At this time, banned the mar­quis Luo child say­ing: „Your majesty, si terjemahan - At this time, banned the mar­quis Luo child say­ing: „Your majesty, si Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

At this time, banned the mar­quis L

At this time, banned the mar­quis Luo child say­ing: „Your majesty, since wears your high­ness to hold the sol­dier per­son­ally, that this east­ern ex­pe­di­tion should also ap­point a mar­shal? Among your majesty, Xu Yi, Li Xiao Yao, hun­dred can with end four peo­ple, who be com­pe­tent this to draft the duty of south­ern mar­shal?”
Hes­i­tates: „Or­phaned king early has con­clu­sion, Xu Yi is on one of the Tian Ling Em­pire five big gen­er­als, is the first reg­i­ment flame Long Jun's com­mand, the can­di­date of this mar­shal nat­u­rally was Gen­eral Xu Yi, came the human, be­stowed gen­eral axe yue, a Yuan com­man­der's seal and fer­ghana horse to Xu Yi . More­over, set up the hot axe armed forces to com­mand Luo four is the cut­ting edge and palace guard for Zuo Jun, the strong wind from afar armed forces is the right armed forces, after se­lect­ing Qi Zil­ing the armed forces 8 W troops acted the armed forces again, the pur­ple spirit reg­i­ment com­manded Gen­eral Xi­a­hou Ren to be re­spon­si­ble for the army rear ser­vice.”
Be­hind, com­mand­ing of whole face full beard leaves ranks, holds the fist in the other hand say­ing: „End will be com­pli­ant!”
This per­son is Xi­a­hou Ren, the com­mand of pur­ple spirit reg­i­ment, this pur­ple spirit armed forces sup­port sol­dier 8 W, is the main army in em­pire, what a pity did not have the op­por­tu­ni­ties of too many beam­ing with joy, and bat­tle ef­fi­ciency has noth­ing worth­while, nat­u­rally was not paid at­ten­tion.
After is­sues an order, the peo­ple do not have any­thing said that Fang Geque, Q Sword, Drunken Spear et al. the mil­i­tary rank was too low, the op­por­tu­nity of even not hav­ing spo­ken.
After the chief aide-de-camp an­nounces an im­pe­r­ial de­cree, im­me­di­ately ting is not loose in the Tian Ling Em­pire sky for a very long time, is the do­main that one time ex­pe­dites, more­over as be­fore is a not too op­ti­mistic ex­pe­di­tion
Sys­tem an­nounce­ment: Tian Ling Em­pire of­fi­cial get­ting a light from an­other light Yun Cheng de­clares war, all Tian Ling Em­pire play­ers may at­tend get­ting a light from an­other light Yun Cheng ex­pe­di­tion, dur­ing the ex­pe­di­tion, player all coun­tries fight the in­te­gral to pro­mote 20%, when ob­tain­ing re­wards the re­ward quota to pro­mote 40% fi­nally, if has cap­tured fire Yun Cheng fi­nally, in at­tack­ing to plun­der in the fire Yun Cheng war the in­te­gral first three play­ers to have the op­por­tu­nity to ob­tain the re­ward of mag­i­cal in­stru­ment and in­fe­rior mag­i­cal in­stru­ment, if cap­tures the city de­feat, player who then the re­ward of mag­i­cal in­stru­ment and in­fe­rior mag­i­cal in­stru­ment be­longs to a fire Yun Cheng side, the Tian Ling Em­pire player is high­est may ob­tain ghost nian!
Al­though the con­tent of sys­tem an­nounce­ment is some­what am­bigu­ous, but I re­luc­tantly have un­der­stood, the coun­try fights the re­ward final, but the city ex­changes own­er­ships every time, then ad­di­tion­ally will also issue a re­ward, this is ac­tu­ally good, lives off the gov­ern­ment, we con­sume 7 days of Cooldown to come the coun­try war, so long as does not die too mul­ti­ple, this Level will not be fallen.
One day later, wore Mil­i­tary Con­trol these troops to go to bat­tle with fire Yun Cheng, one day in game, was the 6 hours in re­al­ity, as if has not left we too many sleep­ing Cooldown.
The peo­ple di­verge in abun­dance, Q Sword and Fang Geque, Ye to come, Drunken Spear et al. have not left ac­tu­ally, I also walked, said: „This ex­pe­di­tion is not quite op­ti­mistic, do you think?”
Fang Geque nods: „Um, the pre­sent was the true in­ter­nal dis­or­der and for­eign in­va­sion, south de­cided to draft at this time, was gives us the Chi­nese server to in­crease game dif­fi­culty sim­ply”
On the paper pic­ture demon is rais­ing the water deity hal­berd, looked that said to me: „Xiao Yao Zi Zai, you are com­mand­ing of palace guard, pro­tects the coun­try
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
At this time, banned the mar­quis Luo child say­ing: „Your majesty, since wears your high­ness to hold the sol­dier per­son­ally, that this east­ern ex­pe­di­tion should also ap­point a mar­shal? Among your majesty, Xu Yi, Li Xiao Yao, hun­dred can with end four peo­ple, who be com­pe­tent this to draft the duty of south­ern mar­shal?”Hes­i­tates: „Or­phaned king early has con­clu­sion, Xu Yi is on one of the Tian Ling Em­pire five big gen­er­als, is the first reg­i­ment flame Long Jun's com­mand, the can­di­date of this mar­shal nat­u­rally was Gen­eral Xu Yi, came the human, be­stowed gen­eral axe yue, a Yuan com­man­der's seal and fer­ghana horse to Xu Yi . More­over, set up the hot axe armed forces to com­mand Luo four is the cut­ting edge and palace guard for Zuo Jun, the strong wind from afar armed forces is the right armed forces, after se­lect­ing Qi Zil­ing the armed forces 8 W troops acted the armed forces again, the pur­ple spirit reg­i­ment com­manded Gen­eral Xi­a­hou Ren to be re­spon­si­ble for the army rear ser­vice.”Be­hind, com­mand­ing of whole face full beard leaves ranks, holds the fist in the other hand say­ing: „End will be com­pli­ant!”This per­son is Xi­a­hou Ren, the com­mand of pur­ple spirit reg­i­ment, this pur­ple spirit armed forces sup­port sol­dier 8 W, is the main army in em­pire, what a pity did not have the op­por­tu­ni­ties of too many beam­ing with joy, and bat­tle ef­fi­ciency has noth­ing worth­while, nat­u­rally was not paid at­ten­tion.After is­sues an order, the peo­ple do not have any­thing said that Fang Geque, Q Sword, Drunken Spear et al. the mil­i­tary rank was too low, the op­por­tu­nity of even not hav­ing spo­ken.
After the chief aide-de-camp an­nounces an im­pe­r­ial de­cree, im­me­di­ately ting is not loose in the Tian Ling Em­pire sky for a very long time, is the do­main that one time ex­pe­dites, more­over as be­fore is a not too op­ti­mistic ex­pe­di­tion
Sys­tem an­nounce­ment: Tian Ling Em­pire of­fi­cial get­ting a light from an­other light Yun Cheng de­clares war, all Tian Ling Em­pire play­ers may at­tend get­ting a light from an­other light Yun Cheng ex­pe­di­tion, dur­ing the ex­pe­di­tion, player all coun­tries fight the in­te­gral to pro­mote 20%, when ob­tain­ing re­wards the re­ward quota to pro­mote 40% fi­nally, if has cap­tured fire Yun Cheng fi­nally, in at­tack­ing to plun­der in the fire Yun Cheng war the in­te­gral first three play­ers to have the op­por­tu­nity to ob­tain the re­ward of mag­i­cal in­stru­ment and in­fe­rior mag­i­cal in­stru­ment, if cap­tures the city de­feat, player who then the re­ward of mag­i­cal in­stru­ment and in­fe­rior mag­i­cal in­stru­ment be­longs to a fire Yun Cheng side, the Tian Ling Em­pire player is high­est may ob­tain ghost nian!
Al­though the con­tent of sys­tem an­nounce­ment is some­what am­bigu­ous, but I re­luc­tantly have un­der­stood, the coun­try fights the re­ward final, but the city ex­changes own­er­ships every time, then ad­di­tion­ally will also issue a re­ward, this is ac­tu­ally good, lives off the gov­ern­ment, we con­sume 7 days of Cooldown to come the coun­try war, so long as does not die too mul­ti­ple, this Level will not be fallen.
One day later, wore Mil­i­tary Con­trol these troops to go to bat­tle with fire Yun Cheng, one day in game, was the 6 hours in re­al­ity, as if has not left we too many sleep­ing Cooldown.
The peo­ple di­verge in abun­dance, Q Sword and Fang Geque, Ye to come, Drunken Spear et al. have not left ac­tu­ally, I also walked, said: „This ex­pe­di­tion is not quite op­ti­mistic, do you think?”
Fang Geque nods: „Um, the pre­sent was the true in­ter­nal dis­or­der and for­eign in­va­sion, south de­cided to draft at this time, was gives us the Chi­nese server to in­crease game dif­fi­culty sim­ply”
On the paper pic­ture demon is rais­ing the water deity hal­berd, looked that said to me: „Xiao Yao Zi Zai, you are com­mand­ing of palace guard, pro­tects the coun­try
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Pada saat ini, dilarang Marquis Luo anak mengatakan: "Yang Mulia, karena memakai Mulia untuk menahan tentara pribadi, ekspedisi timur ini juga harus menunjuk marshal? Di antara paduka, Xu Yi, Li Xiao Yao, seratus kaleng dengan akhir empat orang, yang kompeten ini untuk menyusun tugas marshal selatan? "
Ragu-ragu:" Raja yatim piatu awal memiliki kesimpulan, Xu Yi adalah pada salah satu Tian Ling Empire lima jenderal besar, adalah api resimen pertama perintah panjang Jun, calon marshal ini secara alami adalah Jenderal Xu Yi, datang manusia, diberikan yue kapak umum, segel seorang komandan Yuan dan Ferghana kuda Xu Yi. Selain itu, menyiapkan kapak panas angkatan bersenjata untuk perintah Luo empat adalah ujung tombak dan pengawal istana untuk Zuo Juni, angin kuat dari angkatan jauh bersenjata angkatan bersenjata yang tepat, setelah memilih Qi Ziling angkatan bersenjata 8 W tentara bertindak bersenjata pasukan lagi, semangat resimen ungu memerintahkan Jenderal Xiahou Ren bertanggung jawab untuk layanan militer belakang ".
di belakang, komandan seluruh wajah berjenggot penuh daun jajaran, memegang tangan di sisi lain mengatakan:"! End akan sesuai "
orang ini adalah Xiahou Ren, perintah ungu semangat resimen, semangat ungu dukungan angkatan bersenjata tentara 8 W ini, adalah tentara utama dalam kerajaan, apa sayang tidak memiliki kesempatan terlalu banyak berseri-seri dengan sukacita, dan efisiensi pertempuran tidak ada yang berharga, secara alami tidak diperhatikan.
Setelah isu perintah, orang-orang tidak memiliki apa-apa mengatakan bahwa Fang Geque, Q Sword, Drunken Tombak et al. pangkat militer terlalu rendah, kesempatan bahkan tidak setelah berbicara.
Setelah ajudan kepala-de-camp mengumumkan dekrit kekaisaran, segera ting tidak longgar di langit Tian Ling Empire untuk waktu yang sangat lama, adalah domain yang satu waktu mempercepat, apalagi seperti sebelumnya adalah ekspedisi tidak terlalu optimis
Sistem pengumuman: Tian Ling resmi Empire mendapatkan cahaya dari cahaya lain Yun Cheng menyatakan perang, semua pemain Tian Ling Empire dapat menghadiri mendapatkan cahaya dari cahaya Yun Cheng ekspedisi lain , selama ekspedisi, pemain semua negara melawan terpisahkan untuk mempromosikan 20%, ketika memperoleh imbalan kuota reward untuk mempromosikan 40% akhirnya, jika memiliki ditangkap api Yun Cheng akhirnya, dalam menyerang untuk menjarah dalam api perang Yun Cheng integral pertama tiga pemain memiliki kesempatan untuk mendapatkan pahala instrumen magis dan instrumen magis rendah, jika menangkap kekalahan kota, pemain yang kemudian pahala instrumen magis dan instrumen magis rendah milik api Yun Cheng sisi, pemain Tian Ling Empire tertinggi dapat memperoleh nian hantu!
Meskipun isi dari sistem pengumuman agak ambigu, tapi saya enggan mengerti, negara perkelahian final reward, tetapi bursa kota kepemilikan setiap kali, maka tambahan juga akan mengeluarkan hadiah, ini benar-benar baik, kehidupan off pemerintah, kita mengkonsumsi 7 hari dari Cooldown datang perang negara, asalkan tidak mati juga beberapa, Tingkat ini tidak akan jatuh.
Suatu hari nanti, mengenakan Kontrol Militer pasukan ini untuk pergi ke pertempuran dengan api Yun Cheng, satu hari dalam permainan, adalah 6 jam pada kenyataannya, seolah-olah tidak meninggalkan kita terlalu banyak tidur Pendinginan.
orang-orang berbeda dalam kelimpahan, Q Pedang dan Fang Geque, Ye datang, Drunken Spear et al. tidak meninggalkan sebenarnya, saya juga berjalan, mengatakan: "Ekspedisi ini tidak cukup optimis, menurut Anda?"
Fang Geque mengangguk: "Um, ini adalah gangguan internal yang benar dan invasi asing, selatan memutuskan untuk menyusun saat ini, adalah memberi kita server Cina untuk meningkatkan kesulitan permainan hanya "
pada setan gambar kertas menaikkan tombak dewa air, tampak bahwa berkata kepada saya:" Xiao Yao Zi Zai, Anda komandan pengawal istana, melindungi negara
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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