Jalal with smirk; Jodha, you are so unbelievable and unpredictable and terjemahan - Jalal with smirk; Jodha, you are so unbelievable and unpredictable and Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Jalal with smirk; Jodha, you are so

Jalal with smirk; Jodha, you are so unbelievable and unpredictable and I love you for that then He carried her with care and love and said "Ab thik ha meri sherni" She looked at him with blush and said...Hum majak kar rahe the(I was joking shenshah)... hame niche utariye... (He carried her with care and said "Is it okey my lioness..."

Finally with little nok jok they went back to the tent and ate dinner. While eating dinner both of they were lost in each other's thoughts. Jodha; Shenshah, can I request you, if you don't mind, can I sleep in my khema tonight? Jalal with smile; Yes I want you to sleep in your khema too... and with mischievous tone, I can't control myself if you sleep with me tonight and he wink at her.

They both went back to their Khema... Jodha and Jalal are lost in their thoughts and blushing...finally they both went to sleep in their beautiful dreamland...

At the Palace:

Maham with resentment; Aftab Saheb, You have kept this big secret from me that Jalal went to Amer to bring Jodha back. Don't you know that I love Jalal more than my own son Adham? You have really disappointed me.

Aftab; I am sorry but I have just followed Shenshah's order. No one in the palace knew other than Rukaiya begum and Mariam zumani hamida begum, any way tomorrow morning Shenshah will arrive to the palace with Jodha begum.

Maham looked at him with little anger and walked out from there... She was burning inside with fire, Jalal is coming back with Jodha...maham talking to herself, Jodha begum, this time with your fortune, you were able to survive but next time you will have no chance... No one can save you from me, Napak Rajvanshi...

Next Day, Early morning... Jalal and Jodha both got ready... and came out of their tent for going back to Agra.

Jalal looked at Jodha with mischievous look and went close to her and whisper with sensual tone... uff Jodha, you have done some magic on me... Entire night I was thinking about you... I can't wait for tonight. Jodha with blush looked at him and with shy feeling ran away from him. Her heart was beating fast... Jalal was watching her running away from him with smirk on his face... They both were so excited, happy and eager for their first night. Their mind completely capture by romantic dreams of their first night.

In three hours they reach Agra palace... Everyone welcome Jodha with respect. By this time everyone knew that she was innocent. It was only their misunderstanding...

Rukaiya and Hamida banoo both came to welcome Jodha begum and Shenshah...

Hamida with happy tears said; Welcome back meri bacchi Jodha... and hugged her with kiss on her forehead. I am so happy to see you back... Please forgive us for this big misunderstanding.

Jodha; Ammi Jaan, please don't apologies, you were only one who really trusted me and also I should apologies for my mistake also. Ammi Jaan; I really missed you a lot. I am so happy to see you again.

Jalal was watching both of them with content feeling... and always wonder why they get along so well.

Rukaiya with smile and love; Shenshah, How are you doing? Jalal looked at her with love and respect and said I am fine... Hope everything is fine in our saltanat and harem. Jalal gave her hug and kiss on her forehead... Jodha saw them while hugging...that give her little pinch in her heart... but she turned her face ...

Jalal asked with surprise; Ammijan, badi ammi nahi dikh rahi hai... sab thik to hena...

Hamida; No everything is fine, but I am also surprised Maham didn't came to welcome both of you.

Jalal walked towards his room with Rukaiya, Jodha watched them walking with little envy... Hamida notice Jodha's expression and realize she is little upset seeing both of them together. Hamida took her to Jodha's room and said Whenever Jalal comes back from any trip... he first goes see Rukaiya begum and also spend that night with her... it became a custom now.

Jodha with little blush and bashful expression said; Ammi Jaan, but he has promise me that he will be with me tonight. Hamida with big cheerful tone; Masha Allah!!! Amin! Jodha, you have given me big happiness... I was waiting for this day for so long...tears rolled down from her eyes. She hugged her again with a kiss on her forehead.

Maham was standing outside and heard their conversation and fold her fist in fume.

Jalal back to his room and called Abdul; and with excitement instruct him to bring best Rajvanshi decorator, jeweler and rajvanshi dress designer. Abdul with teasing sound; Shenshah aap aaj kuch jayada hi kush lag rahe hai... kahi aap ko... Jalal with little blush on his face; you are right Abdul... hame mohabbat ho gayi hai... Aur aaj hum itne khush hai ki hum ye labzo se baya nahi kar sakte. Aaj me Aur Jodha begum pehli bar karib aayenge... me Jodha ko sari duniya ki khushiya dena chata hu... Meri sari galti o ko drust kar na chahta hu.

Jodha in her room missing Moti...Oh Moti ...I wish you were here... today is the best day of my life... I wish you were here to dress me... Jodha set up Kanah's temple and did pooja and thank Kanah for bringing Jalal in his life. Jodha is lying on bed thinking about their confession of love... She imagines Jalal kissing her and much more...

Jalal comes in Diwan E Khaas and everyone greets him and court starts... Aftab is informing him about Abdul Malik defeat and their winning... and report him about current situation ... Aftab Saheb is talking and informing him about many things but Jalal is lost in his thoughts and start imagines their first night... Jalal's mind and heart both were captured by Jodha's magnificence her thoughts. He couldn't pay attention at work... every one surprised with his changed behavior with yes or no answer. Finally he got up and dismisses court... seeing that Hamida smirk.
Dari: -
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Jalal with smirk; Jodha, you are so unbelievable and unpredictable and I love you for that then He carried her with care and love and said "Ab thik ha meri sherni" She looked at him with blush and said...Hum majak kar rahe the(I was joking shenshah)... hame niche utariye... (He carried her with care and said "Is it okey my lioness..."Finally with little nok jok they went back to the tent and ate dinner. While eating dinner both of they were lost in each other's thoughts. Jodha; Shenshah, can I request you, if you don't mind, can I sleep in my khema tonight? Jalal with smile; Yes I want you to sleep in your khema too... and with mischievous tone, I can't control myself if you sleep with me tonight and he wink at her.They both went back to their Khema... Jodha and Jalal are lost in their thoughts and blushing...finally they both went to sleep in their beautiful dreamland...At the Palace:Maham with resentment; Aftab Saheb, You have kept this big secret from me that Jalal went to Amer to bring Jodha back. Don't you know that I love Jalal more than my own son Adham? You have really disappointed me.Aftab; I am sorry but I have just followed Shenshah's order. No one in the palace knew other than Rukaiya begum and Mariam zumani hamida begum, any way tomorrow morning Shenshah will arrive to the palace with Jodha begum.Maham memandangnya dengan kecil amarah dan berjalan keluar dari sana... Dia terbakar dalam api, Jalal akan datang kembali dengan Jodha... maham berbicara untuk dirinya sendiri, Jodha begum, kali ini dengan keberuntungan Anda, Anda mampu untuk bertahan hidup, tetapi waktu berikutnya Anda akan tidak memiliki kesempatan... Tidak ada yang dapat menyelamatkan Anda dari saya, Napak Rajvanshi...Keesokan harinya, pagi... Jalal Jodha punya siap... dan keluar dari tenda mereka untuk kembali ke Agra.Jalal memandang Jodha dengan tampilan yang nakal dan pergi dekat dengannya dan berbisik dengan nada sensual... uff Jodha, Anda telah melakukan beberapa sihir saya... Sepanjang malam aku berpikir tentang Anda... Saya tidak sabar untuk malam ini. Jodha dengan blush memandangnya dan dengan perasaan malu lari dari padanya. Hatinya berdebar cepat... Jalal menonton dia melarikan diri dari dia dengan seringai di wajahnya... Mereka berdua itu begitu bersemangat, senang dan bersemangat untuk malam pertama mereka. Pikiran mereka benar-benar menangkap dengan impian romantis malam pertama mereka.Dalam tiga jam mereka mencapai Istana Agra... Semua orang menyambut Jodha dengan hormat. Saat ini semua orang tahu bahwa ia adalah tidak bersalah. Itu hanya kesalahpahaman mereka...Banoo Rukaiya dan hamidah kedua datang untuk menyambut Jodha begum dan Shenshah...Hamidah dengan air mata bahagia berkata; Selamat datang kembali meri bacchi Jodha... dan memeluknya dengan ciuman pada dahinya. Saya sangat senang melihat Anda kembali... Silakan mengampuni kesalahpahaman besar ini.Jodha; Ammi Jaan, tolong jangan Minta Maaf, kau hanya satu yang benar-benar mempercayai saya dan juga aku harus minta maaf untuk kesalahan saya juga. Ammi Jaan; Aku benar-benar merindukan Anda banyak. Saya sangat senang untuk melihat Anda lagi.Jalal sedang menonton keduanya dengan konten perasaan... dan selalu bertanya-tanya mengapa mereka bergaul dengan baik.Rukaiya dengan senyum dan cinta; Shenshah, bagaimana kabarmu? Jalal memandangnya dengan cinta dan hormat dan berkata aku baik-baik... Harap semuanya baik-baik saja di saltanat dan selir. Jalal memberinya pelukan dan ciuman pada dahinya... Jodha melihat mereka sementara memeluk... yang memberikan sejumput kecil dia dalam hatinya... tapi dia menjadi wajahnya...Jalal bertanya dengan kejutan; Ammijan, badi Ami nahi dikh rahi hai... sab thik untuk haid...Hamidah; Tidak ada semuanya baik-baik saja, tetapi saya juga terkejut Maham tidak datang untuk menyambut kalian berdua.Jalal berjalan menuju kamar dengan Rukaiya, Jodha mengawasi mereka berjalan dengan sedikit iri... Hamidah melihat ekspresi Jodha's dan menyadari dia adalah sedikit marah melihat keduanya bersama-sama. Hamidah membawanya ke kamar Jodha's dan Jalal mengatakan setiap kali datang kembali dari perjalanan apapun... ia pertama kali berjalan melihat Rukaiya begum dan juga menghabiskan malam itu dengan dia... itu menjadi kebiasaan sekarang.Jodha dengan sedikit blush dan ekspresi malu-malu berkata; Ammi Jaan, tetapi ia telah berjanji bahwa ia akan bersama saya malam ini. Hamidah dengan warna ceria yang besar; Masha Allah!!! Amin! Jodha, kau telah memberiku besar kebahagiaan... Aku sedang menunggu hari ini untuk jadi long...tears digulung ke bawah dari matanya. Dia memeluk lagi dengan ciuman pada dahinya.Maham berdiri di luar dan mendengar percakapan mereka dan lipat dengan kepalan tangan asap.Jalal kembali ke kamarnya dan disebut Abdul; dan dengan kegembiraan memerintahkan dia untuk membawa terbaik Rajvanshi dekorator, perhiasan dan desain pakaian rajvanshi. Abdul dengan menggoda suara; Shenshah aap aaj kuch jayada hi kush lag rahe hai... kahi aap ko... Jalal dengan sedikit blush di wajahnya; Anda adalah benar Abdul... POV mohabbat ho gayi hai... Aaj Aur hum itne khush hai ki dengung kamu labzo se baya nahi kar sakte. Saya Aaj Aur Jodha begum pehli bar karib aayenge... saya Jodha ko sari peralatan ki khushiya dena chata hu... Meri sari galti o ko drust kar na chahta hu.Jodha di kamar hilang Moti...Oh Moti...Aku berharap kau ada di sini... hari ini adalah hari terbaik dalam hidup saya... Aku berharap kau ada di sini untuk berpakaian saya... Jodha mengatur Kanah di Bait Suci dan melakukan pooja dan terima Kanah untuk membawa Jalal dalam hidupnya. Jodha berbaring di tempat tidur memikirkan mereka pengakuan cinta... Dia membayangkan Jalal mencium dia dan banyak lagi...Jalal datang dalam Diwan E Khaas dan semua orang menyambut dia dan lapangan dimulai... Aftab adalah memberitahukan tentang Abdul Malik kekalahan dan memenangkan mereka... dan laporan padanya tentang situasi saat ini... Aftab Saheb adalah berbicara dan memberitahukan tentang banyak hal tapi Jalal hilang dalam pikirannya dan mulai membayangkan malam pertama mereka... Jalal di pikiran dan hati keduanya ditangkap oleh kemegahan Jodha di pikirannya. Dia tidak bisa membayar perhatian di tempat kerja... setiap orang terkejut dengan perilaku berubah dengan jawaban ya atau tidak. Akhirnya ia bangun dan mengabaikan pengadilan... melihat bahwa hamidah menyeringai.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Jalal with smirk; Jodha, you are so unbelievable and unpredictable and I love you for that then He carried her with care and love and said "Ab thik ha meri sherni" She looked at him with blush and said...Hum majak kar rahe the(I was joking shenshah)... hame niche utariye... (He carried her with care and said "Is it okey my lioness..."

Finally with little nok jok they went back to the tent and ate dinner. While eating dinner both of they were lost in each other's thoughts. Jodha; Shenshah, can I request you, if you don't mind, can I sleep in my khema tonight? Jalal with smile; Yes I want you to sleep in your khema too... and with mischievous tone, I can't control myself if you sleep with me tonight and he wink at her.

They both went back to their Khema... Jodha and Jalal are lost in their thoughts and blushing...finally they both went to sleep in their beautiful dreamland...

At the Palace:

Maham with resentment; Aftab Saheb, You have kept this big secret from me that Jalal went to Amer to bring Jodha back. Don't you know that I love Jalal more than my own son Adham? You have really disappointed me.

Aftab; I am sorry but I have just followed Shenshah's order. No one in the palace knew other than Rukaiya begum and Mariam zumani hamida begum, any way tomorrow morning Shenshah will arrive to the palace with Jodha begum.

Maham looked at him with little anger and walked out from there... She was burning inside with fire, Jalal is coming back with Jodha...maham talking to herself, Jodha begum, this time with your fortune, you were able to survive but next time you will have no chance... No one can save you from me, Napak Rajvanshi...

Next Day, Early morning... Jalal and Jodha both got ready... and came out of their tent for going back to Agra.

Jalal looked at Jodha with mischievous look and went close to her and whisper with sensual tone... uff Jodha, you have done some magic on me... Entire night I was thinking about you... I can't wait for tonight. Jodha with blush looked at him and with shy feeling ran away from him. Her heart was beating fast... Jalal was watching her running away from him with smirk on his face... They both were so excited, happy and eager for their first night. Their mind completely capture by romantic dreams of their first night.

In three hours they reach Agra palace... Everyone welcome Jodha with respect. By this time everyone knew that she was innocent. It was only their misunderstanding...

Rukaiya and Hamida banoo both came to welcome Jodha begum and Shenshah...

Hamida with happy tears said; Welcome back meri bacchi Jodha... and hugged her with kiss on her forehead. I am so happy to see you back... Please forgive us for this big misunderstanding.

Jodha; Ammi Jaan, please don't apologies, you were only one who really trusted me and also I should apologies for my mistake also. Ammi Jaan; I really missed you a lot. I am so happy to see you again.

Jalal was watching both of them with content feeling... and always wonder why they get along so well.

Rukaiya with smile and love; Shenshah, How are you doing? Jalal looked at her with love and respect and said I am fine... Hope everything is fine in our saltanat and harem. Jalal gave her hug and kiss on her forehead... Jodha saw them while hugging...that give her little pinch in her heart... but she turned her face ...

Jalal asked with surprise; Ammijan, badi ammi nahi dikh rahi hai... sab thik to hena...

Hamida; No everything is fine, but I am also surprised Maham didn't came to welcome both of you.

Jalal walked towards his room with Rukaiya, Jodha watched them walking with little envy... Hamida notice Jodha's expression and realize she is little upset seeing both of them together. Hamida took her to Jodha's room and said Whenever Jalal comes back from any trip... he first goes see Rukaiya begum and also spend that night with her... it became a custom now.

Jodha with little blush and bashful expression said; Ammi Jaan, but he has promise me that he will be with me tonight. Hamida with big cheerful tone; Masha Allah!!! Amin! Jodha, you have given me big happiness... I was waiting for this day for so long...tears rolled down from her eyes. She hugged her again with a kiss on her forehead.

Maham was standing outside and heard their conversation and fold her fist in fume.

Jalal back to his room and called Abdul; and with excitement instruct him to bring best Rajvanshi decorator, jeweler and rajvanshi dress designer. Abdul with teasing sound; Shenshah aap aaj kuch jayada hi kush lag rahe hai... kahi aap ko... Jalal with little blush on his face; you are right Abdul... hame mohabbat ho gayi hai... Aur aaj hum itne khush hai ki hum ye labzo se baya nahi kar sakte. Aaj me Aur Jodha begum pehli bar karib aayenge... me Jodha ko sari duniya ki khushiya dena chata hu... Meri sari galti o ko drust kar na chahta hu.

Jodha in her room missing Moti...Oh Moti ...I wish you were here... today is the best day of my life... I wish you were here to dress me... Jodha set up Kanah's temple and did pooja and thank Kanah for bringing Jalal in his life. Jodha is lying on bed thinking about their confession of love... She imagines Jalal kissing her and much more...

Jalal comes in Diwan E Khaas and everyone greets him and court starts... Aftab is informing him about Abdul Malik defeat and their winning... and report him about current situation ... Aftab Saheb is talking and informing him about many things but Jalal is lost in his thoughts and start imagines their first night... Jalal's mind and heart both were captured by Jodha's magnificence her thoughts. He couldn't pay attention at work... every one surprised with his changed behavior with yes or no answer. Finally he got up and dismisses court... seeing that Hamida smirk.
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