#1271: Foreign invasion! ( First ) When Meng Hao Transcends Tribulatio terjemahan - #1271: Foreign invasion! ( First ) When Meng Hao Transcends Tribulatio Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

#1271: Foreign invasion! ( First )

#1271: Foreign invasion! ( First )

When Meng Hao Transcends Tribulation , he is the Meng Clan clansman, has not realized that at this moment, beyond this Meng Clan range, in the starry sky, black Willow Leaf, is floating piece by piece there.
These Willow Leaf, each piece fully has thousand zhang (3.33 m), the black, above vein is all over the body clear, as if in has the blood to past, making Willow Leaf look like, is quite strange.
Here Willow Leaf, dozens pieces, on each piece of Willow Leaf, sit cross-legged to sit dozens cultivator fully, puts together, has thousand people fully.
Everyone is very quiet, in only has cloudy and cold flashing through from time to time, they wear the black long gown, sends out the intermittent cold and gloomy cold air, if carefully looks, as can be seen, these over a thousand cultivator Cultivation, unexpectedly ... Is Ancient Realm!
From Ancient Realm to of the great circle, if Meng Hao here, sees them, will think to look familiar surely, because of the aura of these people, with Meng Hao and Meng De when the return, these people who runs into, exactly the same!
More astonishing, on these dozens pieces of Willow Leaf, every several other pieces, sits cross-legged to sit to disperse the source aura the Dao Realm powerhouse altogether seven people!
These seven people, have the male to have the female, has always has few, but any, the aura is not weak, particularly in three people, two are the Dao Lord boundaries, but that strongest one person, is a young lad, Cultivation of this young lad ... Can suppress the change of starry sky unexpectedly, that is ... Five source Dao Senior!!
Four sources may be called Dao Senior, may in fact be only the threshold, five sources are, six source peak, in any Mountains and Seas Plane, five source above Dao Senior, are few most powerhouses, can compete for the absolute overlord in Lord of the Mountain and Sea position, such person. Such status. Appears in any place. Can cause a stir in Mountains and Seas Plane that is.
But at present, outside Meng Clan, presented such one person unexpectedly!
„Some people in Transcends Tribulation ... Very strange Ancient Tribulation ...”
„This person, has planting to let I very uncomfortable aura ... Let these attach to my Seventh Mountain and Sea Sect, first act probed.” The young lads look out Meng Clan, in the item reveal to push the glow of spreading out, after long time, light to open mouth.
„This time. Lord of the Mountain and Sea to me and others the heavy responsibility, cannot be careless, after this matter, this place Meng Clan bloodline, ... Does not remain!” The young lads have closed the eye.
When his sound reverberation, immediately some people pass on assign all directions, immediately in this nearby starry sky, on meteorite one after another, or is in the float mainland, in Eighth Mountain and Sea that has. Does not belong to Deity Alliance these Sect, some forms. Received the order from young lad.
Short after silent and scruple, almost all receives the order Sect, has the sigh to spread, the order of Patriarch from these Sect, spreads over entire Sect, afterward ... Then is rainbows, departure rapidly, directly soars ... Meng Clan!
The cultivator more than thousand people that such Sect, almost dozens, each Sect sends out, several thousand cultivator disperse, from the different directions, toward Meng Clan, approaches unceasingly, is getting more and more near!
The wind and rain wants!
First war between Seventh Mountain and Sea and Eighth Mountain and Sea, as if ... Must fire in this Meng Clan, this post-war, how regardless of the result, surely to cause a stir in entire Eighth Mountain and Sea.
But can make Dao Senior lead, and goal that first strikes the choice, either has strategic, either is important!
May, at this time, Meng Hao Transcends Tribulation, and Meng Clan all clansmen, without any, realize slightly, if carefully looks, as can be seen, in this moment Meng Clan mainland, in these clansmen, some ... They seem like shock Meng Hao Transcends Tribulation, may in fact, when that young lad spreads the order, these people, there is a slight light, flashes past.
As if there is wind, blows from the horizon, across the building, has swept the world, one such as ... Fengmanlou.
In the starry sky fog, Meng Hao both hands waves hand, facing the faceless people of these four two sources, Meng Hao has launched Swallowing Mountain Art at present, when mountain peaks rumbling arrive, suppresses all directions, roars collapses, that four faceless people, all are backing up.
In the Meng Hao eye the murderous intention dodges, may actually not slaughter, but in a flash, changes to green Great Peng forward, runs out directly, he does not have the time to pester with these human form catastrophes.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
#1271: Foreign invasion! ( First ) When Meng Hao Transcends Tribulation , he is the Meng Clan clansman, has not realized that at this moment, beyond this Meng Clan range, in the starry sky, black Willow Leaf, is floating piece by piece there.These Willow Leaf, each piece fully has thousand zhang (3.33 m), the black, above vein is all over the body clear, as if in has the blood to past, making Willow Leaf look like, is quite strange.Here Willow Leaf, dozens pieces, on each piece of Willow Leaf, sit cross-legged to sit dozens cultivator fully, puts together, has thousand people fully.Everyone is very quiet, in only has cloudy and cold flashing through from time to time, they wear the black long gown, sends out the intermittent cold and gloomy cold air, if carefully looks, as can be seen, these over a thousand cultivator Cultivation, unexpectedly ... Is Ancient Realm!From Ancient Realm to of the great circle, if Meng Hao here, sees them, will think to look familiar surely, because of the aura of these people, with Meng Hao and Meng De when the return, these people who runs into, exactly the same!More astonishing, on these dozens pieces of Willow Leaf, every several other pieces, sits cross-legged to sit to disperse the source aura the Dao Realm powerhouse altogether seven people!These seven people, have the male to have the female, has always has few, but any, the aura is not weak, particularly in three people, two are the Dao Lord boundaries, but that strongest one person, is a young lad, Cultivation of this young lad ... Can suppress the change of starry sky unexpectedly, that is ... Five source Dao Senior!!Four sources may be called Dao Senior, may in fact be only the threshold, five sources are, six source peak, in any Mountains and Seas Plane, five source above Dao Senior, are few most powerhouses, can compete for the absolute overlord in Lord of the Mountain and Sea position, such person. Such status. Appears in any place. Can cause a stir in Mountains and Seas Plane that is.But at present, outside Meng Clan, presented such one person unexpectedly!„Some people in Transcends Tribulation ... Very strange Ancient Tribulation ...”„This person, has planting to let I very uncomfortable aura ... Let these attach to my Seventh Mountain and Sea Sect, first act probed.” The young lads look out Meng Clan, in the item reveal to push the glow of spreading out, after long time, light to open mouth.„This time. Lord of the Mountain and Sea to me and others the heavy responsibility, cannot be careless, after this matter, this place Meng Clan bloodline, ... Does not remain!” The young lads have closed the eye.Kapan nya suara dengung, segera beberapa orang lulus pada menetapkan segala arah, segera dalam hal ini dekat starry langit, pada meteorit satu demi satu, atau di daratan mengapung, di kedelapan gunung dan laut yang memiliki. Bukan milik dewa aliansi sekte ini, beberapa bentuk. Menerima pesanan dari dijawab.Singkat setelah diam dan keberatan, hampir semua menerima perintah sekte, memiliki mendesah menyebar, urutan Patriark dari sekte ini, menyebar di seluruh sekte, kemudian... Kemudian pelangi, keberangkatan cepat, langsung menjulang... Klan meng!Beralih lebih dari seribu orang mazhab itu seperti, hampir puluhan, masing-masing mazhab mengirimkan, beberapa ribu beralih membubarkan, dari arah yang berbeda, menuju Meng klan, pendekatan tak henti-hentinya, semakin lebih dan lebih dekat!Angin dan hujan keinginan!Pertama perang antara ketujuh gunung dan laut dan delapan gunung dan laut, seolah-olah... Harus api di ini Meng Clan, pasca-perang yang ini, bagaimana terlepas dari hasil, pasti untuk menyebabkan kegemparan di seluruh kedelapan gunung dan laut.Tapi dapat memimpin Dao Senior, dan tujuan yang pertama pemogokan pilihan, baik memiliki strategis, baik sangat penting!Mungkin, saat ini, Meng Hao melampaui kesengsaraan, dan Meng Clan semua anggota klan, tanpa, menyadari sedikit, jika hati-hati tampak, seperti dapat dilihat, di saat ini Meng klan daratan, dalam anggota klan ini, beberapa... Mereka tampak seperti kejutan Meng Hao melampaui kesengsaraan, Mei pada kenyataannya, ketika itu dijawab menyebar urutan, orang-orang ini, ada sedikit cahaya, berkedip masa lalu.As if there is wind, blows from the horizon, across the building, has swept the world, one such as ... Fengmanlou.Bang!In the starry sky fog, Meng Hao both hands waves hand, facing the faceless people of these four two sources, Meng Hao has launched Swallowing Mountain Art at present, when mountain peaks rumbling arrive, suppresses all directions, roars collapses, that four faceless people, all are backing up.In the Meng Hao eye the murderous intention dodges, may actually not slaughter, but in a flash, changes to green Great Peng forward, runs out directly, he does not have the time to pester with these human form catastrophes.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
# 1271: invasi asing! (Pertama)

Ketika Meng Hao Melampaui Tribulation, ia adalah anggota klan Meng Clan, belum menyadari bahwa saat ini, di luar jangkauan Meng Clan ini, di langit berbintang, hitam Willow Leaf, adalah floating sepotong demi sepotong di sana.
Ini Willow Leaf, masing-masing bagian sepenuhnya memiliki ribu zhang (3,33 m), hitam, di atas vena adalah seluruh tubuh yang jelas, seakan memiliki darah ke masa lalu, membuat Willow Leaf terlihat seperti, cukup aneh.
di sini Willow Leaf, puluhan keping, di setiap potongan Willow Leaf, duduk bersila duduk puluhan kultivator sepenuhnya, menempatkan bersama-sama, memiliki ribu orang penuh.
semua orang sangat tenang, hanya memiliki berkedip berawan dan dingin melalui dari waktu ke waktu, mereka mengenakan gaun panjang hitam, mengirimkan keluar udara dingin dingin dan suram intermiten, jika hati-hati terlihat, seperti yang dapat dilihat, ini lebih dari seribu kultivator Budidaya, tiba-tiba ... Apakah Realm Kuno!
dari Realm Kuno untuk lingkaran besar, jika Meng Hao sini, melihat mereka, akan berpikir untuk mencari akrab pasti, karena aura orang-orang ini, dengan Meng Hao dan Meng De ketika pulang, orang-orang yang berjalan ke dalam, persis sama!
Lebih mencengangkan, pada puluhan potongan-potongan Willow Leaf, setiap beberapa karya lain , duduk bersila untuk duduk untuk membubarkan aura sumber Dao Realm pembangkit tenaga listrik sama sekali tujuh orang!
ini tujuh orang, memiliki laki-laki untuk memiliki perempuan, selalu memiliki beberapa, tapi apapun, aura tidak lemah, khususnya di tiga orang , dua adalah batas Dao Tuhan, tapi itu terkuat satu orang, adalah anak muda, Budidaya anak muda ini ... Bisa menekan perubahan langit berbintang tiba-tiba, yang ... Lima sumber Dao Senior !!
Empat sumber mungkin disebut Dao Senior, mungkin sebenarnya hanya ambang, lima sumber yang, enam puncak sumber, dalam Gunung dan Laut Pesawat, lima sumber di atas Dao Senior, beberapa yang paling powerhouses, dapat bersaing untuk tuan mutlak dalam Lord of the Mountain dan posisi Sea, orang tersebut. Status tersebut. Muncul di tempat manapun. Dapat menyebabkan kegemparan di Gunung dan Laut Pesawat itu.
Tapi saat ini, di luar Meng Clan, disajikan seperti satu orang tiba-tiba!
"Beberapa orang di Melampaui Tribulation ... Sangat aneh Kesengsaraan Kuno ..."
"Orang ini, telah menanam untuk biarkan saya sangat tidak nyaman aura ... biarkan ini melampirkan saya Seventh Mountain dan Sea Sect, tindakan pertama diperiksa. "para pemuda muda melihat keluar Meng Clan, di item mengungkapkan untuk mendorong cahaya menyebar, setelah waktu yang lama, cahaya untuk mulut terbuka.
"kali ini. Lord of the Mountain and Sea untuk saya dan orang lain tanggung jawab yang berat, tidak bisa sembarangan, setelah hal ini, tempat ini Meng Clan keturunan, ... Tidak tetap! "Para pemuda muda telah menutup mata.
Ketika gema suara nya, segera beberapa orang menyampaikan assign semua arah, segera di langit berbintang terdekat ini, pada meteorit satu demi satu, atau di daratan float, di Kedelapan gunung dan laut yang memiliki. Bukan milik Dewa Alliance Sekte ini, beberapa bentuk. Menerima perintah dari anak muda.
Pendek setelah diam dan keberatan, hampir semua menerima pesanan Sekte, memiliki napas menyebar, urutan Patriark dari Sekte ini, tersebar di seluruh Sect, sesudahnya ... Kemudian adalah pelangi, keberangkatan cepat, langsung melonjak ... Meng Clan!
kultivator lebih dari seribu orang yang Sekte tersebut, hampir puluhan, setiap Sekte mengirimkan, beberapa ribu pembudidaya disperse, dari arah yang berbeda, ke arah Meng Clan, pendekatan tanpa henti, semakin lebih banyak dan lebih dekat!
angin dan hujan ingin!
perang pertama antara Seventh Mountain dan Sea dan Eighth Gunung dan Laut, seakan ... Harus api di Meng Clan ini, ini pasca-perang, bagaimana terlepas dari hasilnya, pasti menyebabkan kegemparan di seluruh Kedelapan gunung dan laut.
Tapi bisa membuat Dao memimpin Senior, dan tujuan itu pertama menyerang pilihan, baik memiliki strategis, baik penting!
Mei, saat ini, Meng Hao Melampaui Tribulation, dan Meng Clan semua klan, tanpa, menyadari sedikit, jika hati-hati terlihat, seperti dapat dilihat, pada saat ini Meng Clan daratan, di klan ini, beberapa ... Mereka tampak seperti sengatan Meng Hao Melampaui Tribulation, mungkin sebenarnya, ketika itu anak muda menyebar urutan, orang-orang ini, ada cahaya sedikit, berkedip masa lalu.
seperti jika ada angin, bertiup dari cakrawala, di gedung, telah melanda dunia, salah satu seperti ... Fengmanlou.
Di langit kabut berbintang, Meng Hao kedua tangan gelombang tangan, menghadapi orang-orang tak berwajah empat dua sumber tersebut, Meng Hao telah meluncurkan Menelan gunung Art saat ini, ketika puncak gunung gemuruh tiba, menekan ke segala arah, mengaum runtuh, bahwa empat orang tak berwajah, semua back up.
di mata Meng Hao yang membunuh niat berkelit, mungkin sebenarnya tidak menyembelih, tapi dalam sekejap, perubahan hijau besar Peng maju, habis langsung, ia tidak punya waktu untuk mengganggu dengan ini bencana bentuk manusia.
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