Taeyeon went along with the joke. “Nah, gotta make a living before I c terjemahan - Taeyeon went along with the joke. “Nah, gotta make a living before I c Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Taeyeon went along with the joke. “

Taeyeon went along with the joke. “Nah, gotta make a living before I can take her out on another one,” then laughed.

Tiffany, who knew it was a joke, still didn’t like it. She only went back to work.

Jessica and Yoona grinned at Tiffany’s reaction --- or the lack of it.

“Let’s go out!” Yuri clapped her hands and pulled Taeyeon away from Sooyoung.

Tiffany looked up. “Uh... I’m busy. I told you that, right?”

“Then do you mind if we take Taeyeon along with us, then?” Yoona shoved Yuri aside and latched onto Taeyeon’s arm.

Tiffany watched as Taeyeon was passed on from on of her friends to the other. Somehow, she didn’t like it.

“Yeah, since you’re busy and all,” Jessica said and clung onto Taeyeon’s other arm.

No! Tiffany didn’t want to spend her day at the office without Taeyeon, but she didn’t really have any excuse for keeping the older girl there except the fact that she wants to be with her the whole day.

And she can’t tell them that.

“If she wants to,” she said feigning indifference.

The four looked at Taeyeon, “Do you want to?”

Taeyeon looked at the four, then at Tiffany, “You’re not coming?”

“I’m busy,” Tiffany answered simply.

“Oh... but... won’t I be like a 5th wheel here?” she pointed to the two couples in the room.

Tiffany smiled as she thought that Taeyeon might not want to go with them without her too.

“Ah, right,” Yuri nodded.

Jessica then snapped her fingers, “Sunny!”

Tiffany’s smile turned into a frown. Sunny?

“Huh?” Taeyeon didn’t understand.

“We can ask Sunny to come with us so Taeyeon won’t feel alone!” Jessica beamed at her very bright idea.

Taeyeon clapped happily, “Ah, that’s right!”

Tiffany scowled at Taeyeon’s happy face. So she really just doesn’t want to be alone. Heck. But I can’t let her be with Sunny again.

“Call her now! I wanna go!” Yoona whined and tugged on Taeyeon’s arm.

Taeyeon pulled out her phone, slightly struggling because of the two girls tightly holding onto her arms, and was about to dial Sunny’s number when she heard someone say, “Fine, I’ll come.”

Everyone looked towards Tiffany who was starting to fix the papers on her desk.

“I thought you were busy?” Sooyoung asked.

“I was, but you guys forced me.”

“We never forced you,” Yuri said.

“Yeah,” Jessica said with a smirk, obviously knowing what’s going on with Tiffany.

“I’m just going okay!” Tiffany raised her voice a bit, which shocked Taeyeon.

“Alright,” Yoona said and headed for the door with the others.

“Wait, what about Sunny?” Taeyeon asked, still holding her phone.

Tiffany raised an eyebrow, while Jessica nudged Yoona to do something.

“Well, Taeyeon, since Tiffany’s coming now, you don’t really have to call Sunny,” Yoona said.

Taeyeon nodded and walked with them out of Tiffany’s office.


“Where are we going anyway?” Tiffany asked as they walked out of the office building.

“Um...” Yoona pretended to think. Tiffany rolled her eyes, knowing where this was going. “Amusement park?” Yoona’s eyes glimmered when she said that.

Tiffany looked at her friends, as if trying to ask for help, but Sooyoung and Jessica only shrugged, while Yuri was busy staring at Yoona. She sighed. “We’ve been there hundreds of times. Aren’t you getting tired of the amusement park?”

“You’re just scared,” Yoona stuck her tongue out at Tiffany and looked at Taeyeon, “besides, Taeyeon hasn’t been there, right Tae?”

They all looked at Taeyeon who only shook her head.

“See? Let’s go!” she hooked her left arm with Taeyeon’s and held Yur’s hand with her right, then dragged both girls to the car with Tiffany, Jessica and Sooyoung trailing behind.
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Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Taeyeon went along with the joke. “Nah, gotta make a living before I can take her out on another one,” then laughed. Tiffany, who knew it was a joke, still didn’t like it. She only went back to work. Jessica and Yoona grinned at Tiffany’s reaction --- or the lack of it. “Let’s go out!” Yuri clapped her hands and pulled Taeyeon away from Sooyoung. Tiffany looked up. “Uh... I’m busy. I told you that, right?” “Then do you mind if we take Taeyeon along with us, then?” Yoona shoved Yuri aside and latched onto Taeyeon’s arm. Tiffany watched as Taeyeon was passed on from on of her friends to the other. Somehow, she didn’t like it. “Yeah, since you’re busy and all,” Jessica said and clung onto Taeyeon’s other arm. No! Tiffany didn’t want to spend her day at the office without Taeyeon, but she didn’t really have any excuse for keeping the older girl there except the fact that she wants to be with her the whole day. And she can’t tell them that. “If she wants to,” she said feigning indifference. The four looked at Taeyeon, “Do you want to?” Taeyeon looked at the four, then at Tiffany, “You’re not coming?” “I’m busy,” Tiffany answered simply. “Oh... but... won’t I be like a 5th wheel here?” she pointed to the two couples in the room. Tiffany smiled as she thought that Taeyeon might not want to go with them without her too. “Ah, right,” Yuri nodded. Jessica then snapped her fingers, “Sunny!” Tiffany’s smile turned into a frown. Sunny? “Huh?” Taeyeon didn’t understand. “We can ask Sunny to come with us so Taeyeon won’t feel alone!” Jessica beamed at her very bright idea. Taeyeon clapped happily, “Ah, that’s right!” Tiffany scowled at Taeyeon’s happy face. So she really just doesn’t want to be alone. Heck. But I can’t let her be with Sunny again. “Call her now! I wanna go!” Yoona whined and tugged on Taeyeon’s arm. Taeyeon pulled out her phone, slightly struggling because of the two girls tightly holding onto her arms, and was about to dial Sunny’s number when she heard someone say, “Fine, I’ll come.” Everyone looked towards Tiffany who was starting to fix the papers on her desk. “I thought you were busy?” Sooyoung asked. “I was, but you guys forced me.” “We never forced you,” Yuri said. “Yeah,” Jessica said with a smirk, obviously knowing what’s going on with Tiffany. “I’m just going okay!” Tiffany raised her voice a bit, which shocked Taeyeon. “Alright,” Yoona said and headed for the door with the others. “Wait, what about Sunny?” Taeyeon asked, still holding her phone. Tiffany raised an eyebrow, while Jessica nudged Yoona to do something. “Well, Taeyeon, since Tiffany’s coming now, you don’t really have to call Sunny,” Yoona said. Taeyeon nodded and walked with them out of Tiffany’s office. --- “Where are we going anyway?” Tiffany asked as they walked out of the office building. “Um...” Yoona pretended to think. Tiffany rolled her eyes, knowing where this was going. “Amusement park?” Yoona’s eyes glimmered when she said that. Tiffany looked at her friends, as if trying to ask for help, but Sooyoung and Jessica only shrugged, while Yuri was busy staring at Yoona. She sighed. “We’ve been there hundreds of times. Aren’t you getting tired of the amusement park?” “You’re just scared,” Yoona stuck her tongue out at Tiffany and looked at Taeyeon, “besides, Taeyeon hasn’t been there, right Tae?” They all looked at Taeyeon who only shook her head. “See? Let’s go!” she hooked her left arm with Taeyeon’s and held Yur’s hand with her right, then dragged both girls to the car with Tiffany, Jessica and Sooyoung trailing behind.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Taeyeon pergi bersama dengan lelucon. "Nah, harus membuat hidup sebelum saya bisa membawanya keluar satu sama lain," kemudian tertawa. Tiffany, yang tahu itu adalah lelucon, masih tidak menyukainya. Dia hanya kembali bekerja. Jessica dan Yoona menyeringai reaksi Tiffany --- atau kurangnya itu. "Mari kita pergi keluar!" Yuri bertepuk tangan dan menarik Taeyeon jauh dari Sooyoung. Tiffany mendongak. "Uh ... aku sibuk. Saya katakan bahwa, kan? "" Lalu kau keberatan jika kita mengambil Taeyeon bersama kami, maka? "Yoona mendorong Yuri samping dan lekat lengan Taeyeon. Tiffany menyaksikan Taeyeon diteruskan dari pada teman-temannya yang lain. Entah bagaimana, dia tidak seperti itu. "Ya, karena kau sibuk dan semua," kata Jessica dan menempel ke lengan lainnya Taeyeon. Tidak ada! Tiffany tidak ingin menghabiskan harinya di kantor tanpa Taeyeon, tapi dia tidak benar-benar memiliki alasan untuk menjaga gadis yang lebih tua ada kecuali fakta bahwa dia ingin menjadi dengan dia sepanjang hari. Dan dia tidak bisa memberitahu mereka itu. "Jika dia ingin," katanya pura-pura ketidakpedulian. Empat menatap Taeyeon, "Apakah Anda ingin?" Taeyeon menatap empat, kemudian pada Tiffany, "Kau tidak datang?" "Aku sibuk, "jawab Tiffany singkat." Oh ... tapi ... tidak akan aku menjadi seperti roda 5 di sini? "dia menunjuk ke dua pasangan di dalam ruangan. Tiffany tersenyum saat dia berpikir bahwa Taeyeon mungkin tidak ingin pergi dengan mereka tanpa dia juga. "Ah, benar," Yuri mengangguk. Jessica kemudian menjentikkan jarinya, "Sunny!" senyum Tiffany berubah menjadi cemberut. Cerah? "Hah?" Taeyeon tidak mengerti. "Kita bisa meminta cerah untuk datang dengan kami sehingga Taeyeon tidak akan merasa sendirian!" Jessica berseri-seri gagasan sangat terang dia. Taeyeon bertepuk tangan gembira, "Ah, itu benar!" Tiffany merengut pada happy wajah Taeyeon. Jadi dia benar-benar hanya tidak ingin sendirian. Heck. Tapi aku tidak bisa membiarkan dia menjadi dengan Sunny lagi. "Panggil dia sekarang! Aku ingin pergi! "Yoona rengek dan menarik lengan Taeyeon. Taeyeon mengeluarkan teleponnya, sedikit berjuang karena dua gadis erat memegang lengannya, dan hendak menghubungi nomor Sunny ketika ia mendengar seseorang berkata," Baik, saya ll datang. "Semua orang memandang ke arah Tiffany yang mulai memperbaiki kertas di mejanya." Saya pikir Anda sibuk? "tanya Sooyoung." Aku, tetapi kalian memaksa saya. "" Kami tidak pernah memaksa Anda, "kata Yuri . "Ya," kata Jessica sambil menyeringai, jelas mengetahui apa yang terjadi dengan Tiffany. "Aku hanya akan baik-baik saja!" Tiffany mengangkat suaranya sedikit, yang mengejutkan Taeyeon. "Baiklah," kata Yoona dan menuju pintu dengan orang lain. "Tunggu, apa yang Sunny?" Taeyeon bertanya, masih memegang telepon. Tiffany mengangkat alis, sementara Jessica menyikut Yoona untuk melakukan sesuatu. "Nah, Taeyeon, karena Tiffany datang sekarang, Anda tidak benar-benar harus memanggil Sunny, "kata Yoona. Taeyeon mengangguk dan berjalan dengan mereka keluar dari kantor Tiffany. ---" Kemana kita akan tetap? "Tiffany bertanya saat mereka berjalan keluar dari gedung perkantoran." Um ... "Yoona berpura-pura untuk berpikir . Tiffany memutar matanya, mengetahui di mana ini akan. "Taman hiburan?" Mata Yoona berkilauan ketika dia mengatakan bahwa. Tiffany memandang teman-temannya, seolah berusaha meminta bantuan, tapi Sooyoung dan Jessica hanya mengangkat bahu, sementara Yuri sedang sibuk menatap Yoona. Dia menghela napas. "Kami sudah ada ratusan kali. Apakah Anda tidak merasa lelah taman hiburan? "" Kau hanya takut, "Yoona menjulurkan lidah di Tiffany dan menatap Taeyeon," selain itu, Taeyeon belum ada, kan Tae? "Mereka semua memandang Taeyeon yang hanya menggeleng. "Lihat? Mari kita pergi! "Ia mengaitkan lengan kirinya dengan Taeyeon dan memegang tangan Yur dengan kanannya, kemudian menyeret kedua gadis ke mobil dengan Tiffany, Jessica dan Sooyoung mengikuti di belakang.

Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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