Arthur had decided, since Khan needed to beaway for the whole day to b terjemahan - Arthur had decided, since Khan needed to beaway for the whole day to b Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Arthur had decided, since Khan need

Arthur had decided, since Khan needed to be
away for the whole day to bring the Enterprise
Crew over to their Family Villa, that he’d take
Bilbo over to Central London after school. He had
been worried when he found Bilbo’s eyes rimming
with tears despite his youngest son’s attempt to
hold them back. But he is a mother, he knows
what was wrong even if his children are trying
to hide it from him. After coaxing Bilbo to stop
his tears and blow his nose into a tissue, he told
his son they’ll be visiting Central London and
he’ll be able to buy a new toy at Hamley’s.
“… Can we give a surprise visit to Baker Street,
Mummy?” Arthur thought about it for a second
and took his phone out, checking the time. It
was quite early in the afternoon, his son would
either be busy chasing his flat-mate around
London, still at work, or at home. The last option
seemed really impossible at this time.
“Well, John might be there… but why don’t we
give his nice landlady a visit instead if he’s
not?” Bilbo had pouted at first, but perked up
nonetheless at the idea of seeing the nice
landlady his older brother likes to talk about on
the phone. And Arthur really needed to give this
really nice landlady some words of gratitude for
taking care of his son and his seemingly
impossible flat-mate. Maybe Arthur will ask
Vincent to make the nice lady a nice set of tea
cups, or maybe a nice chair for a gift.
“Mrs. Pudson?” “Mrs. Hudson, darling.” Arthur
corrected before they continued their walk out
of the underground.
“Now, do you want to tell Mummy why you
cried?” Bilbo’s previous excited expression was
quickly wiped out before the boy shook his head
“No. I can take care of it on my own.” Arthur’s
eyes softened at how brave his youngest son is
and couldn’t help sneaking a smooch on his
cheeks despite his son’s indignant shriek of
“MUMMY!”. Of they go then, over to Hamley’s to
get Bilbo a new toy.
“John! Wait just a minute, mate! John!” Arthur
was suddenly yanked back by the shoulder and
was ready to strike in case it was a mugging but
the sudden surprised look on the other man’s
face made him do otherwise. And his youngest
son had fallen on his behind quite hard when the
man yanked Arthur.
“Bilbo, darling! Are you okay?” Bilbo swallowed a
sob but sniffled at the same time and Arthur
gathered him in his arms before carrying him up
and turn towards the now panicking and
sputtering apology grey-haired man.
“Oh Sh-Sorry! I-I’m very sorry! It seemed I’ve
mistaken you with a friend of mine. Is your son
alright? Does he need to go get it checked?”
Before the stranger could say and apologize more
than he has, Arthur quickly placed a reassuring
hand on his forearm.
“He’s alright, just a little sore. Isn’t that
right, darling?” Bilbo, who quickly got over the
shock and blinked his tears away, nodded and
gave the other man a big smile to prove it.
“I’m still very sorry… I really shouldn’t just
assume you as one of my friends, but you really
do look similar to him. My name is Gregory
Lestrade, I’m a member of the Scotland Yard, a
Detective Inspector.” Lestrade said as he and
Arthur shook hands before offering little Bilbo
his hand to shake with.
“Hello, my name is Arthur Dent, and this is my
youngest son, Bilbo Baggins. We’re not really
fond of family names because of my husband
though.” Arthur said as Bilbo waved from
Arthur’s arms and struggled to go down on his
own feet. Lestrade was still mulling over about
Arthur and Bilbo’s similarities to a John Watson
and was about to ask if Arthur knew the former
military doctor before a scream pierced the air.
“Thief! He stole my bag!” Lestrade was quickly
getting himself ready to sprint but the
perpetrator ducked under his arm and was about
to get away if Arthur hadn’t stepped in and
tripped the guy and grabbed his arm before
twisting it on his back. Bilbo was a few steps
away from him and was looking at Arthur in awe.
“Now, there’s a good boy. Why don’t you return
the young miss’ purse and I won’t hurt you.”
Arthur said calmly as he pressed his knee unto
the man’s bag. The man continued to trash wildly
underneath Arthur’s knee and Lestrade was
going to step in -Arthur is a civilian, for
Queen’s sake!-, and this is a mugging!
“Alright, you asked for it.” Arthur said before
jabbing the man’s neck with two fingers and he
fell limp. Arthur sighed before taking the purse
the man took and gave it to a young woman who
was looking at him in awe.
“I believe this is yours, miss?” “Y-Yes, thank
you very much, sir!” Arthur just smiled and
nodded before the crowd that had happened to
watch started to disperse.
“Oh! I almost forgot, young miss?” The young
woman that had her bag returned then flinched
and turned back, giving Arthur quite a forced
“Y-Yes, sir?” “I’m afraid you’re taking
something that isn’t yours.” Arthur gently said,
picking up a black leather wallet from the
woman’s hand before pulling the woman’s hand
and jabbed her neck like he did with the man.
Lestrade, watching the event happening in front
of him with disbelief, gaped at the wallet in
Arthur’s hand.
“That’s my-” “Lestrade, sir! Did something
happen? We were reported there was a mugging
and… sir?” Sally had approached him, running
while so and stopped when she saw Lestrade’s
gobsmacked face. When she saw Arthur though,
her expression changed -quite thunderous,
Arthur thought-.
“What are you even doing here? Aren’t you
supposed to be babysitting the freak, Dr.
Watson?” Lestrade snapped out from his daze by
Sally’s words and was about to tell Sally off
before Arthur coughed to get their attention.
“As I said, my name is Arthur Dent. And please
do refrain from saying such degrading word,
miss, as there is a child present.” Bilbo quickly
scurried over to Arthur’s leg and gave Sally the
stink eyes before looking up towards Arthur in
“That was amazing , Mummy! Did Daddy teach you
that? Can you teach me that?” Arthur chuckles
and ruffled Bilbo’s hair.
“I’m afraid you’re not old enough just yet,
darling.” Sally narrowed her eyes at the
exchange and almost jumped when she saw the
two bodies lying on the ground.
“W-Why are there bodies on the street? They’re
not dead, are they?” Sally said, going over to
the bodies to check on their pulse.
“They’re the muggers, Donovan, Arthur had
kindly lend his hand to detain them. If your
please, can you handcuff them?” Sally whipped
her head towards Arthur and was about to open
her mouth to comment something, probably with
another degrading words before Arthur stopped
her with a look.
“Isn’t it a shame that a policewoman would use
such degrading word? Sally Donovan, I gathered,
no wonder I’ve heard such bad stories about you
from my John.”
“Hear now, young lady. If you ever ever say
another degrading words in front of my youngest
son here and especially about my son and his
flat-mate, I would not hesitate to buy a block of
soap and put it in your mouth to clean them! And
if I ever hear from either John or Gregory here
about how you say things about me behind my
back, I shall deliberately put you in the same
position as these two youngsters!” Sally, whose
face had gone white at the implication of
unending pain underneath Arthur’s words, could
only nod in answer. Bilbo then stuck his tongue
out at her before giggling when Arthur picked his
cheeks. Lestrade blinked and let everything came
to him before he gaped.
“You’re John’s father?!” “Correction, I am
John’s Mummy .” Arthur replied, taking Lestrade
by surprise. When Bilbo whined to Arthur about
the promised toy, Lestrade quickly jumped in to
escort the two since he owed it to them to get to
their destination safely.
“If you don’t mind walking, we’d love the
company. And I also wanted to ask about a few
things about my son’s well-being, I’ve heard
many words about you, Detective Inspector.”
Arthur said as Lestrade nodded and began
walking with Arthur and Bilbo.
“Greg is fine, sir.” “Then you must call me
Arthur. Sir is making me feel really old.” Arthur
said as Bilbo piped in that Arthur’s only 59 so
he’s not old. Lestrade had to gape once again
before closing it when Arthur told him to close it
before a fly flew into his mouth.
“I must thank you, for taking care of John and
Sherlock. You did an excellent job in handling the
two of them.” “Oh no, I owe my thanks to your
son. John made Sherlock… easier to talk to.
Sherlock wasn’t exactly a people’s person before
he met John, he’s still not right now, but John
made him more… human.” Arthur then hummed in
satisfaction before asking Lestrade a question
parents would about their child.
“I am taking it they’re doing okay, then?” “As
okay as you can be when you live with Sherlock
Holmes, I guess. But John’s a strong man, I’m
sure you know that.” “Of course, of course. He
is my son, after all, big brother John is a very
strong man, isn’t he Bilbo darling?” Bilbo
cheered with his arms thrown in the air as both
Arthur and Lestrade chuckles. When they’ve
stopped in front of Hamley’s, Arthur grabbed
Lestrade’s hand and gave his shoulder a pat.
“Thank you again, Greg. It was nice meeting
you, but I have a favor to ask. Don’t tell John
about earlier and about you meeting me. He’ll
have my hide if he ever find out.” “Of course,
Arthur. The pleasure’s all mine, I hope we can
meet again. And I am really sorry about
Donovan, she and Anderson couldn’t really keep
it to themselves whenever Sherlock and John are
involved.” Arthur nodded in understanding and
conjured a business card from his pocket.
“If you ever need help, I’d be glad to. I opened
a clinic at Richmond Upon Thames and if you ever
need medical help, aside from my son’s, feel free
to call. Thank you again, Greg. Now darling, say
goodbye to this nice man.” Bilbo grinned up at
Lestrade and gave a hearty wave.
“Thank you, Mr. Lestrade! Goodbye, Mr.
John had to quickly run o
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Arthur telah memutuskan, karena Khan perlupergi untuk seluruh hari untuk membawa perusahaanKru atas vila keluarga mereka, bahwa dia akan menanggungBilbo atas ke pusat kota London setelah sekolah. Iatelah khawatir ketika ia menemukan Bilbo di mata rimmingdengan air mata meskipun anaknya yang bungsu berusahamenahan mereka kembali. Tapi dia seorang ibu, dia tahuapa yang telah terjadi bahkan jika anak-anaknya sedang mencobauntuk menyembunyikan dari-nya. Setelah membujuk Bilbo untuk menghentikanair mata dan meniup hidungnya ke jaringan, katanyaanaknya mereka akan mengunjungi pusat kota London danDia akan mampu membeli mainan baru di Hamley's.“… Kita dapat memberikan kejutan kunjungan ke Baker Street,Mummy?" Arthur memikirkan hal itu untuk keduadan mengambil telepon keluar, memeriksa waktu. Itucukup awal di sore hari, anaknya akanmenjadi sibuk mengejar pasangannya datar di sekitarLondon, masih di tempat kerja, atau di rumah. Opsi terakhirtampak benar-benar mustahil saat ini."Yah, John mungkin tidak... tapi kenapa kita tidakmemberikan induk semang nya bagus kunjungan sebaliknya jika dia memilikitidak?" Bilbo telah cemberut pada awalnya, tetapi menegakkantetap pada gagasan melihat bagusinduk semang kakaknya suka berbicara tentang padatelepon. Dan Arthur benar-benar diperlukan untuk memberikan iniinduk semang yang benar-benar baik beberapa kata-kata syukur untukmerawat anaknya dan tampaknyamustahil datar-mate. Mungkin Arthur akan bertanyaVincent membuat wanita bagus nice set tehcangkir, atau mungkin kursi yang bagus untuk hadiah."Ibu Pudson?" "Ibu Hudson, sayang." Arthurdiperbaiki sebelum mereka melanjutkan mereka berjalan keluarbawah tanah."Sekarang, Apakah Anda ingin memberitahu mumi mengapa Andamenangis?" Bilbo's sebelumnya bersemangat ekspresi itudengan cepat dihapus sebelum anak laki-laki menggelengkan kepaladengan penuh semangat."No. I bisa mengurus itu sendiri." Arthur'smata melunak bagaimana berani anaknya yang bungsu adalahdan tidak bisa membantu menyelinap berciuman nyapipi meskipun anaknya marah shriek dari"MUMMY!". Dari mereka kemudian pergi ke Hamley untukmendapatkan Bilbo mainan baru."John! Tunggu beberapa menit, mate! John!" Arthurtiba-tiba menarik kembali oleh bahu dansiap untuk menyerang dalam kasus ini adalah perampokan tetapitiba-tiba terkejut melihat pada orang lainwajah membuatnya melakukan sebaliknya. Dan nya termudaanak telah jatuh nya di belakang cukup keras ketikaLaki-laki menarik Arthur."Bilbo, sayang! Apakah Anda baik-baik saja?" Bilbo menelanSOB tetapi sniffled pada waktu yang sama dan Arthurberkumpul dalam pelukannya sebelum membawanya updan berbelok ke arah sekarang panik dantergagap-gagap laki-laki berambut abu-abu permintaan maaf."Oh Sh-Maaf! Saya-saya sangat menyesal! Sepertinya akukeliru Anda dengan seorang teman saya. Adalah anakmubaik-baik saja? Dia perlu pergi mendapatkan diperiksa?"Sebelum orang asing bisa katakan dan minta maaf lebihlebih, Arthur cepat ditempatkan meyakinkantangan di lengan bawahnya."Ia adalah baik-baik saja, hanya sedikit sakit. Bukankah itutepat, sayang?" Bilbo, yang dengan cepat mendapat atasshock dan berkedip matanya pergi, mengangguk danmemberi orang lain tersenyum lebar untuk membuktikannya."Aku masih sangat menyesal... Aku benar-benar seharusnya tidak hanyamenganggap Anda sebagai salah satu teman saya, tetapi Anda benar-benarmemang tampak serupa dengannya. Namaku GregoryLestrade, saya anggota dari Scotland Yard,Detektif Inspektur." Lestrade mengatakan sebagai dia danArthur berjabat tangan sebelum menawarkan sedikit Bilbotangannya gemetar dengan."Hello, my name is Arthur Dent, dan ini adalah sayaputra bungsu, Bilbo Baggins. Kami tidak benar-benarsuka nama-nama keluarga karena suami sayaMeskipun." Arthur mengatakan seperti Bilbo melambaikan tangan dariArthur's lengan dan berjuang untuk turun nyakaki sendiri. Lestrade adalah masih merenungkan tentangArthur dan Bilbo's kemiripan dengan John Watsondan akan bertanya apakah Arthur tahu mantandokter militer sebelum jeritan menembus udara."Pencuri! Ia mencuri tas saya!" Lestrade ini dengan cepatmendapatkan dirinya siap untuk berlari tetapipelaku berlindung di bawah lengan dan tentanguntuk melarikan diri jika Arthur tidak melangkah masuk dantersandung pria dan menyambar lengannya sebelummemutar di punggungnya. Bilbo adalah beberapa langkahdarinya dan sedang mencari Arthur kagum."Sekarang, tidak ada anak yang baik. Mengapa tidak Anda kembalimiss muda' dompet dan saya tidak akan menyakiti Anda."Arthur berkata dengan tenang ketika ia ditekan lutut kepadatas manusia. Lelaki itu lanjut sampah liardi bawah Arthur's lutut dan Lestrade adalahpergi ke langkah dalam - Arthur adalah seorang warga sipil untukQueen's sake!-, dan ini adalah perampokan!"Baiklah, Anda diminta untuk itu." Arthur mengatakan sebelummenusuk leher orang itu dengan dua jari dan iajatuh lemas. Arthur mendesah sebelum mengambil tasLaki-laki mengambil dan memberikannya kepada seorang wanita muda yangsedang mencari dia kagum."Saya percaya ini adalah milikmu, miss?" "Y-ya, terima kasihAnda sangat banyak, sir! " Arthur hanya tersenyum danmengangguk sebelum kerumunan yang terjadiWatch mulai membubarkan."Oh! Aku hampir lupa, muda miss?" Mudaperempuan yang telah tasnya kembali kemudian merabadan berbalik, memberi Arthur cukup paksatersenyum."Y-ya, sir?" "Aku takut Anda mengambilsesuatu yang bukan milikmu." Arthur lembut berkata,mengambil dompet kulit hitam daritangan perempuan itu sebelum menarik tangan perempuan itudan jabbed lehernya seperti yang dia lakukan dengan laki-laki.Lestrade, menonton peristiwa yang terjadi di depanDia dengan tidak percaya, menganga di dompet diArthur di tangan."Itu saya-" "Lestrade, sir! Melakukan sesuatuterjadi? Kita dilaporkan ada perampokanand... sir?" Sally telah mendekati dia, berjalanSementara begitu dan berhenti ketika ia melihat Lestrade'swajah terkesima. Ketika ia melihat Arthur meskipun,ekspresinya berubah - cukup gemuruh,Arthur pemikiran-."Apa yang Anda bahkan lakukan di sini? Tidak Andaseharusnya menjadi Penjagaan yang aneh, Dr.Watson?" Lestrade ketus keluar dari nya linglung olehSally's kata-kata dan katakan Sally offsebelum Arthur terbatuk untuk mendapatkan perhatian mereka."Seperti yang saya katakan, nama saya adalah Arthur Dent. Dan silahkanmenahan diri dari mengatakan Firman tersebut merendahkan,melewatkan, saat ada seorang anak yang hadir." Bilbo cepatbergegas atas ke Arthur's kaki dan memberikan Sallybau mata sebelum menengadah ke arah Arthur dikagum."Yang menakjubkan, mumi! Menurut ayah mengajarkan Andaitu? Anda bisa mengajarkan saya bahwa?" Arthur terkekehdan mengacak-acak Bilbo rambut."Aku takut Anda tidak cukup tua dulu,sayang." Sally mempersempit matanya dipertukaran dan hampir melompat ketika dia melihatdua mayat yang tergeletak di tanah."W-mengapa ada tubuh di jalan? Merekatidak mati, apakah mereka?" Sally mengatakan, pergi ketubuh untuk memeriksa denyut nadi."Mereka penjahat, Donovan, Arthur memilikiMohon meminjamkan tangannya untuk menahan mereka. Jika AndaHarap dapat Anda memborgol mereka?" Sally dicambukkepala ke arah Arthur dan membukamulutnya untuk komentar sesuatu, mungkin denganlain merendahkan kata sebelum berhenti ArthurDia dengan tampilan."Bukankah itu memalukan bahwa polisi akan menggunakanseperti kata merendahkan? Sally Donovan, saya mengumpulkan,tidak heran aku pernah mendengar cerita seperti itu buruk tentang Andadari Yohanes saya.""Mendengar sekarang, wanita muda. Jika Anda pernah pernah mengatakankata-kata merendahkan yang lain di depan bungsu sayaanak di sini dan terutama tentang anakku dan nyadatar-mate, saya tidak ragu untuk membeli bloksabun dan memasukkannya ke dalam mulut Anda untuk membersihkan mereka! DanJika aku pernah mendengar dari John atau Gregory di sinitentang bagaimana Anda mengatakan hal-hal tentang saya di belakang sayakembali, aku akan sengaja menempatkan Anda di samaposisi sebagai kedua pemuda!" Sally, yangwajah telah putih di implikasi daritanpa henti sakit di bawah kata-kata Arthur's, bisahanya mengangguk dalam jawaban. Bilbo kemudian terjebak lidahnyakeluar di dia sebelumnya cekikikan ketika Arthur mengambil nyapipi. Lestrade berkedip dan membiarkan semuanya datangDia sebelum dia menganga."Kau ayah Yohanes?!" "Koreksi, sayaJohn's mumi." Arthur menjawab, mengambil Lestradedengan kejutan. Kapan Bilbo rengek ke Arthur tentangmainan yang dijanjikan, Lestrade dengan cepat melompat masuk untukmengawal dua karena ia berutang kepada mereka untuk mendapatkantujuan mereka aman."Jika Anda tidak keberatan berjalan, kami akan senangperusahaan. Dan saya juga ingin bertanya tentang beberapahal-hal tentang kesejahteraan anakku, aku sudah mendengarbanyak kata-kata tentang Anda, detektif Inspektur."Arthur mengatakan seperti Lestrade mengangguk dan mulaiberjalan dengan Arthur dan Bilbo."Greg halus, sir." "Kemudian Anda harus menelepon sayaArthur. Sir membuat saya merasa benar-benar tua." Arthurkata Bilbo disalurkan di Arthur itu hanya 59 jadiIa bukanlah lama. Lestrade harus gape sekali lagisebelum menutup ketika Arthur mengatakan kepadanya untuk tutupsebelum terbang terbang ke dalam mulutnya."Harus terima kasih, untuk merawat Yohanes danSherlock. Anda melakukan pekerjaan yang sangat baik dalam menanganidua dari mereka." "Oh tidak, aku berutang terima kasih untuk Andaanak. John membuat Sherlock... lebih mudah untuk berbicara.Sherlock tidak persis orang orang sebelumdia bertemu John, dia masih tidak sekarang, tetapi Yohanesmembuatnya lebih... manusia. " Arthur kemudian hummed dikepuasan sebelum mengajukan pertanyaan Lestradeorang tua akan tentang anak mereka."Saya mengambil itu mereka melakukan Oke, kemudian?" "SebagaiOke seperti yang Anda dapat ketika Anda hidup dengan SherlockHolmes, kurasa. Tetapi Yohanes itu orang kuat, akuyakin kau tahu itu." "Tentu saja, tentu saja. Diaadalah putra saya, setelah semua, kakak Yohanes adalah sangatorang kuat, Bukankah dia Bilbo darling?" Bilbobersorak tangan dilemparkan di udara sebagai keduaArthur dan Lestrade terkekeh. Ketika mereka telahberhenti di depan Hamley's, Arthur menyambarLestrade tangan dan memberi bahunya tepukan."Terima kasih lagi, Greg. Itu bagus RapatAnda, tapi aku punya sesuatu untuk bertanya. Jangan katakan Johntentang sebelumnya dan Anda bertemu saya. Dia akanmemiliki Sembunyikan saya jika dia pernah mengetahui." "Tentu saja,Arthur. Kesenangan di semua milikku, saya berharap kita bisabertemu lagi. Dan aku benar-benar menyesal tentangDonovan, dia dan Anderson tidak bisa benar-benar menjagauntuk diri mereka sendiri setiap kali Sherlock dan Johnterlibat." Arthur mengangguk dalam pemahaman danmenyihir kartu bisnis dari sakunya."Jika Anda pernah membutuhkan bantuan, saya akan senang. Saya membukaklinik di Richmond Upon Thames dan jika Anda pernahperlu bantuan medis, selain anakku, merasa bebasuntuk memanggil. Terima kasih lagi, Greg. Sekarang sayang, mengatakanSelamat tinggal kepada orang ini bagus." Bilbo tersenyumLestrade dan memberikan gelombang yang lezat."Terima kasih, Mr Lestrade! Selamat tinggal, Mr.Lestrade!"=.=.=.=.=Yohanes terpaksa cepat menjalankan o
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Arthur had decided, since Khan needed to be
away for the whole day to bring the Enterprise
Crew over to their Family Villa, that he’d take
Bilbo over to Central London after school. He had
been worried when he found Bilbo’s eyes rimming
with tears despite his youngest son’s attempt to
hold them back. But he is a mother, he knows
what was wrong even if his children are trying
to hide it from him. After coaxing Bilbo to stop
his tears and blow his nose into a tissue, he told
his son they’ll be visiting Central London and
he’ll be able to buy a new toy at Hamley’s.
“… Can we give a surprise visit to Baker Street,
Mummy?” Arthur thought about it for a second
and took his phone out, checking the time. It
was quite early in the afternoon, his son would
either be busy chasing his flat-mate around
London, still at work, or at home. The last option
seemed really impossible at this time.
“Well, John might be there… but why don’t we
give his nice landlady a visit instead if he’s
not?” Bilbo had pouted at first, but perked up
nonetheless at the idea of seeing the nice
landlady his older brother likes to talk about on
the phone. And Arthur really needed to give this
really nice landlady some words of gratitude for
taking care of his son and his seemingly
impossible flat-mate. Maybe Arthur will ask
Vincent to make the nice lady a nice set of tea
cups, or maybe a nice chair for a gift.
“Mrs. Pudson?” “Mrs. Hudson, darling.” Arthur
corrected before they continued their walk out
of the underground.
“Now, do you want to tell Mummy why you
cried?” Bilbo’s previous excited expression was
quickly wiped out before the boy shook his head
“No. I can take care of it on my own.” Arthur’s
eyes softened at how brave his youngest son is
and couldn’t help sneaking a smooch on his
cheeks despite his son’s indignant shriek of
“MUMMY!”. Of they go then, over to Hamley’s to
get Bilbo a new toy.
“John! Wait just a minute, mate! John!” Arthur
was suddenly yanked back by the shoulder and
was ready to strike in case it was a mugging but
the sudden surprised look on the other man’s
face made him do otherwise. And his youngest
son had fallen on his behind quite hard when the
man yanked Arthur.
“Bilbo, darling! Are you okay?” Bilbo swallowed a
sob but sniffled at the same time and Arthur
gathered him in his arms before carrying him up
and turn towards the now panicking and
sputtering apology grey-haired man.
“Oh Sh-Sorry! I-I’m very sorry! It seemed I’ve
mistaken you with a friend of mine. Is your son
alright? Does he need to go get it checked?”
Before the stranger could say and apologize more
than he has, Arthur quickly placed a reassuring
hand on his forearm.
“He’s alright, just a little sore. Isn’t that
right, darling?” Bilbo, who quickly got over the
shock and blinked his tears away, nodded and
gave the other man a big smile to prove it.
“I’m still very sorry… I really shouldn’t just
assume you as one of my friends, but you really
do look similar to him. My name is Gregory
Lestrade, I’m a member of the Scotland Yard, a
Detective Inspector.” Lestrade said as he and
Arthur shook hands before offering little Bilbo
his hand to shake with.
“Hello, my name is Arthur Dent, and this is my
youngest son, Bilbo Baggins. We’re not really
fond of family names because of my husband
though.” Arthur said as Bilbo waved from
Arthur’s arms and struggled to go down on his
own feet. Lestrade was still mulling over about
Arthur and Bilbo’s similarities to a John Watson
and was about to ask if Arthur knew the former
military doctor before a scream pierced the air.
“Thief! He stole my bag!” Lestrade was quickly
getting himself ready to sprint but the
perpetrator ducked under his arm and was about
to get away if Arthur hadn’t stepped in and
tripped the guy and grabbed his arm before
twisting it on his back. Bilbo was a few steps
away from him and was looking at Arthur in awe.
“Now, there’s a good boy. Why don’t you return
the young miss’ purse and I won’t hurt you.”
Arthur said calmly as he pressed his knee unto
the man’s bag. The man continued to trash wildly
underneath Arthur’s knee and Lestrade was
going to step in -Arthur is a civilian, for
Queen’s sake!-, and this is a mugging!
“Alright, you asked for it.” Arthur said before
jabbing the man’s neck with two fingers and he
fell limp. Arthur sighed before taking the purse
the man took and gave it to a young woman who
was looking at him in awe.
“I believe this is yours, miss?” “Y-Yes, thank
you very much, sir!” Arthur just smiled and
nodded before the crowd that had happened to
watch started to disperse.
“Oh! I almost forgot, young miss?” The young
woman that had her bag returned then flinched
and turned back, giving Arthur quite a forced
“Y-Yes, sir?” “I’m afraid you’re taking
something that isn’t yours.” Arthur gently said,
picking up a black leather wallet from the
woman’s hand before pulling the woman’s hand
and jabbed her neck like he did with the man.
Lestrade, watching the event happening in front
of him with disbelief, gaped at the wallet in
Arthur’s hand.
“That’s my-” “Lestrade, sir! Did something
happen? We were reported there was a mugging
and… sir?” Sally had approached him, running
while so and stopped when she saw Lestrade’s
gobsmacked face. When she saw Arthur though,
her expression changed -quite thunderous,
Arthur thought-.
“What are you even doing here? Aren’t you
supposed to be babysitting the freak, Dr.
Watson?” Lestrade snapped out from his daze by
Sally’s words and was about to tell Sally off
before Arthur coughed to get their attention.
“As I said, my name is Arthur Dent. And please
do refrain from saying such degrading word,
miss, as there is a child present.” Bilbo quickly
scurried over to Arthur’s leg and gave Sally the
stink eyes before looking up towards Arthur in
“That was amazing , Mummy! Did Daddy teach you
that? Can you teach me that?” Arthur chuckles
and ruffled Bilbo’s hair.
“I’m afraid you’re not old enough just yet,
darling.” Sally narrowed her eyes at the
exchange and almost jumped when she saw the
two bodies lying on the ground.
“W-Why are there bodies on the street? They’re
not dead, are they?” Sally said, going over to
the bodies to check on their pulse.
“They’re the muggers, Donovan, Arthur had
kindly lend his hand to detain them. If your
please, can you handcuff them?” Sally whipped
her head towards Arthur and was about to open
her mouth to comment something, probably with
another degrading words before Arthur stopped
her with a look.
“Isn’t it a shame that a policewoman would use
such degrading word? Sally Donovan, I gathered,
no wonder I’ve heard such bad stories about you
from my John.”
“Hear now, young lady. If you ever ever say
another degrading words in front of my youngest
son here and especially about my son and his
flat-mate, I would not hesitate to buy a block of
soap and put it in your mouth to clean them! And
if I ever hear from either John or Gregory here
about how you say things about me behind my
back, I shall deliberately put you in the same
position as these two youngsters!” Sally, whose
face had gone white at the implication of
unending pain underneath Arthur’s words, could
only nod in answer. Bilbo then stuck his tongue
out at her before giggling when Arthur picked his
cheeks. Lestrade blinked and let everything came
to him before he gaped.
“You’re John’s father?!” “Correction, I am
John’s Mummy .” Arthur replied, taking Lestrade
by surprise. When Bilbo whined to Arthur about
the promised toy, Lestrade quickly jumped in to
escort the two since he owed it to them to get to
their destination safely.
“If you don’t mind walking, we’d love the
company. And I also wanted to ask about a few
things about my son’s well-being, I’ve heard
many words about you, Detective Inspector.”
Arthur said as Lestrade nodded and began
walking with Arthur and Bilbo.
“Greg is fine, sir.” “Then you must call me
Arthur. Sir is making me feel really old.” Arthur
said as Bilbo piped in that Arthur’s only 59 so
he’s not old. Lestrade had to gape once again
before closing it when Arthur told him to close it
before a fly flew into his mouth.
“I must thank you, for taking care of John and
Sherlock. You did an excellent job in handling the
two of them.” “Oh no, I owe my thanks to your
son. John made Sherlock… easier to talk to.
Sherlock wasn’t exactly a people’s person before
he met John, he’s still not right now, but John
made him more… human.” Arthur then hummed in
satisfaction before asking Lestrade a question
parents would about their child.
“I am taking it they’re doing okay, then?” “As
okay as you can be when you live with Sherlock
Holmes, I guess. But John’s a strong man, I’m
sure you know that.” “Of course, of course. He
is my son, after all, big brother John is a very
strong man, isn’t he Bilbo darling?” Bilbo
cheered with his arms thrown in the air as both
Arthur and Lestrade chuckles. When they’ve
stopped in front of Hamley’s, Arthur grabbed
Lestrade’s hand and gave his shoulder a pat.
“Thank you again, Greg. It was nice meeting
you, but I have a favor to ask. Don’t tell John
about earlier and about you meeting me. He’ll
have my hide if he ever find out.” “Of course,
Arthur. The pleasure’s all mine, I hope we can
meet again. And I am really sorry about
Donovan, she and Anderson couldn’t really keep
it to themselves whenever Sherlock and John are
involved.” Arthur nodded in understanding and
conjured a business card from his pocket.
“If you ever need help, I’d be glad to. I opened
a clinic at Richmond Upon Thames and if you ever
need medical help, aside from my son’s, feel free
to call. Thank you again, Greg. Now darling, say
goodbye to this nice man.” Bilbo grinned up at
Lestrade and gave a hearty wave.
“Thank you, Mr. Lestrade! Goodbye, Mr.
John had to quickly run o
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