The debate started again today. Itwas about the same topic, Didit'smar terjemahan - The debate started again today. Itwas about the same topic, Didit'smar Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The debate started again today. Itw

The debate started again today. It
was about the same topic, Didit's
marriage proposal.
""Just because you're a nice man,
does that make you good enough to
marry me?"" I turned my head to
look back at Didit, who was catching
up with my strides.
""I think you're not blind.""
I raised my glasses, which were
sliding down my nose. ""The world
would be messed up if all men were
as over-confident as you.""
""But you have to admit it!""
Aditya Pramana had good reason to
be proud of himself. He was not an
average man. He was special in every
way, physically, financially and
intellectually. He was more than
qualified to be a good friend.
""Come on Mer, tell me if I've done
anything wrong!""
I chuckled. ""Don't panic, Dit. All this
time you've been such a very good
friend to me.""
""So, what else do you want?""
I paused and gazed at the attractive
face. ""Dit, a marriage proposal is
totally different from a business one.
Just because you're so nice, it
doesn't mean that I'm going to marry
you. Is that understood?""
""Then you're the type who likes
rude and unpredictable men to hang
out with.""
""Probably. Even if you've been my
boyfriend for two or three years, it
doesn't mean I have to marry you.
OK?"" I walked faster. My ears were
tired of Didik's eloquent arguments.
""Mer! Any answer, please?""
I turned round. ""Forget it, Dit. Being
married to a friend of mine has never
even crossed my mind.""
Like a zealous campaigner, Didit kept
pressing ahead with his proposal. He
spoiled my peaceful and bright
morning by bombarding me with his
""Dit, you're sick. Get the hell outta
here, you've ruined my mood to
write!"" I said, flinging down the
script I had been reviewing since
""Not until I get a satisfactory
""You're insisting,"" I leaned on a sofa
I had purposely put on the wooden
porch, overlooking a refreshing
green yard. ""Now tell me, why in
the world do you keep proposing to
""I'm pretty sure you're valuable,
you're worth sharing my life with.""
""So I meet your qualifications?"" I
stared at Didit from behind my clear
glasses. ""But that's too bad, you
""How come? Mention any name of a
man who's better than me, in your
I wagged my finger. ""Enough, Dit.
You've disturbed me already. I don't
feel like talking about this right
""Then, when?""
I entered the house and reached for
the door handle. ""I'll let you know.
A week later I decided to make time
to see Didit before he got even more
absurd. I went to a small restaurant
near his office at seven in the
evening, still feeling weary and
drowsy. I was in my fur-collared
denim jacket to repel the strong
wind, bell-bottomed jeans and sport
I looked miserable due to lack of
sleep. The lead character of the TV
drama I was working on got
seriously ill and the producer asked
me to change the storyline in 20
episodes without exposing the
actor, now lying helplessly in a
Singapore hospital. I had reserved
files to anticipate such a contingency
and I managed to get a fresh
storyline ready in two days, virtually
making me a TV serial conjurer.
Didit was sitting neatly in his
favorite corner. I noted his sparkling
eyes when I came in. I just hoped he
wouldn't order a table with candles,
invite a violinist and push me to
wear a ring tonight.
""Well, let's get to the point,"" I said
gulping down a chocolate milkshake.
""What's your hurry, you sound like a
business woman talking to me.""
I laughed aloud. ""So, have you
changed your mind?""
""I'm afraid not,"" replied Didit with a
smile. ""You seem to expect it.""
I shrugged my shoulders. ""Too bad.
I'm still not prepared to marry
Didit was frowning. ""You're not the
ambitious type who prioritizes your
career and freedom, are you?""
""Believe me, I'm not. I just don't
know what kind of man I'd like to
settle down with and when.""
""You've come to me abruptly like a
storm disturbing my peace.""
""Your words are beginning to hurt.""
""Sorry. But truth does bite, you
Didit started to preach. ""Perhaps I
need to explain the advantages of
getting married. You'll have
company all the time...""
""I'm used to going everywhere
""and somebody to talk to...""
""I've got lots of friends. Even when I
have nothing to talk about.""
""Somebody will care for you.""
""Yeah, right. I can take care of
myself. Thanks, anyway.""
""Can't you just stop being so
cynical? What's actually in your
""I would have restricted activity, a
husband commenting on my
relationships with people, parents-
in-law intervening in my business,
my attention and concentration
divided, and...""
""Any more? Why do you have such a
negative outlook, Mer?.""
""Marriage might bring happiness if
the husband were not you.""
Didit was speechless.
""Sorry, that was a cruel joke. You
don't even like my jokes, how dare
you ask me to be your wife? You
could have a heart attack!""
Didit was sipping his drink, staring at
""Enough about me. I figure that the
problem here is you. What
happened? Do you think you're
getting old? Do your parents want a
grandchild? Or are you escaping from
a desperate lover?""
""Your charges have gone too far,""
Didit responded. ""I just want to get
married. My heart says it's the best
time to have a family. That's all.""
""Then I must apologize again,
because I can't help you,"" I said
gently. ""But I'm sure you can find
another girl a lot better than me.""
""I guess that's my only choice,
though it won't be so easy.""
Peace on earth.
Various reasons make a woman feel
it is inappropriate to carry on a
relationship with a man, ranging
from matters of principle to trivial
things like differing food
preferences, toilet habits, the music
that he listens to in the car on the
way home from work and even the
arrangement of paintings on the
I'd known Didit for quite a long time.
He seemed almost perfect, tempting
me to accept his proposal. I was on
the brink of doing so when I
remembered a name.
It was Citra, the girl who contacted
me one night in tears. Using their
vulnerable long distance relations as
an excuse, Didit had the heart to
abandon her and cancel their
wedding that had been planned for
years. And it happened only the
month before the wedding.
Didit certainly had no idea that Citra
was my distant cousin. She was the
reason for my refusal.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Perdebatan dimulai lagi hari ini. Itutentang topik yang sama, Didit'slamaran."" Hanya karena kau seorang bagus,Apakah yang membuat Anda cukup baik untukmenikahi aku?"" Aku menoleh kepala saya kemelihat kembali pada Didit, yang menangkapdengan langkah-langkah saya."" Saya pikir Anda tidak buta.""Aku mengangkat kacamata saya, yanggeser ke bawah hidungku. "" Duniaakan mengacaukan jika semua orangsebagai terlalu percaya diri ketika Anda."""" Tetapi Anda harus mengakui itu!""Aditya Pramana mempunyai alasan baik untukmenjadi bangga dengan dirinya sendiri. Dia bukanlahpria rata-rata. Ia adalah khusus dalam setiapcara, fisik, finansial danintelektual. Dia adalah lebih darimemenuhi syarat untuk menjadi teman yang baik."" Ayo Mer, memberitahu saya jika saya lakukansesuatu yang salah!""Aku tertawa. "" Jangan panik, Dit. Semua iniwaktu yang Anda telah seperti yang sangat bagusteman saya."""" Jadi, apa lagi yang Anda inginkan?""Aku berhenti dan menatap yang menarikwajah. "" Dit, lamaran adalahbenar-benar berbeda dari bisnis yang satu.Hanya karena kau begitu baik, itutidak berarti bahwa saya akan menikahAnda. Yang dipahami?"""" Maka Anda adalah tipe orang yang sukaLaki-laki yang kasar dan tak terduga untuk menggantungkeluar dengan."""" Mungkin. Bahkan jika Anda telah sayapacar untuk dua atau tiga tahun, itutidak berarti aku harus menikah denganmu.OK?"" Aku berjalan lebih cepat. Telinga sayalelah Didik's fasih argumen."" Mer! Apapun jawaban, silakan?""Aku berbalik bulat. "" Melupakannya, Dit. Sedangmenikah dengan seorang teman saya pernahbahkan terlintas di benakku.""Seperti kampanye yang bersemangat, Didit teruspressing ahead with his proposal. Hespoiled my peaceful and brightmorning by bombarding me with hisarguments.""Dit, you're sick. Get the hell outtahere, you've ruined my mood towrite!"" I said, flinging down thescript I had been reviewing sincesunrise.""Not until I get a satisfactoryresponse.""""You're insisting,"" I leaned on a sofaI had purposely put on the woodenporch, overlooking a refreshinggreen yard. ""Now tell me, why inthe world do you keep proposing tome?""""I'm pretty sure you're valuable,you're worth sharing my life with.""""So I meet your qualifications?"" Istared at Didit from behind my clearglasses. ""But that's too bad, youdon't.""""How come? Mention any name of aman who's better than me, in youropinion.""I wagged my finger. ""Enough, Dit.You've disturbed me already. I don'tfeel like talking about this rightnow.""""Then, when?""I entered the house and reached forthe door handle. ""I'll let you know.Happy?""A week later I decided to make timeto see Didit before he got even moreabsurd. I went to a small restaurantnear his office at seven in theevening, still feeling weary anddrowsy. I was in my fur-collareddenim jacket to repel the strongwind, bell-bottomed jeans and sportshoes.I looked miserable due to lack ofsleep. The lead character of the TVdrama I was working on gotseriously ill and the producer askedme to change the storyline in 20episodes without exposing theactor, now lying helplessly in aSingapore hospital. I had reservedfiles to anticipate such a contingencyand I managed to get a freshstoryline ready in two days, virtuallymaking me a TV serial conjurer.Didit was sitting neatly in hisfavorite corner. I noted his sparklingeyes when I came in. I just hoped hewouldn't order a table with candles,invite a violinist and push me towear a ring tonight.""Well, let's get to the point,"" I saidgulping down a chocolate milkshake.""What's your hurry, you sound like abusiness woman talking to me.""I laughed aloud. ""So, have youchanged your mind?""""I'm afraid not,"" replied Didit with asmile. ""You seem to expect it.""I shrugged my shoulders. ""Too bad.I'm still not prepared to marryanyone.""Didit was frowning. ""You're not theambitious type who prioritizes yourcareer and freedom, are you?""""Believe me, I'm not. I just don'tknow what kind of man I'd like tosettle down with and when.""""Meaning?""""You've come to me abruptly like astorm disturbing my peace.""""Your words are beginning to hurt.""""Sorry. But truth does bite, youknow.""Didit started to preach. ""Perhaps Ineed to explain the advantages ofgetting married. You'll havecompany all the time...""""I'm used to going everywherealone.""""and somebody to talk to...""""I've got lots of friends. Even when Ihave nothing to talk about.""""Somebody will care for you.""""Yeah, right. I can take care ofmyself. Thanks, anyway.""
""Can't you just stop being so
cynical? What's actually in your
""I would have restricted activity, a
husband commenting on my
relationships with people, parents-
in-law intervening in my business,
my attention and concentration
divided, and...""
""Any more? Why do you have such a
negative outlook, Mer?.""
""Marriage might bring happiness if
the husband were not you.""
Didit was speechless.
""Sorry, that was a cruel joke. You
don't even like my jokes, how dare
you ask me to be your wife? You
could have a heart attack!""
Didit was sipping his drink, staring at
""Enough about me. I figure that the
problem here is you. What
happened? Do you think you're
getting old? Do your parents want a
grandchild? Or are you escaping from
a desperate lover?""
""Your charges have gone too far,""
Didit responded. ""I just want to get
married. My heart says it's the best
time to have a family. That's all.""
""Then I must apologize again,
because I can't help you,"" I said
gently. ""But I'm sure you can find
another girl a lot better than me.""
""I guess that's my only choice,
though it won't be so easy.""
Peace on earth.
Various reasons make a woman feel
it is inappropriate to carry on a
relationship with a man, ranging
from matters of principle to trivial
things like differing food
preferences, toilet habits, the music
that he listens to in the car on the
way home from work and even the
arrangement of paintings on the
I'd known Didit for quite a long time.
He seemed almost perfect, tempting
me to accept his proposal. I was on
the brink of doing so when I
remembered a name.
It was Citra, the girl who contacted
me one night in tears. Using their
vulnerable long distance relations as
an excuse, Didit had the heart to
abandon her and cancel their
wedding that had been planned for
years. And it happened only the
month before the wedding.
Didit certainly had no idea that Citra
was my distant cousin. She was the
reason for my refusal.
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