Medication Adherence Scale (MMAS-8) (Morisky et al., 2008;Appendix 1). terjemahan - Medication Adherence Scale (MMAS-8) (Morisky et al., 2008;Appendix 1). Malta Bagaimana mengatakan

Medication Adherence Scale (MMAS-8)

Medication Adherence Scale (MMAS-8) (Morisky et al., 2008;
Appendix 1). Questions are formulated to avoid a ‘‘yessaying’’
bias (i.e., the wording of Item 5 is reversed to
prevent the tendency to respond the same way to a series of
questions regardless of their content). Response choices are
‘‘yes’’ or ‘‘no’’ for items 1 through 7 and Item 8 has a fivepoint
Likert response scale. Each ‘‘no’’ response is rated as
1 and each ‘‘yes’’ response is rated as 0 except for item 5,
in which each ‘‘yes’’ response is rated as 1 and each ‘‘no’’
response is rated as 0. For Item 8, the code (0-4) has to be
standardized by dividing the result by 4 to calculate a summated
score. Total scores on the MMAS-8 range from 0 to 8,
with scores of 8 reflecting high adherence, 7 or 6 reflecting
medium adherence, and
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Hasil (Malta) 1: [Salinan]
Medication Adherence Scale (MMAS-8) (Morisky et al., 2008;Appendix 1). Questions are formulated to avoid a ‘‘yessaying’’bias (i.e., the wording of Item 5 is reversed toprevent the tendency to respond the same way to a series ofquestions regardless of their content). Response choices are‘‘yes’’ or ‘‘no’’ for items 1 through 7 and Item 8 has a fivepointLikert response scale. Each ‘‘no’’ response is rated as1 and each ‘‘yes’’ response is rated as 0 except for item 5,in which each ‘‘yes’’ response is rated as 1 and each ‘‘no’’response is rated as 0. For Item 8, the code (0-4) has to bestandardized by dividing the result by 4 to calculate a summatedscore. Total scores on the MMAS-8 range from 0 to 8,with scores of 8 reflecting high adherence, 7 or 6 reflectingmedium adherence, and
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Hasil (Malta) 2:[Salinan]
Medikazzjoni Skala Aderenza (MMAS-8) (Morisky et al, 2008;.
Appendiċi 1). Mistoqsijiet huma fformulati sabiex jiġi evitat "yessaying ''"
bias (jiġifieri, il-kliem tal-punt 5 huwa maqluba għall
tipprevjeni t-tendenza li tirrispondi l-istess mod għal serje ta
'mistoqsijiet irrispettivament mill-kontenut tagħhom). Għażliet ta 'rispons huma
' 'iva' 'jew' 'le' "għall-punti 1 sa 7 u Punt 8 għandu fivepoint
skala rispons Likert. Kull "rispons" "le" hija ratata bħala
1 u f'kull tweġiba dwar '' iva '' huwa stmat bħala 0 ħlief għall-punt 5,
fejn kull "" iva "" rispons huwa stmat bħala 1 u kull '' ebda ''
rispons huwa stmata bħala 0. għal Punt 8, il-kodiċi (0-4) għandu jiġi
standardizzat billi jiġi diviż ir-riżultat b'4 biex tikkalkola summated
punteġġ. Punteġġi totali fuq il-firxa MMAS-8 minn 0 sa 8,
bil-punteġġi ta '8 jirriflettu aderenza għolja, 7 jew 6 jirriflettu
aderenza medju, u
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