Traditional rote teaching is less desirable at the case school. Teache terjemahan - Traditional rote teaching is less desirable at the case school. Teache Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Traditional rote teaching is less d

Traditional rote teaching is less desirable at the case school. Teachers were expected to plan their classrooms, curriculums, and instruction in accordance with the guidelines set forth in the integrated curriculum plan. The integrated and thematic curriculum plan is inclusive of all elementary subject areas. Each year, teachers were required to develop a yearlong curriculum plan with their lead teacher (a semi-administrative magnet position). The yearlong theme represents the path students will take in their curriculum and is complementary to their magnet curriculum areas.
It is visibly posted in their classroom and referred to as the year progresses. These yearlong themes tend to be a displayed like a concept map with a main catch phrase (i.e. Over the Rainbow, A Walk in our Backyard, What is a Community?) and are at the center of curricular planning for the year. Additional units of instruction (covering all subject areas) are born from this main theme idea. Most students could easily recite their classroom’s specific themes and sub-themes as well as the themes of other teachers.
The reform program directs that teachers create specific physical environments in their classroom spaces as well. At the case school, classroom environments are welcoming, aesthetic, and enjoyed by students. Classrooms, despite being housed in an older building, are decorated with a ‘‘cozy, at home’’ feeling. Desks or tables are clustered into small workgroups in contrast to traditional rows of student desks. The teacher’s desk finds another home away from traditional placement and is secluded within the design of the room. Many rooms are equipped with old couches, chairs, rocking chairs, end tables, lamps, and plants similar to a living room. Elaborate rooms also exist within the school. Walking into these rooms you may feel that you have just visited an intricate theme park. One room consisted of surfboards attached to the walls that support the teacher’s ‘‘Hawaiian theme.’’ In this classroom, students sat on floor pillows and outdoor patio furniture (in lieu of traditional chairs) as one might do at an island retreat. To support a different theme, a jolly roger was prominently displayed as part of a pirate themed environment. Another intermediate classroom proudly displayed a collection of tap shoes and Broadway production sets as part of their classroom environment. Yet another classroom spent a year painted black to encourage a teacher’s astronomy themed environment.
This enhanced atmosphere also had other characteristics. Students were encour-aged to remain hydrated, have snacks, and exercise brain-gym movements within the day. It was not uncommon to see water bottles covering desktops, a structured mid-morning snack time, and frequent ‘‘brain’’ breaks. Each and every classroom had two areas of wall space that are devoted to the teacher’s yearlong theme and the display of the school’s character building program. Both of these displays remain for the whole school year.
In regards to effective science instruction, as perceived by the participants, key informants suggested that they do feel that they teach science well as part of their schedule and yearly obligations. Only one teacher responded that for her, science instruction was often ignored. Most of the participants commented that they did a good job teaching science. While each key informant had an explanation of his or her science practice, the time allotted to the teaching of science was varied and inconsistent. Instructional time for science was limited in the majority of classrooms informally observed in this study (despite generally high levels of perceived efficacy from teachers). Participants noted that science was an expected content area to be covered per state standards, however, the fluid and constructivist intent of the reform program often contributed to science instruction being unwittingly lost during the day. Participants commented that they were encouraged to vary the day-to-day schedule to accommodate the learning and magnet goals for the day.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Pengajaran hafalan tradisional kurang diinginkan di sekolah kasus. Guru diharapkan untuk merencanakan kelas, buku, dan instruksi sesuai dengan pedoman yang ditetapkan dalam kurikulum terintegrasi rencana mereka. Rencana kurikulum tematik dan terpadu yang termasuk semua mata pelajaran dasar. Setiap tahun, guru yang diperlukan untuk mengembangkan rencana polisi sedang kurikulum dengan guru memimpin mereka (semi administratif magnet posisi). Tema polisi sedang menunjukkan path siswa akan mengambil dalam kurikulum mereka dan komplementer untuk bidang kurikulum magnet mereka.Tampak diposting di kelas dan disebut sebagai tahun kemajuan. Tema-tema musim ini cenderung ditampilkan seperti konsep peta dengan frase menangkap utama (yaitu Over the Rainbow, A Walk di halaman belakang, Apakah masyarakat itu?) dan berada di pusat kurikuler perencanaan untuk tahun. Tambahan unit instruksi (meliputi semua bidang subjek) lahir dari ide tema utama ini. Kebanyakan siswa dapat dengan mudah menghafal tema tertentu kelas mereka dan sub-tema serta tema dari guru-guru lain.Program reformasi mengarahkan bahwa guru menciptakan lingkungan fisik tertentu dalam ruang kelas mereka juga. Di sekolah kasus, lingkungan ruang kelas hangat, estetika dan dinikmati oleh siswa. Ruang kelas, meskipun sedang bertempat di sebuah bangunan tua, dihiasi dengan '' nyaman di rumah '' perasaan. Meja atau meja tersusun ke kecil workgroups berbeda dengan tradisional baris meja siswa. Di meja menemukan rumah lain dari penempatan tradisional dan terpencil di dalam desain kamar. Banyak kamar dilengkapi dengan sofa-sofa tua, kursi, kursi goyang, tabel akhir, lampu, dan tanaman yang mirip dengan ruang tamu. Kamar-kamar yang rumit juga ada di sekolah. Berjalan ke kamar ini Anda mungkin merasa bahwa Anda telah mengunjungi sebuah taman hiburan yang rumit. Satu kamar terdiri dari papan selancar yang melekat pada dinding yang mendukung guru '' Hawaii tema.'' Di kelas ini, siswa duduk di bantal lantai dan teras outdoor furniture (sebagai pengganti tradisional kursi) seperti orang mungkin melakukannya di Pulau retreat. Untuk mendukung tema yang berbeda, roger riang mencolok ditampilkan sebagai bagian dari lingkungan bertema bajak laut. Kelas menengah yang lain bangga ditampilkan koleksi sepatu keran dan produksi Broadway set sebagai bagian dari lingkungan kelas mereka. Namun lain kelas menghabiskan setahun dicat hitam untuk mendorong lingkungan bertema astronomi guru.This enhanced atmosphere also had other characteristics. Students were encour-aged to remain hydrated, have snacks, and exercise brain-gym movements within the day. It was not uncommon to see water bottles covering desktops, a structured mid-morning snack time, and frequent ‘‘brain’’ breaks. Each and every classroom had two areas of wall space that are devoted to the teacher’s yearlong theme and the display of the school’s character building program. Both of these displays remain for the whole school year.In regards to effective science instruction, as perceived by the participants, key informants suggested that they do feel that they teach science well as part of their schedule and yearly obligations. Only one teacher responded that for her, science instruction was often ignored. Most of the participants commented that they did a good job teaching science. While each key informant had an explanation of his or her science practice, the time allotted to the teaching of science was varied and inconsistent. Instructional time for science was limited in the majority of classrooms informally observed in this study (despite generally high levels of perceived efficacy from teachers). Participants noted that science was an expected content area to be covered per state standards, however, the fluid and constructivist intent of the reform program often contributed to science instruction being unwittingly lost during the day. Participants commented that they were encouraged to vary the day-to-day schedule to accommodate the learning and magnet goals for the day.
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