untuk telah sulit untuk penelitian tingkat yang mulia.Saat ini, arah yang kesembilan, bahwa beberapa sumber delapan Paragon, saat ini bernapas dalam-dalam, menuju dalam Meng Hao kadal yang lama atas kepala, sangat tidak menyembah."Membayar kunjungan setan Tuhan!"Kata-kata, di belakang mereka budidaya 10 miliar kesembilan mempengaruhi menjabat di pikiran benar-benar, mengaum Apakah menyembah, penyebaran suara saat ini, telah diatasi gelombang suara, mengecam keluar dekat empat, menggelegar segala arah."Membayar kunjungan setan Tuhan!"
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