Truly duke as if prays for res­cue gen­eral looked to hun­dred Ningxia terjemahan - Truly duke as if prays for res­cue gen­eral looked to hun­dred Ningxia Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Truly duke as if prays for res­cue

Truly duke as if prays for res­cue gen­eral looked to hun­dred Ningxia, said: „Hun­dred li (0.5km) gen­eral, you wear the teacher of your high­ness, was in­fe­rior that you teach my this good-for-noth­ing child, I re­ally did not feel re­lieved that lets him, in the front breaks through enemy lines, may this boy in­born fight the ap­pear­ance, was re­ally too does not make me be free from worry.”
Hun­dred holds the fist in the other hand say­ing: „Mar­shal, what ob­so­lete prac­tice is the tech­nique law, is not the skill that the bat­tle­field slaugh­ters, please ob­so­lete should not be able to ask for ad­vice the tech­nique of young gen­eral.”
Is truly speech­less: „This also who? In the em­pire mil­i­tary of­fi­cers doesn't have a tech­nique un­par­al­leled per­son?”
Luo child is hold­ing skill of being cut off, the in­sti­tute: „Mar­shal, crazy Lei Jun com­mands Gen­eral Luis the tech­nique to be ex­tra­or­di­nary, once was the mil­i­tary acad­emy lived bends Ma Xi­an­shu, the carte and tierce un­par­al­leled first per­son, if the mar­shal wants to frus­trate the spirit of young gen­eral, might as well let Gen­eral Luis and young gen­eral com­pares notes?”
„Good, Gen­eral Luis, looked your!”
Truly has a look around Luis, sup­ple­mented one: „Do not use to mump, but pure puts to­gether the strate­gic move, Ok?”
Luis shows a faint smile: „Relax, will not in­jure to the young gen­eral!”
Say­ing, Luis has drawn out his pointed weapons slowly, that is a han­dle re­gard­ing in the soft sword of waist, wants to come the Tian Ling Em­pire black­smiths time, un­ex­pect­edly un­der­stood that builds the skill of soft sword, but Luis looks like also very out­wardly sub­mis­sive but in­wardly evil-hearted, is called the Tian Ling Em­pire No. 1 sen­ti­ment plants, looked the stance that he draws a sword knows the skill was truly un­com­mon.
The shal­low for­est shows a faint smile, grasps the long sword to retro­cede one step, the both legs sink sud­denly slightly, the strength gath­ered the po­ten­tial to fin­ish, in the eye does not have slight fear, said with a smile: „Can com­mand to com­pare notes with Luis, this sim­ply is my being hon­ored, come, does not need to be for­giv­ing, puts out the real skill to come, will oth­er­wise pos­si­bly suf­fer a loss in the young fel­low hand!”
A Luis Qing ate del­i­ca­cies, raised sin­gle-handed, fresh breeze bone-chill­ing cold, some mumped thor­oughly the body, this move asked the way very wisely, but the carte and tierce at­tain­ments of shal­low for­est were truly ex­quis­ite, did not speak, the iron sword danced hor­i­zon­tally, „bang” has cut to pieces Luis ex­plor­ingly struck, the tak­ing ad­van­tage of op­por­tu­nity body anx­ious spin di­vided three swords con­tin­u­ously!
If Luis's soft sword still poi­so­nous snake, dur­ing the back­lash the at­tack of sword stan­dard parry shal­low for­est con­sec­u­tively for three times, the under foot slid­ing wrong body has avoided the match next one strikes, speed soft sword fast sweeps away cut­ting, the shal­low for­est hur­ried holds up the stan­dard to keep off the sword blade edge, ac­tu­ally does not think that the soft sword tough­ness is greatly strength­ened, even if were blocked ac­tu­ally as be­fore the Jian­feng part curv­ing thorn by square to the shal­low for­est.
Shal­low for­est bold­ness be­cause of one's skill, pats Jian­feng by the palm un­ex­pect­edly, „” the soft sword pat­ting, si­mul­ta­ne­ously the left leg gen­tly for­ward one time lightly kicks, im­me­di­ately on Luis's war knee has left a clear foot­print.
Luis is stunned, retro­cedes sev­eral steps, im­me­di­ately the sword blade edge turns over to the sheath, holds the fist in the other hand say­ing: „Mar­shal, end is not the match of young gen­eral!”
Truly in great sur­prise: „This”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Truly duke as if prays for res­cue gen­eral looked to hun­dred Ningxia, said: „Hun­dred li (0.5km) gen­eral, you wear the teacher of your high­ness, was in­fe­rior that you teach my this good-for-noth­ing child, I re­ally did not feel re­lieved that lets him, in the front breaks through enemy lines, may this boy in­born fight the ap­pear­ance, was re­ally too does not make me be free from worry.”Hun­dred holds the fist in the other hand say­ing: „Mar­shal, what ob­so­lete prac­tice is the tech­nique law, is not the skill that the bat­tle­field slaugh­ters, please ob­so­lete should not be able to ask for ad­vice the tech­nique of young gen­eral.”Is truly speech­less: „This also who? In the em­pire mil­i­tary of­fi­cers doesn't have a tech­nique un­par­al­leled per­son?”Luo child is hold­ing skill of being cut off, the in­sti­tute: „Mar­shal, crazy Lei Jun com­mands Gen­eral Luis the tech­nique to be ex­tra­or­di­nary, once was the mil­i­tary acad­emy lived bends Ma Xi­an­shu, the carte and tierce un­par­al­leled first per­son, if the mar­shal wants to frus­trate the spirit of young gen­eral, might as well let Gen­eral Luis and young gen­eral com­pares notes?”„Good, Gen­eral Luis, looked your!”Truly has a look around Luis, sup­ple­mented one: „Do not use to mump, but pure puts to­gether the strate­gic move, Ok?”Luis shows a faint smile: „Relax, will not in­jure to the young gen­eral!”Say­ing, Luis has drawn out his pointed weapons slowly, that is a han­dle re­gard­ing in the soft sword of waist, wants to come the Tian Ling Em­pire black­smiths time, un­ex­pect­edly un­der­stood that builds the skill of soft sword, but Luis looks like also very out­wardly sub­mis­sive but in­wardly evil-hearted, is called the Tian Ling Em­pire No. 1 sen­ti­ment plants, looked the stance that he draws a sword knows the skill was truly un­com­mon.The shal­low for­est shows a faint smile, grasps the long sword to retro­cede one step, the both legs sink sud­denly slightly, the strength gath­ered the po­ten­tial to fin­ish, in the eye does not have slight fear, said with a smile: „Can com­mand to com­pare notes with Luis, this sim­ply is my being hon­ored, come, does not need to be for­giv­ing, puts out the real skill to come, will oth­er­wise pos­si­bly suf­fer a loss in the young fel­low hand!”A Luis Qing ate del­i­ca­cies, raised sin­gle-handed, fresh breeze bone-chill­ing cold, some mumped thor­oughly the body, this move asked the way very wisely, but the carte and tierce at­tain­ments of shal­low for­est were truly ex­quis­ite, did not speak, the iron sword danced hor­i­zon­tally, „bang” has cut to pieces Luis ex­plor­ingly struck, the tak­ing ad­van­tage of op­por­tu­nity body anx­ious spin di­vided three swords con­tin­u­ously!If Luis's soft sword still poi­so­nous snake, dur­ing the back­lash the at­tack of sword stan­dard parry shal­low for­est con­sec­u­tively for three times, the under foot slid­ing wrong body has avoided the match next one strikes, speed soft sword fast sweeps away cut­ting, the shal­low for­est hur­ried holds up the stan­dard to keep off the sword blade edge, ac­tu­ally does not think that the soft sword tough­ness is greatly strength­ened, even if were blocked ac­tu­ally as be­fore the Jian­feng part curv­ing thorn by square to the shal­low for­est.
Shal­low for­est bold­ness be­cause of one's skill, pats Jian­feng by the palm un­ex­pect­edly, „” the soft sword pat­ting, si­mul­ta­ne­ously the left leg gen­tly for­ward one time lightly kicks, im­me­di­ately on Luis's war knee has left a clear foot­print.
Luis is stunned, retro­cedes sev­eral steps, im­me­di­ately the sword blade edge turns over to the sheath, holds the fist in the other hand say­ing: „Mar­shal, end is not the match of young gen­eral!”
Truly in great sur­prise: „This”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Benar-benar duke seakan berdoa untuk penyelamatan umum tampak ratus Ningxia, mengatakan: "Seratus li (0.5km) umum, Anda mengenakan guru Mulia, lebih rendah daripada yang Anda mengajarkan saya ini baik-untuk-apa-apa anak, saya benar-benar tidak merasa lega yang memungkinkan dia, di istirahat depan melalui garis musuh, mungkin anak ini bawaan melawan penampilan, benar-benar terlalu tidak membuat saya bebas dari rasa khawatir ".
Seratus memegang kepalan tangan di sisi lain mengatakan:" Marshal, apa yang usang praktek adalah hukum teknik, bukan keterampilan bahwa pembantaian medan perang, mohon usang seharusnya tidak dapat meminta saran teknik jenderal muda ".
Apakah benar-benar berkata-kata:" ini juga siapa? Dalam perwira militer kekaisaran tidak memiliki orang yang tak tertandingi teknik "?
Anak Luo memegang keterampilan yang terputus, lembaga ini:" Marshal, gila Lei Juni perintah Jenderal Luis teknik untuk menjadi luar biasa, dulu akademi militer hidup tikungan ma Xianshu, carte dan Tierce tertandingi pertama orang, jika marshal ingin menggagalkan semangat jenderal muda, mungkin juga membiarkan General Luis dan jenderal muda membandingkan catatan? "
" Baik, General Luis, tampak! Anda "
Benar-benar memiliki tampilan sekitar Luis, ditambah satu: "Jangan gunakan untuk mengemis-ngemis, tapi menempatkan murni bersama-sama langkah strategis, Ok?"
Luis menunjukkan senyum samar: "! Tenang, tidak akan melukai untuk jenderal muda"
Mengatakan, Luis telah ditarik keluar nya runcing senjata perlahan, yang merupakan pegangan mengenai di pedang lembut pinggang, keinginan untuk datang Tian Ling Empire pandai besi waktu, tiba-tiba mengerti bahwa membangun keterampilan pedang lembut, tapi Luis sepertinya juga sangat lahiriah patuh tapi dalam hati yang jahat-hati, adalah disebut tanaman Tian Ling Empire No. 1 sentimen, tampak sikap bahwa ia menarik pedang tahu skill yang benar-benar jarang.
hutan dangkal menunjukkan senyum samar, menggenggam pedang panjang untuk retrocede satu langkah, kaki kedua tenggelam tiba-tiba sedikit, kekuatan berkumpul potensi untuk menyelesaikan, di mata tidak memiliki sedikit rasa takut, berkata sambil tersenyum: "bisa perintah untuk membandingkan catatan dengan Luis, ini hanya merupakan saya dihormati, datang, tidak perlu memaafkan, menempatkan keluar keterampilan nyata untuk datang, jika tidak mungkin akan menderita kerugian pada sesama tangan muda! "
A Luis Qing makan makanan lezat, mengangkat satu tangan, angin segar menusuk tulang dingin, beberapa mumped menyeluruh tubuh, langkah ini meminta jalan sangat bijaksana, tapi carte dan Tierce pencapaian hutan dangkal yang benar-benar indah, tidak berbicara, pedang besi menari horizontal, "bang" telah dipotong-potong Luis exploringly melanda, keuntungan mengambil kesempatan tubuh cemas berputar dibagi tiga pedang terus!
Jika Luis lembut pedang masih beracun ular, selama serangan balik serangan hutan dangkal standar pedang menangkis berturut-turut selama tiga kali, kaki bawah geser tubuh yang salah telah dihindari pertandingan berikutnya satu serangan, kecepatan pedang lembut menyapu cepat pergi memotong, hutan dangkal bergegas memegang up standar untuk menjaga dari tepi pedang pisau, sebenarnya tidak berpikir bahwa ketangguhan pedang lunak sangat diperkuat, bahkan jika diblokir sebenarnya seperti sebelumnya bagian Jianfeng melengkung duri oleh persegi untuk hutan dangkal.
keberanian hutan dangkal karena seseorang keterampilan, menepuk Jianfeng oleh telapak tangan tiba-tiba, "" yang menepuk pedang lembut, bersamaan kaki kiri perlahan maju satu kali ringan tendangan, segera di lutut perang Luis telah meninggalkan jejak yang jelas.
Luis tertegun, retrocedes beberapa langkah, segera tepi pedang pisau ternyata lebih ke sarungnya, memegang kepalan tangan di sisi lain mengatakan: "! Marshal, akhir bukanlah pertandingan jenderal muda"
Sesungguhnya di kejutan besar: "ini"
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