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Duanwu Festival
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Dragon Boat Festival" redirects here. For dragon boating as a sport, see dragon boat.
Dragon Boat Festival
Qing Dynasty Dragon Boat Festival.jpg
Dragon Boat Festival (18th century)
Official name Dragon Boat Festival[1] (端午节)
Dragon Boat Festival[2][3] (端午節)
Tuen Ng Festival[4] (端午節)
Also called Duanyang (端陽節)
Double Fifth Festival (重五節)
Dragon Boat Festival (龍舟節)
Fifth Month Festival (五月節)
Fifth Day Festival (五日節)
Dumpling Festival (肉粽節)
Observed by Chinese
Type Cultural
Observances Dragon boat racing, consumption of xionghuangjiu and zongzi
Date 5th day of the 5th lunar month
2014 date June 2
2015 date June 20
2016 date June 9
Frequency annual
Related to Children's Day, Dano, Tết Đoan Ngọ, Yukka Nu Hii
Chinese name
Simplified Chinese 端午节
Traditional Chinese 端午節
Literal meaning Opening the Seventh
Opening Yang
Dragon Boat Festival
Simplified Chinese 龙船节 / 龙舟节
Traditional Chinese 龍船節 / 龍舟節
Double Fifth Festival
Fifth Month Festival
Fifth Day Festival
Simplified Chinese 重五節 / 双五节
Traditional Chinese 重五節 / 雙五節
Dumpling Festival
Simplified Chinese 肉粽节
Traditional Chinese 肉粽節
Literal meaning Pork Zongzi Festival
Portuguese name
Portuguese Festividade do Barco-Dragão

The Dragon Boat Festival, also often known as the Tuen Ng or Duanwu Festival, is a traditional and statutory holiday originating in China.

The festival now occurs on the 5th day of the 5th month of the traditional lunar calendar, the source of its alternative name, the Double Fifth Festival.[5] The Chinese calendar is lunisolar, so the date varies from year to year on the Gregorian calendar. In 2012, it fell on June 23; in 2013, on June 12; and in 2014, it occurred on June 2. The focus of most celebrations involves eating zongzi (sticky rice treats wrapped in bamboo leaves), drinking realgar wine (雄黃酒, xiónghuángjiǔ), and racing dragon boats.

The sun is considered to be at its strongest around the time of summer solstice, as the daylight in the northern hemisphere is the longest. The sun, like the Chinese dragon, traditionally represents masculine energy, whereas the moon, like the phoenix, traditionally represents feminine energy. The summer solstice is considered the annual peak of male energy while the winter solstice, the longest night of the year, represents the annual peak of feminine energy. The masculine image of the dragon was thus naturally associated with Duanwu .[6]


1 Name
2 History
2.1 Qu Yuan
2.2 Wu Zixu
2.3 Cao E
2.4 Pre-existing holiday
3 Public holiday
4 Activities
5 See also
6 References
7 External links


The usual English name for the holiday, "Dragon Boat Festival," directly translates into two alternative Chinese names for the holiday, Lóngchuánjié and Lóngzhōujié.

The official Chinese name of the festival is 端午节 on the mainland[7] and 端午節 on Taiwan,[8] Hong Kong, Singapore[4] and Macao.[9] This is pronounced variously in different Chinese dialects. In Mandarin, it is romanized as Duānwǔjié on the mainland and Taiwan; in Cantonese, it is romanized as Tuen1 Ng5 Jit3 on Hong Kong and Tung1 Ng5 Jit3 on Macao. All of these names (lit. "Opening the Seventh") refer to its original position as the first seventh-day (午日, Wǔrì) in the fifth month (五月, Wǔyuè) of the traditional Chinese calendar, which was also known as 午 (Wǔ). Both the People's Republic and the Republic of China use "Dragon Boat Festival" as the official English translation of the holiday,[1][2] while Hong Kong calls it the "Tuen Ng Festival"[4] and Macao calls it "Dragon Boat Festival (Tun Ng)" in English[3] and Festividade do Barco-Dragão (Tung Ng) in Portuguese.[10]

Among Malaysian, Singaporean, and Taiwanese Hokkien speakers, the festival is also known as the "Fifth Month Festival," the "Fifth Day Festival," and the "Dumpling Festival."

In Indonesian, the festival is known as "Peh Cun", which is derived from the Hokkien phrase 扒船 (Hokkien POJ: pê-tsûn; Hanyu Pinyin: bā chuán).
Qu Yuan
A statue of Qu Yuan in Jingzhou, at the site of the former Chu capital Ying.
Main article: Qu Yuan

The story best known in modern China holds that the festival commemorates the death of the poet and minister Qu Yuan (c. 340–278 BC) of the ancient state of Chu during the Warring States period of the Zhou Dynasty.[11] A cadet member of the Chu royal house, Qu served in high offices. However, when the king decided to ally with the increasingly powerful state of Qin, Qu was banished for opposing the alliance and even accused of treason.[11] During his exile, Qu Yuan wrote a great deal of poetry. Twenty-eight years later, Qin captured Ying, the Chu capital. In despair, Qu Yuan committed suicide by drowning himself in the Miluo River.

It is said that the local people, who admired him, raced out in their boats to save him or at least retrieve his body. This is said to have been the origin of dragon boat races. When his body could not be found, they dropped balls of sticky rice into the river so that the fish would eat them instead of Qu Yuan's body. This is said to be the origin of zongzi.[11]
Wu Zixu
Main article: Wu Zixu

Despite the modern popularity of the Qu Yuan origin theory, in the former territory of the state of Wu, the festival commemorated Wu Zixu (died 484 BC). Wu Zixu was a loyal advisor whose advice was ignored by the king to the detriment of the kingdom. Wu Zixu was forced to commit suicide by the king Fuchai, with his body thrown into the river on the fifth day of the fifth month. After his death, in places such as Suzhou, Wu Zixu is remembered during the Duanwu Festival to this day.
Cao E
The front of the Cao E Temple, facing east, toward Cao'e River, in Shangyu, Zhejiang, China.

Although Wu Zixu is commemorated in southeast Jiangsu and Qu Yuan elsewhere in China, much of Northeastern Zhejiang including the cities of Shaoxing, Ningbo and Zhoushan celebrates the memory of the young girl Cao E (曹娥, AD 130–143) instead. Cao E's father Cao Xu (曹盱) was a shaman who presided over local ceremonies at Shangyu. In 143, while presiding over a ceremony commemorating Wu Zixu during the Duanwu Festival, Cao Xu accidentally fell into the Shun River. Cao E, in an act of filial piety, decided to find her father in the river, searching for three days trying to find him. After five days, she and her father were both found dead in the river from drowning. Eight years later, in 151, a temple was built in Shangyu dedicated to the memory of Cao E and her sacrifice for filial piety. The Shun River was renamed Cao'e River in her honour.
Pre-existing holiday

Modern research suggests that the stories of Qu Yuan or Wu Zixu were superimposed onto a pre-existing holiday tradition. The promotion of these stories might be encouraged by Confucian scholars, seeking to legitimize and strengthen their influence in China.

The stories of both Qu Yuan and Wu Zixu were recorded in Sima Qian's Shiji, completed 187 and 393 years after the events, respectively because historians gave high praise to both characters.

Another theory, advanced by Wen Yiduo, is that the Dragon Boat Festival had its origins in dragon worship. Support is drawn from two key traditions of the festival: the tradition of dragon boat racing and zongzi. The food may have originally represented an offering to the dragon king, while dragon boat racing naturally reflects reverence of the dragon and the active yang energy associated with it. This combines with the tradition of visiting friends and family on boats.

Another suggestion is that the festival celebrates a widespread feature of east Asian agrarian societies: the harvest of winter wheat. Offerings were regularly made to deities and spirits at such times: in the ancient Yue, dragon kings; in the ancient Chu, Qu Yuan; in the ancient Wu, Wu Zixu (as a river god); in ancient Korea, mountain gods (see Dano). As interactions between different regions increased, these similar festivals eventually merged into one holiday.
Public holiday
Hari in Tomigusuku, Okinawa, Japan.

The festival was long marked as a festival culturally in China and is a public holiday in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau. However, the People's Republic of China government, established in 1949, did not officially recognize Duanwu as a public holiday. Beginning in 2005, the government began to plan for the re-recognition of three traditional holidays, including Duanwu.[12] Since 2008, Duanwu has been celebrated not only as a festival but also a public holiday in the People's Republic of China.[13] It is unofficially observed by the Chinese communities of southeast Asia, including Singapore and Malaysia. Equivalent and related official festivals include Children's Day in Japan, Dano in Korea, and Tết Đoan Ngọ in Vietnam. In Japan's Okinawa Prefecture, they continue to have a tradition of dragonboat races known as hari (ハーリー haarii). In the capital city of Naha, the Naha Hari (那覇ハーリー Naha Haarii) is performed as part of the national observance of Children's Day, but in Itoman the Itoman Hare (糸満ハーレー Itoman Haaree) is celebrated the same day as the Duwanwu Festival on the Chinese lunar calendar. The city of Tomigusuku also has its own Tomigusuku Hari (豊見城ハーリー), but it is performed in late July.
A dragon boat racing in San Francisco, 2008.

Three of the most widespread activities for Duanwu Festival are eating (and preparing) zongzi, drinking realgar wine, and racing dragon boats.[14]

Other common activities include hanging up icons of Zhong Kui (a mythic guardian figure), hanging mugwort and calamus, taking long walks, and wearing perfumed medicine bags. Other traditional activities include a game of maki
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Duanwu FestivalDari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas"Festival perahu naga" beralih ke Halaman ini. Untuk naga berperahu sebagai olahraga, lihat perahu naga.端午節Festival perahu nagaQing Dinasti Dragon Boat Festival.jpgFestival perahu naga (abad ke-18)Nama resmi Festival perahu naga [1] (端午节)Festival perahu naga [2] [3] (端午節)Festival Ng Tuen [4] (端午節)Juga disebut Duanyang (端陽節)Festival kelima ganda (重五節)Festival perahu naga (龍舟節)Bulan kelima Festival (五月節)Festival hari kelima (五日節)Pangsit Festival (肉粽節)Diamati oleh CinaJenis budayaPeringatan ketenaran lomba perahu naga, konsumsi xionghuangjiu dan zongziTanggal 5 hari bulan lunar ke-52014 tanggal 2 Juni2015 tanggal 20 Juni2016 tanggal 9 JuniFrekuensi tahunanBerkaitan dengan anak-anak hari, Dano, Tết Đoan Ngọ, Yukka Nu HiiNama Tionghoa端午节 Cina disederhanakan端阳节端午節 Cina tradisional端陽節Arti harfiah membuka ketujuhYang pembukaan[show] TranskripsiFestival perahu nagaSederhana Cina 龙船节 / 龙舟节Tradisional Cina 龍船節 / 龍舟節[show] TranskripsiFestival kelima gandaFestival bulan kelimaKelima hari FestivalSederhana Cina 重五節 / 双五节五月节五日节Tradisional Cina 重五節 / 雙五節五月節五日節[show] TranskripsiPangsit Festival肉粽节 Cina disederhanakan肉粽節 Cina tradisionalHarfiah berarti daging babi Zongzi Festival[show] TranskripsiPortuguese namePortuguese Festividade do Barco-DragãoThe Dragon Boat Festival, also often known as the Tuen Ng or Duanwu Festival, is a traditional and statutory holiday originating in China.The festival now occurs on the 5th day of the 5th month of the traditional lunar calendar, the source of its alternative name, the Double Fifth Festival.[5] The Chinese calendar is lunisolar, so the date varies from year to year on the Gregorian calendar. In 2012, it fell on June 23; in 2013, on June 12; and in 2014, it occurred on June 2. The focus of most celebrations involves eating zongzi (sticky rice treats wrapped in bamboo leaves), drinking realgar wine (雄黃酒, xiónghuángjiǔ), and racing dragon boats.The sun is considered to be at its strongest around the time of summer solstice, as the daylight in the northern hemisphere is the longest. The sun, like the Chinese dragon, traditionally represents masculine energy, whereas the moon, like the phoenix, traditionally represents feminine energy. The summer solstice is considered the annual peak of male energy while the winter solstice, the longest night of the year, represents the annual peak of feminine energy. The masculine image of the dragon was thus naturally associated with Duanwu .[6]Contents 1 Name 2 History 2.1 Qu Yuan 2.2 Wu Zixu 2.3 Cao E 2.4 Pre-existing holiday 3 Public holiday 4 Activities 5 See also 6 References 7 External linksNameThe usual English name for the holiday, "Dragon Boat Festival," directly translates into two alternative Chinese names for the holiday, Lóngchuánjié and Lóngzhōujié.The official Chinese name of the festival is 端午节 on the mainland[7] and 端午節 on Taiwan,[8] Hong Kong, Singapore[4] and Macao.[9] This is pronounced variously in different Chinese dialects. In Mandarin, it is romanized as Duānwǔjié on the mainland and Taiwan; in Cantonese, it is romanized as Tuen1 Ng5 Jit3 on Hong Kong and Tung1 Ng5 Jit3 on Macao. All of these names (lit. "Opening the Seventh") refer to its original position as the first seventh-day (午日, Wǔrì) in the fifth month (五月, Wǔyuè) of the traditional Chinese calendar, which was also known as 午 (Wǔ). Both the People's Republic and the Republic of China use "Dragon Boat Festival" as the official English translation of the holiday,[1][2] while Hong Kong calls it the "Tuen Ng Festival"[4] and Macao calls it "Dragon Boat Festival (Tun Ng)" in English[3] and Festividade do Barco-Dragão (Tung Ng) in Portuguese.[10]Among Malaysian, Singaporean, and Taiwanese Hokkien speakers, the festival is also known as the "Fifth Month Festival," the "Fifth Day Festival," and the "Dumpling Festival."In Indonesian, the festival is known as "Peh Cun", which is derived from the Hokkien phrase 扒船 (Hokkien POJ: pê-tsûn; Hanyu Pinyin: bā chuán).HistoryQu YuanA statue of Qu Yuan in Jingzhou, at the site of the former Chu capital Ying.Main article: Qu YuanThe story best known in modern China holds that the festival commemorates the death of the poet and minister Qu Yuan (c. 340–278 BC) of the ancient state of Chu during the Warring States period of the Zhou Dynasty.[11] A cadet member of the Chu royal house, Qu served in high offices. However, when the king decided to ally with the increasingly powerful state of Qin, Qu was banished for opposing the alliance and even accused of treason.[11] During his exile, Qu Yuan wrote a great deal of poetry. Twenty-eight years later, Qin captured Ying, the Chu capital. In despair, Qu Yuan committed suicide by drowning himself in the Miluo River.It is said that the local people, who admired him, raced out in their boats to save him or at least retrieve his body. This is said to have been the origin of dragon boat races. When his body could not be found, they dropped balls of sticky rice into the river so that the fish would eat them instead of Qu Yuan's body. This is said to be the origin of zongzi.[11]Wu ZixuMain article: Wu ZixuDespite the modern popularity of the Qu Yuan origin theory, in the former territory of the state of Wu, the festival commemorated Wu Zixu (died 484 BC). Wu Zixu was a loyal advisor whose advice was ignored by the king to the detriment of the kingdom. Wu Zixu was forced to commit suicide by the king Fuchai, with his body thrown into the river on the fifth day of the fifth month. After his death, in places such as Suzhou, Wu Zixu is remembered during the Duanwu Festival to this day.Cao EThe front of the Cao E Temple, facing east, toward Cao'e River, in Shangyu, Zhejiang, China.Although Wu Zixu is commemorated in southeast Jiangsu and Qu Yuan elsewhere in China, much of Northeastern Zhejiang including the cities of Shaoxing, Ningbo and Zhoushan celebrates the memory of the young girl Cao E (曹娥, AD 130–143) instead. Cao E's father Cao Xu (曹盱) was a shaman who presided over local ceremonies at Shangyu. In 143, while presiding over a ceremony commemorating Wu Zixu during the Duanwu Festival, Cao Xu accidentally fell into the Shun River. Cao E, in an act of filial piety, decided to find her father in the river, searching for three days trying to find him. After five days, she and her father were both found dead in the river from drowning. Eight years later, in 151, a temple was built in Shangyu dedicated to the memory of Cao E and her sacrifice for filial piety. The Shun River was renamed Cao'e River in her honour.Pre-existing holidayModern research suggests that the stories of Qu Yuan or Wu Zixu were superimposed onto a pre-existing holiday tradition. The promotion of these stories might be encouraged by Confucian scholars, seeking to legitimize and strengthen their influence in China.The stories of both Qu Yuan and Wu Zixu were recorded in Sima Qian's Shiji, completed 187 and 393 years after the events, respectively because historians gave high praise to both characters.Another theory, advanced by Wen Yiduo, is that the Dragon Boat Festival had its origins in dragon worship. Support is drawn from two key traditions of the festival: the tradition of dragon boat racing and zongzi. The food may have originally represented an offering to the dragon king, while dragon boat racing naturally reflects reverence of the dragon and the active yang energy associated with it. This combines with the tradition of visiting friends and family on boats.Another suggestion is that the festival celebrates a widespread feature of east Asian agrarian societies: the harvest of winter wheat. Offerings were regularly made to deities and spirits at such times: in the ancient Yue, dragon kings; in the ancient Chu, Qu Yuan; in the ancient Wu, Wu Zixu (as a river god); in ancient Korea, mountain gods (see Dano). As interactions between different regions increased, these similar festivals eventually merged into one holiday.Public holidayHari in Tomigusuku, Okinawa, Japan.The festival was long marked as a festival culturally in China and is a public holiday in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau. However, the People's Republic of China government, established in 1949, did not officially recognize Duanwu as a public holiday. Beginning in 2005, the government began to plan for the re-recognition of three traditional holidays, including Duanwu.[12] Since 2008, Duanwu has been celebrated not only as a festival but also a public holiday in the People's Republic of China.[13] It is unofficially observed by the Chinese communities of southeast Asia, including Singapore and Malaysia. Equivalent and related official festivals include Children's Day in Japan, Dano in Korea, and Tết Đoan Ngọ in Vietnam. In Japan's Okinawa Prefecture, they continue to have a tradition of dragonboat races known as hari (ハーリー haarii). In the capital city of Naha, the Naha Hari (那覇ハーリー Naha Haarii) is performed as part of the national observance of Children's Day, but in Itoman the Itoman Hare (糸満ハーレー Itoman Haaree) is celebrated the same day as the Duwanwu Festival on the Chinese lunar calendar. The city of Tomigusuku also has its own Tomigusuku Hari (豊見城ハーリー), but it is performed in late July.ActivitiesA dragon boat racing in San Francisco, 2008.Three of the most widespread activities for Duanwu Festival are eating (and preparing) zongzi, drinking realgar wine, and racing dragon boats.[14]Other common activities include hanging up icons of Zhong Kui (a mythic guardian figure), hanging mugwort and calamus, taking long walks, and wearing perfumed medicine bags. Other traditional activities include a game of maki
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Peh Cun Festival
Dari Wikipedia, ensiklopedia bebas
"Dragon Boat Festival" beralih ke halaman ini. Untuk naga berperahu sebagai olahraga, melihat perahu naga.
Dragon Boat Festival
Dinasti Qing Dragon Boat Festival.jpg
Dragon Boat Festival (abad ke-18)
nama resmi Dragon Boat Festival [1] (端午节)
Dragon Boat Festival [2] [3 ] (端午節)
Tuen Ng Festival [4] (端午節)
Juga disebut Duanyang (端陽節)
ganda Kelima Festival (重五節)
Dragon Boat Festival (龍舟節)
Bulan Kelima Festival (五月節)
Hari Festival Kelima (五日節)
Dumpling Festival (肉粽節)
Diamati Cina
Jenis Budaya
Observances Naga balap perahu, konsumsi xionghuangjiu dan zongzi
Tanggal hari tanggal 5 bulan lunar 5
2014 tanggal Juni 2
tahun 2015 tanggal Juni 20
2016 tanggal 9 Juni
Frekuensi tahunan
Terkait Anak Hari, Dano, Tet Đoan LSM, Yukka Nu Hii
nama Cina
Cina Sederhana端午节
Tradisional Cina端午節
arti harfiah Membuka Ketujuh
Pembukaan Yang
[acara] Transkripsi
Dragon Boat Festival
Cina Sederhana龙船节/龙舟节
Tradisional Cina龍船節/龍舟節
[acara] Transkripsi
ganda Kelima Festival
Bulan Kelima Festival
Kelima Hari Festival
Cina Sederhana重五節/五节双
Tradisional Cina重五節/五節雙
[acara] Transkripsi
Dumpling Festival
Cina Sederhana节肉粽
節Tradisional Cina肉粽
Literal arti babi zongzi Festival
[acara] Transkripsi
nama Portugis
Portugis Festividade melakukan Barco-Dragão The Dragon Boat Festival, juga sering dikenal sebagai Tuen Ng atau Peh Cun Festival, adalah tradisional dan hukum liburan yang berasal di Cina. Festival ini sekarang terjadi pada hari tanggal 5 bulan 5 kalender lunar tradisional, sumber nama alternatif, yang Kelima Festival ganda [5] Kalender Cina. lunisolar, sehingga tanggal bervariasi dari tahun untuk tahun pada kalender Gregorian. Pada 2012, jatuh pada tanggal 23 Juni; pada tahun 2013, pada 12 Juni; dan pada tahun 2014, hal itu terjadi pada 2 Juni Fokus paling perayaan melibatkan makan zongzi (memperlakukan ketan dibungkus daun bambu), minum anggur realgar (雄黃酒, xiónghuángjiǔ), dan balap perahu naga. Matahari dianggap di perusahaan terkuat sekitar waktu balik matahari musim panas, sebagai siang hari di belahan bumi utara adalah terpanjang. Matahari, seperti naga Cina, secara tradisional merupakan energi maskulin, sedangkan bulan, seperti phoenix, tradisional mewakili energi feminin. Summer solstice dianggap puncak tahunan energi laki-laki sedangkan balik matahari musim dingin, malam terpanjang dalam setahun, merupakan puncak tahunan energi feminin. Gambar maskulin naga itu sehingga secara alami terkait dengan Peh Cun. [6] Isi 1 Nama 2 Sejarah 2.1 Qu Yuan 2.2 Wu Zixu 2.3 Cao E 2.4 Pra-ada liburan 3 hari libur Umum 4 Kegiatan 5 Lihat pula 6 Referensi 7 Pranala luar Nama The nama bahasa Inggris biasa untuk liburan, "Dragon Boat Festival," langsung diterjemahkan menjadi dua nama Cina alternatif untuk liburan, Lóngchuánjié dan Lóngzhōujié. Nama Cina resmi festival ini端午节di daratan [7] dan端午節di Taiwan, [8] Hong Kong, Singapura [4] dan Makau [9] ini diucapkan. berbagai dalam dialek Cina yang berbeda. Dalam bahasa Mandarin, itu diromanisasi sebagai Duānwǔjié di daratan dan Taiwan; di Kanton, itu diromanisasi sebagai Tuen1 NG5 Jit3 di Hong Kong dan Tung1 NG5 Jit3 di Makau. Semua nama-nama ini (menyala "Membuka Ketujuh") merujuk ke posisi semula sebagai yang pertama hari ketujuh (午日, Wǔrì) di bulan kelima (五月, Wǔyuè) dari kalender tradisional Cina, yang juga dikenal sebagai午(wǔ). Kedua Republik Rakyat dan Republik China menggunakan "Dragon Boat Festival" sebagai terjemahan bahasa Inggris resmi liburan, [1] [2] sementara Hong Kong menyebutnya "Tuen Ng Festival" [4] dan Makau menyebutnya "Naga Boat Festival (Tun Ng) "dalam bahasa Inggris [3] dan Festividade jangan Barco-Dragão (Tung Ng) dalam bahasa Portugis. [10] Di antara Malaysia, Singapura, dan Taiwan Hokkien speaker, festival ini juga dikenal sebagai" Bulan Kelima Festival, . "yang" Kelima Day Festival, "dan" Dumpling Festival "Di Indonesia, festival ini dikenal sebagai" Peh Cun ", yang berasal dari frase Hokkien扒船(Hokkien POJ: PE-Tsun; Hanyu Pinyin: ba chuan ). Sejarah Qu Yuan Sebuah patung Qu Yuan di Jingzhou, di lokasi bekas ibukota Chu Ying. Artikel utama: Qu Yuan Kisah terkenal di China modern menyatakan bahwa festival memperingati kematian penyair dan menteri Qu Yuan ( c. 340-278 SM) dari negara kuno Chu selama Perang Amerika periode Dinasti Zhou. [11] Seorang anggota taruna rumah kerajaan Chu, Qu bertugas di kantor yang tinggi. Namun, ketika raja memutuskan untuk bersekutu dengan negara semakin kuat Qin, Qu dibuang karena menentang aliansi dan bahkan dituduh melakukan pengkhianatan. [11] Selama pengasingannya, Yuan Qu menulis banyak puisi. Dua puluh delapan tahun kemudian, Qin ditangkap Ying, ibukota Chu. Dalam keputusasaan, Qu Yuan bunuh diri karena tenggelam dirinya di Sungai Miluo. Dikatakan bahwa orang-orang lokal, yang mengaguminya, berlari keluar di perahu mereka untuk menyelamatkannya atau setidaknya mengambil tubuhnya. Hal ini dikatakan telah asal ras perahu naga. Ketika tubuhnya tidak dapat ditemukan, mereka menjatuhkan bola ketan ke sungai sehingga ikan akan makan mereka bukannya tubuh Qu Yuan. Hal ini dikatakan asal zongzi [11]. Wu Zixu Artikel utama: Wu Zixu Meskipun popularitas modern teori asal Qu Yuan, di bekas wilayah negara Wu, festival diperingati Wu Zixu (meninggal 484 SM ). Wu Zixu adalah penasihat setia yang saran diabaikan oleh raja untuk merugikan kerajaan. Wu Zixu dipaksa untuk bunuh diri dengan raja Fuchai, dengan tubuhnya dibuang ke sungai pada hari kelima bulan kelima. Setelah kematiannya, di tempat-tempat seperti Suzhou, Wu Zixu dikenang selama Festival Peh Cun sampai hari ini. Cao E Bagian depan Cao E Temple, menghadap ke timur, ke arah Cao'e Sungai, di Shangyu, Zhejiang, Cina. Meskipun Wu Zixu diperingati di Jiangsu tenggara dan Qu Yuan tempat lain di Cina, banyak Northeastern Zhejiang termasuk kota-kota Shaoxing, Ningbo dan Zhoushan merayakan memori gadis muda Cao E (曹娥, AD 130-143) sebagai gantinya. Ayah Cao Cao E Xu (曹盱) adalah seorang dukun yang memimpin upacara lokal di Shangyu. Di 143, sementara memimpin upacara memperingati Wu Zixu selama Festival Peh Cun, Cao Xu sengaja jatuh ke Sungai Shun. Cao E, dalam tindakan bakti, memutuskan untuk menemukan ayahnya di sungai, mencari tiga hari berusaha untuk menemukannya. Setelah lima hari, ia dan ayahnya keduanya ditemukan tewas di sungai tenggelam. Delapan tahun kemudian, pada 151, sebuah kuil dibangun di Shangyu didedikasikan untuk mengenang Cao E dan pengorbanan dia untuk berbakti. Shun Sungai berganti nama Cao'e Sungai menghormatinya. Liburan Pra-ada penelitian modern menunjukkan bahwa cerita Qu Yuan atau Wu Zixu yang ditumpangkan ke tradisi liburan yang sudah ada. Promosi cerita ini mungkin didorong oleh sarjana Konfusian, berusaha untuk melegitimasi dan memperkuat pengaruh mereka di Cina. Cerita-cerita dari kedua Qu Yuan dan Wu Zixu tercatat di Sima Qian Shiji, menyelesaikan 187 dan 393 tahun setelah peristiwa, masing-masing karena sejarawan memberikan pujian yang tinggi untuk kedua karakter. Teori lain, dikemukakan oleh Wen Yiduo, adalah bahwa Festival Perahu Naga memiliki asal-usul dalam ibadah naga. Dukungan diambil dari dua tradisi utama festival: tradisi balap perahu naga dan zongzi. Makanan mungkin awalnya diwakili persembahan kepada raja naga, sementara perahu naga balap alami mencerminkan penghormatan dari naga dan energi Yang aktif yang terkait dengan itu. Ini menggabungkan dengan tradisi mengunjungi teman-teman dan keluarga di kapal. Saran lain adalah bahwa festival merayakan fitur luas masyarakat agraris timur Asia: panen gandum musim dingin. Persembahan secara teratur dilakukan untuk dewa dan roh di saat seperti: di Yue kuno, raja naga; di Chu kuno, Qu Yuan; di Wu kuno, Wu Zixu (sebagai sungai dewa); di Korea kuno, dewa gunung (lihat Dano). Seperti interaksi antara berbagai daerah meningkat, ini festival serupa akhirnya digabung menjadi satu liburan. Liburan Public Hari di Tomigusuku, Okinawa, Jepang. Festival ini sudah lama ditandai sebagai festival budaya di Cina dan merupakan hari libur umum di Hong Kong, Taiwan dan Macau. Namun, Republik Rakyat Cina pemerintah, didirikan pada tahun 1949, tidak secara resmi mengakui Peh Cun sebagai hari libur umum. Mulai tahun 2005, pemerintah mulai merencanakan untuk-pengakuan kembali dari tiga hari libur tradisional, termasuk Peh Cun. [12] Sejak 2008, Peh Cun telah dirayakan tidak hanya sebagai sebuah festival tetapi juga hari libur umum di Republik Rakyat Cina. [ 13] Hal ini secara tidak resmi diamati oleh masyarakat Tionghoa di Asia tenggara, termasuk Singapura dan Malaysia. Festival resmi setara dan terkait termasuk Hari Anak di Jepang, Dano di Korea, dan Tet Đoan LSM di Vietnam. Di Jepang Okinawa Prefecture, mereka terus memiliki tradisi ras dragonboat dikenal sebagai hari (ハーリーhaarii). Di ibu kota Naha, Naha Hari (那覇ハーリーNaha Haarii) dilakukan sebagai bagian dari ketaatan nasional Hari Anak, tetapi di Itoman yang Itoman Kelinci (糸満ハーレーItoman Haaree) dirayakan pada hari yang sama dengan Festival Duwanwu pada kalender lunar Cina. Kota Tomigusuku juga memiliki nya Tomigusuku Hari sendiri (豊見城ハーリー), tapi itu dilakukan pada akhir Juli. Aktivitas A balap perahu naga di San Francisco, 2008. Tiga kegiatan yang paling luas untuk Peh Cun Festival makan (dan mempersiapkan) zongzi , [14] minum realgar anggur, dan balap perahu naga. Kegiatan lain yang umum termasuk gantung ikon dari Zhong Kui (tokoh wali mitis), tergantung mugwort dan Calamus, lama berjalan, dan memakai tas obat wangi. Kegiatan tradisional lainnya termasuk permainan maki

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